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Please tell me that someone else is still Christmas shopping?


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Mid-Nov to mid-Dec was a hectic time. Recitals, swim meets, a Christmas play, several scout events to plan and attend. My planning/chauffeuring duties did not take me near stores. I did some shopping online, but there are always things that need an in-store touch. Spent 2 hours out tonight and I'm exhausted, just did a bit more on Amazon, and now I'm sifting through thousands of digital photos to find those I want to load onto a photo frame for my mom. She will be thrilled (I'm the daughter who never gets around to printing photos), but my hand is almost numb.


Please tell me I'm not alone???

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We finished tonight. I know how you feel. We had 2 music recitals, 2 trips to nursing homes, 2 scout award ceremonies, 1 scout Christmas party, a Christmas party (which, I was in charge of) for 300 or so people, a play with 13 performances and numerous rehearsals before that, eldest dd's birthday party is this weekend, I have to bake for dh's staff, it has been crazy. But, now we can breathe a little, whew. After Friday I will be much more relaxed.

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I finished today, but I'm exactly like you, in that I'm the one that never gets around to photos. We actually had professional shots done in the spring....that I never got printed!! I did 1-hour printing through Walmart and bought some nice frames. The grandparents are going to be thrilled.

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I haven't even started. Not sure why. Just don't feel like doing it.


Luckily, as a Catholic family, Christmas for us is not primarily about presents, so our Christmas will be just fine. But the idea of going out and participating in the whole "buy crap palooza" is just tiring to me right now.


I might do something this weekend. Maybe.

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Oh, yeah. Friday and Saturday will be "finish it up" days here. I'm always surprised this time of year -- I feel like I get a bunch done ahead of time (and I do), but then there's always quite a few things to still get at the end.



This is me. And dh's family is impossible to buy for, so I have no clue. I'm about to say forget it, I give up. I have too much to do to shop. I have extra cooking to do this year, as dd is gluten free, and can't eat all the sides at family dinners. I'm tired and just want to finish cleaning my house, sit and enjoy it w/ my family and watch some Christmas movies. Can you tell I'm starting to get a little "Bah-humbug" attitude?

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Me! Me! Me!


With the exception of one gift requested by ds17 back in July that had to be ordered in advance, I have done no shopping at all. My family is really bad about coming up with "it would be great to have..." or "I sure would like ...." at the last moment. So this year, I am outsmarting them all and doing no shopping until Christmas Eve. Ha!

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Oh yeah. I still have to check into what-all the girls are getting....has present parity been achieved? We don't have much yet.



Present parity. I've still got to sort through things, but I think I'm ok there. It's gotten trickier with more and older children. I ordered MIL's present tonight. Dh is on the hook for the rest of his family. I'm done with everything else except for stocking candy.


Well, I haven't gotten something for dh, but he changed his mind about the thing he told me he wanted.

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There has been this thing going on...something about the economy...so i just started my shopping yesterday. :)

Sometimes I get a bad attitude about buying stuff made in China. I go shopping so infrequently for anything besides food that it just feels weird to go out there and convince myself to buy.

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We just finished this evening. We still need to do a lot of wrapping, though.


I did not strive for present parity. They are 4yo and 5 months. So it doesn't matter, yet, right? I don't think DD will notice, or care if she does, that they may not be even. But am I borrowing trouble, here? Does anyone not try at all to make sure it's even? I always planned on keeping the budget pretty equal once DD2 is older. This year I did not even try to spend as much on the baby as I did on my 4yo. I'll have to count it up, but I doubt I got lucky with the number of gifts.

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I just got more little stuff for the stockings today. Now, I am done for good! :hurray:



Suuuuuuuuuuuure you are... until you're at the store and you see just one more thing, and it's really cute and it's on sale and really, it's just one more little thing........ oh, and what's that other cute little thing over there? And it's 40% off? Who could resist such a bargain? And really, it's just one more little thing.............


Not that I'm speaking from personal experience or anything.

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I have to pick up some spray bacon-chedder cheeze junk for 1ds to go with his ritz.


I'm also picking up another brie wheel because i. do. not. like. the stuff dh bought. He likes pungent brie. darling, brie is NOT supposed to be "pungent"!


I'm still wrapping, and will figure out if I need anything else.

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I was all done until I remembered I have a husband. I posted a thread, got good suggestions.


I have to take the boys with me to shop now that it's so late (we leave at the crack of dawn on Saturday) so that means teaching the 4 year old a deflection scheme. So far he has been instructed to say, "We got you running shoes and tax forms." because otherwise he'll say "We did NOT get you a remote control helicopter. Really. I'm not lying, we will not be surprising you with that orange helicopter. At all."

