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How often do you visit family?


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We live a 4 1/2 hour drive from my parents and see them three or four times a year. Until the last couple of years, they did not visit regularly, but have started trying to visit once or twice a year. My sister has not visited since we moved to Texas, four and a half years ago.


Dh's parents live about an hour away and he tries to visit them about once a month. They seldom visit us though.

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We live 30min from my parents and see them about once a week to every other week. My in laws are a mile away and we see them about the same. My closest sibling is 1 1/2 hrs away (I have 3 siblings about that distance away), I see them about once a month at best. Some of them I only see 2 times a year. My farthest sibling is 12hrs away and I see him about 3 times a year.

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5 min from my parents.  I try to go there every couple of weeks but sometimes it's longer because it's a hard place for me to be.  They never come here unless it's a specific event (birthday, etc)

20 min from inlaws - we see them at least once a week.

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My dad: several times a week, sometimes less and sometimes more. My MIL and her husband: several times a year. My dad lives in the same area as us. My MIL is a 4 hour drive. My mother is dead but we saw her all but daily.


My brothers, it really varies. They both have families and live within 20-40 minutes away. Sometimes weekly or more and other times every month or two. My husband's only brother? We are averaging every 4 years. But he is a hermit and lives around the globe from us in the artic.

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My dad: several times a week, sometimes less and sometimes more. My MIL and her husband: several times a year. My dad lives in the same area as us. My MIL is a 4 hour drive. My mother is dead but we saw her all but daily.


My brothers, it really varies. They both have families and live within 20-40 minutes away. Sometimes weekly or more and other times every month or two. My husband's only brother? We are averaging every 4 years. But he is a hermit and lives around the globe from us in the artic.

For a minute there, I misread the part I bolded and thought you said your husband's brother was a hermit who lived in the attic. :eek:


I think that's enough evidence that I should really start getting off the computer before 3:00am. ;)

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My parents come here from 10 hrs away, for either Christmas or Easter, in January on their way to FL and in April on their way back up north. We don't go see them anymore.


My inlaws live about 10 hrs away in another direction; we see them every summer (last summer excepted). 2 of hubby's 6 sibs live there, too, and often another is visiting (has a house there), so we knock out more family by going there.


As far as my sibs-- one brother is dead. We don't see his family anymore. They live about 8 hrs away. The other brother and I are estranged. We don't see them, either. They live way up in Wisconsin. I don't even know how long it would take to drive there. 

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The girls and I visit my parents every Wed afternoon on our way home from tutorials.  We have dinner once a month or so.

Twin about once a month and little sister less often.  But we do talk and email daily.  We all live within 30-40 minutes of each other.

Outlaws we see/visit once every couple of months, they are two hours away.

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My parents live about 10 hours away. We go there 4 times a year, for 1-2 weeks each visit. My sisters each live 2 days drive away. We go there every few years, however, we meet at my parents' twice a year. Now, my family has a beach condo about 20 minutes from my parents' house, and that is where we stay. But while we are there, we see my parents every day, and eat every meal except breakfast with them. The kids take turns sleeping at their house. And they keep an extra car for the teenagers to use while on vacation. My parents have made it really easy and fun to visit them. I know they did this on purpose so they can see their grandchildren as much as possible. 


My parents come here probably 6 times a year. Twice a year, they do a big driving trip to see all their kids and my grandma. They also go see my grandma a couple of times without hitting my sisters' houses. I am on the way to and from my grandma's, so they stop here for a couple of days one way. They go by our hometown the other direction. (They retired to the beach.) Also, they come for my kids' events when they can. They fly to my sisters' to see their kids' events. 


My MIL lives a long two days drive from us. She doesn't have room for us to stay with her, and there is no nearby hotel. We don't go there. She comes here twice a year--right before Christmas, and once in the spring. All of her grandchildren live within 3 hours of us. When she is here, my husband's brother's family will stay with us for a long weekend to visit with her. She doesn't go to their house at all.


Now that I have typed that out, it seems so sad. I see my parents almost once a month, even though they live 600 miles away. My MIL lives 1100 miles away, and I only see her twice a year, maybe We should make an effort to see her more often. 

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My inlaws live about 15 minutes away, we see them at least twice a month. My mom lives 4 hours away, we see her about 4 times a year she comes down here since all her siblings live south of us.

We see my youngest brother 2 or 3 times a year same with Dh's brother (both live 2-3 hours away). We see my middle brother maybe once a year, he lives near my mom but we dont go up there, he has sole custody of his three kids. We see Dh's sister every other year, she lives 14 or so hours away.

