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Hits and misses for Christmas Gifts 2013


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What did your family like?


What did they not like?


Our family:



Halloween costumes for dress-up purchased after the season. [90% off the price ($1.90 - $2.40)].



(Other brand) Viewmaster that wouldn't advance the film.  We all fiddled with it, and none of us could get it to work.  The second one purchased (with fish pictures) worked fine.

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We had a lot of hits this year!


My boys...

Gaming headphones

Steam gift certificates



My dd...

An easel with paints, brushes, etc.

Lots of crafty items like markers and play dough


My dh...

A new tennis bag



An iPad mini!!


Only one big miss...

Someone bought my 4yo dd a drum set! Yikes!!! I had no idea and you should have seen my face when she opened it. So it is a hit for her but a big fat miss as far as I'm concerned.

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Thomas the Train Track Master sets and Minecraft Creeper t-shirts for the boys (7 and 5)

Marie-Grace AG doll, and Goldie Blox set for dd (9)

Anime DVD's for DH

Shabby Apple dress for me




RC helicopter for DH. Wouldn't work right out of the box.


That's about it here.

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Hit - spy gear for ds (fingerprinting kit, night vision goggles, distractor balls, etc.... we have all been arrested numerous times since Xmas morning!)


Hit - Dr. Who inspired red high top converse sneakers, books, books, books.


Hit - jewelry for me from dh and dd's trip to Ladakh last summer.


Hit - membership to wine of the month club for Dh.


Misses - a gigantic remote controlled shark balloon from my mother to the kids - needs to be filled with helium which may be easy in the US but I can't find a place here in Bangalore!

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boys got a kick out of the timex wacky saying alarm clock.  It was nothing like the youtube demos, atleast mine wasn't


air hog sphere very cool


dd loves her barbie reporter set, operation game, ag clothes and wardrobe

miss easy bake oven,  I thought we would love it, but it goes back


me: garmin forerunner and brighton necklacel and earrings   from dh    LOVE

necklace from ds  love



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All of our stuff was a hit.  We asked for very little and each got something from someone that we wanted and a couple of surprises.  It was very nice.  DD got her hello kitty bed linens and alarm clock (as well as smaller Hello Kitty items from other family members), DS got a Steam gift certificate, magnetic putty and not asked for, but needed and glad that he got it, a foil vest for fencing.  They got little odds and ends that I knew they would like.  I got a little juicer (not for vegies, more for pulpy fruits) and bought DH and I a couple of hiking packs.  We need to fill them with some things and see how they fit before we decide if we'll keep them or not.  I was able to purchase a few horse related items for my trailer so that was nice as well.

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Almost all Hits


Dh- wine

DS19- CDs, books, college sweatshirt, key to the car/lanyard that he is getting Friday, money for his car

DD14-iTouch/accessories, clothes, shoe rack, pillows

DD7-My Little Ponies, clothes, boots, game

Me-New Fiesta Ware pieces that I picked out and bought myself.  We have already started using it a week ago and I love it. 




DS19 a game that had great reviews online but is definitely Rated R for inappropriate content/language (he is pastoral ministry major) opps  LOL  

DD14 2 sweaters are getting exchanged tomorrow for violating the 'i like them, not love them' rule we have about clothes.

DD7 Shirt that doesn't fit right.




My only surprise gift is a present from DH that is in a small box.  It says do not open until Feb 10.  So.......I guess I will have to update then.  LOL  


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Pretty much all hits, here! 


DS - 

Star Trek pajamas

messenger bag & hat (hipster accessories)



electronics kit for Make Electronics


DH - 

Anova Immersion Circulator

Work Out Clothes


Me - 

quilting supplies

quilting mags

2 gorgeous sweaters


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Special Hits:


Son-in-law: Monuments Men book


Daughter-in-law: handcrafted celtic pendant


Grandson: Battlefront 2 video game (tears of joy, lol), legos


14yo: MP3 player, camo backpack


9yo: wooden treasure box (made by my 20yo son), blank cds, Extreme Dot to Dot book, dollar store sunglasses (what can I say)


Me: Harry and David truffles from daughter-in-law(mmmm), a lovely fluffy bathrobe from dh (He picked out exactly what I would have bought myself and it wasn't even on my wish list, this is a first. He's getting a lot of mileage out of telling the story of how he braved the women's department)


I also bought one Star Wars Shakespeare book for each family That got a lot of laughs and some fun dramatization, which was what I was aiming for.







