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What is your highest unreached goal?


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45 minutes ago, GracieJane said:

What is your unreached goal? Why haven’t you met it? Do you think you will ever accomplish it in your lifetime?

More, formal education. I figured I would have at least a Masters if not more. 

Kids, money, time

No.....due to kids, money and time. LOL 

I still wish I already had a more formal education, but I absolutely have no desire to still get it. It won't change my career and I have no mental stamina left to work and go to school at the same time. 

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I'd just really like to be a good person.

Like, a truly *good* person, at my core -- no arguing with myself to do the right thing; only having normal healthy levels of selfishness/self-interest and laziness/restfulness; no impulsive anger. Living my faith with authentic spirituality. That kind of thing.

Why haven't I met it? Well, I guess we all have our own flaws and challenges -- and growth is a process.

Do I think I will ever accomplish it in my lifetime? As a person of faith, I kind of think that this is the path that I am on, and maybe (if I live long enough) it is possible I will get there eventually. I'll need help, but I expect to receive the help I need. (And if I don't accomplish it in my lifetime, my faith does provide the hope of resurrected life, which will have the qualities of goodness that I am looking for, so there's hope in that sense as well.)

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Right now it's owning a home with my SO. I've owned one before and we will again. There is a real chance we may have to move next year to the nearest big city. House prices are more expensive there - like 75k to 100k more than here, so if we have to move that will put off buying a house for a few more years. We're not young, and when we buy a house, I want it to be somewhere we can stay in for many years. If we stay here, we'll be able to buy sooner, plus the houses here are so charming - older and so full of character. 

When I was younger I wanted to travel the world. I haven't done that because of time and money. When I had one, I didn't have the other. Alas, not going to happen now. I opted to time travel instead and took up studying history. It's not like a vacation but it does allow me to explore. 

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Hmm, I don't know how lofty my goals are to others. 

I would love to finish my 4 year degree. I dropped out because I was depressed and adrift without family support. I have not gone back because I listened to bad advice that said an online degree was worthless. Now my credits are so old that I may have to start over completely from scratch. I could have finished my degree online 15 years ago for $1000. Now it would cost tens of thousands to complete, and I can't afford to put both me and DS13 through school. Since my degree would be for vanity, he wins out. 

So, my current goals are lose the rest of this excess weight (down 50 lbs as of today! 27-ish to go!), get better at needlepoint, crocheting, and knitting, get better at gardening. Read all the books I have bought 😂. Go hiking through County Clare in Ireland, (my family is from there). 

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I don't still hold any unmet goals.  What I mean by that is that some of my goals from when I was younger just aren't important to me anymore.  And the goals of my youth which were attained didn't bring me happiness per se.  I'm content pursuing my relationship with God (not as a goal setting thing but just as a daily relationship).  I am content taking those opportunities which come my way.  The goals I do have are daily and weekly ones on a to-do list but they don't go beyond that so I don't think that they really apply. 

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Mine is to be able to read and write in Chinese. As a kid I felt like I could communicate well enough, and it's hard and I had other goals to be met. As an adult still hard, I did learn more food related words while I was working and had a lot of Chinese coworkers, now I'm learning with my kids. 

If I really work on it there isn't anything stopping me from accomplishing it. I think it's part of the problem is that I really think that I can accomplish it if I put my mind to it. I have a lot easier time accomplishing things that I don't think I could achieve. 

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I want to give up my obsession with weight/calories/body size/food/exercise and relax and enjoy life and my relationships.  Disordered eating/exercise and the fear of gaining weight and then the shame and self-consciousness that happens when it does happen has absolutely ruined my life.  If I'm thin, I'm not happy because I have to suffer so much to stay there and I have the constant fear of gaining.  If I'm heavier, I'm unhappy because I feel like a failure and I am ashamed at my loss of control while being upset about what others think about me and my weight gain.  Plus the constant fear of growing out of my clothes.  I can't enjoy food - either I'm depriving myself or I'm binge eating and don't enjoy the food because of guilt or eating it so quickly.  

I have to make the difficult decision soon about whether or not to have reconstructive surgery on my foot for an injury that isn't healing.  The number one reason I am terrified to have this surgery is the weight gain that will happen as a result.  I will be non weightbearing for 6-8 weeks and then gradually getting back to walking.  My surgeon said it will be five months before I can walk for exercise, six months before I can do any other exercise, and 9 months before I can run (with the possibility I'll never run again).  I will gain an enormous amount of weight from not exercising and sitting around 24/7 for months and that is what is holding me back more than anything.  

I know this seems simple to people who don't have this issue but it's so complex and has haunted me for my entire life.  


ETA - I just want to know how to eat like a normal person.  I don't know how to eat normally - anything I eat, I want to binge on.  I can't eat anything in a big package because it will call to me until it's gone.  I'm afraid of food and everything I eat has to be prepackaged and I have to force myself to stop at a normal amount.  So I can't open a box of cereal or a bag of pretzels or a carton of ice cream or a package of bagels because I will keep going back for more until it's empty.  And if I don't finish it, the open container will haunt me until I finally finish it.  It's very much like an addict and I don't know how to control it.  There are certain trigger foods that I'm terrified to have in the house because I can't stop eating them.  



