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Heavy, heavy heart

Teresa in MO

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I am so very sorry for the loss of your dh. I am praying for you, your childre, your grandchildren, and everyone else who knew and loved him. May you receive all the strength, support, encouragement, prayers, and help that you all need in the days to come. Please lean on the people here and this you know irl as much as you can!

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Today as I think of you, I know your family is shocked and hurting. But I also feel compelled to pray for logistics.


Dear Lord, please be with Teresa and her family as they face not only saying farewell to their beloved, but so many details of funeral arrangements, and maybe transportation, and finding the new normal in the coming days. Please, by Your sovereign hand, put all the pieces in order, and hold Teresa and her family close to You, and grant them peace, and grace, and hope.


(((Many hugs)))

Edited by Seasider
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I hate to hear this, and I will be praying for you and your family.


I will be praying that the funeral service will reflect the specialness of your husband.


Please be gentle to yourself in the days and weeks to come. I lost my husband a number of years ago, in part to a pulmonary embolism. Accept offers of help. Find people to talk to about your husband and his death. Reach out to your friends/older children when you want to talk about a decision you need to make or to vent or to tell something funny you saw. It is hard when the person you relied on for all those things is gone. 


Make changes in your life if the status quo does not work. For example, when my oldest reached high school, I realized I still wasn't ready to take on homeschooling high school, so oldest went to public school. So, did another child, who simply did better working for someone else. That child was in kindergarten when my husband died, and we had trouble working together even then. Most of the teachers love this child. That said, we have survived. The oldest is now in college and the kindergartener is in high school. (Please don't think I am saying quit homeschooling; I didn't even though that is what a lot of people told me to do back then. I have homeschooled the rest of my kids, even those now in high school.) It was definitely easier to homeschool the grades/subjects that I had taught before.


Don't be afraid to talk to your kids about your husband to your kids. We talk about my husband all the time. "your dad liked sunflower seeds too." "Your dad worked at McDonald's in high school." When we were on the college campus where we met, I point out where he lived, where we met, where he worked, etc. My car kid always asks what kind of cars he drove. Another asks if he liked certain songs that come on the radio.


Feel free to PM me if you like. I found this board when I was searching for someone/anyone who was a young widow, who was homeschooling a lot of kids.

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Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.  Services are over and we are just stunned by the love and support of everyone.  So many people came from all over.  My dh was a quiet man unless you really got to know him.  He was very highly regarded for his honesty and integrity in both his personal and professional life.  There is such a hole in my heart right now.  We married at 18 and were married for 38 years.  He truly was the love of my life and I miss him greatly.  I am thankful that I have all 10 of my dc and all 7 of my grandbabies here.  They have been such a help and comfort to me.  Our youngest is 13, so please pray as we go forward.  Again, thank you so much for all the love you have shown me.


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