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Just for fun -- if you were given $25K


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* tires for my car

* windows for the house (1973 single panes in FL suck!)

* take the kids on a road trip to CA to visit family

* buy a couch

* new carpet-floors

* driveway gravel so I don't have to park in the dirt

* curriculum maybe


Hopefully some left to throw at the student loans I now have :(

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Fix DH's car, he has a few minor things that need to be done, but they all take funds.


Pay off some bills.


Put a substantial amount into an account to pay for the kids dance for the next few years- including summer intensives.


Go to Hawaii. I have a new nephew due to be born any day now, and they live in Hawaii. It will likely be Christmas before I get to meet the new little guy.

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What I would do with $25K:

  • I really need a new stove. I only have three working burners and no oven.
  • Insulate, sheetrock, paint and flooring for the rest of our 30 year home building project. I'd love to have a bedroom.
  • Send $ to my son far away.
  • Plant trees.
  • Got to the Dr. and Dentist. We've never had insurance so we don't get to do these visits very often.

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At this point, it would go in the bank until we need it for college in the fall. Then once this year of college was paid for, I'd use it toward the house we will prob have to purchase so IL can move in with us.


Not what I really want to spend it on though. If I didn't have the above, I'd use it to take all of us to New Zealand for a "Hobbit tour". I saw a groupon for it and it sounds lovely. $25k may not be enough for all 5 of us with flights. I don't know.

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I would pay off my credit cards. Then, I'd take the kids on the Celtic Thunder cruise next fall and maybe trips to Disney and Ireland, too. The rest would go in the bank to help cover living expenses while I finish school.


ETA: I'd also take my kids and my parents on a trip to visit my brother in California. We haven't seen him and his family in about 4 years. :-(

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definitely home maintenance. we have desperately needed bathroom work in the master bath, new windows, and porch repairs. dh is simply not willing to go in to debt for it. ok, if i really pushed, maybe . .. but yeah, home maintenance.

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I would use it to buy a reliable vehicle that would get us through until I'm employed, and pay some rent. The rest would get spend on medical bills and food, because we'd lose our medicaid and food stamps for several months, and I'd have to pay out of pocket for DD's meds and counseling, the kids' upcoming well checks, and my meds. Hopefully I'd have enough to pay for DD's psychoed eval, for which she's on a wait list. Just as hopefully my financial aid loan access wouldn't be cut for summer.


If anyone wants to give me $25K, please wait until after I take the bar exam. After financial aid is gone and before I'm employed is when I could really, really use it!

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put in wood flooring upstairs to help dc with their asthma ($7K)

put aside for braces for 2 dc who are going to need them ($7K)

do a neuro-psych on oldest ($2K)

buy school books ($2K)

go on a nice, memory building family vacation


I would do the math on putting it towards our mortgage, fwiw....but I would spend it on the above kid needs. After losing a child to cancer, I see the value in building family memories. It can't all be debt-busting all the time. ;)

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Honestly Audrey, if I came into $25,000 now that you asked the question, I'd respectfully ask that I could come visit when the crazy lady was coming to dinner. I'd have enough $$ to get there and bring some serious wine.


The rest, I'd probably use to rebuild a nest egg that was pretty much decimated over the last couple years.

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I'd use it for my non functioning bathroom first. When dh was around we were going to do it ourselves and it was going to take about 3K to do the job. Now that I'd have to hire it done I don't know what it would cost. The rest would go into savings. I know eventually I'm going to have a van to buy so anything I can put away is going towards that.

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