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What are you doing for Valentines day?


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Nothing, probably. DH's company, in their infinite wisdom, set the deadline for a major update as Valentine's Day (which usually really means "9:00 am EST on the 15th". Even though his stuff was checked in as of Friday, that probably means that he'll be getting calls and having to adjust today and tomorrow.


He commented that his boss had just moved back to Atlanta after her relationship fell through, so maybe she wants everyone to be as miserable as she is on V-day!!

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Probably take out.  We used to get a heart shaped pizza with I love you spelled out in pepperoni but the pizzaria closed it's doors a couple of years ago.

Not a holiday I ever made a big deal out of.  I have always found it to be a bit of a hallmark holiday.

This is the first one without ds as he is away at college.

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We do a kids' valentine's party every year.  We usually invite friends (family of 7) and any neighbors who want to swing in.  We do a valentine exchange and make goodies, and decorate.  


But this year - eh.  I'm not there, you know?  So we're doing some little decorating in our breakfast nook, and the kids will come downstairs to their valentines from DH and me.  I picked up little gifts for them - nothing big.  DS is getting a little fondue pot so he can make safe chocolate fondue (allergies), and I'll have strawberries for them.  


DH and I have our own private valentine exchange.  :)

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Not much.  I was thinking maybe heart shaped waffles for the kids for breakfast.  I am planning to make a cake for DH.  We don't usually do a lot although DH cancelled a meeting for that night so that we could spend time together.  I did buy DH a card and some candy he likes.  I hope he doesn't buy me a ton of candy since I am working hard on eating well.  Today is my middle son's 14th birthday, so it kind of overshadows festivities.


DD has a party at her art school tomorrow.  She is taking a dessert and valentines to give out.  It will be her first real valentine party since preschool.  I think the boys are a bit jealous, but mostly they just want the candy.

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Valentine's Day is my birthday.  So it is time for my fifth annual birthday tradition.  


Today I took the kids to the library and let them check out as many kids videos as they could each carry.  Tomorrow I will plop them all in front of the TV and just throw snacks and picnic food at them occasionally.  Meanwhile, I will CLEAN my house.  Top to bottom, floor to ceiling, music playing, dishwasher and laundry constantly humming in the background.  


By the time DH comes home tomorrow there will be a big bag of trash sitting in the garage, the back of the van will be piled with stuff to donate and the house will feel fresh and ready to start my new year.  Then we will all go out for dinner (dropping the donations off on the way), we will pop the kids into bed early, DH will "surprise" me with my favorite kind of cake from the grocery store and we will relax in the pristine house and watch whatever I want on Netflix.


My big projects for tomorrow are sorting the art supplies and tackling Audrey's room which it is a clutter of clothes she has outgrown and too big clothes that have been passed down to her from Spencer.  I'm also going to vacuum the whole house with the new vacuum I bought for myself this past weekend!!


I'm choosing IHOP pancakes for dinner and watching 13th on Netflix.  I think it is going to be a good birthday.



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Dh will make a nice dinner but that's it.  We don't do up the public holidays very much.  We both hate going out to dinner when it's super crowded and crazy.


Right now I'm just hoping everyone feels well.  The kids have been going back and forth with nasty colds/flu since just after the New Year.  One gets sick, a few days later the next comes down with it.  We get about one week with everyone feeling better and it starts up again.

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Valentine's Day is my birthday.  So it is time for my fifth annual birthday tradition.  


Today I took the kids to the library and let them check out as many kids videos as they could each carry.  Tomorrow I will plop them all in front of the TV and just throw snacks and picnic food at them occasionally.  Meanwhile, I will CLEAN my house.  Top to bottom, floor to ceiling, music playing, dishwasher and laundry constantly humming in the background.  


By the time DH comes home tomorrow there will be a big bag of trash sitting in the garage, the back of the van will be piled with stuff to donate and the house will feel fresh and ready to start my new year.  Then we will all go out for dinner (dropping the donations off on the way), we will pop the kids into bed early, DH will "surprise" me with my favorite kind of cake from the grocery store and we will relax in the pristine house and watch whatever I want on Netflix.