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We visited my sister for an emergency this summer, driving from Virginia to Wisconsin. The summer before we visited Utah where we were able to see most of our family, either in Utah or visiting them as we drove to Virginia. We also saw them for Christmas 2008 when we flew from Seattle to Utah. That's it for the last five years.


My parents and one set of in-laws visited us in Virginia this spring. My parents visited us in Kyrgyzstan in 2011. My parents came to Seattle twice and both sets of in-laws came once. It was much easier for them to go to Seattle from Utah. That's everything from the last five years.


My sister is visiting soon and I hope to get lots more visitors in Mexico because we finally have plenty of space. Visits have been hard for the last five years because we've lived in homes with one bathroom and two or three bedrooms with no extra bedding. We could have ten people visit us here with no problem. We'd have to start squeezing if 15 came at once.

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It is an all-day jaunt to the airports, driving to and from, etc. to get from Illinois to where my folks are in California - add in the cost and I go, only taking my adult son with autism, once a year. We can't all afford to go.


I did have to arrange for folks to keep an eye on Joe while I dropped everything to fly out to help  my dad, who broke a hip, for three weeks in Sept.  Things did not go as well as hoped here without me, and next time I am needed Joe must come, too.  I suspect I will be traveling more frequently now (dad also has dementia - I took away his car keys as no one else was going to do it, and my mom (they are divorced) has Azltimers and, no, I can't spell it. )


My kid sister, and little brother, also live in California.  She lives close to Dad, so I see her a lot when I visit.  My brother has three little kids and a busy live almost two hours drive from Dad, and seeing them is an Event. 


My in-laws lived 45 minutes away from us, so we saw them at least once a month or so.  Now that mil has passed, and fil is in a retirement community, hubby sees him several times a week as the 90-year-old lawyer STILL PRACTICES and Frank has to drive him to the office.  Frank is slowly trying to build up his dad's dwindling business so he can take it over (he is also an attorney) since he lost his job in February. 

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We live a long day's drive, or two comfortable day's drives, away from my parents and in-laws (they're in the same town).  There aren't any direct flights, so if we decided to fly we'd still spend all day travelling.  We go up there once a year or so, and always regret it because of my messed-up FOO.  I'm fine with my in-laws. 


I am not going any time in the next year.  I've done that drive with a newborn and I've done it with a toddler, and there's no way in Hades I'm doing it with both (barring a major emergency, and even then, probably not).


My in-laws come down here a couple times a year, and it generally goes well.  They're deterred by the distance, but seeing the grandbabies makes it worthwhile. ;)

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It varies widely from year to year.


My parents are about an 8 hour drive away, and somehow I usually see them a couple of times a year, usually by myself.  In-laws....once, maybe twice a year.  One set of in-laws has been to visit us twice (we've not even been married for 2 years) and the other not at all, but say they are planning a visit.  We've been to see them a few times since it's a good vacation spot, near the beach.  


I have 5 siblings.  Some I see fairly often and some not at all. Distance isn't the biggest factor, as I see my sister who lives 3500 miles away more than the one who is 15 minutes away.  Another sister I haven't seen in years.   I went years without seeing my brother, but now I've seen him several times in the last few.  He also lives many thousands of miles away.    No consistency at all. 

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I grew up living all over the country, and my sisters and I ended up in different states from our parents once we were out of college. Dh and I made the active decision to move here where my parents were living right before ds was born. Dh's family lives within a 45 min radius of our house.


Like Catwoman I would see my parents just about every day before they died. It's very difficult, even two and four years later, to look across the creek and the backyards when the trees are bare and see their house :(


I personally see one or another of my inlaws (parents or sibs) about once every two months. We were the first by many, many years to have kids. Now that everyone has young kids or preteens they understand just why we were so busy for so many years!


Dh sees his father two or three times per week. They work for the same firm, some days in the office and some days separately from their home offices. Fil was supposed to have transitioned to retirement four years ago :rolleyes:

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We live around the corner from my in-laws and have for almost 6 years. We hang out on holidays and they come to my kids' birthday parties but we don't see them a lot other than that.


My parents and sister live 9 hours away. Older brother lives 5 hours away and younger brother lives 3 hours away. We've seen my parents five times so far this year. They've come here twice, we met in the mountains once, we met at my younger brother's house once and I drove down to their house and spent a week there. We'll go down for Thanksgiving in a few weeks too. We travel to them 2-3 times a year and my parents come this way a lot because my brothers live within a few hours of me and they can see everyone in one trip. My parents love to travel and come see us often. We enjoy heading down there too but it's harder with 4 kids. It's getting easier though. We spend much more time with my parents than my in laws even with them right around the corner.

