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Sorry to complain, looking for sympathy...


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It has been the most painful, gross week so far, post May 25 car crash. Entered hospital last week for colonoscopy then reconstructive surgery next day ( reattach colon, get rid of two hernias and lots of scar tissue...plus appendix as long as doc was poking around in my innards) . I am so OVER feeling like cr@p and was so fed up I posted a video from my hospital room to fb as an injured Mom advising young drivers what can happen when they take their eyes off the road. If I knew how to post it here or to youtube I would. Anyway, trolling for sympathy here. 😞

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I'm glad you posted this, JFS.  I'd been thinking of you.


It has been such a long, hard slog.  :grouphug:   I wish the recovery didn't have to be so rough ... but I am so relieved to know you are recovering. 


Is this surgery the last of it, do you think?  So maybe by the new year you'll have all systems go?


Very best wishes to you and your family!



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This has been such a long road...you must just want to be done with all of it.


The video sounds like a wonderful proactive thing to do with your pain and frustration. You are awesome!!


I am so sorry you and your family had this thrust upon you.


I'm glad you posted, please keep us updated.

*cue Toy Story music*

"You've got a friend in" us!!

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Sheesh, I spent 3 days in the hospital this time last year and I'm still whining. My case was a tea party compared to what you've gone through. Gripe away! If anyone has earned it you have and it it makes even one person think twice before texting behind the wheel it's a GOOD thing.

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Ah, thank you all so much! I more than "like" each of your posts. I hope this is the last surgery ( car crashes are the gift that keep on giving, grrr) but there may be more future ones, depending on if scar tissue crops up to cause problems. Doctor said she did remove a lot that was holding a few organs together in a scarry mass ( urg-tmi). Meanwhile my put back together colon is remembering its job. But recovery time is apparently a bigger, longer deal than my previous c-sections, which has been an unpleasant surprise.


Hubby had a screw in his ankle replaced with a flexible screw a couple weeks ago and is trying to be patient as it still hurts him a lot to bear weight, and he thought he'd be walking, driving by now. He may need more work on his left thumb, too. Wrist is healed, but thumb won't bend as it should so hard to grasp things. Sigh.


Meanwhile, insurance finally agreed to pay out of network providers....but instead of at in network rate, which has been the law up to now, they say they only have to pay at Medicare rate. Which is a lot less! Like, only forty thousand out close to three hundred thousand for one hospital! Hubby is furious!

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I only had the colonoscopy and I was trolling for sympathy and volunteers to help with housework. I am sorry you have had to have so much done as a result of somebody's bad choices. But I have to say, it's better to be in the hospital bed now than 100 or 200 years ago. (We've been reading about the Civil War and the state of medicine at the time, to give you the context.)


Praying you feel better bit by bit every day and that you can see the progress.

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You have nothing but gentle hugs and sympathy here. Complain away.


I hope that this surgery will be the last and that the healing will be uneventful.


I wish for you that the insurance company has made an error and will decide to pay at the in-network rate.



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