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Update on baby


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I hope you get the rest you need. Surgery sucks, especially when coupled with emotional trauma and strain of prematurity with the baby. I can't imagine how stressed you must be :(

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And remember your hormones are in flux. Don't be hard on yourself if you get weepy or whatever. Sleep when you can, laugh when it doesn't hurt to do so. Next year when you are chasing a toddler this down time will be like a blip on the radar.


Praying still.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:   Congratulations on Caden's birth!  I bet he is a really cutie pie.  I hope you heal quickly and that Caden's stay in the NICU is uneventful. 


FWIW, my triplets were born at 27 weeks, and they are now 21 years old and doing just fine.


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