My big projects for tomorrow are sorting the art supplies and tackling Audrey's room which it is a clutter of clothes she has outgrown and too big clothes that have been passed down to her from Spencer.  I'm also going to vacuum the whole house with the new vacuum I bought for myself this past weekend!!


I'm choosing IHOP pancakes for dinner and watching 13th on Netflix.  I think it is going to be a good birthday.




Happy Birthday!  What a fabulous way to celebrate it! Enjoy every moment.  :)

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Valentine's Day is my birthday.  So it is time for my fifth annual birthday tradition.  


Today I took the kids to the library and let them check out as many kids videos as they could each carry.  Tomorrow I will plop them all in front of the TV and just throw snacks and picnic food at them occasionally.  Meanwhile, I will CLEAN my house.  Top to bottom, floor to ceiling, music playing, dishwasher and laundry constantly humming in the background.  


By the time DH comes home tomorrow there will be a big bag of trash sitting in the garage, the back of the van will be piled with stuff to donate and the house will feel fresh and ready to start my new year.  Then we will all go out for dinner (dropping the donations off on the way), we will pop the kids into bed early, DH will "surprise" me with my favorite kind of cake from the grocery store and we will relax in the pristine house and watch whatever I want on Netflix.


My big projects for tomorrow are sorting the art supplies and tackling Audrey's room which it is a clutter of clothes she has outgrown and too big clothes that have been passed down to her from Spencer.  I'm also going to vacuum the whole house with the new vacuum I bought for myself this past weekend!!


I'm choosing IHOP pancakes for dinner and watching 13th on Netflix.  I think it is going to be a good birthday.




We never do anything for Valentines day (we're not that old, but I think we are natural born fuddy duddys).  But your thing sounds awesome.


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DH is out of town, so I won't be celebrating with him l (honestly, not sure if we'd be celebrating even if he was in town!).


Dd has a school party today, so I will go and enjoy that. I have little gifts for the kids that I will give them tomorrow. For dd, she is getting a gift that I bought her at Christmas time but decided to save it for Valentine's Day. It is lotion and a heart necklace from Justice. She will think it is fabulous. Ds desperately needs (wants?) a new basketball, so I bought him that. Some years I just give them candy, but since I had that leftover gift for dd, I decided little gifts would be fun.


For dinner tomorrow, I think I will order us a heart shaped pizza. I've never done that before, but it sounds kind of fun! That will be my gift - not having to cook dinner! :D

Edited by Just Kate
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Valentine's Day is my birthday.  So it is time for my fifth annual birthday tradition.  


Today I took the kids to the library and let them check out as many kids videos as they could each carry.  Tomorrow I will plop them all in front of the TV and just throw snacks and picnic food at them occasionally.  Meanwhile, I will CLEAN my house.  Top to bottom, floor to ceiling, music playing, dishwasher and laundry constantly humming in the background.  


By the time DH comes home tomorrow there will be a big bag of trash sitting in the garage, the back of the van will be piled with stuff to donate and the house will feel fresh and ready to start my new year.  Then we will all go out for dinner (dropping the donations off on the way), we will pop the kids into bed early, DH will "surprise" me with my favorite kind of cake from the grocery store and we will relax in the pristine house and watch whatever I want on Netflix.


My big projects for tomorrow are sorting the art supplies and tackling Audrey's room which it is a clutter of clothes she has outgrown and too big clothes that have been passed down to her from Spencer.  I'm also going to vacuum the whole house with the new vacuum I bought for myself this past weekend!!


I'm choosing IHOP pancakes for dinner and watching 13th on Netflix.  I think it is going to be a good birthday.




That sounds awesome! 


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I picked up some candy for the kiddos. And found a couple of different expansions of Timeline on clearance at a local store. So they'll each get one of those.

DH - I got him a very boring itunes gift card.

He's coming home from work early and we're taking the kids to the Brazilian BBQ place  -- we got a gift card for Christmas.

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I think I will be sanitizing the house(while it's in complete renovation-including kitchen..).  We have that stomach virus making its rounds here.  I am finding something to be glad about(Polyanna-style!)  at least we have 2 nice and remodeled and clean bathrooms for the 7 of us to share!!

