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Get me over 1K in a FUN way…how did you meet your significant other?


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I met my husband through mutual friends.  We went to the same high school, but he was several years older than I am.  I hung out with a group already graduated and a bunch of engineering students in the mix, including my husband.

So, I was an up & coming senior in high school when we were playing frisbee at a party.  Everyone went on to eat, we continuing to throw frisbee for at least another half hour…no talking…at the end, he came over and said, “Good game!” and shook my hand.  Sweet memory. Five years of love & a little drama later, we were married.

Tell me your story…

Edited by Familia
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My husband and I met at church.  We had both just moved to a new town after graduating from college.  We started talking in Sunday School and realized that we had both moved from the same city.  It gave us something to talk about.  Two years later we married.  That was 20+ years ago...

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Online, on a dating site. I had already been on some TERRIBLE dates and but was bored and enlarged my search parameters...he's 3 yrs younger than me and I'd restricted it to 2 yrs younger before that. His profile popped up and I was hooked from the first minute. I saw his photo and said, "that's somone I could grow old with." I'd never believed in love at first site - but I KNEW. I was with a friend while I was first chatting with him online and I told that friend that I was either going to marry this guy, or he'd break my heart. No in between. That was less than an hour after we started talking. 

We've been married 10 yrs now. 

Like I said, before that, I never believed in love at first sight. Now I do. (also, my parents got married 3 weeks after they met, this "knowing" might run in the family)

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40 minutes ago, Familia said:

I met my husband through mutual friends.  We went to the same high school, but he was several years older than I am.  I hung out with a group already graduated and a bunch of engineering students in the mix, including my husband.

So, I was an up & coming senior in high school when we were playing frisbee at a party.  Everyone went on to eat, we continuing to throw frisbee for at least another half hour…no talking…at the end, he came over and said, “Good game!” and shook my hand.  Sweet memory. Five years of love & a little drama later, we were married.

Tell me your story…

For post #1001 you could tell us about the drama...

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Work bowling league.   He kept asking me out, I kept saying no because I was working full time, going to school full time, recently divorced and not interested in starting something real.  I was also very casually dating someone who lived across the street from me and my daughter was friends with his daughters (it was easy when I had a ton of other things going on).   Once I finished my degree, moved, was fully single, and had custody and visitation a little more established, I hinted that it was a good time to ask again.  We started dating in June, were engaged in September, married in October and pregnant by November (despite me constantly saying we needed to take things slow).    We've been married 17 years this October.  

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We met at college in the cafeteria on the bottom floor of our dorm.  We had assigned tables by houses (in our building, 2 floors constituted a house and had a house couple living in an appartment ((ours had divinity school student couple)) ).  This was end of September.  We started talking and I consider our first date to have been Halloween when we went together to the dorm party.  We will have been married 36 years in Sept.

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I met DH because his roommate at the time was seeing my roommate.  Apparently I was in the way of him getting closer to roommate so he asked DH to hangout with me as a distraction.  They lasted like a month and we've been married 17 years 

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At a bar.

We both worked at the same (large) company—the site had over 10,000 employees spread out like a college campus so we had not met before that.

It was the day before Thanksgiving, and I was pretty bummed because the previous Saturday I had been to the funeral of a cousin of my grandfather’s who died way too early of diabetes and breast cancer.  She had been so brave and her husband was so so so bereft, and it was just awful despite the hope of glory.  But the whole area I worked in headed over for a big lunch and then drinks and dancing, and I stuck around with them.

I’m pretty short so I like barstools because they make me taller so I dragged one over to the table by the dance floor where my friends were sitting.

My husband came in with a few friends and apparently saw me across the room and was instantly very interested—I had no idea at the time.  A while later his friends figured out that one of them was acquainted with one of my co-workers and that he could introduce us through that connection.  We were introduced, and we went out to dance twice, during which my co-worker got the 411 on DH from the mutual friend.  Then he had to leave, and he called me a few days later and that was pretty much that.  

I was VERY cheered up by the time I left, LOL.

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Car full of girls, jeep full of guys.  It was after a concert (I won’t say what 80s band!) and my friends and I got lost in DC.  Jeep guys yelled to ask if we were lost, and we followed them to Georgetown to hang out.

