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When was the last time you took a vacation?


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When was the last time you took a vacation that wasn't to visit family?


I just realized mine was 2004, before kids. We were at the beach in Florida. We'd paid for the week but left after just one day ahead of the evacuation for Hurricane Charley and weren't able to get our money back because we left 12 hours before the evacuation order went into place.

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Three weeks ago.


We try to do several small vacations a year, or maybe one bigger trip somewhere and a couple of small ones.  We're only a couple of hours from the mountains and about four or five from the ocean, so no flying necessary to get to a nice locale.

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dh grew up always visiting "family" for their vacations. (so did my mom.  that may have been one reason she had zero interest in her out-of-state extended family.) 


we rarely visited dh's mother on vacations.  (mine was local.)  If we visited his mother, it was usually for someone's funeral that dh wished to attend. (the last time he went to one - 11 years ago? -, was his mother's husband's funeral, and dh flew down alone. mil (90) is 20+ years younger than fil's family.)


so - we went to Yellowstone in june.  three of my adult kids came with us.

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When was the last time you took a vacation that wasn't to visit family?


I just realized mine was 2004, before kids. We were at the beach in Florida. We'd paid for the week but left after just one day ahead of the evacuation for Hurricane Charley and weren't able to get our money back because we left 12 hours before the evacuation order went into place.

That's a long time ago! I had a baby *literaly* in the middle of that hurricane.


We're on vacation now, but it's not a real vacation. We're at my mom's house. Our last real vacation was a year ago.

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Just hubby and I?  We came home from one last Friday.  (Beach/Kitty Hawk)


The two of us, our two non-married kids, and my mom (& not to her house)?  The end of May.  (Lake Ontario)


We've also visited relatives in between those two times, but I don't generally count those as vacations.  They are - sort of - but they're different.


Last use of our passports... well, Canada doesn't count for me since my mom lives on the border (and that would have been July)... so Feb/Mar. (Bahamas)


Not counting family, it will probably be until Jan or Feb for our next one - unless we opt for a couple of weekends away to visit college boy and head to a college reunion. (separate options)



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June 26 - July 5. Badlands, Mt. Rushmore, Black Hills, Devil's Tower, Minuteman Missile site...absolutely wonderful family vacation.


Oh and the last weekend in July we drove ds to MTU for ecology camp so made a very nice U.P. drive and then turned around and did it again the following weekend.

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2003 if a homeschooling conference counts.


1998 if checking out a new place to live counts.


We used to visit my parents almost every year, either at their home or at my late sister's homestead, before my divorce.


I got divorced in 1994.

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In 1996, or so we went to Disney (before kids).  We took an overnight trip to a water park a few hours away somewhere around 2006.  We have taken a few trips up north to visit my in-laws (I don't consider that a vacation. ;) )  DH takes 2-3 weekend trips a year to go ATV riding up north. 

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Depends on what you call a vacation I guess. Last week we traveled to dh's grandmother's memorial service, after that we took two days to go up to where we originally met. It was a nice lazy two days seeing our old colleges, taking walks, eating remembered food, swimming in the hotel pool, playing mini-golf. It was sort of a vacation, I guess? We do a lot of that - tacking stuff onto other trips to see family.


Before that, in September, we went to Niagara Falls for a few days and took a day to go to Toronto. That was a good little vacation. We did stop to see dh's family, but that was more the opposite - we tacked them onto our trip.

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Genuine question: does a night at a waterpark with the kids count as a vacation? We'll go away to Great Wolf Lodge (or another local waterpark) once or twice a year, but just for one night. Not sure if that counts as a vacation or not. If not, it's been since 2009, and that was camping with the kids. A vacation OTHER than camping and/or visiting family has never happened that I can recall. We're taking 4-5 days to go camping again in September, though.

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I live in a resort. Technically, I vacation every day. But, the only time we leave town is for dance competitions.


Oops, I forgot I had a moment of craziness a few weeks ago and took my self to Disney and did some of the adult only tours. Geez, best weekend of my life. How could I forget that?

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We went to see family in May.

We went to Disney, but only because my dad wanted to go, last October.

Two years ago I went to visit a friend out of state by myself and meet her baby.

I think it was about three years ago that the three of us went to the beach for a few days.


DH and I last went somewhere other than to visit family, by ourselves, in Feb. 2007. Montreal.


ETA: We've never been camping. I like to travel; DH does not.

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I wonder if there are some different definitions of "vacation" going on. Some people have included things like a weekend camping and others have not. I know that money is tight for many, as the OP said, but have the people who are saying it's been 5+ years really not done a night at a hotel or a weekend camping or anything like that in that time?


ETA: If that's the case, I'm sorry. Or, I hope you are content with that - I know some people just don't like to travel.

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We haven't had a "real" vacation since we've been married (almost 24 years). Even our "honeymoon" was one night in the hotel where the reception was held, in my hometown. Part of that is because dh's family lives overseas, so any vacation budget we may have had went to visiting them. So while we have done our fair share of international travel, it hasn't been to a destination of choice, and staying with a zillion inlaws (no matter how sweet) is not a real vacation.


Any travel within the US is always visiting family or close friends. I haven't flown domestically since I was 14.


I am blessed that my parents still live in my beloved, picturesque and relaxing hometown, so visiting them for a weekend every couple of months, getting out of the house and away from responsibilities feels like a mini vacation.