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Yes, and I was incredibly stressed out about it a few days ago.


But you know, Amazon Prime is great. I ordered a bunch of stuff from them - little things that I like to do but that add a lot of shopping hours if you do them in person. I bought books for a number of family members, presents for the pets in my extended family, etc. I got a lot of shopping done in a couple of hours that way.


And then yesterday I had to go to several stores and I was dreading it. But in two hours, I knocked out a fair amount of the stuff that was stressing me. I got a couple of coveted items on my kids' lists, gift certificates for a few people, and little gifts for DH to take to work. Done. It wasn't that bad. You can do this:)

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Nope...I'm done. I never entered a store this year and had everything ordered by the last week of November. I got everything online and even sent dh into the restaurant for gift cards so I didn't have to do that. This was my most stress free year yet...I love it and no one will be able to tell I didn't shop at the mall. ;)

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We just finished this evening. We still need to do a lot of wrapping, though.


I did not strive for present parity. They are 4yo and 5 months. So it doesn't matter, yet, right? I don't think DD will notice, or care if she does, that they may not be even. But am I borrowing trouble, here? Does anyone not try at all to make sure it's even? I always planned on keeping the budget pretty equal once DD2 is older. This year I did not even try to spend as much on the baby as I did on my 4yo. I'll have to count it up, but I doubt I got lucky with the number of gifts.


I always matched the number of gifts because I worried my kids would notice because one might finish unwrapping while the next one was still going. It wasn't hard to do when they were little. I had a hard time doing it this year with my three. I matched the number of gifts for dd14 and ds16, but there was so little to buy for dd20. She won't be with us on Christmas morning though, so it's no big deal that she has much less.


Your kids are too young for that. I don't think you have anything to worry about.

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My kids' gifts are uneven, because one asked for more and the other isn't really into anything. What I do about this is to wrap up about the same number for each kid, and then wrap the others "for both kids." (My kids are very close in age.) My kids share most things anyway.

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I thought I was finished and was so proud of myself. Then my ds16 asked me if there were surprises under the tree. To be honest, not much. He's so hard to buy for that I pretty much stuck to his list. I feel like I need to find at least one more thing but I have no idea what to get him. His interests are way too narrow. I blame his Aspergers for that. I can't even buy him the candy he wants for his stocking because he's really not supposed to be eating it due to his braces. He popped a bracket once and I'll have to pay for those if he pops anymore. The surprises I got were a Mythbusters daily calendar and a couple of Eyewitness books on WW1 and WW2. But I need more! I'm going out this weekend to see what I can find.

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We've had a similar season (extra rehearsals, performances, all kinds of outside committments) and have also had one or two of us sick on and off for the last few weeks. So, you are definitely not alone! In fact, today is the last day I have without my husband home, since he's taking vacation tomorrow and Monday, and my agenda for today is a frantic push to find and/or make at least two more gifts to put under the tree for him and to help my son finish up the gift he's making, too.


I just sat down at the computer to place a quick Amazon order before everyone else is up and around.


We have lingering tasks to finish assembling my daughter's "big" gift, also.


And I have bought fabric for but haven't even started sewing the pajama pants I'm supposed to be making for each of the two kids.


I can absolutely relate.

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We just finished this evening. We still need to do a lot of wrapping, though.


I did not strive for present parity. They are 4yo and 5 months. So it doesn't matter, yet, right? I don't think DD will notice, or care if she does, that they may not be even. But am I borrowing trouble, here? Does anyone not try at all to make sure it's even? I always planned on keeping the budget pretty equal once DD2 is older. This year I did not even try to spend as much on the baby as I did on my 4yo. I'll have to count it up, but I doubt I got lucky with the number of gifts.



I have a 14 and 2 year old. This will be the 2 yo first Christmas. I didn't buy him anything for the first two. He didn't know or care. We haven't done birthday parties or presents for him, either. He doesn't know or care.


Your 5 month old doesn't know or care.


You aren't creating a future anything. Next year you can evaluate circumstances at that time and decide what the best course of action will be.

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Oh, yeah. Friday and Saturday will be "finish it up" days here. I'm always surprised this time of year -- I feel like I get a bunch done ahead of time (and I do), but then there's always quite a few things to still get at the end.


This is me exactly. Something always seems to happen to throw me off my preparations. This year I was out the last week in Nov. and got quite a lot done (it was wonderful having Thanksgiving a bit early this year). I was feeling quite proud of myself as I figured this would help relieve the stresses. Then I got sick for a week. Then one project I was working on took WAY longer than I anticipated. Then I got sick again. I'm just starting to feel a bit better this morning and I already have to jump into Christmas preparations. Ugh.

