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Wake up time on Christmas day

Night Elf

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What time do your kids get up? I shouldn't assume, but am wondering if there are any kids who need their parents to wake them up on Christmas day? I was always lucky that my kids didn't wake us up at a ridiculously early hour. I want to say it was always after 7:00am. Though last year, even with my kids being teens, they were awake by 8:00am.

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Lol we are usually up before dd and just wait in bed, anticipating her waking up! We have been known to make noises to try to wake her up because we are so excited to see her reaction. We are weird like that! To answer your question, 6:30-7.

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Four. Sometimes five.  But I've set the limit of when she can wake me up to 6:30.


When DS was little, this was often the case.  So we started telling him he couldn't wake us up until it was light out.  Success!  (And, to our credit, we didn't quibble about exactly how light it had to be to be considered "light out."  :p )


This year, I suspect he will sleep to 6:30-7:00 naturally, as we'll be up later than usual on Christmas Eve ... at least I hope that will be how it goes....

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I had one who used to wake up crazy early.  One year I told him he had to walk the dog before waking us up, because otherwise he'd just have to wait for someone else to do it anyways.  So he snuck in and told me the dog wouldnt walk . . . uh, yeah, cuz its FOUR IN THE  MORNING!!


Now they sleep longer - if they are both up, they can come get us, but it is unlikely to be before 7.  We used to wake up dd to join us, but she would always come, even if she'd only been asleep a few hours. 

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My kids are awake pretty early, but we don't allow them out of their room until 6 and we come and get them.  Last year I think we had to wake up middle kid.  I was hoping to tell the kids this year we want to sleep until 7, but I am not sure that would go over well.

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one year I was up until 3am wrapping and putting presents under the tree.  now I wrap them and place them under the tree as they are done.  (I'm all done. woohoo.)  I told dh no one was to disturb me until 8am.  8am it has stayed.   for years I heard the kids outside my bedroom whispering to each other and asking what time it was.

now, we wake people up at 8am.  sometimes, we've even had to wait for dudeling to wake up.  (experience has taught us he's better if allowed to wake up by himself.)

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Ha! At the usual time of about 7:30am, God willing!!!  Maybe a little earlier - they're pretty excited about Christmas this year, but they know that we'll be going to church before we have the big present binge.  I'll probably let them open one small gift each before breakfast, but otherwise there's no reason for them to be bouncing out of bed before the crack of dawn!  (Plus, Mom and Dad wouldn't cope too well with the early rising!)

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The rule I grew up with was not up before 7am.  That is what I have always used with the kids.  This might be a little different this year.  Suddenly we have breakfast plans at MIL's house, so that means the kids have to open up their presents from us early.

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When older dds were littles they had to stay in their rooms until 7am.  They were usually awake by 5.


This is the second year that older dds have lived away from home.  We KNOW these girls do not get out of bed before 11am unless they have work or school... when DH asked them when we could expect them Christmas morning they cheerily said 'how about 7am! (They would have to leave their house at 6!).  DH said the doors will be locked until 8am-- they are welcome anytime after that! (He was seriously thinking they would not be over until closer to noon :lol: )


I will get up around 6 to let the dogs out and cat in... then I'll take the cinnamon rolls (Quiver's recipe of course!) out of the fridge to finish rising.  When the big girls arrive I'll pop them in the oven.  We will do stockings, eat a roll then open presents.  Afterwards I'll cook a light brunch.

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Well, considering that I am usually up all night wrapping, you wouldn't want to follow my example, LOL.  But my kids have, thus far, woken at a reasonable time, like around 8 or 9.  Their bedroom opens directly into the room with the Christmas tree, so I sleep on the couch in that room once I can't wrap one more gift.  Needless to say, I don't wake them up, because it's better for me if they sleep late on that day.


If I did need to wake them up, I'd just go about my normal business and they'd eventually hear the sounds and get up.  Their bedroom is on the other side of the kitchen wall, and our walls are far from sound proof.  ;)

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we live far enough north that we can use the "Don't wake us before sun-rise!" rule.


Currently, sunrise is somewhere around 10:00am. :laugh:


(But, we're all a bunch of night owls who will be wrapping presents (or finishing presents) 'til the wee early hours. So, I don't think the kids will get up much before 10:00 anyway.)

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They children aren't supposed to be out of bed until 7am.  I think that will actually work out this year as the past two weeks we've not been getting to bed until really late for us (10pm) so they've been waking up a lot later than usual.  I am hoping that I never have one like my brother - somehow he would manage to wake up by 4am EVERY CHRISTMAS, until he was about 17. 

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Our rule: no coming downstairs to get stockings before 6, no opening presents under the tree or waking Mom and Dad before 7. Little do they realize that I can't sleep either and hear them the minute they wake up. I lie in bed and listen to the excited whispers. Dh sleeps like a log. I always have to push him to get out of bed. 

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When the kids were little, DH had to wake them up -- around 8 or 8:30 a.m.  I felt very fortunate, since having night owls meant that I was up on Christmas morning until 3 a.m. or later, so that I could set up the living room.  Mind you, I had elaborate settings for the toys.


Tonight, I told the family that Christmas Day begins at 10 a.m.  That early hour (for my kids) is to accommodate DH, who will be up early and chomping at the bit, simply because it is Christmas.

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We don't do a Christmas morning, so it has never been an issue.


When I was a kid christmas ever was spent with my mother's family. About 50 people, tons of kids, small house, lots of sugar till as late as we could last. Then we would drive five mintues to my father's family home. It was a walk up a steep slippery snow covered driveway for half a km then crawling into a cold bed.


Christmas morning my parents would have to wake us kids. Tempt us to the table with food and place are boot (are version of a stocking) on our laps - then wait 15 minutes till we we awake enough to be into Christmas. I think sometimes christmas morning and unwrapping presents wouldn't start till almost noon.

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The kids are allowed to get their stocking as soon as they wake up. They are not allowed to wake us up till 8am.

Then I cook a big breakfast and we eat before opening gifts.

Right now it is 1am and both boys were asleep but are now up and driving me crazy because they will not go back to sleep.

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Stockings are when the kids get up.  We are usually up by 9.  Breakfast goes in the oven (cinnamon rolls/hash brown casserole) while we open presents. 

Right now dd is wide awake.  We are watching tv until she gets tired enough to go back upstairs.  Someone still needs to finish wrapping  presents and setting up Teddy, her elf.  :huh:


We had some things come up today that made it impossible to get anything done related to Christmas. 

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Well, *I* am up!  I woke up at 5:30am.  UGH!!!!!!!!!


Kids are still sound asleep!  


I can't believe this, but I woke up a few times thinking about Christmas and how I couldn't wait to see them open gifts!  


Guess I am still a kid at heart.

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Well, *I* am up! I woke up at 5:30am. UGH!!!!!!!!!


Kids are still sound asleep!


I can't believe this, but I woke up a few times thinking about Christmas and how I couldn't wait to see them open gifts!


Guess I am still a kid at heart.

I'm up too, after mornings of kids waking me early I'm tempted to go bounce on their bed excitedly announcing Santa's been here!!!!

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We won't get home from church until about 3:00 a.m., which means I'll get to bed about 4:00 (have to set up stockings once they're abed), so I hope I get to sleep until at least 9:00 -- but they should, too, so it usually works out!


I was wrong!  It will be 4:30 before I'm in bed ......... -_-  Heading there now .....

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