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Christmas decorations


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We normally get out our Christmas decorations some time around 10-15 December.... DH just asked me if I want to set up our decorations on Saturday. Crazy talk. (There was a large package the other day - I wonder if that is relevant? Hmmmm) usually my early December is dominated by Christmas concerts and I don't have any this year .... that is usually a factor. 

What's your usual timeline for Christmas decorations? Will it be different this year? 

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We usually put up outdoor decorations when the weather is nice but don't light them up until December 1.  We started lighting them last night.  It would've been earlier but dh didn't have time to put up lights until yesterday.

We usually cut down a tree the first week of December.  This year we're using an artificial tree and will set it up today.

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Normally we do Christmas decorating over Thanksgiving weekend. This year youngest and I put everything except the tree up during the first week of November.

There are a lot of outdoor decorations in my town already this year; we don't do outdoor decorating because it's hard enough to have my DH help with getting the tree. I didn't want it to be a job I had to nag him to do every year, and when I had littles, I couldn't exactly get up on the roof when I was here by myself. So I just never used outdoor decorations - but I make up for it inside. 

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12 minutes ago, alisoncooks said:

Usually everything goes up the first week of November, but I don't turn on the outside lights until after thanksgiving. This year, it's all lit, every night...and I'm not alone in my town!

I saw a lot of people in my blocks with trees lit up in their homes the day after Halloween.  But yeah outdoor lights are up in our hood and lit. 

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We usually do it right after Thanksgiving, sometimes before if we're traveling for Thanksgiving and we don't think we'll have time that weekend. 

We are not traveling this year. I think tomorrow will be our decorating day, because I am ready for it. 

I've seen plenty of houses with outdoor decorations lit up already. And a couple weeks ago, I passed a guy working on stuff in his driveway and BLASTING Christmas music. 😄 People want something happy.

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I wait as long as possible to put up Christmas. Not because I don't like Christmas, but as a reminder that Christmas doesn't start until Dec. 25 (for us)! It's just a reminder that the season of Advent comes first and we shouldn't let the Christmas season encroach on Advent any more than necessary.

That being said, we listen to Christmas music throughout Advent just because we enjoy it. 

As for this year, we will get getting Christmas stuff out earlier than normal, but not due to the pandemic. It's due to having a NB. Newborns make everything take longer, so I worry that if I try and wait like usual some things won't get done!

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I love Thanksgiving and have some decorations up for that. Absolutely no Christmas decs here until a few days after TG.

 I usually have my advent wreath on the table, Christmas books out and a wreath on my front door by the first Sunday in Advent. The rest falls into place as it fits onto our calendar. We get a real tree, so usually mid-December for that. 

This year we have plenty of time. Sadly. How I will miss the Christmas concerts!!

Working hard to come up with some new fun things to do. New traditions! 


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I usually start putting out a few winter items after thanksgiving, but I don’t have a set date. Sometimes it’s earlier, sometimes later, some years I don’t much bother and other years I feel more inspired. Some years I forget to take some items down at all. 🤷‍♀️
DH and DS don’t really notice or care so I only do what I feel like for me. 

Fairy lights stay up year round on the mantle and in my kitchen. By September I turn them on every afternoon. 

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I have a hard rule against Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving because I want to celebrate one holiday at a time and enjoy my Thanksgiving decorations. We start putting out Advent related and a few other decorations the weekend or week after Thanksgiving. We don't put up our tree until a couple of weeks before Christmas because we always get a cut (live) tree and we don't want it dried out before Christmas.

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We like to decorate the weekend before Christmas and keep inside decorations up until Candlemas, on February 2.  I usually tire of everything but the tree (what little that is) a few weeks into January.  I do not know when we will take down our new outdoor gate lights.  Although we will light them near Christmas, most of our (country road) neighbors never turn their outdoor lights on again after Christmas evening.  I imagine we will appear craz-y if we keep them lit through January!