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Wii U

2 Wii U games

Hammocks for older two boyscouts


PJ bottoms

Toilet Seats for all!  (if you missed it, DH and I had to buy new toilet seats for 3 toilets.  Since it was Christmas eve when we got them at Home Depot, DH thought it would be funny to wrap them.  They thought it was great.  They let the toilet humor ripĂ¢â‚¬Â¦..hahahahaĂ¢â‚¬Â¦Ă¢â‚¬Â¦I truly live in a house of BOYS!)

19" TV for son's room so he can watch Netflix in the evening

DH got a weight set 
Books that the kids asked for


And for me:  New convection/toaster/countertop oven and a hand mixer




Pants I got them didn't fit.  Not sure if I will exchange them or just take them back



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Really nice headphones (more of a status thing than a need - he was beyond amazed!)

Fluffy robe (claims he's even taking it to scout camp)

Swim team sweatshirt




Almost indestructible watch

Star Wars Legos

Arizona Cardinals sweatshirt (he loves cardinals - the birds)

Calvin and Hobbes books




Fitbit (a bit of a leap from me and he loves it)

New Kuhl jacket (necessary to celebrate losing 40 pounds!)

Photocalendar of boys




Nice new daypack

Downton Abbey Seasons 1-3

Pandora bead


Didn't list the books everyone got - they'll get into them post Christmas.

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What did your family like?


What did they not like?


Our family:



Halloween costumes for dress-up purchased after the season. [90% off the price ($1.90 - $2.40)].



(Other brand) Viewmaster that wouldn't advance the film. We all fiddled with it, and none of us could get it to work. The second one purchased (with fish pictures) worked fine.

We did the Halloween costume thing for our oldest ds when he was 6. It was his best Christmas present ever!! He still talks about it every year. His other best present was a case of scotch tape, a left handed scissor and a pike of construction paper.

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Biggest hit: Army battle playset (plastic mat plus army men, tanks, helicopter, fences, etc.) my sister sent for my son. I had put it on our amazon wishlist almost randomly because he's been so into a WWII airplane game on the ipad. Twins played army battle all afternoon and were back at it first thing this morning.


Other hits: Sewing craft kit for youngest -- she had asked Santa for a real kitten (not gonna happen, pet quota already full), but was happy enough to work on making her own stuffed kitty. Kindles (just the reading kind) my mom sent, especially for girltwin. She sat right down to start reading on hers, "just like Mommy." Hey, I could be a worse example, right? :D Husband researched and gave me suggestions & money for voice lessons (something I've been wanting to do for a while). I got him an "obsessive cutting board" with a ruler grid marked on it, which got a good laugh, and he'll probably use it too!


Biggest misses: My father passed away a month ago, so instead of traveling up north over New Years as we'd been planning, we went up there for his memorial service and got home just last week. At least we did get to see cousins etc. who came in for the service... we joke that weddings & funerals are our family reunions. It did lead to another big, if bittersweet, "hit" -- my husband arranging to bring Dad's car (1965 Corvette which was Dad's daily driver through my childhood, but had been sitting on blocks in my parents' garage for the past decade) down here and work on restoring it. Add in the bad cold I've had since getting home, and this hasn't been one of our best Christmases. :(

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I think everything was a hit here.  I found a 2 car rc set at CVS and I think it was the biggest hit!  My boys are 16 and 3 and they played together with those all day long!  Legos of course were another big hit for the 3 year old, Spiderman, Judge Dredd comic books and t-shirts were big with the 16 year old.  Dh built us a new dining table--I love it!!  Major hit with me :)

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DS 18: A new suit, which I though would be jus t a necessity kind of thing, is a huge hit. He has really grown up since leaving for collegein August. I also got him the Game of Thrones graphic novels, since he has read all of the game of Thrones books, which he got for Christmas on advice from here last year.


