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I'd like to thank everyone who offered their prayers for my friend Jackie. There are many wonderful people on this forum who, no matter their religion, creed, race, nationality, gender or other realities are truly sincere and kind people. I have been on these boards since the old format and have always known that.


In that regard, I am not sorry I asked, even if my asking has offended some others so much that they felt the need to trash me on another forum for having asked. To those people, I simply wish you peace. If having asked for prayers for a friend makes you think me wicked or a hypocrite, that is fine for you to think that. I don't believe you, but then, as you are aware, I don't believe a lot of things.



I do, however, believe that whenever someone offers sincere kindness, it makes a difference. So all those people who are kind and sincere and offered a simple kindness with their prayers? They made a difference to Jackie.



And, I won't make apologies or excuses for having asked for that.

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I do, however, believe that whenever someone offers sincere kindness, it makes a difference. So all those people who are kind and sincere and offered a simple kindness with their prayers? They made a difference to Jackie.



And, I won't make apologies or excuses for having asked for that.


Gosh, you shouldn't have to. I thought it was great when you asked for prayers for your friend. Really great. I admire you for having done so.

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I can't think of a more horrible thing to do to another human being. D***




* to THOSE people* This is a diverse board of people with different areas of expertise. Audrey simply saw this need outside of her area of expertise and asked for help for a hurting friend. Many people on this board do that.


Audrey, I'm sorry.

Edited by elegantlion
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I am always amazed at the boldness of others that do things like that....of course I can only imagine what they are saying about my recent post, lol...I wouldn't even know what other boards to visit. I don't have nearly enough time some days to even check this one!


I hope your friend is doing better! :grouphug:

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Your friend is lucky to have you. Stepping outside of your comfort zone to support her is wicked and hypocritical? I wish I had more wicked and hypocritical friends. :grouphug:




I don't follow any particular religion, but let me just say, that I have truly felt uplifted and surrounded by all the prayers that everyone has been saying for me these days. I literally feel surrounded by a cloud of good vibes and well wishes and healing strength and love. I am much more in contact with the spiritual/God/life force realm through all these prayers. If I can contribute in my way to someone else being lifted up in the same manner, I'm going to do it, regardless of their religious status.

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As an atheist, I hear the joke in my head about sandwiches instead of prayer when another pagan/atheist/humanist asks for prayers but if it made you feel better and/or your friend, cool.


Going to another forum to whine about you, meh. That might be why people stop going to that other forum. Personally, I'm here to primarily discuss homeschooling. I'll delve into other stuff when the "spirit" moves me but as for going to another forum to complain about this forum? Who has time for that AND homeschooling?

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I'd like to thank everyone who offered their prayers for my friend Jackie. There are many wonderful people on this forum who, no matter their religion, creed, race, nationality, gender or other realities are truly sincere and kind people. I have been on these boards since the old format and have always known that.


In that regard, I am not sorry I asked, even if my asking has offended some others so much that they felt the need to trash me on another forum for having asked. To those people, I simply wish you peace. If having asked for prayers for a friend makes you think me wicked or a hypocrite, that is fine for you to think that. I don't believe you, but then, as you are aware, I don't believe a lot of things.



I do, however, believe that whenever someone offers sincere kindness, it makes a difference. So all those people who are kind and sincere and offered a simple kindness with their prayers? They made a difference to Jackie.



And, I won't make apologies or excuses for having asked for that.


I can't believe someone trashed you for asking for prayers. In all the years I've been here, I rarely post personal stuff, but when I have, the response has always meant the world to me and warmed my heart in ways I can not describe.

I think you are wonderful, I always have, and when you ask, I will always answer. :grouphug::grouphug:

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The world needs more people like you. Seriously. You don't believe in God or prayers but you have a friend wno does, and who finds great comfort in both. You put aside your own belief system, don't consider yourself at all, and step outside of your comfort zone to do something for a friend that you don't believe in yourself and maybe even feel umcomfortable about. But being a true friend with a heart of gold, you act. And then your loving and compassionate act gets you bashed on another forum, even though those other people know what YOUR personal belief system for YOU.




