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Do you have pets?


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Not right now.  I had a cat a number of years ago.  I got him when I was going through infertility treatments and he was my baby.  Sadly he died young of a congenital kidney defect and by then I had a baby and a toddler, so we didn't want to add a pet to the mix.  Then when I was pregnant with our youngest I read that having pets helped reduce the risk of allergies so we got a dog.  DH had been wanting one for years.  Sadly our youngest developed severe allergies and asthma when he was a toddler and we had to re-home the dog.  So then we got an aquarium with fish, but we stopped restocking it with fish after a few years.  The kids didn't like the upkeep of cleaning the tank weekly.

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I could never live without pets. They're like family. I have one dog right now. My other dog died in early November and I miss her tremendously. The house is too quiet without her. We've also had cats and I love them as well. I don't know how long we'll wait before we get another pet. DH isn't ready to add another pet while he's still grieving.

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Yep, we just added one.


We had two cats and a dog until several months ago, when the younger cat passed away exepectedly. Although we all miss Raven, I will admit to having some moments when I appreciated having one-third less pet-related work and mess. So, we had no plan to acquire another furry friend.


However, a teeny, underweight, feral black and white kitten decided to force the issue by hiding in the engine compartment of my car when I was on my way to work a few weeks ago. 


Consequently, in addition to a large, cranky, 10-year-old black cat named Piggers and a Pomeranian-poodle-probably-other-things-too eight-year-old mutt named Matilda, we are owned by a no-longer-underweight, formerly feral black and white kitten named Stitch.

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I could never live without pets. They're like family. I have one dog right now. My other dog died in early November and I miss her tremendously. The house is too quiet without her. We've also had cats and I love them as well. I don't know how long we'll wait before we get another pet. DH isn't ready to add another pet while he's still grieving.


ohh I'm sorry.... :grouphug:

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I didn't want pets until my kids could theoretically be responsible for them - ha!  First we got 2 bettas when they were 8yo.  (The second one just died and I handed down my fish tank to my younger sister, so she can start the pet thing with her kids.)  When they were 9, we got parakeets (still have 1).  At 10 my kid requested and received a rodent (Chubchoo, our guinea pig).


I have told them they have to wait until 12yo to get a dog, and then only if they are responsible.


I'd get a cat in between, but we have a housemate who is allergic to cats.  So I'm not sure if we will get a new pet when my kids are 11, and if so, what it will be.  I'm thinking a reptile, but I'm not sure about that ....


Our next-door neighbor has a variety of pets.  My sister (the favorite aunt) breeds dogs.  My kids spend a lot of time at a farm hanging with horses, goats, chickens, dogs, and cats.  So they aren't deprived.  :p


ETA and we're trying to have a volunteer gig walking shelter dogs.  But so far we've only walked one dog.  Can't seem to make it fit in our schedule.

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Currently we have 2 cats. Before that we had 1 cat; different from the 2 we have now. Before that we had 3 cats. Ages ago I had a small fish tank with 6 fish. Haven't kept fish since. Dd wanted a fish tank and I told dh that I wouldn't take care of it; btdt, not interested in doing it again. If she wants to look at fish we'll go to Petsmart. Her interest lasted less than a year. Dd volunteers at the animal shelter to pet kitties because she can't get enough kitties in her life.



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We only have one cat at the moment. Our other one passed away in October at 16.5 years of age. She was my special kitty and I miss her a lot! I don't think I'll be ready to get another cat for quite awhile yet. Plus we have a lot of stress going on right now, so not the best time to add another furry family member.


Edited to add a pic of my sweet kitty.


Edited by Jennay
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We're down to one cat left as a pet.  Critter wise we also have 4 chickens and 3 ponies left (after selling 7 others this season).  In our past we had up to 8 cats and 2 dogs at one time for pets, and 36 chickens plus 28 ponies at one time for other critters (occasionally meat pigs and steers too).  Over our 28 years of marriage pets have passed on (usually old age) and critters have come and go due to sales or births/deaths.


Since our farming life phase is nearing an end, we're purposely working to get the numbers down by not replacing as critters leave or die.  We are still breeding (our 3 ponies left are 2 broodmares and our stallion), but they are technically for sale too - just by word of mouth rather than advertising at this point.


It seems really, really strange doing chores now with just 3 ponies here.  A month ago we had 10 and I thought that was light number-wise!  This past year we went from two cats to one too as our 15 year old cat died.  Definitely the end of an era.


If we move to a condo, we'll probably get two cats.  If we live on a sailboat, probably not.  I can't imagine a cat would enjoy that sort of life.

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We have three cats (one elderly, the other two fairly young-they found us almost exactly 2 years ago, mother and kitten), a 24 yr old Ball Python, a 9 yr old corn snake, and a juvenile turtle who isn't technically a pet (DD is raising him for a year as part of a head starting project, to get practice with chelonians and in tracking/recording data on animals over time).


In season, we have three frog ponds as well, and usually have a decent number of regular visitors. This year, DD is hoping to do some social networks research on bronze frogs.

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We have 3 dogs. A large German Shepard/Collie mix named Finn Tastic, a medium Border Collie named Madison Hatter, and a small Schnauzer named Scout Rageous.


We also have a squirrel tree frog named Autolycus.