DS 12: He loves his rod and reel, and the lures and flies that we got him. We spend Christmas at the beach on a skinny island, so he is walking distance from both the ocean and the intercoastal. He spent most of yesterday fishing with his cousins.


DD 9: She loves fashion, so she was very happy with her clothes and jewelry. She wanted a heart shaped locket, and she got one. She was also happy with the American Girl doll clothes.


DS 7: His scooter and helmet were a big hit. He and I spent a lot of time yesterday scooting up and down A1A. He also loves his gift of sponsoring the black rhino at the zoo. I think his favorite gift might be the stuffed bear that you put in the microwave or the stuffed reindeer.

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I think we did pretty well this year: 


DD13 -- first phone; hair dye (highlights)


DD11: lots of books; carnivorous plant terrarium; color by numbers; paint kit, samsung galaxy tablet


DS7: remote control helicopter, legos and peg building set, bike


DS 18: mountain dew and beef jerky :)


Mine: my dh handmade a beautiful picture frame with pictures of the kids when they were babies


MIsses: DD13 loved the ugg type boots I got her but they are just a little too small and unreturnable (I knew that when I bought them); she wears these types of boots all the time so I will try and find something similar

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I think we did pretty well this year: 


DD13 -- first phone; hair dye (highlights)


DD11: lots of books; carnivorous plant terrarium; color by numbers; paint kit, samsung galaxy tablet


DS7: remote control helicopter, legos and peg building set, bike


DS 18: mountain dew and beef jerky :)


Mine: my dh handmade a beautiful picture frame with pictures of the kids when they were babies


MIsses: DD13 loved the ugg type boots I got her but they are just a little too small and unreturnable (I knew that when I bought them); she wears these types of boots all the time so I will try and find something similar

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DS 6 - Star Wars action figures and Millenium Falcon, tee for football place-kicking, walkie-talkies, Star Wars pop-up book

DD 8 - bike, Frozen (small) princesses, journals 


DH - Fernando Ortega Songbook (piano) and Man of Steel movie


Me - Williams Sonoma gift card, new toaster oven, pears from Harry and David 



Some clothes that either we don't like or don't fit.


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Everything was a hit.


My laptop died and we had to replace it in early December. DH said, "Well, that'll have to be your Christmas present." Oh, bummer. We don't buy things for ourselves all year. We write things we need down and wait to get them at Christmas. I've had a set of books on my list for two years. There were all sorts of tiny things I've been waiting months and months to get. I was so sad I wouldn't get anything.


And no, DH wasn't kidding about not getting anything. In past years we really have had to not buy gifts. I love getting gifts and would hide in the bathroom crying those years.


But DH came through! He bought me the stuff on my list anyway! I got an Irish Tin Whistle, a new watch, a mousepad, a robe, fleece lined tights, and a scalp massager. I was so shocked! I really thought I'd be wearing a brave face and crying in the bathroom again.


DH got a RC Helicopter (must have been popular this year) and he loves it. It works. DH teaches meteorology and is thrilled to see all the wind currents in our house that affect the helicopter. (Heat masses and rising indexes and whatnot.)


The boys loved everything and kept saying, "This is a GREAT Christmas!"

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DH and DD got me a pandora bracelet-I burst into tears because I was so surprised and overwhelmed-we just don't do those sort of gifts normally, so even though it was something I wanted I couldn't see spending money on it.


Other hits

A ball python for DD (adopted from a friend of a friend)-she actually got him on the 20th. Now, if the poor guy will just finish shedding...we got him and he almost immediately went blue.


Race to the Galaxy, munchkin! and flux expansions/card sets.


Heartlake highschool and Chima Lego sets for DD


LOTR and Hobbit Lego sets from DD for DH and I.


