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Prayers for Pamela


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Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this. :grouphug:

It just isn't fair that the children are always the ones to suffer. The system seems to work without a heart and half a brain. I believe this, because anyone with half a brain would make better life decisions for innocent little ones.

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I am so sorry Pam. I prayed this would not happen. I know in the UK they take a scrapbook(I think they call it a Life book) with them to each placement which the foster parents are supposed to update. Are you able to send something like that with her so she will be able to see how much she is loved later? Also I will keep you in my prayers -- she hasn't left your care yet!

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I'm sorry. You did what you could. :( I pray for the best outcome for Monkey going forward.


I'm an adoptive mom too. Even though I built my family through adoption, it hurts my heart to see little ones moved around. So I hope this is the last time for her at least, and I hope her new family knows how to love her as she needs to be loved.


Strength to you and your family. And thanks so much for all you have done for foster kids.

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Guest submarines

I'm so sorry. You are such a brave, courageous woman to be willing to mother these children within this horrible bureaucracy. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I really appreciate all the support.


I think I'm doing much better than I thought. I'm surprised I'm not a heap on the floor with drool everywhere and cops speaking to my husband because of the wailing coming from our home. I had tried to prepare myself. That helps on MY side. It doesn't do much for my fear that this is going to devastate my poor baby who has already had too many hurdles in her short life.

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And people criticize our decision to adopt internationally...this is just one of the reasons why. My heart breaks for you and your entire family. Will pray for wisdom for her new parents, and for eventual peace in your heart. Take very good care of yourself right now, and know that many are holding you close to their hearts.

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I'm so sorry. It stinks, just plain stinks. Every time we had to go through a goodbye I thought I'd die. Nothing quite shreds your heart like this kind of good-bye. And you just have to ride ou the stinking emotional roller coaster. I hated that. I always wanted to get to the end so I could somehow feel normal again. But nope gotta do all the stinking ups and downs first.

The only thing that gave me strength was my belief that as much as I loved those kids I was sure God loved them more. I still wish his plans made sense to me though.

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