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Would you get a facelift? Injectables?


Facial cosmetic enhancements  

159 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you get a face lift (if money were no obstacle.)

    • No way to a face lift
    • Maybe
    • It is probable
    • Certainly
    • I have done this
    • Other
  2. 2. Would you get injectables/botox/filler?

    • No way, never
    • Maybe
    • Very possibly
    • Certainly
    • I have already done this at least once
    • Other
  3. 3. Would you have skin resurfacing?

    • No way at all
    • Maybe
    • Very possibly
    • Certainly
    • I have already done this at least once
    • Other

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I'm curious. I was just looking at a friend's FB pictures and her face is quite stunning. I'm not even going to qualify it by saying..."for her age," even though she is close to fifty. She is more gorgeous than most ordinary women half her age and IMO, she is better-looking now than she was 25 years ago. I am not close enough friends with her to ask if she has had cosmetic enhancements at all.


I have not ever thought I would do that, but I allow that I could consider it if I was really unhappy with my face.


P.S. I'm talking if money is no obstacle.

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I am near an area with a lot of plastic surgery and yes, people who have work done do look better. The problem is I can always think of something better to do with the money.


I wouldn't say I would never do it, but it would be extremely unlikely.

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My initial response is no, never.  However, if there were something very unusual/odd about my face that made me very self-conscious, maybe I'd consider it?  But just to counter the natural process of aging?  No.


I did check "other" for the last one though, because I don't even know what skin-resurfacing is!

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Yep, i would. Not the facelift--i couldnt deal with major surgery on my face, but yes to the botox and fillers, if done well, and yes to the laser resurfacing--i have old acne scars and right now am using Nuderm prescirbed by my physician which seems to be doing the trick. But if it doesn't, I will save up for some kind of laser or something that will help get rid of the scarring. 


I have no problem if someone wants to do it. 

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Nope, nope, nope. People who start down the path of plastic surgery always end up looking weird as they age, imo.  Probably not so much with the skin resurfacing, but with the facelifts and fillers, you can always tell. People who age naturally look much more attractive to me.


Of course, I may have to eat my words because I have the Renee Zellweger squinty eye thing going on, and as I age I may have to have something done with my eyes or I'll end up not being able to see. :P 



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"Never" to all poll questions. So absolutely non-important on all levels in the world my family inhabits.


If this is a poll desiring only "yes" answers, let us know.


Oh, definitely not looking for JAWN or anything similar. It has never been on my radar screen - to say nothing of the fact that it's so far down on my financial priorities - but I do wonder if I may feel differently at a different age.


My SIL gave me the name of a dermatologist because I needed to take DD to have a mole looked at. She sent me a "funny" text, where she told me to tell her if I found being in the office tempting in any way, because they also do cosmetological appointments. I laughed and thought it was strange, honestly. But I am also starting to wonder if more women I know are having work done than I would have guessed. Even with this SIL, I noticed in passing once that her forehead does not wrinkle at all in conversation.

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No, I wouldn't. But I know I'm not typical- I don't color my hair or anything. I'm just me...and as I age I'll look like I'm aging. I'm ok with that. 


It really bothers some people to start looking their age and if they want to do stuff to look younger, go for it.  I have a policy- I won't criticize people who take those steps to look younger and I also won't tolerate people criticizing me for not doing those things.   Live and let live, all around. 

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Of the women I know who have had work done I don't think any of them look better. They don't look worse, just different.

Yeah...(brace yourself because this might sound judgy). I thouht with the Before After photos at the dermatologist's...meh. They aren't that attractive before; they aren't that attractive after. Some also seemed a bit far gone in age and it made me wonder what the point might be by then. *ducks tomatoes*

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Most people I know who look amazing at whatever age, look so because of excellent health and hydration.  


That and not constantly baking in the sun.


I saw a woman about a month ago.  She was older and particularly good looking, but her skin was really awful.  Leathery and shriveled from too much tanning.

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Most people I know who look amazing at whatever age, look so because of excellent health and hydration.

I always think sun exposure is the major factor. The sunworshipper/tanning people I know seem to have the greatest degree of negative skin appearance. I think I was lucky in that I could never stand laying out in the sun. It always made me feel weak and dizzy. I probably saved myself a lot of harm this way.

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I voted no, never to the first two, and maybe to the last.


I have several friends who look many, many years younger, and I know they have never had any sort of procedure done.  I think it's a combination of good skin care and good genes.  I typically do not like to share my age, because the usual reaction is surprise and disbelief that I am as old as I am.


It seems that cosmetic enhancements are much more acceptable and usual, depending on where in the country you are from.  The pressures in Southern California, for example, would be much greater than in Podunk, Pennsylvania.

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I would consider skin resurfacing....but pretty much it's no to the other two.  (I did vote maybe for injectibles, because one side of my face has much deeper lines than the other and it bugs me.  Realistically though, it's a "no.")


I'm 47. I look good for my age mainly because I didn't spend a lot of time in the sun.  No wrinkles around the eyes, etc.  I do have a little ptosis, so have considered an eye lift maybe sometime in the future...but the skin would have to be affecting my vision more.


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I'm really not too concerned about how I look.  I like to have my hair nicely cut, and I scrub up pretty well for work, but mostly I'm happiest in an ancient flannel shirt with a streak of dirt across my face, bottom in the air weeding a flower bed.

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I voted no, never to the first two, and maybe to the last.