Semi-miss-my mom sent DD a new Bible and matching Devotional guide. I think DD thought the devotional guide looked too much like an additional school subject.


Not sure if it's a miss or not-DH bought DD various knitting tools and a simple knitting book, plus various yarns. I've never managed to figure out how to knit or crochet, so I'm not going to be able to help her much unless the book manages to teach me. He thought she might enjoy making some stuffed snakes and the book includes exactly that as a project.

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Our only miss was a rc helicopter for ds4. It's the one thing he really wanted from Santa, but the port to charge it was misaligned and only 1/2 accessible, so it was impossible to charge. He was rather bummed about it. He's decided he doesn't want to try a new one, so once the money's refunded, he'll pick out something different.


I am so tired of these things. We have gone through probably $150 worth of rc helicopters in the past 2 years (I don't buy them, but other people keep buying them for my kids.) They always break within a day or two, and if you take them back the new one will break within a day or two. Complete garbage!

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biggest hits:

1dd hugged her (used) kitchen-aid, and drooled over a platter a friend made (out of one of dd's post-it note designs.)

2ds - 1dd made him a plate with maha on it.  (a character from anime, or monga or something.)


a "coupon" from 1ds to wire and set-up a new office for dh.  (previously when asked, he was very adament he wasn't going to do it.)  now that dd is moving out, we're turning her bedroom into an office and moving dh's office out of the basement.  of course, that means we can't start until mid-january at least.  (dd is supposed to get keys for her house today, but has to have it wired for data-ports and a few other repairs before she can move in.)

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Hits here were:


DH: A Slam Scraper impact tool for tearing up old flooring. He immediately went to work on the floor of his basement room. (It will be a guest room one day, but it's just a closet/storage room until we refinish it.) I have to say, this thing makes tearing up 50 year old tile as easy as getting cookies off a greased cookie sheet.


Me/Family: A digital piano from dh. The volume is a little touchy- I think there is a short- but I'm still very happy. I've wanted one for years. He also bought me a ivory-painted cast iron Dutch oven, since the piano was more for all of us.


DS: This Lego book and a couple of special edition Harry Potter Movies. Also a Hobbit Lego set and a poster map of Middle Earth.


DD: Roller skates, a Calvin & Hobbes book, and a handmade needle-felted Medusa.




Another rc helicopter (already broken.)


5 pairs of jeans from MIL that I now have to drive 40 minutes to return because she didn't write down what I said when she asked me what size the kids wore and just took a guess. Also, she doesn't have the receipt so I'll probably get 2 pairs of jeans out of the 5 I return.


Just Dance 2014 Wii game. I don't know. Dd loved previous versions of Just Dance, but she doesn't seem to care for this one. That's what I get for Amazon Black Friday impulse buying.


A rock with ds's name carved on it. Hey, if you ask for a rock with your name carved on it, you'll get one. You shouldn't put things on your Christmas list just to see if mom can find them. Mom will find them. Now you have a rock carved with your name on it, don't you? Could have been a $15 Lego gift card or something, but you thought it'd be funny to ask for something bizarre. Congratulations, enjoy your rock. :D


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Expected hits -- Legos. Also, the vintage Transformer that I scored from ebay. My daughter cried, and her hands were trembling so much, because she couldn't believe that it was actually hers. (Last year, I scored the Lego Millenium Falcon for a steal, as a group gift, and she did the eye-rubbing, jaw-dropping that we hoped for. Her reactions are always priceless!)


Books -- hits. Thanks, everyone, for the suggestions for my little boys -- 2yo LOVES Danny and the Dinosaur, and the 5yo was thrilled to see Batman phonics books. 8yo was quite happy to get two more TinTin books for his collection too. 11yo was pretty excited to see the Wrinkle in Time quintet (books about a girl who is the only girl in a houseful of boys but not girly, AND a grand fantasy adventure, perfect for my girl!), which she hasn't read yet, in Kindle form (because that's what she prefers over paper).


