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Do you wrap stocking gifts?


Stocking gifts... wrapped or not?  

127 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you wrap stocking gifts?

    • No
    • Yes
    • Sometimes (please explain)

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Yes--it's what they did in dh's family when he was young. Everything in there was wrapped except the orange that went in the toe. My family doesn't have a stocking tradition; we decided to follow dh's family tradition. Except for that part about the orange--none of us really likes oranges. I tried switching to those chocolate oranges but they thought that was almost as bad. :p 

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Absol-friggin-lutely. Usually about 1 in the morning. Right before dh comes home from Midnight Mass.

I bless my mom's ever-lovin' name at that point, in gratitude for the ginormous stockings she hand-knitted each of them. Knitted. As in they stretch. Therefore we have a LOT of stocking gifties.



LOL--I'm really not bitter about wrapping stocking gifts. I just tell myself every year that I'll do them ahead of time, but I never do.

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Definitely! Everything is wrapped.


Also, even though we do our own stockings from Santa, MIL sends wrapped stocking gifts too. We call them stocking refills. Once we are done with the official stockings we fill our stockings with her gifts and have a second round. It's so fun and the kids love how grandma "plays santa".

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I wrap stocking gifts. I do it because my kids are little, and because I start stuffing stockings right about now (Dec 1)...so they can watch with great anticipation as they fill up throughout the month. And because everything is wrapped, they can't peek!


We don't do the whole Santa thing, so it doesn't matter when I stuff the stockings. It's become a favorite December game to watch them slowly fill up.

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I put sometimes because I don't wrapped the kid's stocking stuffers but I wrap dh's because he's more likely to come across them during the month than the kids are so I don't want him to see it ahead of time. I can't remember if he wraps my stocking stuffers or not

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I have continued my mom's (I mean Santa's...) tradition. Pretty much everything gets wrapped. Not candy or the orange or apple, but everything else.

It sometimes seems like lunacy, but it makes the stockings so much more fun. 

Sort of related: I was an adult before I realized that in some families Santa doesn't wrap gifts. My BIL grew up just walking into a room of new unwrapped toys. I still can't wrap my head around this.

I edited a little, because apparently typing with 2 kids climbing on me is hard.

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If it's a very tiny gift-I once received a pearl necklace on a gold chain wrapped in white tissue in my stocking, I have wrapped Sagg's tiny DS games-and I'm afraid it might be overlooked, I will wrap to make it more noticable. Very special or private gifts (fancy undies for me in D's stocking to be opened when we are alone) might also be wrapped. 


Otherwise, no. The most fun of stockings is opening them up and having all those goodies just piled all up in there. Stockings are my favorite part of Christmas and the only gifts I usually receive.

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Sometimes.  :)


When I was a young child, Santa never wrapped anything.  Then when my dad remarried, Santa wrapped *everything*... I liked it.  So now Santa wraps most of the stocking stuff, but not everything - not little tiny fillers, just the bigger gifts.  

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Of topic but I thought of it because everyone keeps saying Santa wraps or doesnt wrap his gifts. But I've never indicated on the kids gifts who they are from. They know about Santa but any talk of Santa bringing gifts comes from them. I simply acknowledge their excitement and talk about what they're talking about. They know mom and dad give them gifts too. Now I wonder how they decide which gifts are from us and which ones are from Santa.

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I don't wrap anything from Santa.  Usually the "big gift" from Santa is right there next to their stocking ready for them.  This is the way both DH and my family did things growing up. The only one I have heard of who wraps stocking stuff is my good friend's MIL who wraps each little thing individually and tries to make as many small pieces as she can.  She still does this for her two grown boys. 

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Yes but mostly because it slows down the process of getting everything out. It's just nice for it to take a little longer than the time it takes to tip the stocking out. 


I suspect this is why my mom wrapped the stocking gifts. One of my sibs would have just dumped out the stocking and said, "Now can we open the stuff under the tree?"


Dd says it's more fun if it's all wrapped.


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depends upon what it is.  e.g. candy - no.  a dvd/jewelry - yes.


Yes, this.  Stocking gifts are wrapped.  Stocking goodies (candy, chocolate, orange/clementine in the toe), unwrapped.


ETA: The stocking is the only thing we open on Christmas morning - our main Christmas festivities are on Christmas Eve.  So drawing it out even a little bit is good. ;)  When they were little, there was also one big "Santa gift" that arrived on the hearth under the stockings that Santa filled, but now that they're older and get less individual presents (and are over the Santa thing), that's gone away.  The presents on Christmas Eve under the tree were always from other family members, not Santa, even when they were little.

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This is a thing that I didn't know was a thing. I've never thought about wrapping stocking gifts.

That's funny. It never occured to me not to wrap them! (Except for the candy- we always get candy in tubes with a Santa or snowman or something on top- I don't wrap that)

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