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Do you buy your children toys & things throughout the year?

Do YOU buy toys & things throughout the year?  

  1. 1. Do YOU buy toys & things throughout the year?

    • No, only for the special holiday & birthday
    • Yes, they get toys & things during the rest of the year

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Just for Christmas (or whatever you celebrate) & birthdays? I'm not talking about clothes or necessities, but will you purchase your children toys, video games etc... during the year? We only get ours these type of things for Christmas and their birthday. Never during the rest of the year. Just curious if others do the same.

Edited by 1GirlTwinBoys
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DS is a Christmas baby. We celebrate his birthday on his birthday, so he gets a lot of presents all at once. (I have no interest in celebrating his birthday mid-year like many suggest.)

We do celebrate "Not-back-to-school Day" at our house, which involves presents. :D (That is celebrated the first day of public school in the fall.)

He gets other toys and video games through the year, if need/interest/money are aligned. He gets books all.the.time. We can't go out to eat w/o him asking if we can stop by the book store. I happily buy him books any day of the year. (We shop used book stores quite a bit.)

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There's the occasional Littlest Pet Shop, books if I find a good sale, maybe some new pool toys on a whim... Mostly it's just holidays and birthdays. With Christmas and a birthday in December, then 4 months of spring/summer birthdays and Easter baskets, I really need the Jan-March/Sept-Nov breaks!

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Yes-DH loves surprising DD with little things now and then. For the last year, they've had a shared story where DH writes a note to DD, then DD writes the next step, and periodically items (usually legos, with a set parted out over several weeks or longer) appear as part of those steps.


Books and anything educational may appear at any time (we go to used bookstores a lot), as do craft/art supplies, which I replenish as needed.

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Randomly throughout the year a box of "stuff" arrives from Aunt Geri that she has found at garage sales. She got a Playmobile Airport brand new for free once and gave it to the kids in January. I will occasionally make a big purchase for no reason. This past summer we got a trampoline for the kids. Just because. I didn't want to get it for any one particular birthday and Christmas is very snowy here, so I just got it. We do a lot of garage sales, and I will buy things for the kids if they want it or let them buy it with their own money. It takes me months to take the kids to spend gift cards they get for birthdays and Christmas so it seems like they get stuff all year round. I will buy the kids book lots on eBay if they ask for something in particular. I will occaionally buy something for fun to go along with a lesson (bead kit, material for costumes, etc.) I will sometimes get a $5 movie if I see one the kids would like. What I rarely do is buy something in the toy section of the store.

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I buy them things throughout the year, but I also yard sale shop A LOT! So, if I find something for 90% off retail 2nd hand, I get it. DH thinks I spoil them, whatever!


They also get allowance to spend as they wish.


So, Christmas and birthdays are for the more special stuff.

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Even though we generally only buy things like that for birthdays and Christmas, I feel like we get too many new toys/games/etc. each year. I think that's because five kids x multiple gifts from us/family/friends x 2 = a lot of stuff


I love consumable gifts (art or craft supplies, for example) that are fun and then disappear. :)

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My boys are deprived and entirely on purpose. They don't even bother to covet. They know it's hopeless.


They visited their grandmother a few weeks ago. She commented on their great surprise to be allowed to pick out a treat when she took them on an errand. Also, it worried her that they couldn't think of more than one thing they wanted for the holidays.


I try to get them really nice stuff, and exactly what they want, on their birthdays and holidays. They deserve it for being so non-materialistic the rest of the year.

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Most of their accumulation occurs on the "big days," but occasionally I will pick up something that I consider to be developmentally appropriate at an odd time. For example, there is no point buying them bikes on the "big days," which are all in October through January. I don't like to buy seasonal clothes too far ahead as I can't predict whether it will fit when the time comes. And sometimes it's nice to be Mr. Nice Guy, so to speak. Like when I bought them kites last summer. It was a total of $3 for two kites, but very appreciated. Same with the purple-and-pink soccer ball I bought them on a whim.


Usually if they see something they want, we talk about how much it costs and how many buckets of leaves they must pick up in order to buy it :D.

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Yes, infact ds has recieved more expensive things in the past 2 weeks than he will get at Christmas. LOL He is a hard one to buy for and when I do find something to get him, he usually needs to use it when I get it....so I give it to him.

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I'm a sucker and get my kids stuff all the time.



As do I. They certainly don't get everything they ask for and they have learned that they get a lot more when they don't ask or expect anything. ;) They are good girls and always grateful for everything they get (even though they get a lot). I love surprising them with things all year long. :001_smile:

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I buy stuff throughout the year. It is usually little things like a book I know they will love or a hair accessory, etc. I also buy bigger practical things that they need (a new bike in the spring, new beach toys). I see no point in waiting until Dec if they need it and can use it in the spring/summer.

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I had to vote yes, but it really isn't that often. There was the time I took all 4 kids to the drs, 2 of them had an appointment including shots. Then there was the time we had to take all 3 of them to court with us.... They really outdid themselves and we rewarded them.

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It is rare for me to buy toys for the kids during the year, minus seasonal items like pool toys/goggles, Halloween costumes, etc. They also get gifts at Easter. So, with Christmas and Easter as well as three (close in age) kids' birthdays fairly evenly mixed through the year, they have no shortage of new toy excitement. Also, we really go whole hog for birthdays and Christmas/Easter. I have occasionally ordered more unit blocks to add to their set when I notice there is something they can use.


They get books all year, quite frequently. :D

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Yes-DH loves surprising DD with little things now and then. For the last year, they've had a shared story where DH writes a note to DD, then DD writes the next step, and periodically items (usually legos, with a set parted out over several weeks or longer) appear as part of those steps.



Wow! I love that idea! DS and I do the story thing, but I never thought of adding "things" to the process.