DH surprised me (although they're as much for him too) with a couple of new cast iron items that should make life easier for me. I needed a second medium-sized skillet because it takes too long to make everyone's different eggs, and he got me a second one, but it is square and will be better for omelets. He also got me a handled dutch ovenish thing; my dutch oven is awesome but huge and heavy and has the bail instead of handles, so it is actually quite hard for me to lift. Of course, my real present came last week -- a new stove, because our old one was only half functional, so that is pretty fantastic. :)


Hit with the baby -- little super soft stuffed puppy and a little lion toy that plays music (just loud enough to amuse him without being annoying).


Unexpected hits -- clothes for the boys. My 8yo really was enthusiastic, when we only expected polite reactions from him; it was really adorable.


Misses -- not really any, although there is a pair of shoes for me and a sleeper for the baby that I need to exchange for slightly larger sizes. MIL is not offended. And a piece is missing from one of my 8yo's Lego sets, which was really disappointing to him, but he quickly switched to working on another set instead.

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Also, hit: MIL often puts new gloves and new socks in my kids' stockings, which is wonderful of her (that MIL on the other thread -- mine is like that!), but my boys are close in size, and it gets hard to tell them apart. This year, she thought of that on her own and got the 8yo and 2yo the same socks, and the 5yo and infant the same ones -- SO much easier on me.


Also, the Gymboree pirate raccoon stuff is ADORABLE on the baby. :D

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Ripstik, but I would have labeled it a miss in the very beginning and was regretting that I didn't go with a Penny board. DD8 is now beginning to stay on for 10 seconds without falling. Just her sheer determination is enough of a gift for me.


Star Wars trilogy on audio


Star Wars Origami


Shakespeare/Star Wars


Yeah, we read Tom Angleberger's books, so went all Star Wars this Christmas.


Tangoes, 2 game sets plus a Dover book


Our second set of Wrebbit's Hobbit/LOTR 3D puzzle, last year being Hobbiton, and this year Citadel of Minas Tirith

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A rock with ds's name carved on it. Hey, if you ask for a rock with your name carved on it, you'll get one. You shouldn't put things on your Christmas list just to see if mom can find them. Mom will find them. Now you have a rock carved with your name on it, don't you? Could have been a $15 Lego gift card or something, but you thought it'd be funny to ask for something bizarre. Congratulations, enjoy your rock. :D


There are no words for how much I love this. I love that he asked for it. And that you found one. And bought it. And now I kind of want a rock with my name carved on it.

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Many hits.  Having three sets of reasonably financially secure grandparents is definitely a good way to overdo every Christmas, but that's okay.


Hit for both boys:

Skylanders Swap Force.  I promised my mother if she got it for them they would scream like in the ad.  Then they were just polite and happy, though they did gush their thanks you.  She was like, "I was promised screaming!"  So they obliged and ran around like crazy children instead.  They've been playing all day.


Hit for Mushroom:

Comic book drawing supplies.


Hit for BalletBoy:

A bunch of ballet swag.  Thanks to the folks here who suggested Boys Dance Too, he has a cute new ballet bag and some cute shirts.


Hit for me:

New slow cooker!  And cute skirts!


The only miss was mine.  My mother got me a cute top and it was WAY too small.  Like in a crazy way too.  We agreed the size was probably mislabeled because it was so extreme.  Oh well.

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DH's hit for me is a miss: he bought me a ProClick :hurray: , but it doesn't work. :cursing:  (The handle won't come forward to punch; DH can't make it work, either.)  I discovered this *after* pulling out a bunch of stuff to make my first booklet. I just emailed the manufacturer for help; the seller won't take it back because he bought it more than 30 days ago.


Otherwise, pretty much all hits. DS is going to try his bike out this afternoon.

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only miss was a basket ball goal. It is supposed to be a gift for all four kids and the anticipation for opening it has been killing them all. They've seen the huge box for a month. Well, they opened it, girls declared it "STUPID BOY TOY" and ran out of the room. I have no doubt they will enjoy it once set up, though. The boys seem excited.