The boys have been begging for a cat, but Dh hates them.


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I cannot imagine living without pets.


We have two dogs. They are like family members. Our last two dogs lived to 16, and were my doggy soul mates. We hoped for that long with our two boys now. One of them was diagnosed with lymphoma on Nov 9, and the vet felt that chemo was not going to be effective in significantly improving his long term outlook. So we made our sweet boy a doggy bucket list, we take him places, and cook him special food, and we sang and gave him a hamburger cake on his 8th bday. But we know the end is coming soon. Every day we just love him. I fear the end will be this week. It's heartrending.


We have three turtles, too. They are 9ish years old.

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The only time in my life that I've lived without pets was my 4 years of college - and if some colleges had had pet dorms back then like my youngest's college does now (Eckerd College), it would likely have swayed where I chose to go!  But still, it was college.  I saw my pets on return trips home.  As soon as we moved off campus, I got two kittens.  ;)  (My parents had dogs before they had children, then we kept dogs, added cats, and ponies/horses.)


If we end up on a boat living without a pet... that will be 100% new to me boat-wise and pet-wise.

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We currently have: 


3 dogs (two mutts and a dobie)

1 barn cat (but working her way towards house cat status)

2 pieces of lawn art (aka the horses)

2 bunnies

17 chickens


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Right now we have 2 dogs, a golden doodle and a mutt that we're guessing is a lab/staffordshire terrier mix. 


Between me and my kids we've had mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, ferrets, and dogs (mostly poodles as I'm not a fan of shedding). 


I love having animals around. They are family to me and bring me great joy. 

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We have 3 dogs. A large German Shepard/Collie mix named Finn Tastic, a medium Border Collie named Madison Hatter, and a small Schnauzer named Scout Rageous.


We also have a squirrel tree frog named Autolycus.


The boys have been begging for a cat, but Dh hates them.


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Love those names!


We have a Schnauzy also.  And 2 fish.

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We have four cats. We didn't start out wanting to be crazy cat people, but it just sort of worked out that way.

You're not quite in crazy territory yet. My DS is embarrassed to cat food shop with me, because people might think I'm a crazy cat lady. LOL


At my parents house (where I am staying currently) there are Six indoor cats right now, and several (10 or 12ish) barn cats.


Exactly zero of those cats were planned. Especially the barn cats, that population started due to a stray or drop-off appearing from nowhere and having kittens about 10 years ago. 4 of the indoor cats are barn cat kitten rescues for various reasons, one was a stray kitten picked up at a storage facility, and one was a gift from my aunt to my Dad.

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Always have, always will.  Dog, 3 cats, a rabbit (which I could do without) and fish.

Two animals I will never be without (I hope) a big dog and a tuxedo cat.  Tuxedos just seem to have the greatest personality.  He is the 4th one in our married life.

I love big dogs, the Aussie is good size but I'd like an even bigger one someday when she is gone. 

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Six dogs, five cats, and six horses.  


When the kids were little, we also had fish, hermit crabs, and a dwarf pygmy hedgehog, who lived to the ripe old age of six (which is ancient in hedgehog years).


We love animals (obviously!) and could never do without them.  :001_wub:



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I have one pet. Actually three, but two are goldfish that live in the basement and are mostly ignored. I hate to say it, but I won't be sorry to see them go to Davy Jones' locker. They are about four years old now, and I've been tired of them for about 3.5 years.


Our one real pet is our calico cat. She used to belong to my mom, but Dad became allergic. She is the sweetest cat ever. For some reason, the other cats I've had in my life have been the sassy kind, so having a sweet cuddly one is a nice change.

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We have a corgi/min. poodle mix (hair like poodle, body of corgi) named Hughie.  My dd has a cat that has lived with us for four years and her name is Antigone.  We also have a 50 gallon aquarium with fish in it.  I am considering whether I will get a new cat when dd moves into an apartment with her cat winter, 2018.  We just found a cat in our yard about a week ago and it kept hanging around so if we don't find the owner, my ds will have her at his apartment.

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Five cats:



(from top, clockwise: 18.5yo, 17yo, 13yo, 1yo, 3.5yo -- so two seniors, one middle-aged, & two youths)


I will mention that the 1yo has been called "Hannibal Lecter" by the veterinary staff. :tongue_smilie: :lol:

Edited by Stacia
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3 Cats

   Mr. Meowgie

   Spock (my lovey)



1 Dog



2 ratties

    both with Japanese names that I can't spell  :lol:




ETA: and one giant catfish that ate all the other fish


Jewellsmommy, the little guy in your profile pic is sooooo cute!  I smile whenever I see it.  :)

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This is a timely thread for me. 


Rip  - Coco 9/04 - 12/6/16 a sweet, loving, peacful, gentle friend.  We will miss you. 


Our dog died last night.  We were lucky all off and at home.  She was my oldest son's and he laid down with her from 10 pm to 5 am as she passed in our basement.  Its been a sad day but she had good life.  My oldest son had issues with depression- suicidal  as a teen and she was his best friend and what really helped him.  My son is mentally healthy now and was prepared for her to die.  I'm just so grateful to her for giving my baby boy what he needed.   She was a gift to our family but especially to my oldest.


We now have a very old cat that showed up in our barn and a 6 yo cat



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