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HOw long till you are done homeschooling and what will you do then?

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I'll start. I have three more years to go. I have so far homeschooled for 18 years. My current plans are to do much more volunteering, take some classes (we have free or very low cost classes here for those over 50, which I will be in Jan), and read more. I also plan to travel more with my dh since the last number of years with my younger two children being in classes or co-ops and in swim and dive in the summer, we have had limited vacations. I will be happy to have the whole year open again and also to travel with my dh on some of his work trips. I also plan to visit the youngest in college, the middle in grad or law school, and the oldest where-ever he is. I;ll be really happy to have enough time to prepare for holidays too.

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5 or 6 years, I suppose.


I will probably go back to working full time (I work just part-time from home). Unless DH is ready to retire, in which case I will probably retire and spend my time doing volunteer work and raising chickens somewhere warm. I like chickens.

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It has been 8 years and I have one more year:svengo: after which I will finally have to get a "real" job. Doing what, I'm not certain yet :tongue_smilie:


I have been exceptionally fortunate to have been able to do this :001_wub:

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We started homeschooling in 1992 and just graduated our last kid.

Dh and I are having fun doing some traveling, I'm working part time, rediscovering my quilting hobby, and have taken up cycling.

I'm still volunteering, and that won't change.

So far it's kind of a weird feeling, but I'm loving it.

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I'm just starting 1st grade with my youngest so I have approximately 12 more years to go. Once I'm done, if I'm still feeling up to it I will go back to working with problem horses and dogs, and spoiling grandkids. I've also considered fostering kids once mine are a little older.

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We are entering our 3rd yr, 2nd "Full" year. Prior to homeschooling I worked full time as a clinical nurse, mainly pediatric and family practice. To maintain my licence I need to have a certain amount of hours of practice so in the next year I plan to volunteer at a free clinic and to also give flu shots at flu shot clinics. Big picture I'd like to take a few classes over the next 4-5 yrs towards my RN (I have my LPN) and at somepoint get my RN. I plan to work as a nurse when we are done homeschooling and to work part-time during our homeschooling yrs.

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I have about 5 or 6 years, depending on how ambitious the twins get.


I can't seem to make plans for any more than a few days out any more, so who knows what I'll do after we are done with school. I would LOVE to teach art and spoil grandchildren. With a dh in ministry, however, all plans are null and void if God points us somewhere else.

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I have homeschooled for nine years in total; and have nine more to go:) Don't know what I'll be doing then, hopefully helping to homeschool my grandchildren. Dh and I would love to do some missions work wherever the Lord leads when we no longer have children at home and he is working less.

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I have four more years to go. Afterwards...hmmm. I'll tag along with my dh on his business trips more often, sell this house & downsize to a more urban house (my goal is to be within walking distance of my favorite restaurants/pubs/cafes or to at least be able to ride the light rail there), and figure out SOMETHING to do that's intellectually stimulating.


Volunteer, with and without my dog.


Play more tennis and maybe take up golf.


Beyond that....I have no idea!

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I've home schooled for 11 years now, and still have 15 more to go.


Hopefully by then, I will still be helping Dd run the farm, and her soap business.


My older kids can babysit, so I'm spending more time with Dh now.


Hopefully, by then, we will have some grandchildren to spoil.

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That day is looming for me. The twins are off to high school next year. I think my youngest will also go (which would be 3 more years), although she's asked to try to get into a local math/science charter school - if she got in there, it would only be one more year. :eek:


I do need to go back to work - both because I'm an extrovert and I'd go completely nutso being home all day with no one to talk to and nothing to do but ignore the messy house (housework really isn't my thing), and because we are going to need more money for college and retirement. I've been out of the workforce now longer than I was in...


I've contemplated trying to become a kitchen designer - I used to work in graphic design (among other things) but I also love working retail and with customers, and I like project-based work. I would also like some kind of work I could leave at the office (don't want it hanging over my head at home). I'm not sure how to break into that field or how lucrative it is, though.