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My sister and I got a gift certificate for an up scale spa and a slow cooker each. I also got a professional photo of my nieces. Those were my favourites.


Little niece (3years) her pink piano from her uncle and the goofy doll in the stocking.


Tiny niece (10months) the brown moving box I wrapped up and the Tigger doll in the stocking.

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Well, we did all right. Except for my poor DH. From me. I got him 3 gifts. The first one was a devotional book - that was fine. The second one I got off his Amazon wish list. It was some tool type of thing. He works on his Pontiac and tells me about this or that tool he'd like to have and it's all Greek to me, so I figured this was one of those. It turned out to be replacement parts for our garage door opener. And we'd already paid someone to fix it months ago. I told him that a wish list is just that. Everything else goes in the shopping cart. :( then, I bought him a nice shirt at Kohl's. Except that when I was shopping, I was tired, in a rush, it was my last stop, I was 2 hours late to pick up the kids. The hanger said "large", the reality was... The shirt was a medium. I was ticked. So... I'm feeling like a dork.

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Several Hits:


DS10- Razor XXX Pro scooter, Air Hog Quad pro copter, Lego Minecraft, Jonathan Park audio book, Diary of a Wimpy Kid Hard Luck book, 2 Old Navy hoodies, 2 sets of PJ's.


DS9-Disney Infinity set for xbox360, extra infinity characters, nerf football, Minecraft Lego set, Diary of a Wimpy Kid puzzle & book, 2 old navy sweat shirts, 3pr PJ's.


Shared gift- Zoomy microscope


Me-New Pj's, soft house shoes, VS velour sweatsuit.


Hubby-Dress Socks, i-phone armband (he doesn't like us spending money on him).

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10 year old boy:


Big hits-


The Dangerous Book for Boys from Santa

Various Raspberry Pi stuff from Santa and mom and dad

Star Wars Legos from Grandma

Story Cubes from grandma

Cartoon Guide to Chemistry from mom and dad

Dice from Santa

Percy Jackson book from his brother




Cowboy clothes (boots, hat, jeans and shirt) from grandpa. No real surprise there. I mean would YOU buy cowboy clothes for a 10 year old city dwelling kid whose interests are pretty well encapsulated in the hits above? Factoring in my son's autism and clothing sensitivities and it's just a sucess that he opened it, said thanks and tried them on for a picture with grandpa. Aside from the jeans after 5 washes and maybe the shirt on camping trips, I doubt the rest of it will ever see the light of day again.


5 year old son (well 5 tomorrow):




Dollhouse bed from Santa

Robot Turtle Game from mom and dad.

Bolt hero factory set from Santa

Puzzles from mom and dad

Non-rolling crayons from mom and dad

Coloring books from grandma

Small Star Wars Lego set with planet Endor from his brother

Space pajamas from great grandma




Monsters University Microphone Set from grandma.


For him the cowboy stuff was neither a hit or a miss. He wasn't as thrilled as I hoped but he will wear it so that's something!

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I have been so happy to see that two of the biggest hits were the gifts that my children gave each other.  DD got a beginner acoustic guitar from DS, and DS got the 8th Diary of a Wimpy Kid book from DD.  They are both absolutely thrilled.  The other biggest hits were the Skylanders Swap Force for the Wii for DS (and yes, he dd scream like on the commercials :D) and a Rainbow Loom and about a million rubber bands for DD.  DD also got several book sets and CDs that have made all her friends jealous, and DS got a ton of chemistry equipment and chemicals with which I am sure he will be trying to blow up the house.  Another of DD's biggest hits was a memory foam mattress topper and an electric blanket for her bed.  She was over the moon for that and did not want to get out of her bed this morning. :D


Hits for me: My ex-husband bought me two strings of rope lights for the screened porch (I had admired them in Home Depot some time ago).  He even put them up for me.  DS got me two of my favorite candles from Bath and Body Works, and DD got me an electric tea kettle.  Yay, me!

