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Do you currently homeschool?


Do you homeschool?  

497 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you homeschool? (multiple choice allowed)

    • I currently am a homeschooler and HS all of my children
    • I am not currently homeschooling any of my children
    • I have at least one child in a B&M K-12 setting
    • All of my children are in a B&M school (if they are K-12 age) but I used to homeschool
    • All of my children are in a B&M school and I never fully homeschooled (they were after schooled, etc...)
    • My children go to school part time (a true B&M program, not co-op type place)
    • My children go to a co-op or homeschool setting type place for certain classes but we homeschool
    • I am currently a homeschooler and HS at least one of my children
    • Other
    • I homeschooled through high school but my kids are grown/in college/etc..

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I have been a bit surprised lately at the number of responses on this board.   It seems a lot of us are no longer HSing at all, or have at least one child in a B&M school.


I am not always great at creating polls because even if I use ALL the questions, I still seem to miss someone's situation, or they feel it doesn't apply to them for whatever reason.


But, I will try on this one because I am curious.  


You can choose multiple answers.

Edited by DawnM
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We've always said we'd make decisions each year based on each kid. We've never brought them home from b&m because we were really unhappy with them, situations just arose that made other options a better fit.


Dd13 b&m kindergarten, homeschool 1-3, b&m 4-7, online public charter school 8th (current)


Dd10 homeschool k-1, b&m 2- halfway through 5th, hsing the last half of 5th


Ds8 b&m k-2 - his sisters are both currently home for school, and he's asking to come home. I think he's under a mistaken assumption that we play video games all day and he's missing out. We're giving it a trial run over February vacation next week, and will probably let him come home the rest of the year.

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Our story


My older two kids went to Full Time day care and pre-school.  My oldest had issues there but we didn't know what they were at the time.  He then went to Kindergarten and was asked to leave due to behavior issues.  That was a private Christian school.  


So, while he was in K, I went down to part time work and DH could work partly from home, and we decided to homeschool, but I still worked 2/3 time, which made it tough.   We did it for 3 years though, and then decided I would stay home full time for a while.


I ended up HSing full time and quitting my job when the older two were 8 and 6.   I then stayed home full time and homeschooled for 10 years.  My oldest homeschooled all the way through until this past year when he went to the community college for dual enrollment.


Middle son finished 9th grade and asked if he could go to a B&M school for 10th grade, right around the time oldest went to CC.  So he went to 10th grade for school and loved it.  He is now a Junior and doing well.


Youngest was lonely home all alone and asked if he could go to school this year.  So, he is in 7th grade and at school and loves it!


So, we are now officially DONE and I have gone back to school full time to save for them to go to college.

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I wentered with "Other," because there wasn't an option for "I homeschooled both of my children until they went to college."


Oh gosh, I had that in there and somehow deleted it when I deleted a couple of others.  Let me see if I can add it back.

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We are career homeschoolers, K-12.


I am still homeschooling one; she has been taking 2 dual enrollment classes each semester since 10th grade.  She will graduate this year.


My older has graduated; he did take one dual enrollment class in his senior year.  


We also said we would take it year by year and I thought eventually they would go to school (before college).  It became obvious by, hmm, maybe 4th grade, that school was not going to be a good option for my older.  I wanted my younger to go to public high school, but she would not.   Or, I should say, she had a strong aversion to the idea and had decent arguments for not going.  


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I chose "I currently homeschool and homeschool all my children" but I took that to mean all children in K-12.  My oldest was never homeschooled and has graduated college.


My son went to Early Intervention from 3 to 4 and that was the extent of his school experience, except GT summer camps.  He's 2E.

My youngest has never gone to any school, except summer camps at our local school.


ETA:  We also don't do any co-ops or structured homeschool groups.  I do all their teaching except the occasional casual online course - dh is currently doing udemy's Python class.

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I never thought I would not be homeschooling.  Times change, life changes.


I started with my now 20 year old in 1st grade with the Well Trained Mind.  I was in heaven.  4 years later we added my now 16 year old into the 4 year cycle.  I was still in heaven.

Was is easy, hell no.  Was it what I thought was best, absolutely.  Did we have the ideal home school?  I don't know, but we were close knit, highly motivated and I had never been more satisfied doing anything in my life.  I adored planning. I loved being with my kids. We were full on classical, Latin, Greek, the whole deal.


And then, things began to go badly for our oldest and they continued to get worse until in 10th grade, her cognitive abilities were nonexistent, then her physical abilities were shot and she was in a wheelchair.  School was over for her.  She could no longer read even for pleasure.  And then treatment began.  Life in our house was hellish.  We couldn't do anything around her, sounds made her so anxious she would have seizures.  Two years of this and by the time youngest was in 8th grade, she hated, absolutely hated her sister.


We made the decision to put youngest in school.  She was accepted at the local tech school (which is highly competitive) and I went to work part time to help pay for meds and doctors.

Did my heart break?  You have no idea. 


