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It was 5 years ago today that I found out my son had been killed...

Kari C in SC

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💕 I'm a year behind you - my son has been gone four years. Love and peace to you while you wait for the day when when all our tears will be wiped away. Xxx

I'm so sorry to hear this. I didn't know. This is not something I wish on anyone. Sending you big angel mama hugs!

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I too remember your initial post about Timmy's death and the one about the special place he held in your life as your oldest. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Thanks you for being there for your younger kids even when it so hard to be anywhere or do anything.

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I thought I would, once again, say thank you to all the kind people here. For the most part, I have been way better with this anniversary than other dates that have gripped me with anxiety. We took our kids on a cruise to celebrate our 25th anniversary at the beginning of May and that helped calm me tremendously. I still have this giant hole in my heart, but over these years, I have learned to live with it better. There are always going to be the days and the moments where I am right back there though. Anyway, I blogged for the first time, about what happened that day. I could not do that until now. I also blogged about why we took our kids with us on what could have been a couple only anniversary trip. It's been a giant year of growth for us. I will miss him until I open my eyes and see him again, but for now, I am finding joy right here.





((((Kari)))))  I am so sorry.  

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To Kari, Miss Innocent, Rosie and all the others who have buried their children, my heart aches for you.  I hugged my kids a little tighter today and will tuck them in an extra time in honor of your children.   May you be surrounded by love and light always.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  

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Kari, thank you so much for sharing this part of you, this story that no mom should have be a part of her tapestry. I do not think you were cowardly for not viewing your son's injuries. These are decisions we never expect to have to make. There were decisions when my baby girl died that I questioned; my older children, who were then five and three, never saw Lydia. I did not have them come to the hospital to see their dead baby sister. Was I wrong? I don't know, but this was not what I wanted them to picture when they thought about the sister they never got to know. I don't know if it was best, but I wanted to protect my living kids from as much of the horror as I could and that was what I chose.


(((Hugs))) that hole will never go away, but I pray that you may fill it up with little bits of joy until you can see Timmy again.

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