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How old were you when you became a mom?


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I was 24.  That child just turned 22 and got married but says she is not having kids for a couple years at least.  So that would  be another interesting question.  If you had kids early are your kids more likely to  become parents early and vice versa?  Of course in the same breath that particular child says she wants 6-8.  We'll see if that dream survives the first pregnancy :)  Maybe that is another question.  All three of my dds want big families.  Bigger than ours.  My son wisely says he wants as many kids as his future wife wants.   :)


Amber in SJ


I do have one friend who had her first at 19.  Her daughter had her first at 19.  That friend is now 50 and has EIGHT grandchildren, the oldest is 11.


That is nuts to me, but my mom got me at age 36 and I was 33 when I had my first child.  Nothing was planned that way, it just happened.  We both got married at 29.  Again, coincidence.  Her mother had her around age 20.


My paternal grandmother had her first child in her 30s.  She had all boys, but they varied greatly in their ages for having children.  I think one had a child at 22.  He got married at 20.  My dad was 31 when I was born.

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I was 24.  That child just turned 22 and got married but says she is not having kids for a couple years at least.  So that would  be another interesting question.  If you had kids early are your kids more likely to  become parents early and vice versa?  


I was 20.  Dh was 23.  We got married very young though...16 and 18.  20 seemed old by then! lol.


His parents were 28-9ish when they had his older brother.  My mom was 21, dad was just barely 20 when they had me.  


I don't think my girls will have kids that young, but they do plan on starting families in their mid to late 20s.  My oldest will be 20 in December, and while she's dating a young man, they have no plans for marriage or families just yet.  My younger two are pretty set on finishing up college and working a few years first.  

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27, 30, 32, 34, 37


i wish we would have started sooner


I wish that we had had babies sooner, too, but it's not like you can plan some of this stuff.  I didn't meet my dh until 24, married at 26, then we had infertility issues, so 31 it was.

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21... Way too young in my opinion. I have advised my daughters to finish college, get married, spend a few years traveling or saving or whatever and then have kids. 


Let me also add, I don't regret it. I have five amazing kids who I love more than anyone in the world. 

Edited by Michelle My Bell
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