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I just went out yesterday and did the bulk of my shopping. Today I will wrap and evaluate, then finish up tonight it tomorrow. I had to pry a list out of my kids. My son only asked for one game . . . And it's a download. My teen daughter finally made a Pinterest board wish list that was somewhat helpful. They're getting lots useful stuff that I just put off buying until now because it doesn't get really cold til January. I couldn't believe that nobody really wanted anything. It was just weird.

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I still have one thing to pick up, and it's actually important -- I got the kids a bunch of dvds, but haven't gotten around to replacing the broken dvd player. I just kept postponing a decision to read more reviews, but I will need to grab one when I grocery shop in a couple of days, or DH and I will end up with kids watching on our computers. Aside from that, we are done, just waiting on the UPS truck to bring the last couple of things.

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I am finished, even though I am not really FINISHED. Middle child is simply going to get the cash difference in the gift cost discrepancy because what he wants is out of stock at the moment and he didn't tell me until 3 days ago what else he wanted.


I do need to make some more fudge.



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I just finished, not five minutes ago. Thought I was done, but then did a quick tally of the girls' presents and there was a big gap comparing one to the other... dunno how I missed it earlier. It's now filled with books, and all is good.

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I have finally admitted to myself that my grand idea of lovely handcrafted gifts is not coming to fruition, so I have a bit of shopping to do. My mom's birthday is in January, so I am flaking out on her scarf until after Christmas and going with the oh-so-original Kindle gift card. I also need some small gifts to fill in my baby nephew's gift basket. And...And...and....I think I'll be busy this weekend.

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I should be shopping for a few small things for kids at church, but we've been hit by a nasty stomach virus. I'm starting to recover, but now Dd is sick. I don't know if I'll ever get out to finish up, but I'm not so sure we'll even be going to church anyway given the way this virus is traveling through our family.


Oh, yes, and thanks for reminding me, I was supposed to be making photo books for the grandparents too! Maybe later today I can muster up enough energy to at least order them.

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I'm with Cat on this. I just love shopping and buying things for my children. I like to start early, too. I tell myself that it's so I can be sure to get the things they want and to get it done, but the earlier I start the more I buy! I've tried to stay out of the stores this week, but the internet still gets me.


I will be shopping until the last possible minute on Christmas Eve.


But technically, I guess I could have been done a month ago. I just LOVE shopping, so I keep buying stuff right up until the very end. :D


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I should be shopping for a few small things for kids at church, but we've been hit by a nasty stomach virus. I'm starting to recover, but now Dd is sick. I don't know if I'll ever get out to finish up, but I'm not so sure we'll even be going to church anyway given the way this virus is traveling through our family.


Oh, yes, and thanks for reminding me, I was supposed to be making photo books for the grandparents too! Maybe later today I can muster up enough energy to at least order them.



:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


I hope you guys feel better soon, Shannon!

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I'm with Cat on this. I just love shopping and buying things for my children. I like to start early, too. I tell myself that it's so I can be sure to get the things they want and to get it done, but the earlier I start the more I buy! I've tried to stay out of the stores this week, but the internet still gets me.



:iagree: (But I'm still going to Target, Best Buy, and GameStop one more time before Christmas... because they're there, and it would be wrong not to go.)


I know what you mean about the internet -- it's like Amazon keeps beckoning me. I'm telling you, I'll be sitting in the living room, minding my own business... and then my computer whispers the magic words............. LIGHTNING DEALS........ :eek: :eek: :eek:

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We just finished this evening. We still need to do a lot of wrapping, though.


I did not strive for present parity. They are 4yo and 5 months. So it doesn't matter, yet, right? I don't think DD will notice, or care if she does, that they may not be even. But am I borrowing trouble, here? Does anyone not try at all to make sure it's even? I always planned on keeping the budget pretty equal once DD2 is older. This year I did not even try to spend as much on the baby as I did on my 4yo. I'll have to count it up, but I doubt I got lucky with the number of gifts.


I so did not worry about the baby getting the same number of presents last year. Now he is 21 months old, and yes he got the same number of gifts as the 3 and 5 year old because the other two would count and notice. The toughest part for him was getting him stuff he would like that we didn't already have, since he is the 3rd almost 2 year old. I went up in age on his gift so he is getting a bunch of stuff that he should like, but was labelled for 3 - 8 rather then for 18 months +.


That being said I am done as of Sunday. There are a couple of things I could think of that I would be tempted to get, but the gifts are bought the spreadsheet is checked and I refuse to visit any stores online or in person until next year! Well other then the grocery store.

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