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Who cooks in your family? (s/o Good wife)


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As hubby is in our kitchen fixing his own breakfast of an egg and vegetable burrito... and I'm looking over the good wife thread... this question naturally came to mind.  ;)


In our house, breakfast is almost entirely on one's own.  I cut hubby's veggies for him when I was preparing my own (I just fry mine alongside the eggs - no burrito), but he's totally responsible for fixing his own.  When the boys were/are home either one of us might cook theirs if we're in the mood - or they might cook their own IF they wanted a cooked breakfast.


Lunch is usually self-prepared too unless we're using it for our big meal of the day.  I pack mine if I'm working (sandwich thin of some sort and apple).  Hubby will sometimes eat with colleagues if he's out in the field.  He'll fix his own here at home.  When the boys were here they fixed their own from a fairly young age.  When we're home, we will all eat lunch together though.  That's not true with breakfast the vast majority of the times.


Supper/dinner varies.  Many times I cook, but if it's grilled meat or broiled meat, hubby does.  Once in a while we both work on it together - doing separate dishes toward the dinner.  We always eat the same thing for dinner - not necessarily (but happens sometimes) for the other meals.  The boys would help if I asked them to with dinner.  On rare occasions we'd have them cook for us, but when that happened, we'd better be prepared for boxed mac & cheese or something similarly easy.


There were times when I was at school where hubby would fix pancakes for all of them or similar things that I don't really care for.  They're all kind of on their own to decide what they want to do if I'm not around.

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Everyone is on their own for lunch and breakfast except the littles. Older siblings help out with that. I usually do suppers unless I don't know what to make or just fed up with making suppers to please everyone. Hubby takes over on the weekend for all suppers.

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Breakfast and lunch are fend for yourself, unless someone feels like cooking something and offers it to everyone else. Sometimes my husband will make everyone pancakes or breakfast tacos, or one of my daughters will be in the mood to cook omelets or grilled cheese. I cook dinner five nights a week, my husband cooks dinner twice a week. He loves cooking and finds it very relaxing, but he just isn't home enough to cook dinner more often. When we have company for dinner he usually cooks since he is a much better cook than I. He also does all the grilling at home and does the cooking when we are camping (there is something about him and open flames, lol).

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I do. Sometimes my dds do.  My teenage ds does once in a while.

It comes down to logistics in our house.


I have taken to handing dh a pile of recipes from which to choose meals because the cooking part isn't nearly as annoying as hearing crickets when asking "What should we have for dinner this week?"

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I do about 70% of the cooking, but Dh is the better cook. He's better at throwing stuff together and making it seem fancy. I am not creative and my stuff is simple. Also, I don't like cooking for guests - too much pressure. Dh does most of that.

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During the weekdays, Breakfast is get your own.  Lunch for DH is usually left overs from dinner the night before or he makes something to take with him to work.  Dinner is usually made by me, but sometimes I have the kids make their own if things are busy that night.  On weekends it is a bit different, usually at least once we do a family breakfast and always a family lunch and dinner.  I cook on Saturdays and DH cooks on Sunday to give me a day off from cooking.  I have taught DH to make a lot of different things over the years.  When we were first married he could do pancakes and spaghetti with jarred sauce.  Now he can cook a lot of different things, although he prefers I am there to "supervise" and make sure he doesn't miss something.

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I do 90% of the cooking though there are definitely some fend for yourself meals in there. My husband enjoys baking and will do some of that, plus he will fix us waffles or similar or try a dinner recipe sometimes. He will also heat up stuff I have cooked ahead.


This division of labor is not based on gender or me being the wife but because I am a skilled cook and I have time. He is not very skilled as a cook (and is prone to make odd combinations, not have all the components hot and ready at the same time and is perhaps in the "knows just enough to be dangerous" category of cooks) and he is in school FT and works nearly FT so he's quite short on time.

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Well, I am the only person responsible for feeding me and my kids, but there is another person here who likes feeding people, so she will often put their quick breakfast together.  Lunches I pack.  Dinner, if we're at home and leftovers aren't on the menu, I'll make something quick and easy.  Often I bake a store-assembled pizza once a week and make mac'n'cheese another day.  I am not above serving canned ravioli either.  I am more likely to serve fresh fruit/veg than to cook them.  My sister cooks a real meal roughly every other Sunday, and leaves leftovers from that.  We eat at a restaurant most Fridays.  The other days it is either fast food or carry-out.

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I do about 70% of the cooking, but Dh is the better cook. He's better at throwing stuff together and making it seem fancy. I am not creative and my stuff is simple. Also, I don't like cooking for guests - too much pressure. Dh does most of that.

Almost exactly the same dynamic here.