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This is SO easy this year:


Hits: everything, since they expected nothing (back story:  we've been buying things all month for our movie collection <we have about 1,000 movies, we are collectors of box and special edition stuff> these are movies that we ALL wanted.  A few other purchases that everyone agreed would count toward Christmas).  So they truly didn't expect anything wrapped under the tree.


But then 2 things happened: first, I found a fantastic used book store a block or so away from my office; so went in there "just to see" -- came out with about 6 books for each of them!  Second, the Kindle basic went on sale for $20 off....yep, got that too  :) that's for them to share, although I suspect DD will use it more.



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There are no words for how much I love this. I love that he asked for it. And that you found one. And bought it. And now I kind of want a rock with my name carved on it.


I bought it from this lovely Etsy seller. She did a wonderful job, and it's bigger than I thought it would be. It looks like a large, heavy bar of soap with his name carved in it.

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We don't have many misses...none off the top of my head. We have gifts that get the big "WOW" factor and immediate play and then they never play with them after that week and others that are "oh-neat" gifts that get played with consistently for forever.





WOW gifts - Password Journal, Cootie Catcher book, Glow Pet

Test of time gift - a kindle (she's a big reader)



WOW gift - inflatable punching gloves lol

Test of time gift - Razor Flashrider, Radio Flyer Ziggle (he's the outdoorsy, active kid)



WOW - frozen doll set

Test of time - dresses (my girly girl for sure!)



He just loved his Nerf gun. It was both WOW and will stand the test of time. Lol


Baby boy:

Some ladybug ball thing that plays obnoxious music and spins around. We hardly have any baby toys, so this is very captivating. (And not what I would have bought...)

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My 4-year-old DS loves pretty much every toy ever made (including baby and "girl" toys), so it was all hits here. His favorite gift from us was a Jake (and the Neverland Pirates) costume that I made/assembled including a sword and stuffed Skully. He got a ton of chocolate "gold doubloons" in his stocking. My sister got him a crazy-fancy Buzz Light year that he adores. Nana and Papa got him projector flashlights, Hook's battle boat, and other nifty swag. We're going to try out roller skates tomorrow. He's wanted them for a long time but I'm not sure he's patient enough to enjoy them yet. Fortunately they adjust to 1.5 sizes above what he's wearing now.


Baby girl adores her two dollies and seahorse rattle. The miss for her was her first taste of solid food--applesauce. She was unimpressed and uninterested.

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I am so tired of these things. We have gone through probably $150 worth of rc helicopters in the past 2 years (I don't buy them, but other people keep buying them for my kids.) They always break within a day or two, and if you take them back the new one will break within a day or two. Complete garbage!

True Story. :closedeyes:


We basically had all hits here.

My kids all loved their big gifts and the small things. My girls have been playing with their new AG dolls all day and my ds loves his Ipod. My younger ds loved his guitar and adventure back pack we got him. Our family gave the kids all stuff that they are enjoying as well. ;)


The only miss I can think of was a Barbie shower set that the Barbie dolls head was about to fall off right when I opened it so I'm hoping to exchange or return it.

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Lots of hits this year.  The big ones...


Son, 11:  DSi and games and Minecraft were the big ones.  He was not expecting either.  He squealed with the first and jaw dropped with the second.  Also, a nutcracker and a minecraft tee and a Captain America hoodie.  


DD, 9: Monster High dolls and Snap Circuits as well as the Caroline mini doll and book set and the Molly mini doll oh and the Tapefitti stuff she'd been begging for.


Hubby: a Cutco knife and the entire Star Wars DVD set


Me: The entire Big Bag Theory set and the AG Molly doll that I've always wanted since I was a little girl.


Misses:  We think one of the books dd receive is one she's already read.  Son got a board game, Life's a Pitch, from a secret santa and I can't figure out where they bought it.  Not a game he'd be interested in.


The biggest miss was that I asked my mom to pick up some coffee for dh since she lives in the big city three hours away.  We saw her on Xmas Eve but I forget to get her from her.  We won't see them again until mid-Jan so hubby will need to wait.  I was bummed.



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