I have several friends who look many, many years younger, and I know they have never had any sort of procedure done.  I think it's a combination of good skin care and good genes.  I typically do not like to share my age, because the usual reaction is surprise and disbelief that I am as old as I am.


It seems that cosmetic enhancements are much more acceptable and usual, depending on where in the country you are from.  The pressures in Southern California, for example, would be much greater than in Podunk, Pennsylvania.


I've always looked younger than my age too, thanks to genetics. I'm happy that I finally look like a grownup. :D 

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No, I wouldn't. But I know I'm not typical- I don't color my hair or anything. I'm just me...and as I age I'll look like I'm aging. I'm ok with that. 


It really bothers some people to start looking their age and if they want to do stuff to look younger, go for it.  I have a policy- I won't criticize people who take those steps to look younger and I also won't tolerate people criticizing me for not doing those things.   Live and let live, all around. 

This almost exactly.


I've had gray hair since high school. Yes, I had a gray lock of hair in high school. I colored my hair a handful of times in my 20s. Then I met DH. He prefers my natural color, even with the gray. And since I hated coloring anyway, I haven't done it since.


And inserting chemicals into my body for non-medical reasons isn't my thing.

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I don't like face lifts because everyone I know that's had one comes out looking like somebody else. I don't know about injectables. I do enjoy being beautiful and I might do something drastic to stay that way. Okay, beautiful is a bit of an exaggeration, but I do enjoy being pretty.

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I had to choose other for the skin thing because I don't even know what it is. But I have lots of skin issues... if it was something that helped, I guess I would consider it. I'm not super vain, but it's no fun to have rashes and scars from it and stuff.

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I don't have an issue with any of it. To each her own (and his own, as some guys have things done). Facelifts scare me because they peel back the face and that is super freaky to me. BUT... I would have one done if I felt that I 'needed' one and wouldn't look goofy after. 


Botox is used for things other than wrinkles, so there is that possibility if you think someone may have had 'work' done. It is commonly prescribed for headaches, for instance.


The skin resurfacing creeps me out. I asked about having something done about the sun damage on my face and was told some laser thing would be used. There would be some pain, days of skin peeling, something like three treatments would be needed, and each one was around $700 if I remember correctly. I'll just continue to cover it up with makeup, thanks. The peeling is what turned me off....that, and seeing the ladies coming out of the procedure with puffy, red, blotchy skin, holding ice bags to the lasered areas. That scared me off. LOL.


That and not constantly baking in the sun.


I saw a woman about a month ago.  She was older and particularly good looking, but her skin was really awful.  Leathery and shriveled from too much tanning.



I saw a lady a few months ago who could have been the lady from There's Something About Mary. Seriously... the same very thin lady with the same wrinkly skin and the same dark, dark tan. We live a full day's drive from the beach, too, so she really stood out here!

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I answered maybe to your questions on resurfacing or a facelift, but no to injectables; people with injectables look odd, but I've seen some really awesome facelifts. I'm not opposed to plastic surgery, I'm just too lazy to research it or to get my butt to the doctor to get it done.

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No- except something like my grandmother had: her upper eyelids were drooping so much that she could barely open her eyes! So she had them lifted somehow. I would never do it for purely cosmetic reasons.


This is the only plastic surgery I would consider. I have drooping upper eyelids too.


I have two age spots (I'm only 38-don't know anyone else my age who has them) and would like to get those removed via laser.


I answered no, no, and maybe to the poll.

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I can't see myself doing anything like that, no.


I also don't want Lasik, although I'm told I'd be a good candidate for it. I just wear glasses. And after a bad home perm at a young age, I have never permed my hair again, nor dyed it.


Like some PPs, having looked too young for a while, I'm not in a hurry to avoid looking older. (Depending on what I wear, I can still occasionally be mistaken for a college student. I suspect my hair will soon be gray enough to end that, though.)

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No way to the facelift, BUT I would very seriously consider an injectable filler for my 11s.  They have joined with an old chicken pox scar and are deep enough that I feel I look angry or downcast all the time!  I don't like my natural, resting face very much. :(  


I agree with possibly getting surgery for something very specific like the drooping eyelids or removing something on my skin. (I may have this done to these odd cyst things that I have that are not that noticeable to others, but I can SEE one just barely out of my peripheral vision on my one upper cheek and I HATE IT. They are small enough that I pray they don't get bigger and I would totally tolerate a scar that I can easily cover with makeup.)

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I don't think so. It seems to me there's usually no stopping once you start. It's one procedure and then in a few months or a year another and then another and there's no getting off that merry go round. It's not a "ride" I want to get on. The exception would be for something like droopy eyelids that interfered with my vision. My mother would have needed hers fixed if she'd lived long enough and I might be the same.


I think it's perfectly fine for people who want it, though.

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I'm curious. I was just looking at a friend's FB pictures and her face is quite stunning. I'm not even going to qualify it by saying..."for her age," even though she is close to fifty. She is more gorgeous than most ordinary women half her age and IMO, she is better-looking now than she was 25 years ago. I am not close enough friends with her to ask if she has had cosmetic enhancements at all.


I have not ever thought I would do that, but I allow that I could consider it if I was really unhappy with my face.


P.S. I'm talking if money is no obstacle.


I used to be one who would say no to all, but a few years ago, I lost a considerable amount of weight.  I'm fine with my body and with my face, but my neck is another issue.  I have seriously looked into getting a neck lift.  I'm not interested in any other procedures, but the neck lift.

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