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Prayers for our son with a burn injury

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Friends, if inclined, we would sure appreciate your prayers. At work this morning, our younger son instinctively grabbed for an item that fell into the hot oil fryer and burned his entire left hand. It appears to be second degree (which means not a deep burn and no nerve loss), but it is the entire hand (which is bad). He is being admitted to the ER right now.

The big concerns:
- that swelling will be minimal, and that with any swelling, circulation will NOT be cut off, causing skin and tissue to die
- that he can quickly be given some pain meds that reduce the pain to manageable levels, and would not need the pain meds for very many days
- that we would find an excellent hand surgeon if that ends up being needed
As we know how he is progressing, I'll update. Thank you so much. Lori D.
UPDATE (3 hours later):
Things are looking very hopeful. The ER doctor is an extremely experience doctor -- DH knows him from DH's years as a medic/firefighter with the fire dept. and says he is really good. The ER dr. says it doesn't look like a burn center stay will be needed, but that DS can come home. He will need a check back tomorrow with the hand surgeon, but the initial thought is that no surgery will be needed.
We won't know for sure until after the check-back, but it looks like the main concerns now will be preventing infection, good healing, and pain management. Hands are tricky because of all the bending areas and that there is so much surface area.
Praising the Lord for hearing and responding with mercy that this is not as bad as it could have been. And I cannot thank you enough for all for you prayers, good wishes, and kind support; I am in tears reading all of your loving wishes for our family.  Warmest regards, Lori

UPDATE #2 - Sun. evening:
DS is home, and slept a few hours, and the pain meds are working well and he is not nauseous, and he's actually feeling pretty chipper all things considered, so a tremendous blessing there.
They covered his hand with burn cream, and his hand is so wrapped it looks like a club. Still praying for little to no swelling so that there won't be any tissue lose due to cut-off circulation, as well as for no infection, good healing, and continued good pain management.
We'll know more after seeing the hand surgeon tomorrow, but the prognosis for now is looking very positive, with hopes for complete recovery in about a month, barring any complications.
Thank you again for all the loving support. Warmest regards, Lori

UPDATE #3 - Monday
More good news - the hand specialist confirmed no need for the burn center, and that there is no constriction from swelling. Some significant (horrifying) blisters on his fingers, but his palm and back of hand are mostly clear of any burns. He is doing well, good spirits, little pain. He gets a special splint on Wed. to help prevent skin and tendons from shortening and tightening during healing, and will be getting physical therapy. The projected time for healing is 3-4 weeks.
The main concerns now are no infection, and good healing. I am weak with relief and again, so very, very appreciative of all your prayers and good wishes for us. Warmest regards, Lori
PS -- in answer to someone's question -- it is his NON-dominant hand, so another blessing there.



UPDATE #4 - Wednesday
So, visits to the hand surgeon and the physical therapist today. Both are pleased with the progress and it looks like DS's recovery will be very routine, and he doesn't need to be seen again until next week (barring any complication). whew! And he continues to be pretty much pain-free unless he bumps it. So more praise and thanks for answered prayers!
Someone down-thread asked about how it was his non-dominant hand -- I think it was because he was putting something away on a shelf with his dominant hand, which knocked something off the shelf towards the fryer and his non-dominant hand, so he instinctively reached with that hand.
So, thank you all, dear friends, for your prayers, good wishes, suggestions, concern and sympathy. You all really helped us get through a very rough start this week. It's looking more and more like in just another 2-3 weeks, this will all be a distant memory. Warmest regards, Lori D.
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Friends, if inclined, we would sure appreciate your prayers. At work this morning, our younger son instinctively grabbed for an item that fell into the hot oil fryer and burned his entire left hand. It appears to be second degree (which means not a deep burn and no nerve loss), but it is the entire hand (which is bad). He is being admitted to the ER right now.

The big concerns:
- that swelling will be minimal, and that with any swelling, circulation will NOT be cut off, causing skin and tissue to die
- that he can quickly be given some pain meds that reduce the pain to manageable levels, and would not need the pain meds for very many days
- that we would find an excellent hand surgeon if that ends up being needed
As we know how he is progressing, I'll update. Thank you so much. Lori D.


Praying!  I'm so sorry!  I pray he heals quickly!

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The daughter of one of my dearest friends was seriously burned several years ago. In her case, one thing that worked extraordinarily well was colloidal silver. They were afraid to go that route because they had read of some of dangers of it, but their daughter did not respond well to the other therapies applied by the Burn Center. They tried colloidal silver in desperation, and it had a remarkable effect.


As the burns were healing, the found that plain white, dye-free, cotton clothing was best.


They also strongly recommend scar massage.


Praying for your son and for his hand.  :grouphug:

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So sorry you are all going through this! Will definitely pray for your son and prompt healing. I am glad to read the update, and that it seems it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Can't imagine how painful that was though! Praying for no infection and that they can manage pain.

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