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Weather----would this be considered HOT by you?


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Yes, it's hot. Just because it's July and just because it can get hotter, doesn't mean it's not hot.


It is hot.


I tend to feel cold most of the time, but 92 with humidity leaves even my cold self sweating. I would want to be inside with the a/c on or at the pool in that weather.


I like to keep the house at about 77/78 in the summer. To me that is cozy.

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It would be hot, but not hot hot, if that makes sense.  I wouldn't be freaking out and staying inside, but definitely, I would complain to anyone that would listen.


It's reguarly about 95 here, with a humidity level in the 80s.

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Yep.  Hot. Very hot. Miserably hot. 


I live in Alaska where it is a balmy 54 degrees today.  It is very comfortable, thank you. 


Before living in Alaska, I lived in Hawaii. Alaska is my reward for tolerating 4 years of Hawaii. 

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On another post people were mentioning how different people view hot, cold, etc. depending on what they are used to.


Our weather forecast for tomorrow is 92-95 degrees with a dew point of 77 (they say anything over 70 is oppressive).  That puts the heat index about 105.  

Would you consider that hot?  I know areas that have temps higher than that but do they also have the very high humidity levels?


I will say that for us here in West Michigan, this is HOT.  They have a lot of warnings out for the weather tomorrow.


My issue with the HOT weather is that there is only so much clothing I can remove when I am outside.  When it is 20 below zero windchills I can easily ADD another layer and stay warm. :)  I am so thankful we have air conditioning though.

Yep, I'd call that hot, I'd also call it home (except higher humidity %).  When they say "it's not the heat, it's the humidity" they must be talking about Southern Indiana.  I've lived in places that were hotter but lacked the humidity and I promise, it makes all the difference.  

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I live close to the OP and I have someone visiting from Kansas this week. We were discussing our plans and the weather and I told her that my weather app said it was going to be 94 and there was a heat advisory. She said "a heat advisory? At only 94 degrees?"

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I am more sensitive to heat than most people. If the temperature is above around 75 deg. F., I am unhappy. If in the nineties or higher, I am utterly miserable. Eighties are nasty, but I survive. I am trapped living in north Texas. Even Birmingham, AL was better than here! (for the temperature, that is. I loved living there!)

I'm also heat intolerant. Yes, 90 degrees is hot to me. Really anything above 80 I consider hot, but I'm in the Pacific NW and not typically used to really high temps.

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That weather is considered very hot where I grew up. When temperatures got to the high 90s with humidity it was hot and uncomfortable. It isn't temperatures we would ever see where I live now. To me it is very hot. On the other hand I hate when it gets below zero but temperatures in the 30s feel so balmy in the spring.

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People would be fainting with the shock of those temperatures here in Scotland, never mind the temps themselves.  No one has air conditioning, including in public buildings, so it might actually be a health threat for some in frail health.


I spent seven years in Hong Kong: I wouldn't like the temperatures, but I'd cope fine.

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Very hot.  Anything above 70 is lock-down-the-house-and-don't-use-the-stove weather here.  No one has AC, including most businesses, so we are very ill equipped to deal with heat.  I usually will not run in anything above 60 if I can help it.  I have a race today and the high is 82 (which is the hottest temp we have seen this year).  I might die.  Seriously.  

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I don't have so much humidity here, but 33 oC would be considered a nice summer day.


 hot  for me is over 38oC. Over 40 oC and my body shuts down and I have trouble staying awake.


here you get the weather forecast of the actual temperature, none of this nonsense of trying to make it sound hotter by adding in all other factors- those other factors are what increase the bushfire rating -. Last time DH was in Canada he said the weather people were going on about the humidity etc making the temp more like 40 oC instead of the 33oC it was really- he said that it was nothing like being 40 oC and they obviously had never had a 40+ oC day as they would realize it Is way way hotter.