When the kids were little, my parents had a very nice camper and we would camp with them for a week or two in the summer, but without dh.


We dream of being able to take the dc to Disney someday (I went every spring break growing up), but I have no idea when we'll be able to afford that.


ETA: I forgot dh and I went to a religious conference in Toronto in 2004. We drove, and dBIL let us use his miles for the hotel. It was the weekend of the Thailand tsunami.


We also spent a couple of nights in a hotel (just dh and I) while looking for a rental when we relocated in 2007.


Dh has had a handful of interviews this year, 3 hours away. Each time he takes one of us with him (a big dc or me). It's not a destination city, but it does involve one night in a hotel and meals on the expense account.

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I guess it depends on what your definition of "vacation" is. We went to the Grand Canyon for 4 days in June and over Memorial Day Weekend we went to family camp. Those are all relatively short. If you mean a cruise, or a week in Florida or something.... then never.

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I wonder if there are some different definitions of "vacation" going on. Some people have included things like a weekend camping and others have not. I know that money is tight for many, as the OP said, but have the people who are saying it's been 5+ years really not done a night at a hotel or a weekend camping or anything like that in that time?


ETA: If that's the case, I'm sorry. Or, I hope you are content with that - I know some people just don't like to travel.


We've done a night or two in a local hotel suite to visit (and eat and swim) with family once a year or so.  

Money always seems tight, but we've also been restricted due to our big dogs not doing very well with strange places and not being comfortable with house/pet sitters.

It pains me to say it but, just under a week after loosing our last big dog, I'm starting to think about our expanded options.

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We were supposed to go to Hershey Park earlier this year but couldn't because dh started a new job.  :sad:


Dh and I did take a few days for my birthday a couple weeks ago.  We went to South Jersey for a gathering of some of his high school friends (kind of a post-reunion reunion) and I pushed to stay in a hotel instead of at his parents for a couple of the nights.  We did 2 nights in a hotel, went to the reunion, to the beach, out to lots of great dinners, to a bonfire, then spent one night with his parents before coming home.


Last year we didn't do much but we used to go camping two or three times a year - usually here in NJ or in PA, and I would count those as vacations.

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Two years ago. We tend to do a short vacation annually but last year was a crazy year so we didn't plan any. This year we are thinking of Montreal and Ontario or Europe for snow season.


We went to Europe for 3 weeks in May.

Did you do free and easy or tour group? We are planning to go to Europe for a vacation. Kids want to visit the Eiffel Tower. We hope not to drive this time round and either take a tour package or use the metro, eurorails.

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Last month.


We mostly take camping vacations to be budget mindful but we make taking a number of trips a year a priority.


Once we aren't on as tight of a budget (my husband is in school), we will resume taking 1-2 non camping trips a year. We do love to camp though and that won't stop.

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Last one I've gone on was maybe 3 or 4 years ago?  Dh has taken the kids on a couple without me.  (I bailed at the last minute due to my health.)  Having them gone for a week was actually heavenly for me and recharged me more than any vacation ever has.  I did have a sort of a vacation a few years ago when I traveled across the country to see a specialist for a few days.  Of course half the day was spent in a doctor's office having tests run on me but I did get to stay in a nice hotel and got time alone.  Wait. . . mentioning hotels made me realize that last year I did travel with the kids twice to family weddings.  I don't know if I should count those as vacations or not since we did technically vacate but it wasn't relaxing at all for me.  

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We went in April to Thailand, Cambodia, and South Korea, though it was technically to visit family, those are places I have always wanted to go, so it was definitely a vacation. On Monday dh and I will leave for Kauai for 4 days for a kid free resort vacation. We try to do a big one every year or two and as many smaller ones as we can reasonably afford.

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When was the last time you took a vacation that wasn't to visit family?



I know it's semantics but I don't consider it a vacation when I visit family unless family is meeting us at a vacation destination. I enjoy visiting family but that's what I call it "family visits". Vacation is going somewhere by choice, that may or may not involve family meeting us there. We meet my parents somewhere about once every year or two, and do long weekends with one of dh's siblings once or twice a year but that involves everyone getting to travel.

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I know it's semantics but I don't consider it a vacation when I visit family unless family is meeting us at a vacation destination. I enjoy visiting family but that's what I call it "family visits". Vacation is going somewhere by choice, that may or may not involve family meeting us there. We meet my parents somewhere about once every year or two, and do long weekends with one of dh's siblings once or twice a year but that involves everyone getting to travel.

I agree, and especially since I often ended up doing a huge amount of the cooking, grocery shopping, and laundry for the entire clan, and when the kids were little, the other relatives expected me to supervise their kids because "this is our vacation". GRRRR....I always came back exhausted and wishing I never had to go again. That's when dh finally said, "NO" and we stopped traveling to Florida to see his side of the family.

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We are on our way to camp with our new to us tent trailer for three nights with friends right now. Last weekend we took our trailer 40 minutes up the mountain for one night to try it out.


DH and I went to the homeschool convention in Southern California last month and stayed in an airbnb guest house with our youngest (who is 10 months). And the last time we stayed in a hotel was when we went to Southern California in April just to get away for two nights.


I haven't been out of California since 6 years ago when we flew to visit friends in Tennessee and Kentucky. In January DH's brother is getting married in Texas so we will be going out of state then.

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