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Have you ever met or seen someone famous?


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I lived and worked in NYC for years, so I've seen lots of famous people (Liev Schreiber on the street, Madonna at the gym next to my office, Willem Dafoe at a party, Kevin Bacon and Keira Sedgwick outside a Starbucks, etc.), but I've not really met anyone famous. Actually, I hung out a few times with a friend of a friend whom people would recognize (former child actor, ended up doing some soft core pron, kind of an arrogant jerk), but it's not much of a claim to fame :lol: I don't event remember my most significant meeting! There's a photo of me with my aunt (who was maybe 12?) and Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was only famous on the weight lifting circuit at the time. He wanted to pick me up for the photo, but I wouldn't let him, so my aunt had to hold me. It's so weird to see myself in that photo with someone so famous, and I don't even remember it!


DH was coming out of his gym once, years ago, and there was a guy blocking the door, leaning into a car and talking to someone inside. He waited a minute or two and then said an irritated "Excuse me!" The man turned around and said a sincere "I'm sorry, sir!" and then held the door for DH so he could leave. The man was Dustin Hoffman, and the person in the car was Meryl Streep. 


Oh, and I probably scared the heck out of Darius Rucker once. We were at a show to see Hootie and the Blowfish at a smallish venue in the city, and we were just standing toward the back, enjoying whoever was playing after they were done. Suddenly Darius Rucker came walking through the gap along the side of the crowd, clearly looking for some kind of exit. I was so totally startled to see him there that I pointed and said, "Hey, it's Hootie!" He froze, turned around, and went rapidly back the way he came :lol: I'm not at all a fangirl type, but I'm sure he was afraid of either a mob or of me lunging at him, so he made himself scarce. I felt really bad about that later!

Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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In college our band played at a rally when Bill Clinton was running for a second term. I shook hands with him and Hilary, Chelsey was there too. I agree with PP that he is a charismatic speaker even if your politics differ.


Last year Mike Wolfe, the guy from American Pickers was sitting at the table next to us when my husband and I went out for our anniversary.


I've met a handful of authors at events, Jan Brett was especially fun to meet and took the time to talk to everyone even though she was on a tight schedule.


Visiting Alaska a few years ago we stopped at the Anchorage post office to mail postcards home and met the governor.


And not me, but last year my husband met William Shatner at an airport and ended up being on the same flight. Shatner has farm near our town, so lots of people around here have seen or met him. I was surprised he flew commercial.

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I've met quite a lot of famous people but mostly due to the field my husband and I worked in. Some people were great and some people were unpleasant, same as anyone else you might meet. These days I'm not really into meeting the famous people that I admire or find interesting so I don't seek out opportunities to do so and don't bump into people by accident.

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You mean other than a bunch of Hive members? (Two of them were good friends before I joined the Hive.)


No, I don't think have. DH has worked for a few semi-famous clients over the years but not like A list celebrities. I did go to Penn State at the height of Paterno's time there and have met his wife a couple of times and his daughter and one of his grandkids several times but never saw him aside from attending football games.

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I used to live in LA so I probably at least saw a bunch but I am horrible with faces - I am lucky if I can recognize my own kids in a crowd, let alone anyone I have never met.


The only instance I can remember: About 25 years ago I was in LA and took one of the Warner Brothers Studio tours. You went in a small group (maybe 8 people) and they drove you through some sets etc. in a golf cart. We passed a small group of people working (they weren't filming right then but huddled together, talking etc.). I looked at them and thought to myself: "Hollywood isn't as exciting as one might think. These people look perfectly ordinary." I thought they were all sound/camera people etc. but as we drove on the other people in the group were way excited as apparently Dustin Hoffman had been part of the group. I neither recognized him nor had any idea that it was someone famous.

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We have a couple of semi-celebrities in our family. A Hollywood composer (his spouse is someone who would probably be considered a celebrity, or would have been a couple of decades ago) and a professional athlete in one of the big three sports. I've known the latter since the day he was born. :) Over the years we've been to various events those two semi-celebrities have hosted and have met lots of celebs. I couldn't tell you any names off the top of my head, though.I don't keep up with TV/movie celebrities at all, and sports just a tiny bit. And all the meetings were superficial type stuff.