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Humidity makes a huge difference. A few years ago, ds spent a year in New Mexico.. We left home in probably 90s heat and very high humidity (normal here). In New Mexico it was 104-106 the days I was there. I remember finding it very comfortable.the humidity reached 10% one of the days and everyone (hotel maid, park ranger, Target cashier, etc) we interacted with was complaining how awful it was. Ds and I were thinking it was fine and had no trouble being out and about. I spent three days there and did some sight seeing before ds had to be dropped off.


I do remember being super conscious of sunscreen application. Despite not being uncomfortable from heat the sun did feel intense.


Ds remembers that often on 10% humidity days people would complain. He and a boy from Kentucky would just tell them "you have no idea..."

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Humidity makes a huge difference. A few years ago, ds spent a year in New Mexico.. We left home in probably 90s heat and very high humidity (normal here). In New Mexico it was 104-106 the days I was there. I remember finding it very comfortable.the humidity reached 10% one of the days and everyone (hotel maid, park ranger, Target cashier, etc) we interacted with was complaining how awful it was. Ds and I were thinking it was fine and had no trouble being out and about. I spent three days there and did some sight seeing before ds had to be dropped off.


I do remember being super conscious of sunscreen application. Despite not being uncomfortable from heat the sun did feel intense.


Ds remembers that often on 10% humidity days people would complain. He and a boy from Kentucky would just tell them "you have no idea..."


We had a similar experience many years ago in Denver in August.  I thought it was wonderfully comfortable weather.  In fact I was wearing jeans.  In August!!  And all the local people and the newscasters were going on and on about how intolerably hot it was.  IIRC the high was something like 90 or 92, but it felt wonderfully cool to us because the humidity was so low.


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I live in Missouri and we're having similar weather now. It's normal for us. It's also hot. Heat Index was 110 last week. We have high humidity. 


I hate it. I can't handle the high humidity. The heat is better when it's cloudy. Today it's raining which helps the heat but makes it more muggy. 


I'm having trouble with it this summer. We did smores on the deck last year. put everything on a plate, covered it with a glass bowl and a few hours later we had smores. 


Someday I'll live somewhere different. I'd prefer about 85 as a high and about low 60s at night for the summer. 




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I've been telling my best friend we're chilly this summer (90s).  I am clearly very weird.


I've said something similar when we had some days like that in the summer nTX, but it was meant as a joke. I really wished they didn't have a 3 month summer break for school when we lived there. It would have made so more sense to have the kids in school during the summer, since you can't let them play outside much when all the playground equipment would just scorch them, and to have nice long spring and fall breaks instead.


In NL they consider it to be a heat wave when the high hits 86F for 3+ days in a row. When we were living in the apartments at the University of Dallas we once had a heat wave by the Dutch definition in our apartment with the A/C running full time. Moral of the story - do not get a west-facing apartment on the top floor. Our electric bills were insane ($230/month during the summer just for college 1-bedroom apartment).

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Ds remembers that often on 10% humidity days people would complain. He and a boy from Kentucky would just tell them "you have no idea..."

When we were in the Tetons several years ago, we (a family from Atlanta) struck up a coversation with a waiter who was also from Atlanta and another visitor, who was from Colorado. She was complaining about the humidity in Wyoming. I am sure our mouths were all hanging open.

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On another post people were mentioning how different people view hot, cold, etc. depending on what they are used to.


Our weather forecast for tomorrow is 92-95 degrees with a dew point of 77 (they say anything over 70 is oppressive).  That puts the heat index about 105.  

Would you consider that hot?  I know areas that have temps higher than that but do they also have the very high humidity levels?


I will say that for us here in West Michigan, this is HOT.  They have a lot of warnings out for the weather tomorrow.


My issue with the HOT weather is that there is only so much clothing I can remove when I am outside.  When it is 20 below zero windchills I can easily ADD another layer and stay warm. :)  I am so thankful we have air conditioning though.


Yes, that is hot. My skin would be screaming, lol.


I say that as someone who lives in Central Texas where that is common this time of year. Oy.

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For reference: My central air isn't working right now. Ex is supposed to fix it when he comes back to the area in a few weeks. I thought I could handle it until then as my house has good air flow with the windows open and ds has a portable AC in his room. 