What you did is about as unselfish as it gets.


The people bashing you on another forum should be ashamed. I am sure you are just as kind there as you are here.


Rise above is all I can say. It won't be hard as you clearly ARE the bigger person here.

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Your friend is lucky to have you. Stepping outside of your comfort zone to support her is wicked and hypocritical? I wish I had more wicked and hypocritical friends. :grouphug:


:iagree: I just saw your original note this a.m. and I thought, "What a great friend!"



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Personally, I think you did an awesome thing, asking for prayers for your friend. No, it's not *your* belief, but it's hers, and as you said in the other thread, it would bring HER comfort...which is the whole danged point, is it not?


How anyone could crticize an unselfish act like that hurts my brain. And my heart.



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I think you asking for prayers for your friend was an awesome act of friendship. You were doing something that would mean a lot to her. I hope things are going better for your friend.


You are a wonderful person and I've never known you to be anything but kind. I was totally taken aback by what I saw on that other forum about you.


That's one of the things I love about this forum, we're all different, but I know I can come here for genuine support and kindness.

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For a friend who believes, you asked for prayers. You respected her beliefs. Your friend would draw comfort from those kind thoughts and words. You did nothing wrong.


So sorry you were criticized for your good deed.


:iagree: And I have done the same thing, ask for prayers as a non-Christian.


I'm sorry you caught grief for it. You are one of my favorites here. I think you approach others with honesty and integrity. Please don't let a few meanies stop you from showing kindness to others.


I hope Jackie continues to be comforted. You are a good friend.

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Audrey, how terrible that someone would respond in that manner to your kind, caring request! Shame on them!


I don't often reply to the "Please Pray" threads, but usually take a moment to pray whenever I read them, as I did in this case. I am glad to hear that Jackie was comforted by the prayers and good thoughts sent by people on the board!

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Really? Someone really had the audacity to follow you to another board and trash you? For asking for prayers?!?! REALLY?!?! That's klassy:glare:.


FWIW, I wasn't offended AT ALL by your request. I've been thinking of your friend since you posted. I suppose I will have to add the klassy person to my prayer list.


And I still love ya! Your green hair and my blue hair rock!

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I'm simply gobsmacked!


Good thing they went somewhere else and didn't spread their low down dirty rotten garbage here. Cowards!


:grouphug: Audrey. Still praying for Jackie.


Just stunned! Okay, cannot comprehend would be a better way of putting it!


Whenever I begin to think the boards are a bit rough....I get a wake up call. I love that I can rub minds with so many wonderful, albeit different from me, people.


My world is so much more vivid, because of many of you here.

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I can't imagine that anyone would trash a person for asking for prayers for a friend. Personally, I thought it was particularly touching that you asked on her behalf, even though your beliefs are different. It takes an amazing friend to put her friend's needs and beliefs before her own, and I truly believe that you did an absolutely lovely thing, Audrey.

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Thanks. I wasn't really looking for a round of hugs, but they're appreciated very much. :D


I don't post on that other forum, although I have an account there and have used the site for other things for years and years. The trashing was brought to my attention and I'm kind of sorry I read the first couple of pages. At first, I was a little ticked off that someone would think my intentions in asking for prayer were nefarious. But mostly I was sad, because they painted whole huge groups of people with a really broad brush, including themselves (although I'm sure they don't realise that).


This isn't my first rodeo, though. ;) I know there are people out there who will d**n anything I say or do just because of who I am, but I don't take it personally (mostly) because I also KNOW that there are great people in all walks. There's several hundred reasons why I asked for prayers for Jackie here. And, y'all know who you are.

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You were trashed on another forum for asking for prayers for a friend? That's not right. I am glad to hear the prayers are/were helping your friend.

:confused: Yep, they'll know we are Christians by our love.:glare:

I didn't post in the first thread but I'm still praying for your friend.:grouphug:

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