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Just for fun -- if you were given $25K


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What would you do with it?


I think I would pay a few bills with some and put away some for ds. I would also like to go on a family vacation that was just for fun, not to visit relatives, but just as an escape for us. We've never done that.

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I'd buy a new oven. Dual fuel, convection, high BTU burners. With the rest, something wonderful for the family. Maybe a trip abroad or a summer in the wilderness or on the coast.

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Guest inoubliable

Pay a few bills, put a down payment on that house that I'm terrified I'm missing out on, buy curriculum that I need but can't afford (and help out a few homeschoolers that are in the same situation), and take a family vacation since we've never had one.

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Hard question....it would pay for the next 2 years of tuition for dd and ds




It would pay for a 1/2 day weekly house keeper for 4 years




It would come close to paying off my new car loan




It would pay for a qualified baby sitter and weekly date night for dh and I for about 4 years.




It could be a down payment on a different house.




It could pay for a few years of various classes for the kids



Hmmmm, I don't know if I could pick! I would want to put it toward one thing to make it really feel like I did something long term with it instead of lots of little things in one year.

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See what my aunt wants, since I'm living in her house. With her permission, I'd give some to my bro to get him started in real estate (he has grand plans for world domination or something :p) The rest would go in the bank for my own future in real estate. (No plans for world domination, just a house of my own.)

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Give some away to our charity.


Pay off our van.


Buy some books regardless of shipping expense.


I think dh would want a tv. (we have our current one from our neighbors garbage a few years ago) or a more comfortable spot to watch tv.Or some other thing Im not thinking off. I will of course say that yes, I think it's a good idea.


Go on a mini shopping spree at the mall. (new dancing shoes to wear at my weekly dance class and general no hum boring stuff I never get around to buying such as underwear, new swimsuit for eldest...)


Buy another HEPA air filter. A really big one.


Maybe buy a new toilet, or something equally exciting. Perhaps depending on if I get it fixed this weekend buy a drier that always works.

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braces for dd13 that's

neurofeedback therapy for ds14

family vacation if driving and camping

home repairs

another year of extracurrics for the kids.


$25K doesn't go far with that list. $7K for braces, $5K for neurofeedback, $2-3K for vacation provided we were driving not flying and being frugal otherwise, that would leave $10K to do home repairs in my 83 year old house and the kids extracurrics

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Put it in the bank to use over the next several months as hubby lost his job a couple weeks ago. :-(


If he hadn't lost his job, I'd be on the next plane to California to see my folks, whom I have not seen since last July. Both have been diagnosed with dementia since then...in dad's case it was already obvious - in mom's case, whoa!

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finish paying off debt and add to emergency fund. Though I would probably take out about $1-2k for something around the house* in order to not have dh throw tomatoes at me.


*something being one of the many put off repairs needed, not like a new living room set. :)

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See what my aunt wants, since I'm living in her house. With her permission, I'd give some to my bro to get him started in real estate (he has grand plans for world domination or something :p) The rest would go in the bank for my own future in real estate. (No plans for world domination, just a house of my own.)


Oh, but you'd be such a fantastic world leader!


(I was going to say, "so good at world domination!" but that didn't sound like a compliment!)



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Practical -


pay off debt


Also Practical -


our house needs new roof and windows


Would love to -


Buy my husband a new flute and pay for braces for him


Get my ds a beater car and have money for insurance so he can get his license


Or maybe a combination of the above?

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We'd buy a cheap, used truck for DH and a small car for DS & DD to share. Replace the flooring in our house, install a new stove, and paint everything. Take a family vacation with all of us. Put the rest in savings.

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I'd get that other car we're currently looking for. (We lost ours in a car accident.) We're looking used. We're currently debt-free and don't plan on getting a loan for a car but adding to the car budget would increase the pool of available cars to choose from. And I'd visit my mom and sis because I haven't seen them in many years. :(

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