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Record temperatures

Night Elf

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The weather forecast for my area is about 74 for Christmas Eve and Day. The record was set in the mid-80s at 72 degrees. The forecast also said such a high temperature could result in thunderstorms. So it looks like we may have a wet, warm holiday. It feels strange not to have to wear a jacket outside.

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I hate Winter (I want to move back South) and I'm very happy for the fact that we have yet to have any snow.  I lived here, in Southern Indiana, growing up and I remember we always had snow by mid-November or earlier. We've yet to have a single snowflake (there was a bit just North of us beginning of December) and I'm dreading January. 

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I am absolutely loving this weather.   I hate winter and hibernate as much as I can.   I do feel a little bad for all those who rely on the snow to make a living.  


I just hope that this mild beginning to winter doesn't mean that it's going to hang on longer on the other end.  I'm absolutely thrilled at the thought that winter could mostly be just January and February this year.  We've had snow as late as May in recent years.

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I'm loving the mild weather! Without snow and freezing rain the driving is safer and easier, I don't have to let the vehicle warm up, brush off snow, chip off ice, etc., etc. Walking and running is so much nicer for me and my dogs - who suffer from all the salt used to melt ice. I'm completely thrilled with a warm (possible +14C!!) and green Christmas - as there WILL be plenty of snow and ice in the next 3 months. ;)



Edited by wintermom
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Supposed to be 81 - yes, eighty-one degrees!!! - here on Christmas. And thunderstorms. It is normally mid-50's, still not a Norman-Rockwell Christmas enough but tolerable. Pulling out a dressy summer blouse for the Christmas service.


The piles of sweaters at the mall sit there, neglected by shoppers.


ETA: I dislike very warm weather and hate warm Christmases.

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We just had 4 days over 40 (104) in December which is a record here. We often have heatwaves but not this early in the summer. The hottest of the 4 days was 43.5 (110).


An earlier heatwave is more risky for bushfires because there is more feed and crop left on the ground for fuel.


My dad likes to point out they have to go back to 1800s to find the last similar day to break the record. He thinks the hot weather is part of natural patterns and warming has been happening gradually for a long time and not a recent event.

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My dad likes to point out they have to go back to 1800s to find the last similar day to break the record. He thinks the hot weather is part of natural patterns and warming has been happening gradually for a long time and not a recent event.

In North America anyway, the unusual weather patterns this year are caused by El Niño, a normal cycle of Pacific Ocean currents. That's not to say global warming isn't a concern, but it's not the cause of what we're experiencing here this season. I don't know if it's a worldwide phenomenon or not.

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WE are having a rainy week.  Tomorrow is our day for potentially severe weather like tornados. OF course that is the day all my visitors are coming so if we have a tornado warning, we will all be hudding in the room that my dd and her husband will be sleeping in since it is our default storm shelter/ We are having near record warmth here too.

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three feet of fresh snow this week in the Sierras :) ... friends just posted pictures of themselves playing in the deep snow. We really, really need the snow and rain here. I am so glad we will have a cold, wet (rain/snow) Christmas in California! But yeah, relatives in NYC say it will be in the 70s on Christmas Eve. Boo!

Edited by Laura in CA
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I LOVE this. My mood is sooooo lifted. I REALLY appreciate winter weather NOT beginning in the middle of the fall. It's only been winter for a few days, so no good reason to flash freeze. I LIKE easing into it. The dark isn't soooo bad when it's not freezing and snowing. There's PLENTY of time for snow over the next few months. Who needs it in December??? I HATE the cold. So far this is my idea of a perfectly adequate winter :-)

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Meanwhile people in PHX think it's weird we have to wear socks because it's so unseasonably cold here.  At the same time we're kind of excited about being able to wear that one sweater each of us owns. 


Yes, socks and sweaters are definitely fun Christmas clothes! Enjoy the novelty.


Kind of reminds me of my one tank top I owned while growing up in northern Alberta - always hoping it might get warm enough to need it. Never needed it, but I probably wore it just to say I did. ;)

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We usually have a covering of snow, at least, on the ground by this time in Northern NH.  10yo has been complaining about the weather for a month; she is so disappointed. It is supposed to be 60F tomorrow.  It's been raining off an on for a week, and the grass is growing.


Of course global temperatures naturally change over time, but not to this degree so quickly.  There is definitely a human component.  As an environmental science major I worked at UNH Earth Oceans and Space lab in the 1990s on a project which included polar ice core sampling to measure past global climate changes.  Scientists have been predicting this man-made global climate change for that long.

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I have lived almost my whole life in an area that has thunderstorms.


Today was the scariest lightening/thunder I've ever experienced. It was so bright and so loud and so instantaneous I really expected that it destroyed something. Yikes!


Definitely does not feel like December 23!!



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We just had a tornado producing storm roll through.  I've had to turn on the AC to knock a degree or two off the inside temp (I made banana bread). I love it but yeah it's kind of crazy.  Not to worry January WILL bring snow and it will be miserable (for me). 


ETA: the only good thing about winter is that it kills off the fleas in the yard and spiders in my garage.

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