THANKS! :001_smile:

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My boys are deprived and entirely on purpose. They don't even bother to covet. They know it's hopeless.


They visited their grandmother a few weeks ago. She commented on their great surprise to be allowed to pick out a treat when she took them on an errand. Also, it worried her that they couldn't think of more than one thing they wanted for the holidays.


I try to get them really nice stuff, and exactly what they want, on their birthdays and holidays. They deserve it for being so non-materialistic the rest of the year.


This is us as well. I really couldn't come up with an idea for Zee when my FIL asked me what he wanted for Christmas. I just flat out told him 'Well, we homeschool and and don't have cable. So Zee doesn't even know what the latest 'it' toy is.' Biit the boy wants a camera, so I told FIL that. Hopefully, FIL will spend the $50 he spends per kid on a beginner camera and not some plaastic piece of junk that we'll have to throw away in a month.

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Well, we don't do Christmas and Birthdays.


We do have Family Day where everyone buys everyone gifts. We also give gifts as we want to. We teach people to think of one another often. My kids regularly said things like, "oh, Brother would like that" and we would either get it or save to get it. I want my littles to learn to do it also.


So I buy things very regularly (whether at stores, at garage sales, because they said they liked it, because I felt like it) for them. Then we have gift times as it works out for us (everyone together, financially able, etc). But the focus there also is about getting to give to everyone else. My little kids were SO incredibly excited to get to buy gifts for hubby and me, big brother and sister, etc. The build up around THAT was much greater than "what I'm getting."


For *me,* I would consider it problematic to do it only at holidays (or things like holidays). I don't want to feel obligated to do it and I don't want my kids to feel entitled to get it at specific times. I want gift giving to ONLY be about a giving attitude.


If the individual wants something, then the discussion turns to how the child can get the money in order to buy it themselves. I once know a four year old who saved his money for a LONG time in order to buy a very pricey item. He was so proud of himself for doing that! I have discussed that story with my littles as well as the other options (spending money on little things, disposable things, foods, etc instead).


Not sure I'm explaining well.

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Yes. I bought things for them throughout the year when they were younger. Now that they are older and both working, they mostly buy their own things.


Sometimes I like to surprise them. Last month, for example, books that each of them had been waiting for were released on the same day. I bought them and left the books to be found on their pillows at the end of the day.

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I put no, but I they get the occasional thing: pool toys if we are going on vacation and need them. Books from used books sales. Things if they save up some of their own $. But a video game or board game? Not unless we come across it used at a consignment shop or something. Otherwise it goes on their wish list for bday or Christmas. One thing I have been proud of is my kids' sense of delayed gratification. They do very well with accepting no for an answer with the understanding that if it is worth having it is worth waiting for, saving for, etc.

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We buy stuff throughout the year. Especially outdoor equipment & toys, if they need/want that and will enjoy it I will buy It during the spring/summer regardless of whether it is a birthday. We buy books & jigsaws and toys throughout the year, but not high value stuff normally.

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My kids have birthdays in the winter/fall. Feb, Sept, Nov, Dec. So, they get bikes and spring toys when seasonally appropriate, rather than birthdays or Christmas. If possible, I *do* prefer to give them at Easter though, rather than 'just because'.


Living in Canada, I always thought it was kinda mean to give a kid a bike for Christmas, b/c they can't do anything with it for months!


Wolf will also take Wii games in to the 2nd hand game store and exchange them for something new during the year.


Books are an 'anytime' thing.


Other than that, we do try and keep to birthdays and holidays.

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Nope. Its a free for all at my house. :001_smile:


I would find it very difficult to just buy at holidays/birthdays.


:iagree: I buy myself stuff too. :D However, I will add that I am thankful we are able to do this.


We buy stuff throughout the year. Especially outdoor equipment & toys, if they need/want that and will enjoy it I will buy It during the spring/summer regardless of whether it is a birthday. We buy books & jigsaws and toys throughout the year, but not high value stuff normally.


Yes to all of the above. I buy things all year round. I'm a bargain shopper for the most part and if I find something that they could use and appreciate now why hold onto it for months? For example, just last week I found a large stack of expensive hardback Usborne reference books at a thrift store for $1 each. They went straight to the bookshelf to be used and enjoyed now.


That being said, the things I buy them throughout the year tend to be more of an educational nature and relatively inexpensive. I'm not typically going to buy an expensive American Girl doll or larger Star Wars Lego set unless it's a birthday or Christmas.

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You forgot "other," :D.


I don't typically buy toys for them throughout the year. They have a small allowance, and can use that and gift money to buy toys if they wish.


However, I will sometimes buy items during the year when a certain number of factors add up: it's educational, it's the right season for it, they have a strong current interest, they are at the perfect age, they will have lots of opportunity to use it. Some mix of those things might push me over the edge, *g*.


When they were younger, being at the right season and age was even more important.

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I had to really think about this. My first reaction was no, they don't get stuff throughout the year. But upon further thinking, yes they do. Dh is the culprit. He brings the kids out on "special days" which often include a toy, clothing or other gift. He also buys dvd's as they come out. These special days happen 2-3 times a year per kid, so not terribly often. We also don't do heavy Christmas's. On the Christmas spending poll, we were on the lower middle end of the spectrum.

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I voted No. Very rarely will the boys maybe get a book from the book store or a hot wheels car. Clothes and shoes are purchased as needed. I like big Christmases and birthdays, so that is when the boys get most of their toys/games/puzzles.

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Once in a while, I will get a DVD, puzzle or something for a kid during the year, but it's pretty rare. My kids do get allowance and the older two earn money of their own, so they do buy themselves some things throughout the year. I chose, "No" in the poll, but it really should be "very rarely".

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