Also, back in my working days I met someone who went on to hold a very high level position in Bill Clinton's White House. He made quite an impression on me and I do remember him well!

Edited by Pawz4me
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I've met SWB and MCT!  :D


I spoke to Norman Reedus on the phone.  Dh got to hang out with him for a few minutes after a Boondocks premier. They woke me up. I was rude.


My sister waited on Witney Houston and Bobby Brown.


My grandfather ran into The Boss, himself, in a NJ dive bar.  Grandpa was unimpressed, but I don't think I ever saw Grandpa impressed, lol.


My brain is trying to tell me that I have actually met a big celebrity, but I can't think of it.  Which probably means that, if I ever did, I probably embarrassed myself!

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My husband used to work in the entertainment industry, so yes, we have met quite a few, but because of the line of work he is in, I can't name them publicly.  


I, on the other hand, have met some I can name, you may have heard of them, but they aren't as big of names as what we met with my husband.


At work, I was a counselor in a program in LA for first gen. college bound students.  We had different career days and one of them was acting/entertainment.  We had some actors come and perform and then they would come back to our office for lunch.  


Kathy Joosten was a neighbor of one of our teachers  (she was on several shows and commercials, never the leading characters)

Wendy Worthington (the kids all knew her face as the lunch lady on a teen type show but she has done other things)


There was a popular movie in the early 2000s that had several Latino former gang member/inmates turned actors in it, and 5 of them came.  The kids went crazy over them and loved them.  I didn't see the movie, it had at least one sequel.  Shoot, I can't remember the name of it now......I will have to think and get back and post.


And there were a few others like the above.  They were all non-leading actors but they were really great as explaining to the kids that you don't have to be the star, you can make a decent (and actually good) living as a supporting actor.

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You mean not 'pay to see' I assume?


Robin Williams, Tom Selleck, Bill Clinton


I'm assuming not "pay to see" (or I'd have a few more) and a substantial number of people who don't know them IRL know their name and what they do (even if folks like me might not).


I have one more I thought of this morning - a TV actor I went to school with.  I was actually in the class below him, but his sister was one of my best friends at the time.  

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Matt Muenster of Bath Crashers was a classmate of mine from school.  We had quite a few classes together, and he had absolutely no interest in being on the stage or in front of a camera.  He was one of the mathy/business type of kids that we all thought was going to be a lawyer or a doctor.   That he ended up with a successful TV show cracks me up every time I see him.  But I'm proud of him and he does fantastic work!


I sat in a hot tub once with Motley Crue, but I didn't technically meet them.  I was eleven and staying at the same hotel they were, and it didn't really occur to me who was in the hot tub until I sat down and looked around and there was all this hair at the other end, just kind of hanging out.  At the time, I was in a church where the culture was that Motley Crue was pretty much the devil.  So I was terrified and grateful it was a big hot tub.  I stayed just long enough that I thought I wouldn't seem crazy, but I dashed out of there as fast as I could. 

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We have a couple of semi-celebrities in our family. A Hollywood composer (his spouse is someone who would probably be considered a celebrity, or would have been a couple of decades ago) and a professional athlete in one of the big three sports. I've known the latter since the day he was born. :) Over the years we've been to various events those two semi-celebrities have hosted and have met lots of celebs. I couldn't tell you any names off the top of my head, though.I don't keep up with TV/movie celebrities at all, and sports just a tiny bit. And all the meetings were superficial type stuff.


Also, back in my working days I met someone who went on to hold a very high level position in Bill Clinton's White House. He made quite an impression on me and I do remember him well!


Huh, I wonder if we kind of know the same person (someone I went to school with has a wife who is related to a Hollywood composer married to a celebrity)? If so it would be funny how small the world is.

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I also met a lot of famous generals when I was in the Air Force like Colin Powell. Less famous but more interesting, the first female Superintendent of the Air Force Academy, I met her several times over the years. Also, less famous but more interesting, a few Tuskegee Airmen and various military authors.


