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So good to see you here @BlsdMama.   It is so important to hear your thoughts so thank you so much for sharing them.  I learned so much from what you said.  

Congrats to all your kids.  Doing so many amazing things!  I hope you take lots of pride in that.  It is all because of you they are doing so many cool things.

I am so thankful you have such an amazing spouse and children.  Such an amazing blessing.  

I am just sending a lot of good thoughts to you.  

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Thank you so much for updating us. It's good to hear of your family's love and grace toward you as you all adapt to this awful disease. I'm grateful that you are not in pain, and that you are experiencing joy in spite of the circumstances. And what a burden lifted knowing that the house is in good shape for whatever the future holds, and that your kids have had some time to be prepared for educational changes. I'm praying for you and your family.

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Thank you so much for the update.  As others,  I too have been thinking about you and wondering how you were doing.

Congratulations on the grandbabies!  What a joy they must be.  And kudos to your daughter for her accomplishments -- that's just amazing.

You and your family are in my thoughts.   Thanks again for checking in here.

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Thank you for your update! You are an amazing woman! and your husband and kids too. Praying for you. I grew up in the Quad Cities and have a sorority sister from Illinois Wesleyan Univ. who has had ALS for 20 years (she's 55 now). So, even though I don't post or respond much here, I always look for your posts and somehow feel like I wish I could know you in real life.  My sorority sister is Aimee Chamernick, she lives in the Chicago area and has had many news stories done featuring her. 


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Thanks for the update.  

ALS sucks.

Do you qualify for any inhome help?  Like under Medicare (if you qualified for disability fast track).  Or a friend group that could help out once in a while?  

were you able to type all that by hand or do you have an eye gaze or other form of typing?

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Thank you for spending your time and energy to update us. We know your plate is overfull.

Continuing to pray for daily mercies and for you to be given hope and peace.  This is such a hard journey you are on, but my prayer is you never feel alone in it. 

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@BlsdMama, I was so happy to open the boards and see you here! I read your post over and over. 

I love to hear the joy and thankfulness come through in your words. You inspire me so much! 

I pray for you all, especially your husband who has so much on him.

Thank you for taking the time to update us! 

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I’ve been wondering how you’ve been doing, and I’m so glad to find out that you’ve been so busy still being you.

Prayers for your DH and for continued adaptability for you and everyone in your world. 

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Thank you for the update.

Your and your family are accomplishing great things in the face of great adversity. It is a testament of your strength of character and determination that shines through all of the accomplishments and adversities.


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Wow! Thank you so much for the update! It's great to hear that your family is growing and thriving and that you are taking pleasure in those joyful times. I hope and pray that you and your family continue to experience those kind of moments during your illness. 

I'm so glad you got all the renovations done. Now you are able concentrate on more important issues and be able to pivot as needed. 

The Hive Mind keeps you and your family in our warmest thoughts and prayers 

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Wish there was a love button because like is not enough. You continue to give to this community. In Palestine they use the word SUMUD to describe a person with utmost forbearance. 

Thank you for taking the time and effort to post. God be with you every step of the way. 

Edited by Chris in VA
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On 7/22/2024 at 7:08 AM, BlsdMama said:

I still derive so much joy from the day to day and I remember the early days of diagnosis believing that this stage would be passive torture. I know this is largely due to my husband who still treats and supports my ideas and decisions as a fully capable partner.

I think this excerpt is going to stick with me for a long time. This is beautiful.

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Thanks force taking the time and energy to update us. It is great to hear how well your kids are doing. Congratulations on your new grands! You and your family are an amazing testimony of Love and Grace. Praying for you all this morning: the peace that passes understanding and provision for all the needs.

Edited by ScoutTN
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