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  1. Oops, I goofed. I meant to say that I am not a big fan of the Myron Bolitar books. I like his stand alone books much better.
  2. I love Harlan Coben but not a big fan of the Mickey Bolitar books. I, too, picked up Home not knowing it was a Mickey book. I didn't mind it. It was definitely the best of the Mickey books.
  3. I finished The Woman in Cabin 10--did not like it at all. It was reminiscent of Girl on the Train. I am getting tired of unreliable characters. As I was reading I was inwardly screaming, "Pull yourself together already!!" It was a frustrating read. For an online book club I am reading The Girl You Left Behind. I am not a JoJo Moyes fan but this is different from her usual fare. So far I am liking it.
  4. I have this waiting for me at the library. I, too, thought it was an essay collection. I listened to From the Front Porch podcast a few days ago where they discussed this book at length. It was from there that I realized this was a book of short stories. My anticipation of this book waned as I am not a big fan of short stories. I read Gay's An Untsmed State a few years ago. It was a hard book to read but the writing was breath-taking. My experience alone with that book is what is leading me to at least start to read it and see what happens from there.
  5. I think Matryoshko makes a good point, Rose. When I am dealing with depression, light and humorous reads do not help at all. Darker, heavier reads cause me to think things through and that is comforting to me. Lincoln on the Bardo is a dark read but it was such a comfort to me. So maybe heavy reads will help you work through the hard stuff. Maybe.
  6. Thank you all for your kind words. They mean a great deal to me. I think I may have my reading mojo back. I flew through Lincoln on the Bardo and I loved it!! I was listening to the podcast From the Frontporch yesterday and they were talking about how this book might be helpful to those who are grieving. I think that is why Saunders' words struck deep with me because he was putting words to my grief. I am thankful that I read it rather than listened to it as I think the audio would have been too distracting. I have now moved on to The a woman in Cabin 10
  7. I haven't been here in the past 6 weeks as my dad died in the beginning of Feb. and the kids and I have been with my mom ever since. We came home on Sun. and are slowly acclimating ourselves to life back st home. I haven't been reading much since all of this happened. Not only did I lose my dad but I also lost my coping mechanism for hard times (reading). Didn't expect that at all. March has come to be a better month. I have been able to actually read and finish a few books. Another surprise is that I have found comfort in a genre that I usually don't read; historical fiction. The first book I was able to finish was The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah. I have put this off for months cause I didn't think I would like it. I was wrong-- loved it. Also loved A Piece of the World by Christina Baker Kline (it is based on the painting Christina's World by Andrew Wyeth) and The Wife, The Maid and The Mistress by Ariel Lawson. But the book that really brought me back into the land of the reading was The Rules of Civility by Amor Towles. Oh, how I love that man's writing! I am currently reading Lincoln on the Bardo and am loving it so far.
  8. Robin, I have The Nightingale waiting for me on my phone. I have been hesitant to read it because I didn't like All the Light You Cannot See. I think all the hype pushed my expectations too high. I am afraid that the same thing will happen with The Nightingsle. But in reading your reaction I think I might crack it open soon
  9. Robin, I am intrigued by the Frost Like Night cover. The Midnight Dance one is good, too. The last cover is already on my TBR list. I tried to read Euphoria, I think it was when Robin posted it on here due to it's cover but I couldn't get too far in it. I gave up. Stacia, I have been hearing a lot of buzz about The Second Mrs. Hockaday. The subject interests me but it is an epistolary novel and I am not good with those so I haven't ordered it from the library yet. I am giving myself time to think it through. 😃
  10. Sadie, I am so sorry about this. Hugs. I am hoping that things will work out or that you will be able to find a new solution to this problem. 💕💕
  11. Tribe by Sebastian Junger partly addresses the issue as to why kidnapped children preferred staying with their captors . At the back of the book, Jiles recommended A book for further reading. The title escapes me at the moment. Captured, maybe?
  12. I read three books this past week: Lab Girl by Hope Jahren. I didn't like it at the beginning but kept plugging along with it and am glad that I did. It picked up by the middle. Love That Boy by Ron Fournier. This was an okay read but it seemed to me that this book just didn't know what it wanted to be. Fourner's son was diagnosed with Asperger's when he was 12 years old and this book is Fournier's way of dealing with it. So the book could be categorized as memoir/parenting book/presidential history book. That was too many categories for me. I think two would have been less busy. The Couple Next Door by Shari LaPena. Suspense/ thrillers are my genre of choice, my comfort read (that sounds awful doesn't?). When life is tense I love reading a thriller and escaping the stress. That's what this book did for me, it helped me escape. I am currently reading Underground Airlines by Ben Winters and a Daniel Silva book whose title escapes me at the moment.
  13. Rose, I like your theory as to why Death at Pemberley received so many poor reviews. At the time that I read it I couldn't understand why everyone disliked it so much cause I loved it! But, in keeping with your theory, I really like P.D.James and I like Austen but I'm not gushy about her like most fans are so I agree with your theory. 😃 Stacia, I had not heard of By Gaslight until you talked about it here but now I see it EVERYWHERE-- online and in real life. I looked for it online at our library site. The site is for all of the libraries in Saskatchewan. Well, there were over 20 copies listed and they were all out. I haven't decided whether I want put a hold on it yet cause over 700 pages in 3 weeks? With no chance of renewal? I'm not sure. But I do want to read this book. Which brings me to the issue of lack of punctuation. I am sure this has always been a style choice but it seems to be a popular one lately. I have read three books this past year that did not use punctuation. I am curious as to why would an author decide to write in this style? Does any one have any ideas? Lady Florida, I read News of the World last month and was delighted by it. So much so that I am reading it aloud to my kids now. Enjoy!
  14. I'm so glad that the surgery went well, Erin. Sending you thoughts for quick and easy healing. 💕
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