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Ds relapsed. Prayer needed. For many!

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I am different now, so, even tho it's affecting me alot, I do not feel hopeless. Just mad, disappointed and a little scared. I am trying not to rescue.

Please pray for discernment for me and Dh as we figure out what is appropriate. Please pray for the guarding of my dd's heart--she doesn't know, but she's 10 now, and it will definitely affect her. Please pray for ds20, as his relationship with his wayward brother isn't close anymore.

Please pray for our df who is nearly 84, and loves ds18 so dearly--she will be devastated. Please pray for those kids who lead ds down this path, and for those he took with him.

Lastly, please pray for ds. He has a choice to make, and I think he may not be strong enough to make the right one, even tho the consequences are life-changing and severe.


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I am so so so sorry. I have a brother who keeps relapsing too. I have seen the devastating effects it has on my parents, who refuse to rescue him. On the one hand, they want to help their child. On the other, what's the best way to do that?


My heart breaks for you. Every time we get "that" call, it's heartbreaking.

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I am different now, so, even tho it's affecting me alot, I do not feel hopeless. Just mad, disappointed and a little scared. I am trying not to rescue.

Please pray for discernment for me and Dh as we figure out what is appropriate. Please pray for the guarding of my dd's heart--she doesn't know, but she's 10 now, and it will definitely affect her. Please pray for ds20, as his relationship with his wayward brother isn't close anymore.

Please pray for our df who is nearly 84, and loves ds18 so dearly--she will be devastated. Please pray for those kids who lead ds down this path, and for those he took with him.

Lastly, please pray for ds. He has a choice to make, and I think he may not be strong enough to make the right one, even tho the consequences are life-changing and severe.



:grouphug: Praying, Chris. Sheryl

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I will be praying. I do not know the exact circumstances, but the Lord DOES! He has your ds in His hands. I will be praying for direction, wisdom, and discernment for your ds and all of you. I will also pray for a peace that surpasses all understanding, one that only the Lord can bring for you and your family!


I have a stepson, now almost 30 that we have helped many times through the years, and he still chooses the path he choses, not God's. It is so hard. We have had to say no more. I can certainly relate to the 'wave effect' that is felt by everyone during sturggles. While our circumstances are not the same, I can empathize and send you HUGS!





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:grouphug: OH Chris, I feel the stabing pains in my heart as if it were my own child. I am praying for a short replapse and speedy recovery. God grant you the grace to bear up under the pressure and if you ever want to talk to someone who's been there and knows what you are going through, pm hon. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: OH Chris, I feel the stabing pains in my heart as if it were my own child. I am praying for a short replapse and speedy recovery. God grant you the grace to bear up under the pressure and if you ever want to talk to someone who's been there and knows what you are going through, pm hon. :grouphug:


Thanks, Fellow Boardies.


Kids, I appreciate your wording--praying here for a "short relapse" and "speedy recovery."


Many of you have pm'd me--such grace. Thank you so much!

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:grouphug: So sorry to hear this. Will pray.



I am different now, so, even tho it's affecting me alot, I do not feel hopeless. Just mad, disappointed and a little scared. I am trying not to rescue.

Please pray for discernment for me and Dh as we figure out what is appropriate. Please pray for the guarding of my dd's heart--she doesn't know, but she's 10 now, and it will definitely affect her. Please pray for ds20, as his relationship with his wayward brother isn't close anymore.

Please pray for our df who is nearly 84, and loves ds18 so dearly--she will be devastated. Please pray for those kids who lead ds down this path, and for those he took with him.

Lastly, please pray for ds. He has a choice to make, and I think he may not be strong enough to make the right one, even tho the consequences are life-changing and severe.


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