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We met at church. What is kinda funny about it is that he never would have gone to my church because we had a female pastor on staff, except that his ex (who was trying hard to not be an ex anymore) told him he should try it because we were doing the 40 Days of Purpose Bible study. The ex lived in a different state. So, he comes by to check it out, but he has a female friend visiting from out of town that weekend, so she was with him. I was a very polite and welcoming to both of them. The next week, he came alone, but I didn’t talk to him because I had seen him with his friend before. My sister hadn’t seen him the first weekend, and the second weekend she was like “Who was that hot guy and why weren’t you talking to him?!?!” Eventually he showed up alone enough times that I talked to him. After we finally went out, we were engaged and married fairly quickly.

sorry if I wasn’t very clear. It’s the middle of the night and I can’t sleep.

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We met in college at a 36-hour dance marathon (a fundraiser).  He wasn't the friend I went with, but by the end of 36 hours (!), everyone had danced with everyone.   We continued to meet up and 3 years later were married--recently celebrated 39 years! 

Edited by VickiMNE
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We met in Taiwan. I - from England - was teaching English and studying Chinese. He - from Texas - was travelling after the break up of his marriage. We met at a party that my flatmates and I held to meet men. Unfortunately  we had some gatecrashers, things got rowdy, and one of our neighbours was riled enough to throw an open can of yellow paint through the open window, splattering floor and furniture. Husband-to-be was at the party with another girl. He was not the one guest who turned up the next morning to help us clean up.

Happily married for 29 years.

Edited by Laura Corin
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Philosophy 101 in college.  I was a freshman, he was a senior.  It was a required humanities core class - neither of us were interested in philosophy.  I thought he was a jerk at first and he actually tricked me into our first date.  We were engaged one year later and then married five months after that - married 34 years now and feeling very blessed.  


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Online dating. I’m talking old school online dating, 21 years and some change ago!

I had no intention of looking for a serious relationship. I was  young, had a very young child, recently had to leave my job, was no longer close to any of my young, childless friends, and I was bored out of my mind. It actually took weeks for him to convince me to meet in person, and only because I took my sister.  And I needed a night out.

How that turned into me becoming a sahm for nearly 20 years is beyond me! Definitely wasn’t ever my plan!

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I worked at a frozen yogurt shop. He kept coming through, over and over again. I'd be as flirty as I could be and I'd pile his sundae to the sky. This went on for months. Finally, I asked him if he was ever going to ask me out...the rest is history.

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I met DH in a CPR class at our church. I hadn't been attending the church long and signed up for the class both because I wanted to learn CPR and as a way to meet more people. His SIL was the instructor and she needed one more person to fill out the class, so she coerced him into coming. We got married a little over a year later.

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DH and I were counselors at a summer/church camp. We met in June and dated until August, when he moved across country for grad school. We continued our relationship online. Engaged in December when he was home on Christmas break, and married in July when he moved back to the state where I was going to college. Been married 21 years.

Side note: Nm. Apparently what I thought was everyone's post counts are like rep points or something. 

Edited by alisoncooks
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7 minutes ago, alisoncooks said:

DH and I were counselors at a summer/church camp. We met in June and dated until August, when he moved across country for grad school. We continued our relationship online. Engaged in December when he was home on Christmas break, and married in July when he moved back to the state where I was going to college. Been married 21 years.

Side note: All these references to reaching 1000 are baffling because the OP's post count says 1,498. Does it read properly for everyone else?

I think that’s the number of likes she’s gotten. Her post count is 1000.

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I was on campus early for teaching assistant training (paid position teaching group music lessons for children through the music department). Campus was quiet, food was limited in the cafeteria. My roommate and I were craving pizza. So I went wandering around, and found that the R.A.'s were just getting out of a meeting. Some of them had cars so I asked to see who might give us a ride in exchange for pizza (at the time my university did not have a pizza place that delivered to campus nor was within a reasonable walking distance). Dh offered. We hit it off right away, and when he found out I was a piano performance major, he was apparently smitten. We married two years later during my senior year. My poor roommate fell hard for him, love at first sight, but he was not interested. Poor girl.


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My college roommate was an ag engineering major and in classes with mostly guys and she worked on a group project with him and told me there was this cute guy I should meet. There was a popular country line dancing bar and she told him that he couldn't be in ag and not go dancing at this bar with us. Since she was/is beautiful and the only girl some of these guys were around and was a leader in the department, they all listened to her, including DH, even though he is *not* a dancer lol and we picked him up. I don't think he knew she had him in mind for me at the time, he was probably just counting his blessings being singled out by my beautiful roommate. We've been married for almost 24 years and she was my maid of honor 😊

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I was going to keep my mouth shut, since I thought the post # of 1,000 was cool, but I chose to add a suggestion to help the poor 16 yo in the other thread get through his hospital stay, so we might as well keep the number heading to 2,000.

@Carolina Wren Happy Anniversary!

