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(kind of long)Vent: I have never before been sorry to have invited someone for supper

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Holy Cow! You shouldn't be embarrassed! I think the Twilight Zone opened up and dropped some dinner guests in your lap! She's a Whackadoodle!


Did the husband make direct eye contact with you or your husband and try to *hold your stare*? It may have been a silent plea to rescue him before they return to the home planet!




Do NOT take it personally!


I literally LOL'd at this. :lol:


:grouphug::grouphug: OP, Sorry you had such a crazy experience, but wow, just WOW - she sounds completely off her rocker. No wonder she can't make friends.

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Well, you certainly don't owe her a thing. If she is crazy enough to reciprocate, tell her a firm 'no thank you'. If she is even crazier to ask why, I would be honest and tell her that your cooking style and hers don't mesh but that you appreciate the offer. And end it. Although, I would be seriously surprised if she actually contacted you again. She might have thought you were crazy for your dinner and doesn't wish to have further contact.


Good grief! What a nutcase.

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You are not pasture flop.


I do believe you had pasture flop over for dinner tonight... :grouphug:



Wow! Just wow!! You were way beyond amazing and she was...well...bizarre!! I hope you don't mind but I'm going to have repeat that story when I next have a "So I read on my board today..." conversation with my husband. That's truly priceless. I'm so terribly sorry it happened to you but you'll get so much use out of the story in your family in the future. ;)


I am just about to read it to dh, he will love this one.


Tell her you would love cooking lessons! Then maybe you could offer her some lessons on manners and behavior? :lol:

this was what popped into my head.


I can not wait to hear what you plot. :D

Edited by Northwest_Mama
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I have never been so embarrassed in my life. .


why? because you invited someone over, who after stalling for a week e-mails to give you three days notice and an extreme list of "we don't eat ___" to which you complied, and then you were forced to sit there while your guest rudely, RUDELY, listed off what was wrong with it - teaching her children to be rude, and then had the absolute audacity to "teach you how to cook".


You deserve a medal for treating her in a FAR more polite manner than she treated you.


eta: I feel sorry for her kids - this is what they are learning is socialization, and her husband.

Edited by gardenmom5
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If she invites you to dinner you MUST go. If you love us, there will be another chapter to this story. Ten bonus points if you nick her candlesticks. :D




Actually, I think you need to send her a completely crazy menu that she must adhere to so that she can cater to you. And tell her what day & time you're showing up to eat (preferably soon, very soon, so she doesn't have much time to prepare... like tomorrow night, say). Refuse to respond to any & all emails, then show up at her house at the appointed hour. Bring a compost bin w/ you, rake all your food into it, then tell her you'll use it for compost to put in the pasture for your herd.


Oh, and you don't have to nick her candlesticks. Just be sure to toss them in the garbage before you leave the house. ;)


(And, again, :grouphug: for your dealing w/ the rudest dinner guest ever.)

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Bring a compost bin w/ you, rake all your food into it, then tell her you'll use it for compost to put in the pasture for your herd.


no no, the cows don't eat that slop - those are perfect for hogs. Audrey? do you have any hogs?

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Wow. No wonder they're having trouble getting to know people. Who's going to ask for a second dose of that behavior?


:grouphug: your dinner sounds wonderful to me.





I am :lol: at her offer to teach you how to cook! You pulled together a meal that met all of their restrictions with ease and with very little notice.


She would have picked apart anything....that seems clear.

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Your meal sounds delicious and she would NEVER be allowed in my house again!



To put you through all that, the rudeness and ungraciousness, then to waste the food you'd so carefully prepared, and THEN as icing on the cake, offer to "teach" you how to cook?!? I think she was lucky not to have the plate of food dumped over her head.






Tell her you would love cooking lessons! Then maybe you could offer her some lessons on manners and behavior? :lol:


HA! That made me laugh out loud. :lol:

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Audrey~ You went above and beyond what most hostesses would do. You were gracious, sensitive and kind. This woman sounds like a nut. Sorry you had to deal with it but I'd come to your house for dinner any day with the type of meal you made...yum! Don't waste your good food on the crazies :lol:

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She does sound absolutely nuts. The picking over of the food which you have already confirmed is safe is just odd and to not eat the meat is strange. Surely alternative feeds for cattle would likely contain the things she was avoiding. I wonder if she doesn't really know what pastured beef means.


I do know a couple of people with food issues but neither of them would have done this. My distant cousin's food issues did have a negative affect on their kids as their eldest dd became anorexic as a result of being so entrenched in her family's fear of food. I hope the kids of your visitor get some balance from their father.