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Valentine's Day is my birthday.  So it is time for my fifth annual birthday tradition.  


Today I took the kids to the library and let them check out as many kids videos as they could each carry.  Tomorrow I will plop them all in front of the TV and just throw snacks and picnic food at them occasionally.  Meanwhile, I will CLEAN my house.  Top to bottom, floor to ceiling, music playing, dishwasher and laundry constantly humming in the background.  


By the time DH comes home tomorrow there will be a big bag of trash sitting in the garage, the back of the van will be piled with stuff to donate and the house will feel fresh and ready to start my new year.  Then we will all go out for dinner (dropping the donations off on the way), we will pop the kids into bed early, DH will "surprise" me with my favorite kind of cake from the grocery store and we will relax in the pristine house and watch whatever I want on Netflix.


My big projects for tomorrow are sorting the art supplies and tackling Audrey's room which it is a clutter of clothes she has outgrown and too big clothes that have been passed down to her from Spencer.  I'm also going to vacuum the whole house with the new vacuum I bought for myself this past weekend!!


I'm choosing IHOP pancakes for dinner and watching 13th on Netflix.  I think it is going to be a good birthday.



This sounds like an awesome day!  I am impressed that you get so much done in one day!

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Nothing here. Dh is away for work but even if he was here we'd probably not do anything. Well, maybe we'd get take-out but that's pretty much it. Maybe I'll treat myself to a frou-frou coffee at Starbucks after I take dd to school. And get take-out on the way home. Yeah.

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DD15 has to cheer at her school's basketball game. And two of my other kids have basketball practice from 7 to 8. So our evening is shot. We will spend it driving the kids around and overseeing homework, like any other night.


We will have homemade lasagna for dinner. I made it a few months ago and froze it, so all I have to do is defrost and reheat to have a yummy homemade meal. So there is that to look forward to. DH got the kids a little treat, and I picked up some heart shaped boxes of chocolates for them at the store today. And some cupcakes from the bakery. I chose a small block of fudge, half chocolate and half strawberry, for DH.


It would be nice to be able to have a date with DH, but eating dinner and treats with the kids will be our celebration.

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Dh and I will go to dinner tonight or Wed. night. We do not like the crowds the day of. We have other plans for V-day evening, when the kids are down ;).


We will take the day off of school. In the morning I will wake up and make raspberry heart shaped pancakes for the kids.


I will take 10 yr. old boy to get a video game he wants.


I have a small Dinotrux toy for 2 yr. old boy.


12 yr. old girl will get to download 5 new music albums of her choice. She has listened to everything we have over and over and has been dying for new music. She will probably spend all day listening to them.


Most of the day will be spent on 14 yr. old girl's hair. I will take her to get her hair trimmed, then we will go to Sally's and get true red hair dye and bleach so I can dye the ends of her hair. I might pick up some dye for myself.



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We haven't celebrated Valentine's past a slightly nicer meal and music during dinner for years (the kids aren't up for much more than that).  This is the first time in at least 4 years we are actually planning something.  We are looking at it like it's our last chance before the baby comes to go on a date, lol.  


So my parents are taking the kids overnight, and after my DH's teaching in the morning we are...doing something. IDK what, it's a surprise (I like surprises, this is a good thing).  But I'm looking forward to just getting out. 


Hopefully it doesn't end with me going into labor, lol, though I guess that'd be a surprise too  ;)

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I'm planning strawberry brioche French toast for breakfast before DH leaves for work, and we'll work together on a nice steak dinner. The kids requested chocolate mousse for dessert. We're giving the big kids mugs, Star Wars and Frozen, with small boxes of chocolate. I bought some organic little cookies for my 15-month-old.


We're also planning to cover the kids' bedroom doors with hearts with reasons why they are special. It was supposed to be one a day for fourteen days, but I kept forgetting to start it. I'm going to do something similar for DH. He bought me flowers last week before the prices went up and we just bought a huge new tv, so we're not doing any other gifts for each other.

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Happy Birthday, Wendy!!  Woohoo!  What an awesome birthday plan - sounds like the perfect day!  