@Catwoman You are the BEST cheerleader (seen this quality before in you & love it)

@happysmileylady, I think your story is funny & you and family remain in my prayers.

@Scarlett 10 weeks?  Wow, what an adventure!  My parents were the same, worked for them, too.

@Spryte From same era, can totally picture this scene.

@TABmom hope you got your rest!

@Kassia How's your ankle?

@Soror I have heard so many stories where (even interested guys) need a nudge....actually with the girls too, as stories in this thread attest.  My DC are on the before side of serious relationships, and it is fascinating to me how these all get started.  I mean, those little nudges have big consequences!  Same kinda little thing with so many of these stories, like @Pawz4me's.  And, I find your dancing story sweet @VickiMNE!  

Really, I just loved all these stories!


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4 minutes ago, Familia said:


@Kassia How's your ankle? 

Really, I just loved all these stories!


Thanks for asking.  It's not good and I haven't been able to get an appointment to be seen.  It's so frustrating and discouraging.  😞  

I loved the stories, too!  Great question and congratulations on the post count! 

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2 minutes ago, Kassia said:

Thanks for asking.  It's not good and I haven't been able to get an appointment to be seen.  It's so frustrating and discouraging.  😞  

I loved the stories, too!  Great question and congratulations on the post count! 

Not liking your post for the ankle update, though=( I hope they diagnose it soon & get it to healing!

But, I do like these meeting stories and look forward to more of them...

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I met my husband through a dating service.  This was before internet dating.  I felt it was fairly safe because all participants were screened by the agency.   He was my third person (date) in the program, and I was his first.  ❤️  He was so perfect for me that I couldn't have dreamed him up.  That was over 25 years ago so it worked out pretty well. 

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Congrats on making it past 1,000 posts!

My husband and I were both in a singles club. It wasn't a dating club but just a group of single people who wanted to do things with others. We did simple things like dinner and a movie in a big group and bigger things like camping trips or whitewater rafting. Sometimes we'd go to a theme park,  or the beach or to a pro ball game, and so on. Some people had kids, some didn't. Some were divorced or widowed, some never married. I was in the never married group, dh was divorced and had custody of his then-13 yo son. There were 4 other couples who met in the club and ended up getting married, but for the most part in a club of about 30 active members, everyone was just friends.

The first time I thought I was going out with him, it wasn't him. A member of the club with the same first name as dh called and asked me out. I was excited because I had seen him a few times and thought he was cute. When I answered the door for the date and saw someone else, I tried not to show my disappointment. Next time a guy with that name called to ask me out, I made sure it was the guy I thought it was. 

I was teaching at the high school where dss went (though most of the time he was just my boyfriend's son, not my dss). When my fellow teachers found out I was dating his dad they'd tell me things, both good and bad. "Hey, J aced his exam with me" or "I had to give J detention because". I finally got them all to understand that they needed to talk to his dad, not me. We got married dss' senior year but even after that I tried to stay out of the discipline aspect unless dh asked for my opinion. If he was younger when I met dh it would be different, but he was a teenager and it worked out better to leave all discipline situations up to dh. 

Edited by Lady Florida.
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College. I was not attracted at first--I was dirt poor and the first of my family to attend college. He was raised in a more affluent, loving home. I took one look at his preppy blond hair and his fraternity letters and thought, "Nope." We were from vastly different worlds. But we got to know each other from participating in the same Christian campus group. Turns out he was a really nice guy. When he asked me to go to a fraternity party, I figured I'd go as friends and no more. Had a great time! When he asked for another date, I was too chicken to turn him down. Plus the first date had been fun. But I was not attracted and I felt even a little guilty for going out again.

At that second dance, we danced a bunch of fast songs. I adored dancing, so I was enjoying myself immensely. We stepped off the dance floor to take a break and as we did so, the song "Kiss de Girl" from The Little Mermaid came on. Without thinking, I exclaimed, "I love this song!" Immediately he dragged me back out on the dance floor. Oh no! I didn't mean to hint about slow dancing together!! I was hideously uncomfortable. Looked everywhere but at him. Didn't want to flirt. Didn't want to lead him on. To this day I do not remember what it was he said, but something he said grabbed my attention, startled me just enough to look directly into his eyes. And I just...


So calm. Sweet. No pushing. No games. Just sheer friendliness. I was so intrigued! I wanted to keep looking.

It was a moment that changed everything.😍

We married shortly after I graduated. (He's a year older.)

