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Silly poll

Night Elf

Your bed side preference  

169 members have voted

  1. 1. If your back is against the headboard, what side of the bed do you sleep on?

    • Right
    • Left
    • None, chair/sofa/floor instead
    • Other, though I'm not sure what could be answered here. Surprise me!

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I'm sitting here drinking coffee and wondering what to do with my day and thought of a silly poll. If your back is against your headboard, which side of the bed do you sleep on? Did you have to fight your spoouse for it, or was it a natural thing? My DH preferred the left and I had no preference so I sleep on the right of him.

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I sleep on the right side.  At our previous house I slept on the left side.  In our RV I sleep on the left side.  The key issue is that in each of those places we've only had/have one nightstand.  And I always get the side where it's located.  I want the storage space, easy access to the alarm clock, and the lamp for reading in bed.  Wherever we sleep the nightstand is mine and DH knows not to mess with it or impede my access to it. ;)

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I do know of an "other" though. My ILs start out a certain way, but apparently FIL rolls over onto his wife's side and she gets out of bed and goes to the side he came from and this continues several times throughout the night every night.

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I do know of an "other" though. My ILs start out a certain way, but apparently FIL rolls over onto his wife's side and she gets out of bed and goes to the side he came from and this continues several times throughout the night every night.


That would drive me nuts! I'd wake him up.

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I voted other. I usually have two kids in my bed, so I sleep wherever I can find room--sometimes sideways across the foot. Dh leaves for work at an insanely early hour in the morning so he sleeps in another room where the kids and I won't keep him awake.

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I sleep in the middle.  I have to prop my head up between the pillows because if I sleep with my head to one side, I'll have a stiff neck for days.


I normally don't share a bed, but when I have, it is more natural for me to sleep on the left.

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I put right.  We've been married 6 years and the answer up until a year ago was the left! It would drive me crazy not sleeping on the left!  Then came baby number 3!  He slept in a pack and play next to our bed.  If I was the first one he saw in the morning/middle of the night he would wake up screaming wanting to eat or play.  Well I started hiding behind my husband by sleeping on the right side of the bed.  He would see dh and go right back to sleep!!!  He doesn't sleep in our room anymore but I've gotten used to sleeping on the right.   

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I sleep on the left. I used to sleep on my side and I don't really like sleeping facing someone. My dh didn't have a preference so I took the left.


I have noticed over the last year that I sleep on that side less. At this point in my life I could probably sleep on either side and not really care.

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Well I was thinking, if my back is against the headboard then I'm sleeping crosswise, lol. I'm on the right side. I used to be on the left side at our previous house. The reason? Dh feels the need to be nearest to the door in case he needs to protect me from something, an intruder, etc. :-)

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Neither of us has a set side, although I think I sleep on the Left the most so I answered that.


At the moment where our bed is placed I sleep along the wall so our youngest sleeping with us doesn't bother me. I can't sleep between the two sweaty, roll-to-the-middle males and ds has to be on the outside. We shift our furniture all the time though. It wouldn't be unusual to end up on the other side next time. 

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I always sleep on the side of the bed closest to the door, or in a hotel, closest to the nightstand. So for 3 years in AZ I slept on the right side, 9 years on the left in VA, and now back on the right. It has all depended on where the bed and door are in the room.

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I said left, because when we're in bed together, that's my side, but truthfully we're one of those weird couples who rarely shares a bed. DH sleeps on the couch more often than not (it's ruined our couch!). When we were first married, I had to get up at 4:30am for work, so I went to bed by 8 or 9. DH would stay up but inevitably wound up falling asleep in the living room. I would wake up sometime in the middle of the night and call him to bed. After dd was born, I stopped calling him because I didn't want to wake her, and I was too lazy to get out of bed to go and get him, so he only came if he happened to wake up. Now we're pretty used to our separate spaces. We keep saying we're going to get a king bed so we can have our space but so far we haven't. :D

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We don't have sides at home, we switch sides regularly.  Whenever we're in a bed that is pushed against the wall, I always get the outside, but that is because neither of us like me having to crawl over him to go the bathroom in the middle of the night =)


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I do know of an "other" though. My ILs start out a certain way, but apparently FIL rolls over onto his wife's side and she gets out of bed and goes to the side he came from and this continues several times throughout the night every night.


Oh, heck no!  I would just whack him and tell him to get back on his own dang side. 

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I sleep on the right. When Dh and I first moved in together, our bedroom was so small that one side of the bed had to be up against a wall in order to open the bedroom door. I usually went to bed first, so I slept by the wall. 

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I always sleep on the side closest to the bedroom door. In this house, I'm on his right. In our last house, I was on his left.

This. I'm on the left now, but I was on the right before we moved the bed. I'm always closest to the door.
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Left.  Our bedroom is extremely small - it's basically walls built around our bed so the bed touches walls at the top, bottom and right side.  I sleep on the open side because I used to have to get up to nurse in the middle of the night.  Even now I'm way more likely to get up in the middle of the night.  Dh gets up for work very early but he is able to climb over me without waking me up.


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OK, I'm weird. Dh told me I was weird years ago. I sleep on the side with the easiest bathroom access. At home that's left. In a hotel room could be either, but if you are talking a room with two queens with a 2 foot access between them, I will sleep next to the access whichever bed I'm in (I usually have to share a bed with my dd in hotel rooms). Anywhere I go I like to know where the bathroom is.

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Well I was thinking, if my back is against the headboard then I'm sleeping crosswise, lol. I'm on the right side. I used to be on the left side at our previous house. The reason? Dh feels the need to be nearest to the door in case he needs to protect me from something, an intruder, etc. :-)


This exactly.. :laugh: . DH always takes the side near the door...doesn't matter, home or away

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I don't have a head board. 

Dh and I each of our own double matress side by side. I sleep on mine, he sleeps on his. 

I do have the right one, but that is beacuse it is in the corner and I like having the wall against two sides of my bed. 


We use to have a king, but due to the small size of our room we couldn't close the door with the bed in the room, so we got two doubles. That is close the door even with no bed frame. I am not willing to share a smaller bed then king with Dh since he sleeps corner to corner on the matress. He is 6 foot 2 and his feet hang off the edge if he doesn't. 

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When we first got married, dh took the left side of the bed. He had been living in the apartment awhile on his own. I hardly slept the first month. Then, I asked him to switch sides. I slept great. Now I know, I cannot sleep on the right side of the bed. I must have the left to sleep. 

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I am always on the left side.  It started when we had our first child, I moved to the side closest to the door to get up in the night if needed.  10 years later, we moved and I was again closest to the door, which happened to be left side.  A year ago, we moved the bed and we tried to move me to the right, so I'd be closer to the door (kids don't need me anymore, but the dog likes to come to my side and nudge me with her nose and "check in" with me).  We couldn't sleep, so after 2 nights, I moved back to the left.  The dog doesn't like it because there is not enough room on the left for her to come check in with me.  She now comes in at night, stands next to dh's side and then I verbally have to tell her to go to bed.  Slightly annoying.

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i'm claustrophobic, so i end up sleeping whichever the side of the bed is where there is the most room in the room. Don't know if that makes sense the way I said it. But usually in a room, there is maybe a foot or so on one side the bed, and 3 feet or so on the other, and I sleep on the side with three feet. I cannot sleep on a bed that's against a wall.

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I didn't vote as my bed doesn't have a headboard and your choices confused me.


I sleep on the left. it started out that way because the first year of marriage we lived in a pop-up camper. there was only a single bed, and one side of the single bed was slightly longer than the other, so DH had the slightly longer side, which was the right. we have stuck with that ever since.

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