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What did you have for breakfast this morning?


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Not surprisingly caffeination of some kind seems to be the recurring theme here. Question :: Are you hungry when you wake up or soon thereafter? I'm quite impressed with some of y'all's (grammar police avert your eyes) prodigious appetites so early in the day.

If I don't eat something a little before working out, I feel like I am going to pass out after about 45 minutes. So I eat breakfast. Also, if I don't eat breakfast or if I eat a simple sugar/carby breakfast I will overeat before lunch and be much more likely to eat something crappy. Breakfast is really important for me.

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I tend to graze in the morning because I'm not really hungry but if I don't eat something with protein I get really shaky.  However if I eat something heavy first I feel sick to my stomach.  So I start with a cup of chocolate chai tea in almond milk but about 15 minutes later I need to get protein in to conteract the sugar so I had 2 pieces of leftover homemade pizza.  Later I was wanting something sweet so I had a small piece of coffee cake but then I had to follow it up with more protein and so had some leftover turkey.  I usually have a really small lunch because of my all morning long grazing.

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I can't eat as soon as I wake up so at 10 am I had pumpkin soup. I don't drink coffee and I can't stand normal breakfast foods. Things like oatmeal,cereal, yogurt, pancakes etc make me feel sick all day long. I usually eat leftovers from dinner or a cheese sandwhich as my first meal.

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Today was a rarity for me. I had a slice of lower carb bread with some low sugar jam on it then and hour later my coffee and handful of almonds that I normally consider breakfast. I have found my tae kwon do instructor is not amused when I show up at 11 with only almonds and coffee in my system.

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Not surprisingly caffeination of some kind seems to be the recurring theme here. Question :: Are you hungry when you wake up or soon thereafter? I'm quite impressed with some of y'all's (grammar police avert your eyes) prodigious appetites so early in the day.

I eat breakfast but get up at 5:00 so first is 2-3 cups coffee, a run, a shower, dealing with the kids, start laundry,then eat. That makes it after 8:00. First thing I'm not hungry, after all that I'm ready for some oatmeal or toast or eggs. Breakfast just cycles through those three things. And more coffee.

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Toast with strawberry jelly, scrambled egg, the last two slices of maple-glazed ham, and a glass of almond milk. Usually I would have a cup of tea instead of milk, but my TARDIS mug is dirty and I don't feel like washing it.


There is nothing worse than when all the coffee cups are dirty in the morning.  I'm not coordinated enough to wash a cup for coffee before actually having coffee.


I had coffee, and am about to have strawberries and whole-wheat toast with nutella.

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The breakfast I have most days:  one large cup of coffee with one tablespoon of heavy cream in it.  One of the best parts of my day, as I wake up an hour earlier than everyone else and enjoy this cup on the couch with a good book or the computer.  :-)



I eat a big lunch.

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I'm following a nutrition plan (read diet) which comes with menus and recipes. Breakfast is one slice of French Toast with berries, banana, cinnamon and a tablespoon if maple syrup. My kind of diet!


this was me today, too.  one banana, one cup of coffee, followed by one slice of french toast with 1 tbsp maple syrup. 

i'll save the other fruit for snack.




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The breakfast I have most days:  one large cup of coffee with one tablespoon of heavy cream in it.  One of the best parts of my day, as I wake up an hour earlier than everyone else and enjoy this cup on the couch with a good book or the computer.  :-)



I eat a big lunch.


Coffee with heavy cream and an hour of silence = bliss :D

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I've had the same thing every day for a month. 2 cups chickpeas, sprinkle of Daiya cheese, salsa and frontier taco seasoning, cooked and mixed with a Costco avocado. I've lost 5 lbs...so yeah, I'm not stopping anytime soon!


Oddly, we've had breakfast for dinner twice in a row...

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This morning...

*A slice of homemade sour dough bread toasted

*Breakfast salad (scrambled eggs with parmesan cheese and extra vegetables on a bed of spinach with some feta crumbled on top)

*A glass of tomato vegetable medley (our own raw juice blend)


Then I went off to work a really long shift in the Emergency Department. It's been a day. 



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1 cup blueberry juice

3 frozen strawberries

1/3 cup frozen blueberries

1/3 cup frozen blackberries

2-3 chunks frozen pineapple

1/2 banana

a carrot

a  handful of spinach


I try to have one of these about five days a week.  I took a week off because I couldn't stand the idea of having something cold for breakfast.  But these smoothies really make a difference in the amount of pain I'm in.

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