I've also of course thought of tutoring (I could do almost any subject at this point!), or I've also thought of becoming certified as a reading specialist. I think I would actually like working at a school, and having summers off, but I don't think I'd make a good classroom teacher - small groups are fine, but large-scale classroom management and correcting lots of papers - no thanks!


Guess I have 1-3 years to figure this all out! Should be great fun trying to break back into the workforce at 50, right when no one wants you anymore. :001_rolleyes:

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I have 11 years left of homeschooling DD. At that point I'll be pretty much just starting my career, since I'll be getting my PhD in approximately 7 years. So I should have plenty to occupy me! :D I'll be teaching classes and doing research, and finally writing down these books that have been floating around in my head forever.


I'd also like to adopt an older sibling group once I get settled in a position. I may or may not choose to home school at that point, obviously can't make that decision until the time comes, but if so, that could be another round of schooling.

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The plan is to go through high school, so I've got 5 more years. However, things happen and plans may change. I really just want to do what is best for ds.


After that? I want to have more down time. I don't really have much now. It gets... overwhelming sometimes. Ideally, I'd like there to come a time when I don't have to work 3 or 4 various jobs and farm and homeschool and, and, and...


I'd just like a frikkin' break.

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I have about three more years to go. Youngest will go to school when middle graduates, which may be a year early. At the very least, she will spend her last year mostly dual-enrolled, so I won't be doing much for her.


Then I'm going to teach high school math and computer science for twenty-some years and help pay for college and retirement. :D Dh and I will spend the summers traveling and vacationing with our kiddos and grandkiddos. Then we'll retire fairly early and do more of the same.

Edited by angela in ohio
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My youngest is starting second grade next year, so I either have 4 years or 10 years left depending on if she ends up at the classical school her sister will go to next year. After that, I'm going to start napping in the afternoon. Once they're all out of college, I'm trading my house in the suburbs for a sailboat.

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My youngest is 9, so if we homeschooled him all the way through high school, I'll have 9 more. I am looking at one of 3 things because I know I will want to go back to work. I have a math degree, so I might teach in a Christian school, become an actuary if I can work from home, or get a computer degree and do computer stuff from home.

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I have 4 more. After that I'll write. I just starting to do a little part-time work to pay for schooling stuff mostly, supporting my Amazon habit. In the next four years I hope to work on my creative writing more and being seriously moving towards novel publication.


We downsized to what may be our forever home in the last two years, and once school is done I'm taking over the classroom for a writing den. I'm putting in a twin size bed for my afternoon siestas.


Ds was gone last week and I realized I'm going to need to work on focus to actually work at home.

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I have 7 more years. My plans are already moving along. I would like to become a fiber artist who teaches knitting, spinning and felting. I am learning to spin and teaching myself knitting advanced knitting techniques, how to design, etc. I am in the process of setting up a little online shop to sell things that I make: bags, hats, yarn, etc.


I guess this is really my dream.:001_smile:

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I've been doing this for 12 years now, and have between 5 and 8 years left. By then I'll be mid 50s, so getting a professional job after that long staying at home will be unlikely. Also since I live a commute away from any decent jobs, nothing short of a very well paying job makes working financially worthwhile. Either I'll get a pink collar job locally, take a job I'll love and be resigned to not real financial benefits, or volunteer a lot.

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Oh goodness, I guess I'm in for a good 17 more years. At some point when the kids are all much older, maybe teens, I'd like to really ramp up my piano studio again. I look forward to practicing seriously again, and perhaps go back to school for a second masters degree in accompanying.

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Wow, that seems so far off for me. I've been homeschooling for 7 years now, and have at least 18 to go (baby due in December, so we're starting all over again).