Jean in Newcastle was also more interesting than your generic famous person or general!!


Oh, I almost forgot, a really sweet guy, humble, interesting AND semi-famous, the candy bomber, he dropped candy to children during the Berlin Airlift, it is a really cool story if you haven’t heard of it:



I've met the candy bomber as well, super nice, humble man!

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My husband and kids went to see Shrek 3 in the theater. It was at the end of the run and there was only one other couple in the theater--turns out it was Alice Cooper and his wife Sheryl. I just checked and their kids would have been teens in 2007 so it was definitely just the two of them. The 11yo prevented he father from asking for an autograph. She said, "Dad, they're here to relax and enjoy themselves--don't bother them!"

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I sat in a hot tub once with Motley Crue, but I didn't technically meet them. I was eleven and staying at the same hotel they were, and it didn't really occur to me who was in the hot tub until I sat down and looked around and there was all this hair at the other end, just kind of hanging out. At the time, I was in a church where the culture was that Motley Crue was pretty much the devil. So I was terrified and grateful it was a big hot tub. I stayed just long enough that I thought I wouldn't seem crazy, but I dashed out of there as fast as I could.

Whew, narrow escape! :lol: Edited by Barb_
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Yes, and embarrassed myself. My ex-husband and I were living in Athens, GA and I was pregnant. Ex is a musician and was playing on one song on an album Peter Buck, of the band REM, was producing it. We had an appointment at the OB/GYN for an ultrasound and left with a picture clearly showing a baby and had found out we were having a girl. We had to go to the recording studio to get Ex's guitar. While there, I was showing the ultrasound picture to a couple of friends and this guy walks over and asks what I've got. I handed it to him, all excited and said I was having a girl. He said that was cool. Then Ex came over and said Oh I see you've met Peter Buck. I nearly died of embarrassment. Here I am showing my intimate ultrasound picture to a lead contributor to a famous band. I blushed and he laughed and as he handed it back to me, I said, 'You know, this would make a great album cover.' He laughed at that too. 


I was working at a movie theater, also in Athens, and in walks Kenny Rogers and his wife. I was working concessions so I sold him popcorn and what not. I had to restrain myself from gushing. I loved his music and was thrilled to see him up close.

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Hmm. I met Peter, Paul, and Mary when I was young. We got to go backstage for one of their concerts with a friend, who was friends with them. 


A number of congressmen/senators. Not Bernie yet though. :-( 


A bunch of New England Patriots in the early 2000's. Ty Law is my personal favorite that I met because I had a massive crush on him at the time. I worked at Nextel outside of Boston and we supplied them with phones and plans then. They'd come in pretty frequently for help/new phones/etc. 


Someone from the Grateful Dead, but I don't remember which one. 


I went to grammar school with Mena Suvari and Charlie Day. Almost forgot them since they weren't actors when we were in school together. 

Edited by AmandaVT
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In 1994 I met the star basketball center player of the San Antonio Spurs, David Robinson, aka "The Admiral". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Robinson_(basketball)


He and his family were eating dinner at a pizza joint I was at with some friends. I walked up to him, introduced myself, shook his hand, and asked him if he would be willing to administer my oath of office as I was commissioned into the USAF in a few months. (He was a Navy reservist officer in addition to being a basketball star.)


He was genuinely interested, wrote down his mother's phone number on a napkin, and he told me to call her since she was the one who arranged his social engagements for him.


I never did call. I had already promised my commissioning to my best friend, and I felt like a heel replacing her for a superstar. Oh well.

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Don Henly came to the grocery store I used to work at-in his hometown and I spoke to him then.


Bill Clinton visited our church campmeeting more than once. I was there, but didn't meet him.


I grew up with Les Taylor's (from the group Exile) wife.


Arnold Swarzenegger boarded a plane just before my group did when I went to Barcelona.