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Usually I allow them to go up no earlier than Dec. 1st and take them down sometime between Dec. 27th-29th. If I were able to control the universe, there would be 12 days total of Christmas and no more. I think it all drags on far too long.

This year my adult kids and I decided we'd have a progressive lunch and as a group going to each other's houses helping each other put up Christmas lights.  That works out for the group the weekend of Thanksgiving, so that's when mine will go up.  We'll end at my house for dessert: s'mores and hot cocoa in my woodland garden around the fire pit. (We're people who can put up Christmas lights without getting upset.)

I may still wait until Dec. 1st before doing the rest of the Christmas decorations unless my teen (last kid still living here) really wants the tree and stuff up. 

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40 minutes ago, Homeschool Mom in AZ said:

Usually I allow them to go up no earlier than Dec. 1st and take them down sometime between Dec. 27th-29th. If I were able to control the universe, there would be 12 days total of Christmas and no more. I think it all drags on far ...

We are people who actually celebrate the 12 days of Christmas (which START on Christmas and go to Jan 6) which is one of the reasons we normally decorate later in December- I am kind of aghast that DH wants to decorate so early! 

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6 minutes ago, theelfqueen said:

We are people who actually celebrate the 12 days of Christmas (which START on Christmas and go to Jan 6) which is one of the reasons we normally decorate later in December-

I wish it was like that everywhere.  If all the decorations went up and Christmas music started on Christmas Eve and came down and ended on Jan. 6th, that would make it more special and focused. I'd rather do intensively focused Christmas in a short period of time than the looooooooong version of right after Thanksgiving dinner until after New Year's Day.  And then there are the long haulers who start up after Halloween-sigh.  I don't care what they do at home but if my senses have to be assaulted with Christmas Kitsch for months out in public, I resent it.

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I don't enjoy the work of putting up Christmas decorations, so I like to enjoy them for awhile after it's done. And I have plenty of other things to do in the weeks leading up to Christmas. We typically decorate the weekend after Thanksgiving and take things down around New Year's Day or the first weekend in January.

DD15 has been hankering to put things up early this year, too, but we are waiting for DD18 to arrive home from college, which won't be until.......tomorrow!! I think we will start decorating for Christmas on Friday.

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33 minutes ago, Storygirl said:

I don't enjoy the work of putting up Christmas decorations, so I like to enjoy them for awhile after it's done. And I have plenty of other things to do in the weeks leading up to Christmas. We typically decorate the weekend after Thanksgiving and take things down around New Year's Day or the first weekend in January.

DD15 has been hankering to put things up early this year, too, but we are waiting for DD18 to arrive home from college, which won't be until.......tomorrow!! I think we will start decorating for Christmas on Friday.

Enjoy having your boy home! 🙂 

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Usually we wait til the start of December. In year's past, I tended to have a disdainful look at houses that started early because I feel like Christmas gets rushed. I'm not quite feeling that way this year. Since we're staying home for Thanksgiving, I have already put the idea in dh's head about at least getting the lights on the house this weekend.

We keep our decoration up through January 6.

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Not until after November 25. That's DD's birthday, and she has been insistent on not wanting to share it with Christmas (and somewhere Inhave the calendar on which she moved Thanksgiving, because it had the audacity to fall on her birthday. I think she was about 5 at the time...). 

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Half of our Christmas decorations are more fairly called winter wonderland decorations, so I'm not fussed about it, lol. If we only did 2 weeks, there would be a lot less decorating going on. 

1 hour ago, prairiewindmomma said:

Our quarantree  

I am stealing this! Edited to add that my dd wants to know if you will share pics. 

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I wanted to decorate early, but the family put up a fierce battle against it. So...we’ll be doing like normal and decorating on Black Friday.  

But I might make them all help me bring the boxes out of the attic after dinner on Tgiving. We’ll see...

