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Update in first post!!! Calling all Hive Aunties. . .


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  • 2 weeks later...

Baby was estimated at just under 8 pounds at 37w, so if that’s anywhere close to accurate, he’s on track to be as big as some of his big brothers even earlier (three of them were over 9 pounds but also after 40w; the other was exactly 8 at 38.3w).  He’s good to come any time, but induction is set for a few days from now, and I’d really like him to wait until then so that my doctor can be there and not one of her partners or fellows. (No offense to any of them; the ones I’ve met have all been lovely, but I have seen her exclusively and want her there.)  He moves plenty, so that’s reassuring, but I will be relieved when I finally get to the hospital and they stick the continual monitor on him so I know he’s okay or can be attended to if he isn’t. 


Your prayers and thoughts are very much appreciated. It’s been an emotional week. The hospital gave me a bunch of papers about their policies and such, and the “your baby’s second night” page brought up a lot of emotions about last time that I didn’t quite realize I wasn’t entirely over. Stuff about how your baby just thinks of the breast as home and how he shouldn’t have his hands covered because he’s used to having them. God willing, this baby will get all of that and will probably never get put down, but I didn’t realize that would make me grieve all over again all the things my last baby didn’t get. And then an hour after I was reading all of that, I found out that our little friend’s cancer battle ended, not the way we’d hoped, and that rocked our entire little community here and was so hard to tell my kids. So, so many emotions.


I do wish y’all could see Mr. Five. Well, all of my kiddos, but especially Mr. Five. He has truly been the epitome of hope and faith these last two years. I really hope having a baby brother that he can cuddle is everything he expects it to be!

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Ahh sweetie.  I am crying over here. 

It is so close to meeting him!  Yay.  I am sending so many prayers for a wonderful labor, I can't wait until he is in your arms.  

So many  hugs for such an hard week.  

Oh your youngest.  I am can't wait for him to meet his baby brother.   What a great day that is going to be for him.  Yes he is going to be spoiled so much.  What a lucky baby. 

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How emotional for you with conflicting feelings of excitement to meet your newest little one, yet grief for the one you lost.  (((Hugs)))  Can’t wait to see pictures of this big baby of yours!

I think I was following the same little guy that passed yesterday from your neck of the woods.  I remember first hearing about him a little over a year ago.  I’m glad he’s not suffering anymore, but sad that he lost his life instead of being healed.  If I understood the dad’s post, it sounds like they lost a daughter in the past too.  

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12 minutes ago, school17777 said:

How emotional for you with conflicting feelings of excitement to meet your newest little one, yet grief for the one you lost.  (((Hugs)))  Can’t wait to see pictures of this big baby of yours!

I think I was following the same little guy that passed yesterday from your neck of the woods.  I remember first hearing about him a little over a year ago.  I’m glad he’s not suffering anymore, but sad that he lost his life instead of being healed.  If I understood the dad’s post, it sounds like they lost a daughter in the past too.  

Yes, that's the same little guy.  I didn't know about the daughter, but it did sound that way.  You may have heard about him first here, since they are friends of ours and another poster.  Dad is our karate instructor, and the boy and his brother are good friends of my boys.  It's been hard on our whole little karate/homeschool community.  So that's another reason to hope the baby stays where he is for a while -- we would really like to be able to attend the service this weekend and show our support.

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It isn't surprising that those emotions would come rushing back.  I imagine those emotions will come and go throughout the rest of your pregnancy and delivery.  I will be praying for you, baby, and the family.

I bet your little dude can't wait to cuddle his little brother.  

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Our sweet, perfect little boy arrived at 4:53 this morning, 39 weeks on the nose!  7 lbs. 15 oz., 20” long — my smallest fullterm baby!  He’s so cute!  Induction took around eight hours, and got us a very healing VBAC with a baby that DH and I caught together and who went straight to my chest. He’s spent most of the day snuggled up skin-to-skin with me. I love it so much!  I kind of still can’t believe that he’s here, or that he’s actually mine.  Name will come when we decide on one. 


Mr  Five got his wish!  I cried happy tears when I placed the baby in Mr  Five’s arms for the first time.  


Thank you, all of you who have supported, prayed for, and loved us these past two years!  I can’t find words to tell you how much that has meant for us.





Edited by happypamama
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2 minutes ago, happypamama said:

Our sweet, perfect little boy arrived at 4:53 this morning, 39 weeks on the nose!  7 lbs. 15 oz., 20” long — my smallest fullterm baby!  He’s so cute!  Induction took around eight hours, and got us a very healing VBAC with a baby that DH and I caught together and who went straight to my chest. He’s spent most of the day snuggled up skin-to-skin with me. I love it so much!  I kind of still can’t believe that he’s here, or that he’s actually mine.  Name will come when we decide on one. 


Mr  Five got his wish!  I cried happy tears when I placed the baby in Mr  Five’s arms for the first time.  


Thank you, all of you who have supported, prayed for, and loved us these past two years!  I can’t find words to tell you how much that has meant for us  



Can you make this a new thread, or else update the first post?  It’s so hard now that posts aren’t numbered to find new news on old posts.  And I want to see all the happy hive members give you well-wishes.  🙂.   CONGRATULATIONS!!!!  

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33 minutes ago, Garga said:

Can you make this a new thread, or else update the first post?  It’s so hard now that posts aren’t numbered to find new news on old posts.  And I want to see all the happy hive members give you well-wishes.  🙂.   CONGRATULATIONS!!!!  

It took me a minute to figure out how to change the subject on my phone. (I am reallllly tired, LOL.). I did figure it out and updated in the first post. Thanks!

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I got tears in my eyes when I read your post, but seeing the look of pure joy on Mr. Five’s face when he was able to hold the baby for the first time put me over the edge into crying with happiness for you and your family.

I’m so happy for you!!!  And your new baby son is absolutely adorable — just like his handsome big brother!!!

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