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I live in Central Texas. One dd lives near Fresno, California; the other lives in Seattle. If we're lucky, we see each other once a year.


When my mother was alive, it might be two or more years between visits.


The rest of our family lives in the Seattle area, or in Arizona, or on the east coast. We rarely see them. I haven't seen one of my brothers in about 15 years. I've never seen his children, several of whom are now married with children of their own.


One brother lives now in Oklahoma. He and his family came down for Christmas last year, the first time we've been with family for Christmas in seven or eight years. We all went back to North Carolina for a family reunion in July (extended family--our grandparents/g-grandparents were siblings).

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My in-laws have always lived about 20 minutes away. We go to the same church, my dh farms with his dad during harvest and planting. We see them at least twice a week, some seasons daily. We see his sisters at least twice a week as well. (They are both single).


My parents used to live 12 hours east. we saw them about twice a yr, that was before we had kids. Now they live 20 minutes away. We see them at least twice a week, they watch the girls all day on Monday. My brother is 12 hours south. They come once a yr, stay w/ my folks for a week, we see them everyday that week. We go and visit them every few yrs or so. My parents go to visit them about 2 or 3 times a yr.

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as rarely as possible??  LOL


dh's parents/family: never.  His parents come about once a year, but can go years with no contact.  It varies.  We do not go their way anymore.  Doesn't work well. 


my dad: we go on vacation with him yearly to his time share.  We get some time with him there.   And he comes to see us at Thanksgiving.  About every other year we will go to his place for Labor Day. So some years it's once a year, other years will be 3 times in that year. 


My mom/stepdad:  right now they come for Christmas.  We usually go there for Easter.  She did also just come visit us.  And if my kids had more time free we would go there again but this year didn't work out.  Next year I hope to get there twice. 


My sister/bil:  never.  They don't come here.  We don't go there.  Different lifestyles.  At this point my sister is actually living out of state from her husband while at graduate school so we won't see her for years unless she comes to the vacation with dad.  She did this spring, so we got to spend a few days together.  It was enough for both of us for a few more years ;-)


I will say that dh and I used to enjoy our families.  However, as we chose to eat organic meats, homeschool, and not participate in national cultural holidays(halloween and santa) we found getting together awkward.  We have an open door policy.  All are welcome to come our way. We don't go their way often since our choices are so different from their's and respect of each other's choices seems lacking.  To celebrate holiday's the way we want, we do it at home.  We are happy with this choice.  And as the parents age.....we are glad we haven't had more visits!!!

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My sister lives about 45 min from me. I see her several times a month. The rest of my family lives about 2 hrs away. They come up for birthdays for my kids and my sister's kids. We go to see them for holidays and random visits. Between my parents coming up and us going down, we probably see them about once a month or so.


Dh's family is about 3 hrs from us. His parents come up for the kids' birthdays. I take the kids down for a week in the summer and we visit for either Thanksgiving or Christmas (we alternate with my family).

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both dh's parents and my parents are deceased, however when dh's parents were alive we would see his dad several times a week, his mom less often.  Dh's entire family lives within 15 min of us (his sisters, their adult children and their small children plus some cousins).  We see dh's family at least every 2 weeks, more often in the summer and the holidays.  We enjoy being with them, for ex. we went out to dinner with his cousin and her husband last Sun (we try to see them every 2 weeks) and out to breakfast with one of his sisters 2 days ago.  We go on vacations together. 


We will be moving down the street from dh's adult nephew, his wife and 2 small dc and only 5 min or less from the rest of the family so will probably ve seeing them several times a week.


I have 2 brothers in Texas that we never see, the last visits were awkward.

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My parents have a permanent home 5 hours from us. They own a townhouse 2 miles from our house as well. They are here frequently, and usually take the kids every other weekend for trips and sleepovers. They come some weeknights for dinner, and to take the kids to their karate classes when they're staying in town. We decided to have the military move us here so we could be close to grandparents - it allows dh and me time together for dates, and let's the kids have special time with their grandparents. It is great for all of us, and my children have wonderful memories of their grandparents that they can cherish.


This weekend they're bringing our 2 oldest to Monterey, CA to see the butterflies and go on a whale watch. Our youngest is having a blast so far being and only child and getting all the attention.


My youngest brother lives in Tucson, about 45 minutes from my parents. - so we see him when we go to their AZ home. My eldest brother is living in Thailand now, so we see him once a year when he comes home for a month. dh doesn't speak to his family.