What would I like to do when I am finished? Well, I would like to do all of the things I don't have time to do now. Flower gardening! I have always wanted to have a nice flower garden, but lack of time & animals that like to eat my flowers/dig them up have prevented that. Volunteering (I would love to work in a soup kitchen or something), mission trips, maybe a little bit of traveling (gotta see the grandkids, ya know. I'm sure by then we'll have some :D), maybe I'll get my scrapbooking finished...and the list goes on and on.

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I four more years to go. We have been homeschooling for 9 years. I have graduated one and will graduate another this upcoming year. Then just my ds and me till he graduates. I will probably go back to work fulltime (I work part-time right now), work on all those projects that need done here at home, and relax. I have mixed emotions about this season of my life coming to an end but I think when my ds is ready to graduate, I will be ready.

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DD is just starting kindergarten this year so if we continue through high school, that's 13 years to go. Since I'm turning 43 this summer and dh is turning 56, we'll be 56 and 69 by the time they are done. I'm hoping he's retired and we're traveling a lot by then (which will certainly be easier if we're still homeschooling). If I have to, I'll return to work but it shouldn't be necessary.`

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We're heading into our eldest's 3rd grade year and our youngest is 2yo. I guess that's sixteen more years. We've barely started! (And the potential for resetting is high.)


I tell everyone that I'm going to go to medical school once I'm "done" raising my kids. If we don't reset, my youngest will be heading on out when I'm 46, which I think is a perfectly acceptable age to conquer med school.


Realistically, I have no idea what I'll actually do. I was Pre-Med when I met DH in college and I shelved that dream because I wanted to have my kids while I was young. On the rough days I promise myself that I can realize that dream once I'm done with this chapter.


Odds are that I'll be up to my eyeballs in grandchildren and I'll just bounce around from house to house helping with post-partum stuff. (PPD was a beast for me, so I'd like to be on-hand to help my daughters.)


The point is: I'll be pretty young still when I'm done with homeschooling. I'm almost vain about that fact. Ha ha. I can do whatever I want, except be a serious contender for a gold medal in gymnastics or a prima ballerina. Beyond that, though, I think my options are pretty much wide open.

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We "reset" our ticker last year too! We have 17 years to go. I imagine that I will work part time or possibly full time after the kids are on their own. I've thought about going back to school and getting a nursing degree. I want something very flexible so I can be there when DH and the kids need me.

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I'll start. I have three more years to go. I have so far homeschooled for 18 years. My current plans are to do much more volunteering, take some classes (we have free or very low cost classes here for those over 50, which I will be in Jan), and read more. I also plan to travel more with my dh since the last number of years with my younger two children being in classes or co-ops and in swim and dive in the summer, we have had limited vacations. I will be happy to have the whole year open again and also to travel with my dh on some of his work trips. I also plan to visit the youngest in college, the middle in grad or law school, and the oldest where-ever he is. I;ll be really happy to have enough time to prepare for holidays too.

Just five more years. I have absolutely no idea.

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Our youngest is just entering 4th grade, so we'll be at it another 9 years. We've only been at it 3 years, so it is still pretty new for us in some ways. Our oldest is 8th grade, with 3 more in the middle. I can't quite imagine being done and what life will look like for me, and I am just hoping we can hang on financially and keep me home the entire time. My hubby is 100% committed to that happening, and we even refinanced our house to make sure we could manage it.


I worked as an insurance agent for someone else in my former life, as well as a sandwich shop manager...nothing all that thrilling. My hope would be that 9 years from now (I'll be 54), I'll be able to remain home and volunteer. I worked with CASA for 2 years prior to adopting our 3rd child, and I loved that so that would be one thing on my list. Another would be to be an adult ESL volunteer tutor, as I have now taught English to 3 of our 5 kids as older adoptees and really enjoyed that. Glad I don't have to give it too much thought yet!



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I have at least 17 more years to go, hopefully more. And by then, I sure hope to have some grandchildren to enjoy! (It worked for my mom; by the time my homeschooled sister graduated, I had a little girl of my own, so that distraction, plus continuing to teach for a local co-op, helped ease the transition a bit for Mom.)

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