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Do you sleep in your bra?

Indigo Blue

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No; and I am not a morning person and am comfortable hanging out in pjs when I get up in the morning.  And, I might not put on a bra once I change out of pjs, so I don't see how sleeping in a bra would make me more prepared for anything.  I also can't stand to wear sock when I sleep.  When its cold I may wear them for a while when I first get into bed but if I fall asleep with them on I will wake up feeling very uncomfortable.

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No. When I get up in the morning, I put on a sweatshirt. I am always cold and dd15 keeps the thermostat about 5 degrees cooler than I like. I don't put one on, until I have to. If I am wearing layers, I may not put one on at all even out in public. The only time I always wear one, is if I am at work. I'm not particularly small breasted (c-cup) but I am small enough that I don't have to wear one. If I add in sleeping hours, I wear one fewer hours each day, than I wear one. 

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No, but prior to having babies, my breasts were super tender at times, so I can see that being a reason to try wearing a soft bra to bed. I wore one to bed sometimes while nursing.

We have a coat rack near the front door, so I can always grab something to put on top of whatever I'm wearing.

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Since breast cancer, I always have a bra, sports bra or compression vest on. I sleep in the compression vest most of the time, though sometimes just a sports bra. I don’t wear “regular” bras anymore; only unstructured bras or compression vests. I have small boobs though and don’t need support. 

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2 hours ago, hjffkj said:

Nope. But I usually put a camisole with a built in bra on under pajamas before going downstairs in the morning

Any suggestions on where I can find the camisoles with the built-in bras? I wear these whenever I am at home. Recently, I have not been able to find them in most stores, they only have the camisole tank without the built-in bras these days. The ones that I have are a little worse for the wear and need replaced. Thank you!

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6 minutes ago, J-rap said:

No, never. But I always throw on a robe when I wake up. I figured most people did that!

I have a fleece robe, but keep it in the guest closet for guests. LOL It was a gift, I didn't want one.  I have tried to wear it a couple of time, but it seemed clunky and in the way. 

The only time I have worn a robe, is when I was in the hospital after giving birth. I had c-sections so my visits were a couple of days.

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Only when I have a newborn and am leaking everywhere. Then I do wear a sleep bra. Otherwise, no. I have given up wearing one most of the time actually. I rarely have one on, even at home. And if I go out now, it's winter here, so I am in a coat. So I figure there's no point. I hope to teach my children not to care/pay attention to whether or not any one is wearing a bra. 

If it isn't their body, they shouldn't spend any time thinking about it or judging the wearing or not wearing of undergarments.

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Nope, and I don't own a robe. I sleep in a t-shirt or tank top with shorts 98% of the time, and I figure the meter reader and other random people will just have to deal with the potential trauma of seeing me without a bra. I do not care. 

2 hours ago, DreamerGirl said:

But don't people have robes with their PJs that they can throw on top ?

Nope. I do sometimes buy pajamas, but they are never in a set with a robe. My mom always has (and always did have) lovely pajama sets with actual buttons, that look nicer than what I leave the house in most of the time, but I did not inherit that gene. 

1 hour ago, Lady Marmalade said:


I didn't always.  But several years back I was doing a paper route in the middle of the night, and to maximize every moment of sleep that I could, I would sleep in my bra and comfy clothes so that I could just get out of bed and go. 

I would not wear a bra to do a paper route in the middle of the night, either. 

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I used to do a paper route in the middle of the night.  I don't think I bothered to put on real clothes most of the time, much less a bra.  

I wear tshirts (long sleeve or short sleeve depending on time of year) and men's pajama pants to bed.   Some of my pants are solid colored cotton pants and could pass for "real" pants with a tshirt long enough to cover the button fly, but others are flannel prints that make them obviously pjs.  I still will wear them when I have to stop in work real quick on the weekends (we are technically closed but I have to feed animals and/or clean at least once on the weekend).    

I don't own a robe and will throw on a sweater or hoody if I'm cold when I get up in the morning.  I do have a long sweater jacket kind of thing that I wear as a robe-like garment sometimes.  