Here we are now, two years later.  Oldest is as good as she will ever get.  Her port came out after a bit over two years and having been on pretty much every iv drug out there, she healed.  She has some neurological issues that will likely never improve and some pain that will never go away completely.  BUT, she is working two jobs and getting married in August to the guy who has been by her side every step of the way since she was 15.  (he was also homeschooled, my best friend is his mom and he is at Umass Boston on a full scholarship honors program BS to masters in 5 years so they won't be carrying any college debt!)  It does make me sad that academically, she went from highly talented and wanting to be a nurse to maybe someday getting the GED.  But she is alive and happy and that was not certain not so long ago.


In her Freshman year youngest was miserable.  She begged to come home.  She hated her sister even more than ever because she blamed her for having to go to public school.

Flash forward to this year and she has been a high honors student every single semester, is going to do all her academics at the community college starting in the fall, and best of all, they are, once again, the best of friends.  She is going to be maid of honor for her sister and is so supportive and loving to her.  For the first time after this long battle, she said to me in the car just last night, Mom is this who I am now?  This happy person?  Because this is awesome.  And my heart lifted in way it hasn't for many years.


We all miss homeschooling and consider ourselves blessed that we were able to for so long.


Like I said though, times change, life changes, and you have to do what is best for your family, as best you are able.


And now I've re-read this numerous times and have hesitated to post it for the last two cups of coffee.  But, maybe someone needs to hear it's ok to make changes.  So, I will share our story for whatever it may be worth. <3



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I homeschooled dd from the beginning all the way through high school, ds from K to part way into 8th grade. Ds had been asking to go to b&m school since 7th grade, so when MIL, who lived with us, fell and broke her pelvis, needing a lot of care, we decided to put ds in school. He is now a senior and has thrived in the public school setting.

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*technically* my youngest two are still listed as homeschoolers.  However, they are in their last semester of their senior year, and I haven't had a hand in their schooling at all this year.  They are doing a combination of dual enrollment, co-op, and self-study for CLEP tests.  

We homeschooled for 9 years after pulling them all from public school.  

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We are year by year people.


DS10--B&m for K and 1, home for 2-3, 4th in a magnet for high achievers (which is a great fit)

DS8--b&m for K, home for 1-2.  He is dyslexic, and I anticipate he'll be home through 8th grade at least.

DS6--home for K


and I have a 4 year old who I plan to homeschool.


We didn't do preschool for any of them, which I know isn't really homeschool, but those were my favorite years ever.  If only they could just stay little forever.

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All my kids are in public school. One has been in public school since special needs pre-school.


I am mostly on the LC board, with extensive after-schooling of two kids. (I do also have a third kid, but I don't need any advice for her in particular.)


For one of them ---- I cannot express how much practical help I have gotten for reading, and I am so glad I found the board.


For the other ---- it is more support, but I have also gotten great suggestions that I have acted on, that I just am not getting anywhere else.


Then once in a while (it seems to me) I migrate over to the Chat board.


When my oldest was a baby I knew homeschoolers and wanted to do it, but it has honestly never been the right choice for our family.


However my number one motivation was to avoid bullying and social isolation like I had, and my kids just aren't mini-mes and they aren't attending Lord of the Flies schools.


And then the worst irony is my boys both do better with the high structure and dependable group of kids and experienced teachers at school, when compared to how they do at activities at, oh, the library, church, zoo day camp, etc, all the neat options we have in my town. Two of my kids just don't do very well at the activities I would want them to do if we homeschooled.

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Homeschooling with concurrent enrollment in community college. Attended PS for K, home for 1-6, part time college for 7, likely FT college next fall (but will stay enrolled as a homeschooler until she's ticked the remaining high school boxes). I picked the PT B&M option because it seems the closest fit, but technically we also homeschooled to college :).

Edited by dmmetler
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I have been homeschooling for 16 years, and still enjoy it. I plan on homeschooling until my youngest goes to college in about 11 more years.


My olderest went to one semester of public first grade and that was as much as I could take. My older 3 were homeschooled all the way through.


It is our family culture. It is our way of life.

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Polls are so hard to make because there always seem to be exceptions. I chose two options: homeschooled through high school, and other.


I homeschooled my oldest dd only her 11th and 12th grade years.


I homeschooled my ds through high school.


I homeschooled my youngest dd through 8th grade then she went into a public high school.


They're now all grown and I miss homeschooling tremendously!

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My older 2 went to private school up to halfway through 3rd and 1st grade.  Then they went to a hybrid school one day a week for humanites only for 1.5 years.  Then we exclusively homeschooled for several years taking some classes here and there.  This year the 2 oldest (both in high school) are 2 days a week at the same hybrid school.  It's not a co-op, but that's what I checked on the poll.  My 3rd child is only 4, but we will exclusivly homeschool him for several years and then he will go to the hybrid school as well, seeing as he will be alone in a few short years and might need some company.  I'm not sure I have the energy to taxi all over the place doing activities like I did with the older two.

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I chose the first option (currently homeschool all of my children), though DS is too young for formal schooling, and DD#2, while she's doing formal schooling, is too young to be registered as a homeschooler.


DD#1 was in daycare until she was about 3.5. That's it for my kids as far as b&m schooling goes. We haven't participated in any co-ops. 


