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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


I am so very, very sorry. :crying:


How horrible of his wife not to have called at least one member of the family to ask them to inform the other relatives. Even if you weren't close, he was still your BROTHER!



:( I agree. Horrible. Just horrible.


I'm so sorry.

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I am very sorry for your loss, and how you found out. :grouphug:


I would think the FB post was just a huge brainfart brought on by shock and stress. Definitely not good judgement, but sometimes it's just hard to think even in good situations, and when something awful happens it all doesn't even seem real.

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I'm sorry for your loss :grouphug:



I actually scan the internet for family names regularly, because I know family will not contact me if my mother, certain brothers, grandmother, stepdad, etc pass away. On the other hand, if my husband passed away, I would not call his mother or brother about it. That would be asking for a mess of trouble out of this world.

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I'm not mad at her. Shocked and sad would be a better description. In her position, I'd be curled up in a dark corner unable to function.


A good friend found about the death of my dd via someone elses facebook. I thought she'd been told and couldn't make that call, I'd used my reserves.

I also left a message on my aged Uncle's phone. I had prepared to tell him and then got message and just blurted. I then had to find cousins number and leave a message for him to please check on his father and reasons.

We and friends were expecting ours but I still made mistakes. I did a fair bit of comforting others over my loss because I had delivered the news harshly as I could not do it any other way.


Really sorry and thank you for your understanding towards his widow.

I hope you have good support in your dark corner.

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Aw. How sad. I'd imagine the widow was out of her mind with grief. I remember when a coworker found her husband dead and she called into work saying she wouldn't be in and kept screaming into the phone, "What do I do? I don't know what to do!" It was quite horrible. Think people go a little nuts when something like that happens.


I'm sorry for you to have found out this way, but I would immediately extend grace to the widow and her social faux pas.

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:grouphug: I'm so sorry for your loss, and the delivery of the news. Perhaps the widow just couldn't make the right decisions in her grief, but it's still incredibly shocking for family to have to find out through FB or a voicemail... I would be flabbergasted.


Wishing you peace and comfort. :grouphug:

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