It's been 90+ the last week except for one day of 80 with a breeze. I'm sitting here sweating, my brain is kind of foggy and I can't focus on the work I need to do (all mental stuff). I'm heading to buy a cheap window AC today for the interim. 


I notice a huge difference for me between about 85-88 with high humidity and 93-94 with high humidity. It's the difference between being able to fully function or lying in bed with the fan on binge watching Netflix. 


ETA: I didn't buy an AC. It's actually cooled off a bit and is supposed to be nice until mid next week. I'll see how I feel next week. 

Edited by elegantlion
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Yes, it's hot. I live where we have temperatures in the 90's and high humidity levels (upper 70's and above, usually hovering around 85-88%) and I'm used to it. What you describe is normal summer for us, mostly July and August but a good part of September too. Just because it's normal, just because locals are used to it, doesn't mean it isn't hot. 

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You know it's hot when the fire sensors go off because of high humidity. I was out working in my garden early this morning and had to rush in to shut the thing off. It was only about 76 degrees in the house but the humidity was high.



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Today our forecast is calling for 62% humidity with a high of 93. It's actually cooler than it was about a week ago. I've lived in the south most of my life so this is just typical heat for July.


Now when it's winter and the temps get into the 20s I will start complaining...a lot.

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I don't have so much humidity here, but 33 oC would be considered a nice summer day.


hot for me is over 38oC. Over 40 oC and my body shuts down and I have trouble staying awake.


here you get the weather forecast of the actual temperature, none of this nonsense of trying to make it sound hotter by adding in all other factors- those other factors are what increase the bushfire rating -. Last time DH was in Canada he said the weather people were going on about the humidity etc making the temp more like 40 oC instead of the 33oC it was really- he said that it was nothing like being 40 oC and they obviously had never had a 40+ oC day as they would realize it Is way way hotter.

I'm pretty sure heat indexes (and wind chill indexes) are used by meteorologists all over the world.

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We are in the same pool of hot, humid air down here in Illinois and, yes, it is hot.  Heat Advisory level.  It is the dang humidity - a dry heat would be more tolerable (and what this former S. California gal is used to.)


Now, when my kid sister lived in Vegas (which had no humidity) those temps were just normal. 


When it is humid, you can't cool by sweating.  You just get extra sticky damp and stay too hot.

When it is hot yet dry, you can dehydrate easily since you don't realize how much you are sweating when it "poof" evaporates so fast.

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Ok, I answered my own question and google says it's 33 ? 33 is warm, but oppressive would depend on the humidity level. Is that what you call dew point ?


We have hot and humid summers and they kill me. Humidity is worse than heat, imo.

105 F is more like 40 C. 40 C is hot! The kind of hot that wears you out and makes kids whine and not want to play outdoors too long in my book. I grew up with that dry heat, if you add humidity it's ten times worse.


ETA Where I live now we can reach those temperatures in the late summer and early fall, usually dry heat though. The best part is you can escape easily by driving a few minutes west towards the coast. We have different microclimates here within a few miles.

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Humidity is a huge factor. I can tell you from experience closely comparing dry and wet heat. 105 F dry heat is Israel is much more comfortable that 85 F with high humidity in Atlanta.


One week I was pregnant with my middle daughter it was 100-104 with high humidity. One day that week I walked the very short trip to the mailbox. I did NOT make that mistake again.

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Well, it was NOT hot here today afterall. This morning early I went horseback riding. Very humid so that you could see the air but only in the 70s at 8am.


Then a huge front moved through and we had awesome cloud formations and a big storm. Then about 11 it started heating up and getting humid again. Only got to about 90 though.


By that time.it didn't feel so bad as we were at the water with our new to us wave runners.


About 5:30 another front moved in with another thunderstorm. By the time dh and I got done with dinner it was sunny again but only about 70 and the humidity is a lot lower. We went out on the boardwalk to watch the sun set and it was chilly. I could have used my sweatshirt.


So much for hottest weather of the summer.

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