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Yes, I always sleep in a bra, but I don't ever wear underwire style bras, and I'm more comfortable in a bra than without. I never go without. It's a sensory thing for me. When I was younger, I would take my bra off to sleep, but, at some point, I realized that there was no rule that I couldn't wear one, if I preferred to.

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Those things are only for leaving the house and working out. (I’d skip for working out if the gals were, um, more manageable.)

I do throw a hoodie on if I’m called to the door for some unexpected reason. For the vast majority of the year, that isn’t unreasonable on my well-shaded, typically cool property.
If I have to do a super quick errand like a grocery pick up, where I can wear a hoodie and a coat? Also a hard no on the bra.

It’s always an “only if I have to” for me, and only because of size and… position. Otherwise I’d likely skip in public, too!

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9 hours ago, Tap said:

I have a fleece robe, but keep it in the guest closet for guests. LOL It was a gift, I didn't want one.  I have tried to wear it a couple of time, but it seemed clunky and in the way. 

The only time I have worn a robe, is when I was in the hospital after giving birth. I had c-sections so my visits were a couple of days.

Interesting!  Don't you ever get cold without a robe on?  I think that's one of the main reasons I throw on a robe: for an extra layer of warmth.  (But then, we live in a northern climate...)  We also seem to have people who randomly drop by in the morning, or overnight houseguests.  

I suppose I'm one of the only ones here who wears actual pajamas when I sleep, too!  😄

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23 minutes ago, Carol in Cal. said:

Bras are not really all that healthy, so no, I would not sleep in one.  I used a night bra when I had a newborn and was leaking a lot but other than that have avoided them at night.

How so?  Curious, not a snark question.  Assuming people are wearing one that fits well... which I know a lot of people don't. I did a quick search and found mixed commentary on the topic. 

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17 hours ago, Joker2 said:

Never. I also rarely wear one at all during the winter (bundled up, hoodies, coats, etc). There have even been a few times I didn’t wear one out in just one layer of clothing. I hate bras and hope to one day honestly not care if others are bothered by me not wearing one. 


17 hours ago, regentrude said:

Hell no. I don't even wear mine when I am awake unless absolutely necessary (which I try to avoid by selecting my clothes)

I'm in this camp. Hate them with a passion and I plan my wardrobe to avoid them as much as possible. When I do have to wear one, it's a soft sports bra and then it's coming off as soon as I can get it off. I wasn't always grateful to have small breasts, but I sure am now. I wish so much our society accepted nipples and droopy breasts as the normal thing that they are.

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Sometimes in the summer I sleep in a bralette, very soft, with very little compression or support. It’s cooler than even a tank top. I’m not comfortable sleeping topless. I wouldn’t wear anything with a wire to bed, but then, I won’t wear them most days when I’m awake. I’ve gone almost completely to wire free bras.  But even most of my daytime bras aren’t comfy enough for sleep.

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Not at night. I prefer to wear one when I’m up. It’s just more comfortable for me. I do have some soft-stretchy ones I’ll wear around the house if I’m not going out.  I’m usually up and ready for the day (showered, dressed, makeup) early because of my kids’ schedule, so I don’t worry about being caught with someone at the door. 

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9 hours ago, J-rap said:

Interesting!  Don't you ever get cold without a robe on?  I think that's one of the main reasons I throw on a robe: for an extra layer of warmth.  (But then, we live in a northern climate...)  We also seem to have people who randomly drop by in the morning, or overnight houseguests.  I suppose I'm one of the only ones here who wears actual pajamas when I sleep, too!  😄

How early do people drop by at your house???

I don't have a robe. I sleep in pajamas or nightgown. If it's just the two of us or the kids, we have our morning coffee in pj's. The thermostat is programmed to kick on at 6am, so the house isn't cold anymore. If I have overnight guests, I get dressed before coming into the kitchen and making breakfast.
I never had a person drop by randomly while I was in pajamas, but that would be extremely strange, since I am dressed by 7:30 when I leave for work.

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4 hours ago, marbel said:

How so?  Curious, not a snark question.  Assuming people are wearing one that fits well... which I know a lot of people don't. I did a quick search and found mixed commentary on the topic. 

Apparently the thinking on this has switched and now they are saying that it’s fine.  