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I sat in a hot tub once with Motley Crue, but I didn't technically meet them.  I was eleven and staying at the same hotel they were, and it didn't really occur to me who was in the hot tub until I sat down and looked around and there was all this hair at the other end, just kind of hanging out.  At the time, I was in a church where the culture was that Motley Crue was pretty much the devil.  So I was terrified and grateful it was a big hot tub.  I stayed just long enough that I thought I wouldn't seem crazy, but I dashed out of there as fast as I could. 


:lol:  Motley Crue in their heyday is not who I would want to be in a warm soup with. 

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When I was a child, maybe 5 or so, I was on a popular show in Cincinnati. It had Captain Wendy, or something like that??? It's been long gone now, but I remember it being a pretty big deal during that time. They had local kids on their show all the time, so that was neat to get to go. I wish I could remember the name. The man and his wife-the captain-were kind of celebrities in this area.


I met Naomi Judd once,in some kind of home goods store. It was in Atlanta, in '96 or so. She was as hateful as she could be! It was a small crowd there to see her, and she was mean to everybody apparently. When it was my turn, I was nervous and said something lame like nice to meet you or something, and boy, if looks could kill! She actually refused to say even a hello back. So I was not impressed. I've never been able to stomach her folksy gimmick she's got going on since then.


I've met John Boehner a couple of times. He was always nice and friendly.



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He's my husband's favorite basketball player of all time.


In 1994 I met the star basketball center player of the San Antonio Spurs, David Robinson, aka "The Admiral". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Robinson_(basketball)


He and his family were eating dinner at a pizza joint I was at with some friends. I walked up to him, introduced myself, shook his hand, and asked him if he would be willing to administer my oath of office as I was commissioned into the USAF in a few months. (He was a Navy reservist officer in addition to being a basketball star.)


He was genuinely interested, wrote down his mother's phone number on a napkin, and he told me to call her since she was the one who arranged his social engagements for him.


I never did call. I had already promised my commissioning to my best friend, and I felt like a heel replacing her for a superstar. Oh well.

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I grew up in West Los Angeles, which explains many of these sightings.


Tom Selleck lived a few streets down in the neighborhood where I grew up and was the stepfather of a kid in my first grade class.  I remember trick or treating one year and he opened the door and I thought "that man is gorgeous."  I had just turned 11 and the next year Magnum started.


Sam Elliott also lived in my neighborhood, just a few doors down from me but I only saw him a few times and never spoke to him.


I saw Lorne Greene at my elementary school when I was in 4th grade.


I was good friends with Rita Moreno's daughter in 5th grade, but I never met her.


I walked right behind Mike Farrell as we were both entering the small auditorium of my high school to see the school play. 


I saw Redd Foxx at the LA airport.


I saw Valerie Harper in a restaurant in LA.


I saw Jerry Brown and Linda Ronstadt in a restaurant in San Fransisco.


I had a conversation with Linus Pauling at a Christmas party.  Before you get excited, I was 11, and it was about cookies.  His daughter and son in law were good friends of my parents.  Years later I saw him speak in a small lecture hall at my college.


I saw Stephen Hawking speak at my college. I was just a few feet away from him.


I also saw Carl Sagan speak at my college.  But I was really far away and could hardly see him.


I'm not sure if these last two count, but I didn't pay to see them, so I decided to list them.

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One of our professors at school played for a big name rock band for a few years back in the 70s. 


I worked in the airport gift shop for a while as a teen. There were a few celebrity sightings. Anson Williams was one, there were a couple of big name wrestlers come through.


MLK III recently spoke at our school. One of my friends got to meet him, I only heard his speech.


I've met some of the big names in my academic field. The first conference I went to we met the guy who primary source textbook we were using in a class. It was intimidating meeting this very erudite individual over a glass of wine. 

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When I was a child, maybe 5 or so, I was on a popular show in Cincinnati. It had Captain Wendy, or something like that??? It's been long gone now, but I remember it being a pretty big deal during that time. They had local kids on their show all the time, so that was neat to get to go. I wish I could remember the name. The man and his wife-the captain-were kind of celebrities in this area.