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For a minute there, I misread the part I bolded and thought you said your husband's brother was a hermit who lived in the attic. :eek:


I think that's enough evidence that I should really start getting off the computer before 3:00am. ;)

You know, before the advent of the Internet (where he met his wife and moved around the globe to the artic to be with her) that very well could have been an housing outcome for him. He lived at home until his 30s after college due to social anxiety and other issues. He's a great guy but didn't really let that show for a long time. I wish we could see him more often because he's really blossomed since he got married and has a much fuller and happier life now.
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How often do you visit family: Your parents, in laws, and siblings? How does living close by, far (a few hours drive), and really far (more than what your comfortable driving in a day) affect frequency? How often do they visit you?


My inlaws live in the same neighborhood as we do. We have Sunday dinner every week and usually see them for a quick hi/bye once or twice/week.


My family is in WI and we are in WA so about 2500 miles separate us. I haven't seen them since I went home for a wedding almost 2 years years ago. Normally at least one of my siblings visits each year but no one came out this year.


My husband's brother lives in PA (over 3000 miles away) and we haven't seen him or his wife since 2004. Their daughter is severely autistic and they are afraid to put her on a plane. 


Our travel is limited because not only is it expensive to fly 4 people across the country but since neither my husband nor I have paid time off. Any trip we take becomes exponentially expensive due to travel costs plus lost income.

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My wife went to visit her mother, sister and nephew, yesterday. Yesterday was her sister's birthday and it was a surprise for them. She will be gone for several days. Her sister, BIL, and nephew, came to visit us, one year ago. I don't remember when my wife was there the previous time. Her mother will not come to visit us. We live approximately 6 hours from them.



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Mine are 12 hours away, his are 10 hours away. In opposite directions. We go to mine twice a year (once just me & kids, once whole family). They normally come see us twice a year. With his family, it is more sporadic but we usually end up in some part of their state once a year, and then they all converge in that location for whatever event is happening. It is rare that any of his family comes here.

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I live 30 min from my mom (my dad passed away a year ago) and 30 min from my MIL (FIL passed away 5 years ago). We see my mom maybe once a month (never more-for a lot of reasons) and my MIL at least 3x or more a month.

My sister and brother live in the same town as my mom and I see them about once a month, though my sister and I talk almost every day and I talk to my brother at least once a week.

My BIL lives about 15 min away and we see him (but not his wife) about 2x a month. We see his wife about once a year.


My SIL lives about 2,000 miles away and we see her 2x a year. She is not married, nor has children so she travels here.

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My in-laws are just over an hour away, we see them about every 6 weeks on average. It's more in the winter due to birthdays and holidays, rarely in the summer due to their work schedules.


My parents are 2 days drive. We used to visit 1-2 times per year, haven't visited in 3 years. My mom has visited us once in 10 years, dad 3 times.


My grandparents and extended family are 2 days drive in the other direction, we've gone there 4 times in the last 5 years.


SIL is on west coast, she visits yearly, we've been once in 6 years.


Sister in different west coast town, see about every 2 years.


Brother in TX, see about yearly. His SIL lives near us so he usually visits.


Rest of siblings 15ish hours away, we used to visit yearly. It's been 3 years since our last trip that way. Two did visit us last year, and we did see everyone at my grandparents this past summer though.

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My mom is 14 hours away and we can drive that straight through, so we usually see her twice a year.


The rest of my family is a two day drive, but it's just siblings and other extended family. We've been there twice in 10 years and both of my siblings have been here about the same amount. I wish we could see them more but we talk often and share lots of pictures and videos on FB.


In-laws are a 3 day drive and we haven't seen them in about 3 years. It's too expensive for us all to fly (and I don't do well on a plane anyway). They used to come here about once a year but can't really travel anymore. We're hoping to get there sometime next year. Dh talks to them several times a week and they write the girls often.

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When my parents were alive I was usually at their house two or three times a week.  They lived about 12 minutes from us.


We visit MIL once a week.  She's about 15 minutes away.


We don't visit our siblings' homes frequently, even though they all live within 45 minutes.  Usually only at Christmas or for some kind of special family event.  Otherwise we see them at MIL's (for DH's side of the family), or we meet my brother and his family at a restaurant.

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I live a 2 hour flight/12 hour drive away from part of my family, and between 11 and 18 hour flights from the siblings living overseas.

My 'local' family we see about twice a year.  My overseas siblings I see every 18 months to two years wither we visit or they come here. 


MIL lives just over an hour away and we see her every two months or so - she no longer drives longer distances, so it depends on us going to her.  Since we're very busy with horse shows over weekends for most of the year, visits are limited.


ETA:  I speak to one sister via Skype almost daily, the rest of the family keeps in contact via Skype and Facebook on a weekly basis.

