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DD has cancer, and I need to say something I can't say out loud or to IRL friends


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Like you, I don't post a ton, but agree that this board feels like family. So please know that your extended family all over the world are rallying behind you, praying for your strength and your daughter's recovery, comforting you through the hard times, and cheering for your good days yet to come.

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Right that you can't say it IRL.  Because then people argue with you and "comfort" you by saying, "Oh, odds are she'll be fine."  But they can't know that she'll be fine.  They just can't.  And the comfort is hollow. 


You're scared and sometimes you just want someone to agree with you, "Yes, this is really scary.  We don't know what will happen.  It's really, really scary."  And not try to comfort or reassure you with empty promises they can't keep.





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I am so sorry you all are dealing with this.  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:



I am a 22 year survivor of Hodgkin's Lymphoma. It can be very scary. When I was first diagnosed, I worked in a large office. One of the managers  pulled me in her office and told me she was also a survivor of Hodgkin's. She had just had her first child. It gave me some hope. 


It must all look really scary right now. I'm in a long-term Hodgkin's survivor group, there are a lot of us, many who had treatment in the 70s as children. I know none of this may help, please know you all will be in my thoughts. 

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It is scary, and the fear never goes away. It gets pushed down with each passing month and year that your child is in remission, but it is always there. Find a way to keep the normal in your life.


Please pm me if you need more advice or an ear. This is a road we too still travel.

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Oh dear!


My Mother had non-H lym in the late 80's.  


That is almost 30 years ago and there has been many, many discoveries and advancements in the medical community.   Hang in there.  It sounds trite but  don't mean for it to. 


Am praying now. 


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I don't post very often, and I probably won't be homeschooling next year, but this community has been a huge help for me over the last few years and it feels like extended family in a way.


My oldest DD (10) has recently been diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma, stage 3B. She will have 5 rounds of chemo followed by possible radiation depending how she responds to the chemo. 1 round is done and we're headed back for round 2 on Tuesday.


In general, Hodgkin in children has an excellent prognosis! This is what we emphasize in real life - the approximately 95% 5-year survival rate. Sounds great, right? But I need to say somewhere that a 95% survival rate means that after 5 years, 1 in 20 is dead. That is so scary.


That's all. I appreciate your prayers.

Huge hugs. I know you already know this but a friend had this and is not now only healthy five years on but has her first baby. Praying for the best outcome for you.

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Sending  :grouphug: and prayers as you (all) go through this.  I'd be right there with you on the scared and needing a place to vent bit.  Being the mama of child who draws the short straw for cancer is a tough job.  Kudos to you as you're there for her.  Prayers for you too.  May it all go very routinely as it should. 

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