And a surprise, oh-so-sweet continuation of that magical moment happened just this past weekend at my darling daughter's wedding. Dd didn't tell me she planned to do this, but after the ceremony our daughter and her new husband walked out to a delightful piano version of that same song. 🥰

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58 minutes ago, Lady Florida. said:

Congrats on making it past 1,000 posts!  Thanks!!

The first time I thought I was going out with him, it wasn't him. A member of the club with the same first name as dh called and asked me out. I was excited because I had seen him a few times and thought he was cute. When I answered the door for the date and saw someone else, I tried not to show my disappointment...  Wow, I cannot believe that happened! So glad your (to be) DH did ask you out later!

And, @Harriet Vane, your story is really, really sweet and well told!  Am I that old?  I thought Little Mermaid was a relatively new movie???  I guess I do not keep up w/cartoon movies & it just 'seems' like it came out yesterday?  Congrats to your daughter!


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16 minutes ago, Familia said:

And, @Harriet Vane, your story is really, really sweet and well told!  Am I that old?  I thought Little Mermaid was a relatively new movie???  I guess I do not keep up w/cartoon movies & it just 'seems' like it came out yesterday?  Congrats to your daughter!


I went to the theater and saw a 10th anniversary re-release of the Little Mermaid...in 1999. 😉

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My husband and I both entered a graduate program in Chemistry at the same time, so I knew him casually for several years from classes and parties. The university we attended had a big yearly homecoming dance.

My first year, I went with a date and had fun dancing. Second year, I attended with a group of friends but didn't dance. The following year I decided that I'd like to go but with someone with whom I could dance. There were a couple of young men I considered asking (I had no romantic plans) with whom I had danced at parties. I selected my quarry (!) who then proceeded to be nowhere to be found for a couple of weeks. I finally spotted him in a grocery store and asked if he'd like to attend the campus dance. There was a LONG pause during which I imagined he was trying to find a way to politely decline (while I cringed with embarrassment). I later learned that he'd been planning the evening, contemplating where we should go to dinner and what flowers he should bring!

We became engaged a year later and married the year after that. That was over thirty years ago.



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Husband is two years older than I am.  We met, officially, when I was in ninth grade, at a school club; his family had also recently begun attending our church.  It was pretty immediate chemistry.  He was smart and polite (which is more than I could say for the boys in my grade), came from a nice family, similar backgrounds, very similar values and goals.  Dated for two years, then he went off to college, so we did long distance for two more years, then I joined him at college, and we got married a couple of months after we graduated college together.


Amusing anecdote: we have identical SAT scores, just flipped.  I have always assumed that was so that neither of us would ever be able to claim we were smarter than the other. 🙂


Another amusing anecdote: since we lived in a smallish town, our paths had crossed a few times in middle school but not in any meaningful sort of way, just the vague "oh yeah I know who he is" way.  But when I was in sixth grade and he in eighth, we were both in a newspaper photo with a group of essay contest recipients.  I happen to be standing directly in front of him.  It amuses me so much that we had no idea that that was our first family photo!

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16 hours ago, Spryte said:

Car full of girls, jeep full of guys.  It was after a concert (I won’t say what 80s band!) and my friends and I got lost in DC.  Jeep guys yelled to ask if we were lost, and we followed them to Georgetown to hang out.

I've been lost in Georgetown before.... I definitely have some bar stories from there.

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We met in a Cheers type bar. I pointed out to my friends that I thought the guy at the bar was cute and unfamiliar. When I went to the restroom, they got him to our table. He called the next day. I called my boyfriend and broke up with him. Dh and I were married 8 months later. That was 34 years ago.

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We met on a blind date.  My best friend was dating his best friend and they set us up.  It was a few weeks before both of us were heading off to college about 500 miles apart.  DH was not looking for a relationship at the time, but he changed his mind after we met.  We dated long distance for about 8 months and spent a fortune on long distance calls.  We got married about 2 1/2 years later and have been married just over 25 years.  Our best friends got married the year before us and are still together.

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19 hours ago, ktgrok said:

Online, on a dating site. I had already been on some TERRIBLE dates and but was bored and enlarged my search parameters...he's 3 yrs younger than me and I'd restricted it to 2 yrs younger before that. His profile popped up and I was hooked from the first minute. I saw his photo and said, "that's somone I could grow old with." I'd never believed in love at first site - but I KNEW. I was with a friend while I was first chatting with him online and I told that friend that I was either going to marry this guy, or he'd break my heart. No in between. That was less than an hour after we started talking. 

We've been married 10 yrs now. 

Like I said, before that, I never believed in love at first sight. Now I do. (also, my parents got married 3 weeks after they met, this "knowing" might run in the family)

My dh and I have been married 10 years also.  What month did you get married?  

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