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  1. Also, Organic Chem is So. Much. Memorization. Important to keep in mind. Some kids will do fine with that. Others will hate it.
  2. Jack Kernion's AP Physics through PA Homeschoolers is excellent. You can also do the course self-paced / asynch through Physics Prep.
  3. Proctoring? If have to drive to have the test proctored, a solid No thank you!
  4. Have any of you used Novare General Biology (high school) in a co-op setting? Any pros or cons? How easy was it to implement labs? were the supplemental digital material helpful? (quizzes, tests, etc)
  5. I think this is so important. Thank you for the reminder.
  6. Have any of your DC tried Stanford ULO math or physics classes? If so, how was the quality of instruction? Class organization? overall experience?
  7. What constitutes a solid thesis for a history research paper? My framework: don't just state the topic, answer a question and argue a point. a good thesis introduces the topic, makes a claim, and introduces major points Want to give me feedback on how to coach DC in formulating a good thesis? Working thesis: "How did the haseki sultans (Ottoman empire) shape the political landscape? ..... Haseki sultans swayed decisions through family influence, control of money, foreign diplomacy, and, in select cases, even regency." I feel like this thesis introduces the topic and major points, but does it make an adequate claim?
  8. If you feel comfortable explaining the dynamics of some of the points of conflict, perhaps we can help you brainstorm ways to understand and mitigate conflict. If you have access to good counseling/therapy, that might be helpful. The 10-13 age was really, really tough in our household, too. We focused on making sure the kids knew we loved them. I'm sure we did it imperfectly. With one of the kids, we went more unschooly. We did the bare minimum and focused on mental health and confidence and relationships. Somehow they both matured a lot around age 13-14 and things got easier (I'm sure I matured, too - counseling/ therapy helped) . If you're burned out -- I'm a big fan of scaling back. Drop the non essentials so you have time to rest. I think some of the long time boardies (maybe 8 or LoriD?) have said that mom has to be in a good place in order for homeschool to be in a good place.
  9. Did you have them so every short answer Q for each chapter?
  10. What is a "normal" or "average" workload for a 9th grade history course? Is it normal to expect students to write papers? Papers of what length? Do most classes involve reading + quizzes? Projects? How much reading? How many projects? I realize the answer may be that there is no "normal," as classes can vary widely. I'm just trying to get a general sense. X posted to High school board
  11. What is a "normal" or "average" workload for a 9th grade history course? Is it normal to expect students to write papers? Do most classes involve reading + quizzes? Projects? I realize the answer may be that there is no "normal," as classes can vary widely. I'm just trying to get a general sense. X posted to Chat
  12. @Kendall what is the average weekly reading load for House of Humane Letters literature classes? How many hours per week did your child spend on average? Are the recordings lecture style or more discussion based?
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