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I did not read all the responses, just your original post, but the mother was rude. Your efforts went above and beyond. I am sorry your kindness was treated so disrespectfully . . . it would appear her issues go beyond dietary concerns . . .

Edited by jelbe5
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Obviously she has some issues. Her poor family!


Although, on a completely snarky note, I am now DYING to know what in the world she would have tried to 'teach' you if you had taken her up on her offer of cooking lessons!! Clearly nothing normal. I'd think she had anorexia if she hadn't offered to teach you to cook, but once you trhow in the offer of cooking lessons I can't figure it out. Was she really skinny or really fat or something? I presume her poor family must be skinny.


If she invites you to dinner you MUST go. If you love us, there will be another chapter to this story. Ten bonus points if you nick her candlesticks. :D


:iagree::iagree::iagree: Inquiring minds wanna know - what the heck DOES this woman eat, and can it be consumed by normal humans? Eat a hearty dinner at home first of course so you don't go hungry if it's all crazy food.

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Horrifying! Really, this poor family, I am just wondering what kind of beef she would eat? Pasture fed are pretty much every cow I have seen! You did so much more for her, less her poor kids...she has deep seated issues that can not be fixed in a nice meal...I have no clue what those terms mean you said she would not eat on the veggies...I say you make some homemade cookies and send them to the husband...poor guy...he is stuck with some restrictive menus!

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OMG!! You're a winner! Thanks for suggesting that! I never would have thought it. They were, indeed, in the bin.


I think I'm going to do a load of laundry now. It'll relax me.


I'm thinking of that episode of Seinfeld with the mutton.:lol::lol::lol:


It was funny on tv -- not so funny IRL.

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That is so completely insane, it's almost hard to parse out the rude. That's the kind of encounter where you keep looking for the cameras because, surely, you are on Candid Camera or a WWYD? segment for some show.


Oh my word.




The wack-a-doos are here to test us. You passed.


If she invites you to dinner you MUST go. If you love us, there will be another chapter to this story. Ten bonus points if you nick her candlesticks. :D


My husband's comments, too. He said "tell her she has to 'take one for the team' and go to their house for supper. We have to know what these people eat!"


I will add that there's no need to wait for an invite, just email to tell them when you'll be coming, then arrive two hours early so you can watch her prepare everything. After you've scrutinized the preparation and the table has been laid, gather up your family and her candlesticks, inform her that her methods are not to your standard, and go home for supper.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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Next time you make that meal, let me know, I'll be over and I will eat with gusto and the only bad manners you will see is that I will lick my plate and my silverware.


She was nuttier than squirrel poo :D


From Rosie "she don't paint your dunny door"



:iagree: You were very gracious and she has issues. On a positive note, I'm learning all sorts of new expressions.

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Not to excuse the behavior, but I know someone who acts like this about food, and it turned out she has an eating disorder. Sometimes "not good enough" is an excuse not to eat or to control what your kids eat. If she does have some sort of issue she has no business accepting dinner invitations! :grouphug:

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I don't have food allergies or even many dislikes for that matter and if you would have went through the trouble of asking me what I liked, didn't like, was allergic to, etc. I would have eaten everything on my plate without a word!


She was just plain rude and crude! You did a good job. Don't beat yourself up for it.

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I have absolutely no problem agreeing with you, Audrey. She was beyond rude.


Wait. . . I don't agree with you on one thing - you have absolutely no reason to feel like pasture flop. You were beyond courteous and kind in letting her know all the ingredients in detail before the meal.



Gee!! What a rude, inconsiderate jerk!!!!!


You should not feel like a pasture flop....SHE needs some SERIOUS counseling....what a nut job!!!! Brush your hands off....and never have them back, unless she owning of town!:D

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That is so completely insane, it's almost hard to parse out the rude. That's the kind of encounter where you keep looking for the cameras because, surely, you are on Candid Camera or a WWYD? segment for some show.


Oh my word.






My husband's comments, too. He said "tell her she has to 'take one for the team' and go to their house for supper. We have to know what these people eat!"


I will add that there's no need to wait for an invite, just email to tell them when you'll be coming, then arrive two hours early so you can watch her prepare everything. After you've scrutinized the preparation and the table has been laid, gather up your family and her candlesticks, inform her that her methods are not to your standard, and go home for supper.



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I think you may know why they are having trouble getting to know people.



Seriously, that is beyond rude. I cannot even imagine. Your dinner sounds absolutely lovely and it sounds like you went above and beyond to try and accommodate her requests.