I met Naomi Judd once,in some kind of home goods store. It was in Atlanta, in '96 or so. She was as hateful as she could be! It was a small crowd there to see her, and she was mean to everybody apparently. When it was my turn, I was nervous and said something lame like nice to meet you or something, and boy, if looks could kill! She actually refused to say even a hello back. So I was not impressed. I've never been able to stomach her folksy gimmick she's got going on since then.


I've met John Boehner a couple of times. He was always nice and friendly.

We had a similar show in Portland back in the day called the Ramblin Rod Show. My friend and I were on it. It was seen as a bit of a kiddie show so when I went to school the next week people gave us a hard time. Of course it didn't dawn on me that they would have had to of been watching it to know haha.

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One of our professors at school played for a big name rock band for a few years back in the 70s.


I worked in the airport gift shop for a while as a teen. There were a few celebrity sightings. Anson Williams was one, there were a couple of big name wrestlers come through.


MLK III recently spoke at our school. One of my friends got to meet him, I only heard his speech.


I've met some of the big names in my academic field. The first conference I went to we met the guy who primary source textbook we were using in a class. It was intimidating meeting this very erudite individual over a glass of wine.

I think there is quite a few rockers turned professors because I have heard of others. Greg Graffin or something like that lectured at my college as a guest once. Apparently he was part of Bad Religion but I didn't know that until after.



I also forgot that I was at a Social Thinking conference and met the guy who wrote the theme song to Gummi Bears. You knew instantly every gen-xer in the room when they broke into song lol.

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I've met a few minor celebrities.  Most I don't remember who they were.  I was on a local cable kid's show when I was a teen and we occasionally had slightly famous people on there.


I once ran into Meredith Brooks (singer) and we talked for quite some time and that night at her concert she totally did a shoutout to me and dedicated a song to me and handed me one of her guitar picks.  That was pretty cool.

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Whew, narrow escape! :lol:


Right?!  I was at a Christian convention for the week, and the hotel/convention center we were staying at committed a huge faux pas by booking the Christian convention and a Motley Crue concert for the same time.  A lot of convention attendees left because they refused to be in the same building as the spawn of satan.  Looking back, it was really very sad and I'm glad to no longer be a part of that kind of church culture. 


:lol:  Motley Crue in their heyday is not who I would want to be in a warm soup with. 


:lol:  :lol:    I pretty much avoid hotel hot tubs now because warm soup with strangers is just... ick.  

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I sang for the King of Sweden when I was little in a small children's chorus at our church.  


My favorite famous person I've met ever is Henry Winkler.  He is one of the sweetest people I've ever met, and ladies - he smelled DIVINE.  Heaven smells like The Fonz.  I'm sure of it.  


My love of musicals has led me to meet several famous musical theater folks which has rendered me nearly verklempt.  (I'm totally normal, but there are a few that bring out the total awkward in me...)


I am a sports fan, so probably my favorite meet was several of the Nashville Predators.  Super gracious and kind.  Rode an elevator with Coach Popovich once.  He was not super chatty, but he was on his way to coach a game, so I imagine he had other things on his mind besides chatting up some lady in an elevator.


You'd think living in middle TN I would bump into all kinds of country music stars, but so far I've only run into Marty Stewart.



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Ronald Raegan - early 80's
Kirk Cameron - about 5 years ago
Christian Music Artists - Toby Mac, King/Country, Matthew West, Chris Tomlin and the list goes on
Robert Mitchum - when dh and Ilived in MI (mid to late 80's); he was "talent", I believe, for a piece at the The Henry Ford Museum


eta:  LBJ - but now that will give away my age even though I was VERY young  :)

maybe others?  haven't thought much about it.  :)

Edited by sheryl
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Oh! DS, DH and I had a moment with Bill Nye, backstage at a science and technology festival. It was disappointing, and I must say that I think he's not great one on one with kids - or maybe we caught him at a bad time - but he's still one of DS's idols.


DH meets gobs of famous people. It's part of his job.


My mom is a sculptor and has her work in many famous people's homes. That's kind of cool.

