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Just for fun how many times did you see Grease, the movie, when is came out?


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I saw it once when it came out.  I didn't watch it again until last when I saw it with my girls.  I had forgotten quite a bit of it.  Footloose is another one where I guess I had forgotten much of it.  Funny, but none of my girls really liked either movie.  They were all mad at Grease.  Girls do not change for the guy.  Righteous indignation.

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0 when it came out. My parents thought it conveyed an improper message ( that sex before marriage was ok). and therefore was not suitable viewing for a young child. When I was a young teen I watched it on TV with my parents, they pointed out every moral failing of everyone and used it as a lesson on how loose conduct leads to a ruined life.


I guess my mother did that because she had a shotgun wedding at 16, had three children then widowed at 20, and didn't want to see me go through anything similar

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7-8 times. I remember saying something along the lines of "I've never seen a movie this many times before" at the time. Soon after that I saw "Coal Miner's Daughter" about that many times. I liked that one a lot, too.


ETA - It's not something my kids have or will see living here. It's message is horrible IMO. Netflix has it on streaming and I thought about watching it recently to see if it's as bad as I'm remembering but I already know it is. Can't believe my parents let us watch it, but we also were allowed a steady diet of Happy Days, Laverne & Shirley, Three's Company (eek!) and soap operas (ack!), so there you go.

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It came out 8 years before I was born. Hut it was re-released in the theaters when I was in middle school. I had already seen in on TV but also saw it once in the theater then. Total I think I've seen it 4 times. I hate that movie! And that's saying a lot because I'm a huge movie fan.

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I've never seen it...

Me either. I wasn't born when it came out but a lot of my peers are surprised I've never seen it.


I did see Ever After 2x and Life is Beautiful 3x in the theater (full price once then at the cheap theater). When I was a teen a friend's mom saw Titanic NINE TIMES in the theater! She took her 4-year-old to five showings!

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I was a baby when it came out.  I watched it a million times growing up.


The weird thing is that my mother was pretty uptight, in general. Yet she didn't have any problems with us watching it over and over and over... And we played the soundtrack until the 8-track snapped.  I never saw any of the "bad" in it until I was much, much older, which freaks me out a bit and makes me much more uptight about what I let my kids watch and how I discuss it with them.


I still love the movie, but now I'm uncomfortable with the fact that I love it! :confused1:

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I've seen it once, but not at the theater.  I wasn't impressed, so haven't watched it again.  It's not "my type" of movie at all.  Even for similar movies, I'd consider Dirty Dancing to be better.


But give me a movie like Slumdog Millionaire, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, Secondhand Lions, or Jumanji any day over either (deep or pure fun).

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I have seen it at least once.  I didn't see it when it came out though.  I was overseas and my parents thought it was sinful (all that rock music for one!)


But I did work for a while at Marshall High School in Los Angeles where the final scene was filmed.  The other two high schools were filming took place (Venice High and Huntington Park) I have been to for workshops, etc.....



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Twice. I didn't watch it when it came out. I was too young. I watched it later and I hated it. I also hate Goonies. Those are the two movies that everyone seems to just adore, and I can't stand either one of them.


But I love all the other older movies that everyone loves: E.T., Adventures in Babysitting, A Christmas Story, Princess Bride.


I couldn't stand the message that the sweetness of the main character was something to be stripped away from her. It really bothered me a lot. They all made fun of her, and in the end they rejoiced over her losing her sweetness and becoming tough like them. Not that I think women should only be sweet, but I didn't like how they derided her for it. There's room for everyone and I didn't like how they picked and picked at her about it until she had to change. Hated that message. I saw the movie twice because I hated it so much that I thought I must have been in a bad mood the first time. Why would I hate a movie so much that everyone loves. So, I tried it again, and hated it again.


And I thought Goonies was bizarre and the kids were mean and the adults were mean and no one had redeeming qualities. And the special effects were horrible. I couldn't get past all that.

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There is something I haven't heard in a LONG time!~


ETA:  Just looked them up, they are going for over $100 on ebay......why?  Can't you only play movies produced on laserdisc?



My best friend in middle school had it on laserdisc. I couldn't begin to count the number of times we watched it.


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Four times in the theater. I kept going back for the music. I love musicals and I loved the music of Grease. It used to be one of the movies I'd always watch when it came on tv, but since we gave up satellite/cable a few years ago I haven't gone out of my way to watch it.


Ds and his girlfriend recently watched it and enjoyed it.

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I saw the musical a few weeks ago because it was performed on campus and can not figure out why this would be so popular.. I just found it dumb and devoid of storyline.

But then, it is quite possible that that's because I am lacking cultural background since my high school experience was not in the US


ETA: And the message just made me angry. You'll be popular if you doll up? Gee thanks. But I guess that's how it is in reality, sadly.

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I was three when it came out, I was a lot more interested in seeing Star Wars  than Grease. :lol:


I have seen it multiple times since then...I still prefer Star Wars. 


I loved (and love) both. I saw Star Wars multiple times in the theatre, also. One of those times was for my 13th birthday party, when I took a bunch of my friends and most of us wore Princess Leia costumes. (Yes, there is photographic evidence. No, I'm not sharing it here.)


Edit: And, boy oh boy, all of those posts from all of you who were toddlers or not even born when the film was released? Sometimes I forgot how young most of you are!


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Saw it in the theater one time, with a whole bunch of other kids from our neighborhood.  All the dads were out of town (mostly military families) so the moms pooled their resources and took all the older kids.  Lots of fun. I liked the music but mainly I liked hanging out with the neighbors.  My brother, however, became addicted.  He thought Sandy was the perfect woman and was really disappointed that she changed for Danny.  He loved watching the movie over and over and he loved the music.  He just didn't like the ending.  He also loved Grease II...

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I wasn't born when it came out. I never watched it all the way through until I was in high school, but I had seen bits and pieces on tv.  My mom and dad loved it.  They were college age when it came out.  I have seen it multiple times since high school though.  I really like it. 

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I have seen it at home a few times. It's on Netflix now and I saw it a few months ago with the captions on. It's amazing how much dirtier it seemed with captions. I never knew the exact lyrics of Greased Lightning, for example. And the ending always makes me mad.


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I was not around when it came out in theaters, but I watched it a few times on VHS. 


The only message I really took from it, "Wow, would it ever suck to get pregnant in high school!"  As a kid I thought the ending signified that Danny was trying to take an interest in Sandy's life by trying to be a jock and Sandy was trying to take an interest in Danny's life by dressing up like...that.  :lol:   All the other stuff; Greased Lightning lyrics, the "did she put up a fight" etc. just kinda sailed over my head until I was older.

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