Valentine's Day is my birthday.  So it is time for my fifth annual birthday tradition.  


Today I took the kids to the library and let them check out as many kids videos as they could each carry.  Tomorrow I will plop them all in front of the TV and just throw snacks and picnic food at them occasionally.  Meanwhile, I will CLEAN my house.  Top to bottom, floor to ceiling, music playing, dishwasher and laundry constantly humming in the background.  


By the time DH comes home tomorrow there will be a big bag of trash sitting in the garage, the back of the van will be piled with stuff to donate and the house will feel fresh and ready to start my new year.  Then we will all go out for dinner (dropping the donations off on the way), we will pop the kids into bed early, DH will "surprise" me with my favorite kind of cake from the grocery store and we will relax in the pristine house and watch whatever I want on Netflix.


My big projects for tomorrow are sorting the art supplies and tackling Audrey's room which it is a clutter of clothes she has outgrown and too big clothes that have been passed down to her from Spencer.  I'm also going to vacuum the whole house with the new vacuum I bought for myself this past weekend!!


I'm choosing IHOP pancakes for dinner and watching 13th on Netflix.  I think it is going to be a good birthday.




For our valentines day: I sent small care packages to the girls at college, and I have a few little treats for the two kids still here at home.  I need to run upstairs and find the table runner and few little decorations that I have and set those out this afternoon.  We will make some homemade valentines for each other tonight, and I have a little something to put in their lunches tomorrow.  If he has time, I'll go to lunch with dh, but not a big deal if he's busy.  I am helping a friend with her room-mom duties in her son's elementary school class in the afternoon.  Then, I'm planning to fix a fancy dinner for all of us at home  - steak, shrimp, chocolate fondue, etc.  <3 <3 <3  

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Hmmm. I'm volunteering at the historical museum all day, juggling archery/soccer practice pickups after school, and teaching a boy scout class on Citizenship in the Community in the evening.


Not sure what DH is doing....


However, DS13 informed me that he did want valentines (you know, those cheesy paper ones) and tootsie pops to give to everyone in his grade. I don't think he's done that for 5 years. I think it is sweet.

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We went out this past weekend for a date night to celebrate St. Valentine's Day. We went to look at new dining room set, went to buy me new pajamas (a tradition, lol), and went out to dinner.

Tomorrow DH will bring the children home chocolates and cards (and usually I get some, too), and the kids give Dad a card; I give him a card and chocolates. We usually have something special for dinner.

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I think I will be sanitizing the house(while it's in complete renovation-including kitchen..).  We have that stomach virus making its rounds here.  I am finding something to be glad about(Polyanna-style!)  at least we have 2 nice and remodeled and clean bathrooms for the 7 of us to share!!


Hey there


I am in the same boat!  


Baby had it on Saturday.   4 year old just feel right now.  Perfect because we shared food about an hour ago. 

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Valentine's Day is my birthday.  So it is time for my fifth annual birthday tradition.  


Today I took the kids to the library and let them check out as many kids videos as they could each carry.  Tomorrow I will plop them all in front of the TV and just throw snacks and picnic food at them occasionally.  Meanwhile, I will CLEAN my house.  Top to bottom, floor to ceiling, music playing, dishwasher and laundry constantly humming in the background.  


By the time DH comes home tomorrow there will be a big bag of trash sitting in the garage, the back of the van will be piled with stuff to donate and the house will feel fresh and ready to start my new year.  Then we will all go out for dinner (dropping the donations off on the way), we will pop the kids into bed early, DH will "surprise" me with my favorite kind of cake from the grocery store and we will relax in the pristine house and watch whatever I want on Netflix.


My big projects for tomorrow are sorting the art supplies and tackling Audrey's room which it is a clutter of clothes she has outgrown and too big clothes that have been passed down to her from Spencer.  I'm also going to vacuum the whole house with the new vacuum I bought for myself this past weekend!!


I'm choosing IHOP pancakes for dinner and watching 13th on Netflix.  I think it is going to be a good birthday.



Happy Birthday! If you think this is a good time, we could be best friends.   :wub:

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