Of all the rude-guest stories I have heard over the years, this is the top of the list. I am gobsmacked.


She made you feel like pasture flop. Don't accept it. You went above and beyond as a hostess. The issues are hers, not yours.



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OMG!! You're a winner! Thanks for suggesting that! I never would have thought it. They were, indeed, in the bin.


I think I'm going to do a load of laundry now. It'll relax me.


Unbelievable!!!! I canNOT believe she threw your napkins away!! Oh. my. goodness. That puts it over the top.


I'd be tempted to send them a bill.

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She was rude and a bit on the mental side; at best, she's a condescending control freak. (Why didn't she just invite you over to her place to begin with.) She sounds like a person that no one will ever please.:tongue_smilie:


What the heck with pasture fed beef? I don't get it.


But it happened tonight. :sad:


There is a new-ish family that moved in to town. They have a boy about my son's age and one just a bit younger. The dad of the family works for the RM, as does my dh part-time. Dh suggested we have them over since the dad had said they were having a hard time getting to know people.


So, I phoned up the mom about a week and a half ago and invited them over, inquiring as to which date would work best for them. As I always do when I invite people over, I asked her "is there anything special you'd like to eat, or anything that you can't eat?" She just asked for my email and said she would get back to me.


So... I wasn't even sure if that was a yes or not. Days go by and no phone call reply or email. We hadn't made a specific date, and I was thinking that the non-response was probably a "no" in disguise. That was sort of okay with me. She doesn't know me. Maybe she's a little shy. That's okay.


But, then I got an email from her on Wednesday saying they'd come on Saturday and with a list of things they can't eat. No dairy, no gluten, no seafood, no brassicas, no nightshades, no artificials colours, etc. etc.


I looked at it and thought "okay... sounds like allergies and maybe a theraputic ADHD diet." No problem. What I'd been thinking of making just needed a couple of substitutes to make it fit the list.


She emailed again this afternoon and asked for the menu. I called her to tell her and she just wanted me to email it. :confused: She didn't even let me tell her on the phone. So, I emailed it -- steaks, from our own beef, grilled veggies (no brassicas, no nightshades), 3-bean salad all from scratch (I listed all the dressing ingredients), a green salad and fruit salad for dessert. She emailed back to say that was okay.


Then they came, and all through the meal she picked at every single morsel on her plate and on the kids' plates and picked out tiny bits that she'd put on their napkin to "throw out later." She asked a million questions about the beef and when dh said they were pastured, she said "oh well, too bad!" and scraped the rest of the meat off her plate and the kids plates into their napkins.


The dad never said a word about anything his wife did. He ate everything. Thanked us for a great meal. The kids were polite and thanked us. She thanked us, then offered to teach me how to cook.


I have never been so embarrassed in my life. I feel like I never want to have another soul over for supper ever again.


FWIW, my dh has already said they're not going to be invited back, but still... I feel like a piece of pasture-flop. :sad:


Umm... and I think this might be a JAWM post, so ya know... if you really don't like me already, could you just save trashing me for another thread? Thanks.

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Wow. YOU were amazing Audrey in everything you did. I really hope by now you are feeling better and realise that you were in no way to blame for anything that happened, and that you went further than many would to accommodate this woman.


I am swinging from being really angry with her and then finding it hilarious. I, too, desperately want you to go to her house for a meal, but, to be truthful, I don't think you should expose your son to her.


That poor man, and those poor children.


Emma x

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Audrey, I'm sitting here shaking my head. I'm completely astounded. what an extreme example of squirrel bait!


I *wish*, with all my heart, that I had someone around here that is as generous, warm, and kind as you are. As the new kid on the block, I'm finding small town living, after a month, pretty dang lonely.


I'd be all over an invite like you wouldn't believe. Then you'd be posting about this crazy chick who babbled away at you, followed you around begging to help, and who never wanted to leave :lol:

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I wonder if she was confusing the idea of "cold pasteurized" (used in my area, at least, to mean "irradiated") beef with "pasteurized" in the more traditional "grass-fed" idea?


Not that it's ANY excuse for her actions... poor kids. My DC would throw a fit if I tried to take meat from them!


I say, go to her house, throw the dinner she gives you in her trash!

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I have absolutely no problem agreeing with you, Audrey. She was beyond rude.


Wait. . . I don't agree with you on one thing - you have absolutely no reason to feel like pasture flop. You were beyond courteous and kind in letting her know all the ingredients in detail before the meal.


:iagree: :iagree:


If I were in your place, I definitely wouldn't be inviting them over again, ever, and I just might tell her so!

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