The last I had heard, there was concern that the lymph could not flow properly if constricted, especially with a wire bra and especially if the lower band is actually on the breast tissue, which is pretty common, and that that contributed to breast cancer.  But that is not the current medical view on it.

Personally, I found over the years that bra straps digging into my shoulders became increasingly problematic, and switched to wire strapless bras almost entirely, except for jogging bras for exercise sessions.  But those constrict my breathing a bit, and combined with a surgical mask I can actually get myself into trouble with them, so during the pandemic I’ve stopped wearing them at all most of the time.  I like this so much better.

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SLEEP in my bra? Ye gods, no. Never. I don't even wear it most of the time, whether or not I'm going out. Nobody has ever commented "Geez, Tanaqui, don't you think you ought to be wearing a bra with how big you are?" and if they ever do, they're rude and I don't care.

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For all of you that don't wear a bra durin g the day. 

Didnt you ever see those old documentries of tribal women, that had flappy skin streached so long that their baby was carried on their back and they could fling their beast over to it when the baby was hungry? Those documentries have traumatised me for life. 

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10 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:

For all of you that don't wear a bra durin g the day. 

Didnt you ever see those old documentries of tribal women, that had flappy skin streached so long that their baby was carried on their back and they could fling their beast over to it when the baby was hungry? Those documentries have traumatised me for life. 

I'm 52 years old, nursed three babies for around 2 years each, and my B cups hang only about 1/2 inch lower without a bra as they do with a bra (although a good padded bra will actually give me some cleavage, as I get older I care about that a lot less).  

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19 minutes ago, Tanaqui said:

Wearing a bra does not affect whether or not your breasts "stretch" or "sag". That's an urban legend. This is the effect of aging and perhaps genetics.


If you  have never  worn a bra in your entire life you be extremely saggy and stretched. There is many very well filmed  documententries of indiginous tribes from over the whole wild. Including aboriginal Australian  women, tribel women from Papua New Guinea,  Africa, Pacific islanders etc. 

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19 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:


If you  have never  worn a bra in your entire life you be extremely saggy and stretched. There is many very well filmed  documententries of indiginous tribes from over the whole wild. Including aboriginal Australian  women, tribel women from Papua New Guinea,  Africa, Pacific islanders etc. 

I don't care what documentaries you may have seen. I'm a size DDD, I almost never wear a bra, and I assure you that my breasts are not "extremely saggy and stretched", certainly not so much that I can toss them carelessly over my shoulders.

And a quick review of pertinent studies confirms my anecdata. Wearing a bra does not affect whether or not you "sag". Nor does breastfeeding. This is the effect of aging and possibly genetics.

And even if bra wearing was related to sagging in any way, I frankly find the way you're talking about this to be borderline racist.

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Patients with ptosis tended to be of older age, weight, BMI, and brassiere size, were more likely to be menopausal, and had begun wearing brassiere at younger ages. The ordinal model revealed an association between ptosis and age, age at wearing brassiere, current breast size, and smaller cup size in patients. Conclusion: We suggest age and breast size as the predisposing factors for breast ptosis

Emphasis mine. The first bolded suggests more years bra-wearing, for whatever reason.

So now you can stop relying on dimly remembered documentaries and rely on a study. If you find another one, do please let me know.


Edit: I didn't think of this until after I went to the store, but it occurs to me as well that for all you know, all your neighbors and coworkers and friends look just the same as those women in those documentaries. You just don't know it because you only ever see them with their shirts and push-up bras on. (Or perhaps they don't, but had plastic surgery. It's quite a common type of plastic surgery, because a surprising number of people are distressed that their middle aged bodies don't look like their adolescent bodies.)

Edited by Tanaqui
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1 hour ago, regentrude said:

How early do people drop by at your house???

I don't have a robe. I sleep in pajamas or nightgown. If it's just the two of us or the kids, we have our morning coffee in pj's. The thermostat is programmed to kick on at 6am, so the house isn't cold anymore. If I have overnight guests, I get dressed before coming into the kitchen and making breakfast.
I never had a person drop by randomly while I was in pajamas, but that would be extremely strange, since I am dressed by 7:30 when I leave for work.