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last time I saw my sister, who lives in boston, was I think 7 years ago, or 8.  Last time I saw my mother, who lives near philadelphia, was at least a year and a half.  Last time I saw my husband's side of the family (who lives in Canada fairly near each other) was I think 2.5 years ago.  My mom wants to kick my daughter out of her house before this summer, in hopes that I'll come visit her.  (My daughter went to my moms to get away from me)


Not what you'd call a close family . . . 

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my parents are deceased.   I have sporadic contact with my sister - mostly via e-mail.  that's actually an improvement in our relationship.  I've had to cut off my brother after some things he did.


we see il's once a month or so.  (they live about 30 minutes away.) when my mil lived in another state, we visited her once in a few years as she was always up here at least once a year and we'd see her then.



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My mother comes to stay for a week every summer.  She doesn't want to come more often.  I visit her once a year too for a few days.  We live about eight hours apart.  I've tried to get her to move closer to us....


I see my second-eldest brother about once a year when I visit London (about six or seven hours from here).  My half sister also lives in London, so I see her once a year too.  My eldest brother I see once a year when I visit my mother.  Neither brother comes to visit us (well, one of them did once).  My other half sister lives in China and I see her rarely, but Husband saw her recently on a business trip.



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In laws live about 35 minutes away. Dh visits on his own 2-3 times a month, and we all try to go once every 6 weeks or so. His parents are in their late 80's and can't handle having any children around for very long. They tire quickly.


My parents live 3 hours away and aren't very pleasant to be around. We try for twice a year, with them coming to us for Thanksgiving and Easter.

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I see my parents every year.  I either go there (West Coast) or they come here (East Coast).


In Laws, haven't seen them in 4 years.  THey never call or visit and expect us to do all the traveling and calling.  We got tired of being berated every time we did, so we stopped.  They have made no effort to reach out or visit.



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I live in the same suburb (pop. 15,000) as my parents and an uncle (plus wife, cousins), plus my brother is in the nearby metroplex about 30 minutes away.  We all get together at least once a week for family dinner. I see my brother 1-2 times a week outside of that, and I see my parents daily.  When I was married and we were active duty, I moved home for every deployment and visited my parents at least once a month.  I was usually able to make a work trip out of it, which was convenient. 


I have two sisters in one state, and two brothers in another state.  Visits to my sisters are frequent - every 6-8 weeks. They live near our 91 year old grandma and they have my nephews. Visits to my brothers are less frequent, about once a year.  They're just busier and younger and harder to nail down for a visit! :) I'm usually the one who does the visiting because I have the most flexible schedule and I've accrued tons of airmiles to use. 


My ex-in-laws live two states over. At minimum I fly my kids out three times a year for a two-week visit.  I stay a week and their dad stays a week because the in-laws are nice but crazy.  I fly them out for other family events also, which adds another 1-2 short visits each year for weddings, funerals, etc.  They have an open invitation to visit my state to see the kids, and they definitely take advantage.  We see them every month, between our visits to them and their visits to us. 


Family is a huge reason why we homeschool, and visits are a priority.  Even visits with the crazy contingent.

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4 hours from my mom.  We see her practically every other month.  Either we go there or she comes here.  She makes a big effort.  And she has decided she wants to be "the" grandparent for my kids.  The one they see and trust most.  And she accomplished that so kudos to her.


10 hours+ from my father and his family, more to my grandmother's.  Once, sometimes twice a year.  We go there in the summer.  Sometimes they come up here.


9 hours from my in-laws.  It's changed from year to year a lot with them.  They've gotten busier the longer they've been retired.  I would say three times a year, sometimes more.  We always go up there at least once a year and sometimes twice.

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We moved to our current house about 3.5 years ago.


My closest relatives are my brother and SIL, who live about 6 hours away. We haven't seen them in nearly 4 years.


My mom and grandmother are about 9 hours away. We've visited them twice in 3 years, and my mom visits us a few times a year.


My dad and other grandparents are about 12 hours away. We've visited once in about 5 years, and my dad has yet to visit us since we moved here.


My MIL visited when our first was born 10 years ago (and I think a few other times that year) - at the time we were living close to her parents. But we haven't seen her since.


It's a little frustrating that no one will come visit us. We travel when we can, but with a bunch of kids and a full-time job, it is difficult for us to travel. My grandparents are understandable for medical reasons. The rest just don't, despite having the time and financial means to do so.

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My parents are both deceased. My youngest sister just moved back to my town so I get to see her much more often now. My other sister lives a few hours away and we visit her about 3 times a year.


DH's parents, two sisters and one brother all live close by and we see them frequently. We tend to be in and out of each other's houses a lot. His other sister and brother live further so we see them when they come for visits, usually at least once a year.

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