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Was behind Stevie Ray Vaughan in line at a rest stop MacDonalds. He and the band had made a pit stop after a performance at the University of Maine. My boyfriend at the time was a HUGE fan and could barely speak, just got all goggle eyed and starstruck. I had no idea who Stevie Ray Vaughan was. In retrospect I should have tried to get his autograph for my boyfriend since he was struck dumb, but I was a really shy teen and didn't think of it.


Titus Welliver (Actor: Lost, Bosch) went to my high school several years before I was attended. I ran into him in line at the buffet at an all school reunion, and I noticed his name tag. Had no idea who he was since I don't watch TV, but there was a pretty famous Maine artist named Neil Welliver and I was familiar with him, so I asked him if he was any relation to the famous artist, Neil Welliver. Lol. Neil was his dad.


Was dining in my favorite restaurant in Katonah, NY. Meryl Streep was at a table across the room with her family. She lived in nearby Bedford, NY. I wouldn't have noticed her at all if my mother in law hadn't pointed her out. At least I knew who she was!

Oh! And Susan Wise Bauer! I met her at a small conference in PA.

Edited by Kalmia
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DD broke away from me in The Opryland hotel in Nashville. I found her wrapping Dolly Parton in a big hug :). The only thing I can think of was that maybe Dolly, in her glittering performance attire looked like a Barbie doll? Anyway, Dolly and her security detail are very sweet, especially to 3 yr old fans and their terrified mothers :).

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Ooh, I thought of a few from the dance world.  My kids took a class with, and met, the person who won this season of So You Think You Can Dance.   :hurray:    I won't spoil for anyone, but DS also had a very nice conversation with the winner about their music selection.  We had a ton of fun cheering for someone we had met IRL this year! 


DD and DS both have regular contact with Misha Gabriel, who did some choreo for SYTYCD.  They've met and done selfies together, and they comment back and forth with him on IG quite a bit. 


DS has also met and danced with tWitch. Somewhere I have a video of him and tWitch having a little throwdown.  

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I met Neil Armstrong at a convention; he was not very personable.  While I was standing nearby a small boy came up and Neil was quite terse and rude to him.  I wondered if perhaps he would be better off back on the moon where he didn't have to put up with awestruck admirers.



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Jerry Brown (30some years ago when the then young Gov. visited our community college in California)
Telly Savalas (spelling? His kid Candace was in our class at Chapman College and we were stage crew for a theater class. He came by to see her. He was short.)
Alan Alda (in line for a movie in Westwood)
Gene Wilder (sat behind him in a movie theater in Westwood)
Lillian Gish (at a screening of her old OLD silent film The Wind. She was like a zillion years old)
Linda Purl (at D'Land)
Gregory Peck (when I worked at the film library at AMPAS)
Tony Perkins (AMPAS)
Tippi Hendrin (same)
some other Hollywood folks at fundraisers for autism research our local support group held.
And Henry Winkler yelled at me and my friends when we were walking past a house in Malibu - we were practically in the ocean, so on public right of way.

I am sure there are others, but those are off the top of my head.

Oh, and met some author once, someone who wrote some book on, what, training minds well or something like that ;-)


Hubby got me books autographed by Anne Perry and Terry Jones.  Jones was promoting a book of crushed fairies (hey,, this is a Python after all) and was alarmed when hubby asked him to autograph it for our kids "Er, this really is not a children's book, sir!!!"


Edited by JFSinIL
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I met Neil Armstrong at a convention; he was not very personable.  While I was standing nearby a small boy came up and Neil was quite terse and rude to him.  I wondered if perhaps he would be better off back on the moon where he didn't have to put up with awestruck admirers.



We were at Gettysburg one Memorial weekend years ago and it was announced last minute that in addition to Pres. Lincoln giving the Gettysburg address the astronaut Neil Armstrong would appear and say a few words...but we were NOT to approach him at all. Guess he was very much an introvert. I could see him coming across like Mr. Darcy in the BBC show - terse, seemingly rude.

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