I cook, but by a recipe and it's simply. There are a couple of really excellent dishes that I make that DH loves and aren't simply, but it's only 2 or 3. 

DH is the fantastic cook - he can look through the fridge and pantries and put together something amazing in almost no time. Last night he cooked - an amazing creamy scallop pasta dish. 

DH enjoys cooking on the weekends, and once or so during the week.

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Breakfast - fend for yourself.


Lunch - I do pack my husband his workday lunch.  It is an easy thing for me to do, and a hard thing for him.  For most of his working life, he bought lunch at a work cafeteria or restaurant.  Now, finances and work environment (no cafe!) mean it's a packed lunch from home 90% of the time.   Kids and I kind of fend for ourselves.


Dinner - I cook almost all dinners.  He still handles the grilling because our gas grill is fiddly and I've never mastered the art of either starting it or cooking on it.  Since he doesn't get home till 6:30 (or later) at night, this makes the most sense, plus I'm better at it.


I feel like I'm defending myself as the main cook in the family. I'm not sure why.  It makes sense for it to be this way. 

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My husband cooks; I clean the kitchen after. 


He does the laundry; I put it away.


He vacuums; I dust.


He takes out the trash; I put a new bag in.


You get the gist. :)


Same here.  DH cooks, I clean up.  I do the laundry, he puts it away.  Etc, etc...  Once in awhile we switch roles.

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My husband has never been a regular breakfast eater. On weekends, if he happens to be around when I'm making something for the kids or myself, he'll have some of whatever I'm making. And he occasionally grabs something at the office cafeteria if he's feeling peckish, but breakfast is not a part of his daily routine.


When the kids were living here and/or are here visiting, I did/do make breakfast for whoever wants it if I'm available. 


I "retired" from making lunches for the kids once they were old enough to get their own. I do make a point of providing intentional leftovers when we do meals that I know are favorites of one family member or another and are easily reheatable. So, I make double batches of potato and chickpea curry when we have that, because my son and my daughter, respectively, will eat that for lunch as long as the leftovers hold out. 


Things have changed a lot in the last year. My daughter moved out on her own last summer, and my son is living in his dorm most of the year. I added a second part-time job, which has me working evenings three or four times a week. So, dinner looks a lot different now. As long as three or four of us were home most evenings, I did cook dinner most of the time. Nowadays, my husband and I share the chore of dinner making on the nights both of us are home. It's often pretty casual.


On the days when I won't be home at dinner time, I make a point of doing big batches of some of my husband's favorites two or three times a week so that he can take leftovers for work lunches.



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I cook most of the time. I'm home more, and I enjoy it. I've taught DH how over the years. We've been together since he was 19, and his family of origin never really cooked. He can follow a recipe, but he doesn't have the practice that I do. He's not skilled at coordinating multi-stage meals. He's a great sous-chef though! And his browned butter chocolate chip cookies are TDF.

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I do close to 100% of the cooking here.  Sometimes I will tell the kids that they are on their own.  I have two kids who will prepare something like a salad or an easy GF mac and cheese dinner for everyone.  Dh does no cooking.  He does prepare himself a salad every evening with ingredients he has bought himself.  I do almost all of the grilling, too.  I would like to hand off this responsibility more than I get to.

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Everyone is on their own for breakfast and lunch. The exception is dd because I pack her school lunch in the mornings just because I have the time and she is usually busy getting ready or eating.


I cook dinner 3 nights per week. We eat out 2 nights per week. DH cooks 2 nights per week. When he worked from home, he was the only cook because I really don't like to do it. I don't know why.

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It is fend for yourself for breakfast and lunch here.  I cook dinner about 90% of the time.  The girls cook sometimes.  Occasionally dh will grill something.  He does, however, rock the baked desserts.  I have to limit how much sugar and butter I buy because he is so good and prolific at it :p


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Breakfast is fend for yourself. I usually prepare lunch. My husband prepares dinner when he is in town, otherwise I do or we go out to eat. 


Cooking is my husband's favorite hobby & he says he finds it relaxing after a day of meetings & phone calls. He is an excellent cook. 

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I provide one meal a day. Usually dinner. During the day I might cook for those of us who are home but usually we all just prepare whatever it is we want to eat. I get food for the baby of course. My husband doesn't cook but he will help out in the kitchen when requested and given clear instructions. My older two also help cook. I generally enjoy cooking, but i do hate cleaning up after it.

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Hmm, with looking at these results, at least I didn't mess up my boys with how we do our meals here!  It seems many of us are relatively similar overall.  I'll admit I was wondering.


I forgot to mention eating out (or bringing home take out).  We do that at least a couple of times per week now that we're empty nesting.  It wasn't nearly as often when we were feeding five.  I think we're not only lazier now, but we still haven't adjusted to how inexpensive it feels with just two of us!