Ha, well they don't drop by too early, but when we have a day "off," we all like to stay in our comfy clothes (pajamas) till mid-morning, like 10:00.  In our previous home, we might have a neighbor drop by before then, or a delivery person.  In our new home (an apartment), the concierge or security guard might come by before then.  

But even if we set our thermostat to kick in early, we never have it too warm...  I'd rather just throw on an extra layer (bathrobe in the morning or sweater after that).

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22 hours ago, math teacher said:

No, as a matter of fact, if I'm staying home all day (like today) I won't put one on at all. It's just the two of us, and I "never" have  anyone show  up. Once in a blue moon I might have to sign for something at the door, but it's so rare. 

Same here. I rarely wear one at home though I might if I could find a good fitting comfort bra. When I was working my shoes came off first, not because of no shoes in the house but for comfort. My bra was the next thing I always took off, well, after my shirt or dress. But the shirt/dress came off only so I could take off my bra.

21 hours ago, rebcoola said:

Nope never I don't wear a bra unless interacting with people outside my family.  Only than because it super obvious if I'm not since I am huge. Hate bras with a passion and yes they have been fit correctly.

Yep. At home it's just us so I don't wear one. 

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I think even if I were home alone all day, I'd still wear a bra because that's what I'm used to and it would feel funny without one.  But I wear a very low-profile, soft, minimal support bra, with no snaps or clips.  On the other hand, if I wore that same comfy bra at night, I'd probably not sleep well.  I don't like to feel anything except very loose pajamas at night.  But without any pajamas, I'd also feel uncomfortable.  I like that one layer of something between me and the sheets.  

I suppose it's just what you're used to! 

ETA:  Also, I rarely wear shoes in my home.  Generally barefoot for me, at least when the weather is nice.  In the summer, I prefer to go barefoot outside whenever I can.  I ran a race (very short!) last summer, and half-way through I had to kick off my shoes and run barefoot -- that feels more comfortable for me.

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6 minutes ago, Lady Florida. said:

@Indigo Blue would you mind sharing what comfort bra you ordered? I keep trying to find one I like. Anyone else in the thread feel free to chime in, especially if you're on the larger end of the bra size spectrum.

Brand won't be relevant to you in US, but mine are bamboo. No wires. Strong recommend for bamboo. 

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I never wore bras when I was younger either.   My whole life I've only worn them while actually at work (if I had to because of blouse style) or if going out and wore something super padded and "push up".   And that includes while working out.   No sag.  🤷‍♀️

I don't have to take my shirt off to take my bra off.  I'm an expert at getting that darn thing off as soon as possible when I do wear one.  I could take it off while driving a manual transmission in stop and go rush hour traffic.   😁

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9 hours ago, Indigo Blue said:

I guess my reasoning for sleeping in a bra is because once I get up (and don't get dressed), I get busy doing things. I just don't put a bra on when I get up unless I actually get dressed. If I sleep in a comfortable one, I'll already have it on. 


Me, too, but I'm okay with that. 

1 hour ago, Melissa in Australia said:


If you  have never  worn a bra in your entire life you be extremely saggy and stretched. There is many very well filmed  documententries of indiginous tribes from over the whole wild. Including aboriginal Australian  women, tribel women from Papua New Guinea,  Africa, Pacific islanders etc. 

Correlation is not causation. 

You say you've seen documentaries of indigenous tribes where the women don't wear bras, and their breasts sag so much they can toss them over their shoulders. Okay, maybe you have, but surely you know that such documentaries  aren't the only place to find women who don't wear bras? I've known plenty of women who never wear bras, and their levels of sag vary pretty much to the same extent as the women I know who do wear bras (and the same goes true for every variable in between: some wear it always, some wear it sometimes, some wear bras with strong support, some with mid support, some with no support at all). 

It's strange to me that you you've never anyone irl who doesn't wear a bra. I mean, I guess you probably have, you just aren't aware of it, lol. 

If it seems like all of the women in such documentaries are "extremely saggy and stretched" then a certain amount of confirmation bias is probably at work. It certainly might be more prevalent in certain groups of people if they share a lot of genetics, but it's definitely not true that all women who do not wear bras have sagging breasts. 


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