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Today sucked. - Update #201


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How do I count the ways?

Oh, yeah, the neurology appointment with new neuro doc. Turns out I am in absolutely perfect health except for my right side. Apparently I have a beautiful brain, a lovely spine, and I'm in great shape. All of which was horrible news unfortunately. Very brisk reflexes on the right side, Babinski positive, clonus present, muscle in right calf diminished. (Atrophied.)

All in all, a new EMG is scheduled for next Monday morning and ALS is now on the short list of possibilities and pretty much now the most likely. Sigh.

I am going to be brutally honest, this sucks. My fortieth birthday was in January. My baby is two. Two! My first grand baby will be here in April. And somehow we are going to have to sort through what comes next. Our homeschool program (very, very large) has lost two moms in two years. I would have preferred not to be next.
On the upside, because, it turns out I am shockingly skilled at dark sarcasm, I could get a really cool joystick to drive my van for a while.

Feeling pretty horrible for my poor husband right now. He really had refused to entertain the thought of ALS.

Edited by BlsdMama
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That does suck, wow. Can you get hooked up with a counselor? It's time. If the answer is no ALS, then you just dump them when you're done. 


And get somebody good, not somebody inexperienced or local. Maybe the hospital or the doctor can refer you. Just go ahead and do it. Go with your dh BEFORE you think you need it. Sounds like you'd already benefit from it.

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