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I am really trying to let go of the "must provide three hots a day for the minions" thinking because it wears me out.  This thread has bolstered me.  I will think of all the slacker cooks out there and let it go!


(I am getting better, but it is a hard habit to break.  One child in particular is very invested in my feeling guilty if I dont' do this.)

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Breakfast and lunch make yourself.


Dinner, my husband and I both make, my children occasionally make. I used to do a lot higher percentage of the dinner cooking before homeschooling. Before my food allergies got crazy, I used to make the children lunch more often, and they were also younger and less able to make their own food.


My husband likes to cook pancakes and bacon for the kids, he does that about once a week, usually on a weekend day but if he is flying late and leaving late, he will cook a nice breakfast for himself and the kids. (My food allergies do not permit me to eat breakfast.)

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I am really trying to let go of the "must provide three hots a day for the minions" thinking because it wears me out. This thread has bolstered me. I will think of all the slacker cooks out there and let it go!


(I am getting better, but it is a hard habit to break. One child in particular is very invested in my feeling guilty if I dont' do this.)

Home Ec! :)

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I taught them some stuff, but the resistance is strong in these ones. ;) I have one child who is into cleaning, though, and I will cook if he cleans. The rest are just mess-makers who need to be reminded to brush their teeth. :D

Mine used to clean more and cook less, now that they are old enough to cook they found that they like cooking more than cleaning. There is a certain amount of work they must do if I am going to have time to homeschool. They love being homeschooled, I tell them that being homeschooled means they do a certain amount of work. Sometimes, they have to clean as well if it is a busy wek or we have company coming and the cleanliness standards are higher.

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I make most of the grocery lists. DH does most of the shopping. He makes breakfast, I usually make lunch, and I mostly make dinner. He sticks to a few things he knows how to make (but he makes them well) and I tend to create lots of dishes on the fly or try new recipes. 

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Breakfast and lunch I make for me and the kids, dh wakes up hours before we do to go to work, so he does his own breakfast and usually brings left overs for work or eats out. When he is off he will occasionally make a special breakfast for everyone, or somethimes I will, otherwise it's the same.


As far as dinner goes....it used to be more even, but now it's mostly me. Monday through Thursday dh works 10 hour days with a 2 hour commute, so he leaves long before we wake up and gets home too late to cook dinner, so I always cook those nights. Friday through Sunday he usually cooks one night/grills and we usually go out one night, but it's still sort of on me to make sure there is a dinner "plan". It's unfortunate he can't cook more often because he is a much better cook than I am and he enjoys it much more than me, but our current schedule just makes it easier for me to take over the kitchen.

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Dh and it's always been that way, even when I was home.


He gets up MUCH earlier than I do in the morning so he makes his own breakfast.  Sometimes he'll make me an omelette and leave it for me to heat up when I get up.   If he doesn't, I'll boil water to make my oatmeal and tea.  The kids don't eat much breakfast - maybe some toast or dry cereal.


Lunch is often leftovers so I guess technically he makes that too since he makes dinner every night.

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My dh makes breakfast every morning either eggs, pancakes, or waffles. Sometimes even homemade donuts! Lunch is a whoever is available to make it for the kids/ adults make their own. I'd say it's about 50/50 on who make the kids lunch. I am almost always in charge of dinner because dh works till 9 most nights. If he ever has a 9 to 5 job he'd cook dinner more regularly but he'll never havethose hours any place but my dreams.

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I am the main cook in our house for suppers.  It's one of the housework jobs that I really like, so that is ok with me.  My husband will do it if I ask him to and doesn't seem to mind it.  He's much more likely than i am to do things like make sourkraut or beer, or anything like that.


On work days, I usually get him a packed lunch.  He tends to push sleeping in, and if I didn't most of the time he would not get to it and would buy a lunch.  Also, I tend to have a better idea of what is being saved for something else and what is for lunch.  He doesn't usually have breakfast on week days, so I get it for myself and the kids.


On weekends, my husband will often make waffles or bacon and eggs for breakfast.  I usually still get lunch, though I tend to forget to make any for him becacuse i don't tend to eat lunch. 



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Mostly me because I like cooking.  Dh cooks whenever I can't or if I ask him to make something that he makes especially well.  He has some great dishes that I leave to his expertise.  Ds can cook, too, and will ask if he can make something for a meal sometimes. 

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I used to do all dinners and still do when I am home but these days I have a crazy schedule and he gets home before I do so he eats something because he is hungry - and he can cook.

He also makes breakfast because I have a long re-entry period in the morning and can hardly see straight.

I love to bake and try out new recipes so I'd say it's 40 / 60 right now subject to change as my schedule changes.

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