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Now.  I always put my decorations up the week of Thanksgiving. I start in the living room and then work my way to the dining room. That room is often still decorated for fall/Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving.  Then we do the outside after Thanksgiving.  

I did entertain the idea of doing a very simple decor this year.  That idea was abandoned pretty quickly.  It's going to be a colorful, glittery, and brightly lit year.

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We always put everything up on Thanksgiving weekend. Yes, it takes all weekend. Then we don't have to think about it for the rest of the month; we can just enjoy it all.

Usually, everything comes down New Year's Day, but this year it might stay up longer. Who knows? Maybe it will even stay up until Easter. I don't really do any other seasonal decorating, so having all the Christmas stuff up for the dead of winter might be fun.

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We decorate close to Christmas but leave most things out until Feb. Most of our living room now shows on a public school zoom camera, so I don’t know if my child will have opinions on duration. I also anticipate curious kittens wreaking havoc. 

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We usually put the tree up Thanksgiving weekend. I normally (not this year) host a big Thanksgiving and then start on Christmas when I've put that away. 

I just realized the other day I don't know where to put the tree. We usually put it in the corner of the living room but that is currently my dh's office as he works from home. He could work from the basement but we have someone coming in to do some work (new drywall and flooring so a big mess) the two weeks after Thanksgiving. So we need to get through the basement work, put ourselves back together down there, move dh's office back downstairs and then we can put up the tree. It might need to stay up way past Christmas since we are putting it up so late. Which, normally I host family on New Years Day and it is too crowded with the tree so normally I get it down before that. But no big New Years this day so I guess we can leave the tree up. 

Two weekends ago our neighborhood went all in on Christmas. Almost half the neighborhood is already lit up which is way early. I have seen Christmas trees in the windows since October. One house had a Christmas tree and Halloween decorations on their front porch at the same time. This year, anything goes. 

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I also don't know where we will put our tree!  We are in a new house, and it works really well for us, but there is no obvious place to put a tree.  

I have already put up some decorations, and plan to put more more next weekend.  

I might wait for the tree and only put it up for a shorter time, if it seems it's going to be a little bit in the way.

Our kids are all older now and we are going to have few presents -- I think it's not a time in our lives to have a long time when the kids are looking at the wrapped presents under the tree.  

What is interesting -- between one thing and another (built-in shelves, space for my bookshelves in a main part of the house) I am really happy with how I will be able to display everything except the tree 🙂 I am really excited!!!!!!

We brought our tree from our previous home, which the previous owners had left because it was the perfect size to stand in front of the living room window..... but I would be interested in changing to a smaller tree.  My husband is very opposed, but I think he might be open to it next year.  Or he might convince me that the one we have now won't turn out to be in the way! 

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2020 confession time. While the ornaments were put away, our tree has been in our living room all year long. I kept meaning to buy a bag for storage, never got around to it, then covid hit and we haven’t had any guests so there you have it: My tree is already up because it has been up all year.  We turn the lights on some nights for our dog, who wags his tail when we do. 

We usually decorate the weekend after Thanksgiving. 

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I like to do secular Christmas earlier and then focus on the religious part of Christmas.  It is easier on me as an adult to do it this way -- as a child it was really like two things jam-packed together.  

I just realized I will probably not be attending a Christmas Eve church service, or any other special services 😞

And normally I would already be practicing special service music in choir 😞  

At least my immediate family will be together -- I have had holidays when my husband was deployed.  It is something to be thankful for.  

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We're starting with outside lights the day or two before Thanksgiving here, which is much earlier than normal. I'd very much enjoy the extra festivity for this holiday this year! Our outside lights are more neutral though and not super Christmas-y.



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We usually do it the weekend after Thanksgiving but this year my dd did it the beginning of November. This is my dgs’s first real Christmas that he is really aware of so she wanted to make it special for him. Apparently he prefers Halloween though because he keeps asking when we are going to do that again.

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