If I were asked to predict, I'd say we'll be homeschooling all the way through high school. But I am aware that sometimes life throws curve balls, and I could be surprised by some situation that results in our choosing a different schooling option.

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I chose "My children go to school part time (a true B&M program, not co-op type place)" and I hope that was the correct choice for the current situation:  I'm homeschooling about half of my daughter's classes, and she's taking the other half as dual enrollment at our local community college.  We did pure homeschooling for K - 9, then she started dual enrollment in 10th.  (I only have one child.)

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I chose that I do not homeschool my children, but that's only because my oldest will be four at the end of the month. I am waiting not so patiently for kindergarten to start in a year. We will be homeschooling for the early years at least.


I've been on the boards forever. Before marriage and kids I used to tutor for some homeschool families.

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I homeschooled in one form or another for 13 years.


My older son graduated from our homeschool in 2014.


The younger one is going to the local high school now.  I need to extensively afterschool one course (more than tutoring, literally I need to teach it every day because the teacher doesn't), which feels a whole lot like part time homeschooling.  

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My younger son (who has autism) has always gone to a B&M school...he started there when he was three, the same year I started homeschooling my oldest two when they were in K. Now I'm homeschooling four children in three different grades at home, and I guess we'll be starting high school here in the fall!

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My oldest went to Montessori for preschool and kindergarten and has been homeschooled for grades 1-6. My youngest, currently in 3rd grade by age, has always been homeschooled. 

This may all change next year. My oldest is very curious about trying out middle school next year, and if he goes to school, I may consider enrolling the youngest as well. I'm pretty torn, and if they do end up both going to school I'm probably the one who will have the hardest time adjusting. 

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I have 3 kids. The oldest I homeschooled from 4th-10th grades, the middle from 1st-6th, and the youngest from K-4th. We were military, so moved a lot. Oldest requested to go to a B&M school the next time we moved, so we were anticipating that. Middle was able to take band during 6th grade and wanted to return to school full time in 7th. If dh had not been deploying, we probably would've kept her home longer. Youngest went to B&M because he was at a point that he sometimes needed dh's encouragement to finish his work. He was arguing with me more and, due to dh's deployment, I felt my relationship with ds was more important than ensuring high level academics. As it turned out, because we knew oldest's desire to return to school, we chose to live in a district with very good schools and all the kids thrived.

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Eldest son - homeschooled all the way, now in second year of college


#2 son - homeschooled pre-k through grade 11, now in public, b&m vocational high school half day, homeschooling half day, graduates in May


#3 son - homeschooled all the way so far, 10th grade


#4 son - homeschooled all the way so far, 6th grade

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Kid 1 has never homeschooled. He goes to a therapy based day program.


Kid 2 homeschooled until 7th grade and is now a 10th grader. He loves school but I don't think he'd do as well as he is if he hadn't been homeschooled.


Kid 3 is a homeschooler with no plans to attend B&M until dual enrollment in 10th grade.

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We currently homeschool and it would take a very drastic situation for us to enroll in a public or private school situation. That may change with high school if one of the kids expresses a desire to attend or needs something that I cannot provide, but we are planning on home educating the entire way through at this point.

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I am not currently homeschooling, and never have.


I have been afterschooling.


I intend to begin homeschooling my older child next school year, for three years (grades 7 to 9, called "Junior High" in Canada). After that, I plan to homeschool my younger daughter for three years (also grades 7 to 9).


This has been my long-term plan for a long time, which is why I have intentionally immersed myself in this forum -- to gather wisdom and "mooch the mindset" -- so that I'm likely to be confident and successful in my endeavours.


I hang out on the chat board in an effort to "give back" what I can about parenting, general life, and Christain religion (which is an area of specialization for me). I see it as kind of a trade for what I am gaining in terms of homeschool knowkedge and perspectives.

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Child #1 went to public k, pulled halfway through, homeschooled 1/2 k- 1/2 4th, went to university model private 2 day/week school 1/2 4th-1/2 5th while I navigated divorce, homeschooled 1/2 5th-current, wants to go to public high school in a couple of years.


Child #2 was homeschooled until 1/2 1st and then enrolled in university model through 2nd, homeschooled 3rd (currently).


Child #3 went to private preschool and is being homeschooled K. Currently undergoing evals for some sort of mild learning disabilities. Results will help guide her future schooling.


Child #4 is only 2. I have no idea where life will lead us by the time she's ready for k.

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My kids have always been homeschooled.


As it stands now I plan to school my son all the way through as I dont' think traditional school would be a good fit- I have however considered a part-time vo-tech program when he reaches 11th grade, he would still be considered a hs'er.


I believe my oldest daughter would be best served by hs'ing all the way through as well, my other two daughters I'm really not certain, my middle daughter especially I think might thrive in a school setting. As of now I planned to take my son all the way through (5-6yrs more) and then see how it goes with the rest, who knows, life changes.

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I answered, "My children go to school part time (a true B&M program, not co-op type place)" AND "My children go to a co-op or homeschool setting type place for certain classes but we homeschool" because we are working toward enrolling my DS in a few classes as a part time student at our local PS high school starting in the fall, but my DD will continue to homeschool, with a couple of outsourced classes through co-ops.

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