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  1. I do a liquid brine every year. I get the Williams Sonoma brine and put it in a big heavy duty turkey bag in the fridge.
  2. Graham cracker pie crusts that had sell by 6/20?
  3. We get our German Shepherd the largest Kong black rubber bone you can buy.
  4. But I think there are a lot of false positives. Vivica Fox was on Dr. Oz last week talking about her false positive. I really believe this is a problem with the testing. Especially those that aren't really showing symptoms, or minor symptoms. Even the NP that gave me my antibody testing (the newer ones that just came available a week ago) was telling me how unreliable some of the actual Covid testing was. More so with the rapid testing I think it was.
  5. I had Covid early October and tested positive for the antibodies last week. We have to wear them in stores here, but I will also wear it around my 91 year old mom. I won't wear it if I'm cleaning, or doing things around her house, but if I'm sitting near her or less than 6' I put it on.
  6. If a cornbread recipe calls for 1/3 cup of oil, how much melted butter would I use to replace that?
  7. So my blood test showed that I do have the COVID antibodies.
  8. If so, when did you, and how long was it after you were sick? What were your results? Do you think the test is accurate? I'm getting one done tomorrow but it will take a few days to get the results.
  9. If so, when did you, and how long was it after you were sick? What were your results? Do you think the test is accurate? I'm getting one done tomorrow but it will take a few days to get the results.
  10. My Dh works with a plastic surgeon and they're seeing people come in a lot with the complaint. My Dd and I were experiencing this also, but we have learned to never wear a mask multiple times. If it's a cloth mask we wash after each day of wearing it. Disposable are tossed after the day. This has made a huge difference. She has to wear a mask often because of working, and also because she's doing hybrid at school. ETA: We also use free and clear detergent. That and daily washing or replacement is a must!
  11. DH was against it when she was a baby so I had to wait until it was her decision. She did it at 14 but always wished I would have just done it when she was a baby.
  12. Yes, I'm going to get the blood test. I've heard they're not that accurate (at least they weren't back in June).
  13. My DH and I are 99% sure we had it in Oct. We both lost sense of smell. My symptoms were the following: 1st week: very fatigued, no appetite, occasionally felt achy, just felt "off" but didn't know why. 2nd week: very fatigued, no appetite, no smell, low grade fever for a couple days with bad headache 3rd week: no smell It was definitely a different kind of sick. I've had the actual flu several times and it didn't even come close to being as bad as that. I know we should have got tested but we didn't and just stayed home. Our 3 older teens also had been mildly sick, and we were around other people that tested positive. Just curious if anyone else really feels like they had it but weren't tested.
  14. My 16 year old son had to get a root canal when he was 15. He had no pain but somehow the tooth had been injured and he had no idea how. I suspect a fight he got into with his twin brother. They would play rough like boys will do and sometimes one would get a bloody nose or whatever. Just boys being boys but that's the only thing I could think of that may have happened. The tooth was starting to discolor but he seriously had no clue what happened. None of us realized it until he went in for a regular cleaning.
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