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I wanted to be a almost time volunteer at different groups when I retired from homeschooling-I homeschooled until youngest graduated high school.  Well my health was deteriorating rapidly during her high school years and while a bit of it has improved, this last year and a third has seen a dramatic worsening of my general health.  Some of my autoimmune diseases are better controlled but some are much worse.  Specifically, my lupus/sjogren's are not well controlled and from them and from an accident sometime-probably in the last 10 years, I have bad neuropathy in my legs which makes it difficult to walk correctly.  I am having spinal surgery on Nov 18th to try to alleviate some of the neuropathy in my legs and feet.  But I also have other nerve issues like dysautonomia, which makes even going out socially difficult at times.  Between my polyneuropathy and my lymphadema in my legs, even walking on paved paths is difficult with my leg swelling or my getting exhausted later because of my autoimmune diseases.  

My hope now is that maybe I will be able to get better sometime enough to volunteer someplace for a few hours a week.  Right now, I am just undependable and that has been a very hard thing to accept.  I was Ms. Do It all before I got in my 50s and now I am almost MS. Do nothing.  Not really since I have a life online-but going to much places-not really.

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A degree. Specifically, a degree used to improve the foster care system.

Why haven’t I? Primarily, money. Secondarily, time; both daily availability and potential career length. I am 44 with 8 years of homeschooling left.  Also, I’m a minimum hour commute from any graduate programs for pretty basic tracks. I worry that potential for a real deep dive could be even more limited.

Solution? Possibly just getting my undergrad, or even just 2-year and continuing to work on dh about fostering in the future.

Second highest I reached goal is sustaining a physical fitness routine. I’m about 75% confident that will happen once I have a basement, but we’ll see!

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What I strive for the most consistently is to be a good, kind person. To paraphrase what one of the quotes in my siggy says--if I can't help someone I at least try not to hurt them. Several years ago I read about an inscription on a lady's tombstone that reads: "She led a life of quiet kindness." That's what I aspire to, and it will always be a work in progress. Some days I manage to do fairly well; other days are complete failures. But I keep trying.

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Have a book published under a “real” imprint; I.e., not self-published. Partly not completed due to distraction, focus on other things, lack of people pushing me in that direction and just not outlining real, honest-to-goodness steps to getting there. Oh, and writing *the whole* book before being attacked with inferiority and the belief that everything I write is garbage. 

I *do* really hope I meet that goal in my lifetime. 

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I want to finish writing my adult book. I finished a kid one but needs to be revised. Could care less about getting it published (in fact, I told DH I’m specifically writing an unpublishable piece of fiction). I have some disdain about that industry that’s supposed to be creative and meritocratic and have some sort of soul but personally I think Wall Street is more in possession of those things 😉 so I don’t want to play, but I also haven’t touched either in ages (and that’s not the industry’s fault, lol)

I really want to be able to make proper baguettes and viennoiserie. I used to think it could only be done in France (their flour being different) but my trained French cuisine chef friend has taken me to at least two places in NYC that make better ones than what I’ve had in Paris. Key is time and hundreds of thousands of dollars in ovens 😉 i think one day I will have a tiny kiosk bakery that only makes these things and closes when they sell out. 

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My unreached goal is to come up with a goal I want to pursue.

I wrote about that here repeatedly. So far, I have reached the goals I set myself. Done the kid raising, the PhD, working in a foreign country (ended up emigrating, lol), two books published... I want a challenge that I want to take on.


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9 hours ago, Kassia said:

I want to give up my obsession with weight/calories/body size/food/exercise and relax and enjoy life and my relationships.  Disordered eating/exercise and the fear of gaining weight and then the shame and self-consciousness that happens when it does happen has absolutely ruined my life.  If I'm thin, I'm not happy because I have to suffer so much to stay there and I have the constant fear of gaining.  If I'm heavier, I'm unhappy because I feel like a failure and I am ashamed at my loss of control while being upset about what others think about me and my weight gain.  Plus the constant fear of growing out of my clothes.  I can't enjoy food - either I'm depriving myself or I'm binge eating and don't enjoy the food because of guilt or eating it so quickly.  

I have to make the difficult decision soon about whether or not to have reconstructive surgery on my foot for an injury that isn't healing.  The number one reason I am terrified to have this surgery is the weight gain that will happen as a result.  I will be non weightbearing for 6-8 weeks and then gradually getting back to walking.  My surgeon said it will be five months before I can walk for exercise, six months before I can do any other exercise, and 9 months before I can run (with the possibility I'll never run again).  I will gain an enormous amount of weight from not exercising and sitting around 24/7 for months and that is what is holding me back more than anything.  

I know this seems simple to people who don't have this issue but it's so complex and has haunted me for my entire life.  


ETA - I just want to know how to eat like a normal person.  I don't know how to eat normally - anything I eat, I want to binge on.  I can't eat anything in a big package because it will call to me until it's gone.  I'm afraid of food and everything I eat has to be prepackaged and I have to force myself to stop at a normal amount.  So I can't open a box of cereal or a bag of pretzels or a carton of ice cream or a package of bagels because I will keep going back for more until it's empty.  And if I don't finish it, the open container will haunt me until I finally finish it.  It's very much like an addict and I don't know how to control it.  There are certain trigger foods that I'm terrified to have in the house because I can't stop eating them.  



I‘m sorry you have this awful struggle. It sounds like a life and time-suck. There is so much more to you as a human being than what you eat or your size. I hope you can turn down the volume on that aspect so it’s not distracting you from life so much.

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There are so many youthful aspirations I've dropped over the years.  Right now I feel like not being a burden on my kids sounds good.

It's hard to say which of my unmet goals would be biggest.  Perhaps publishing books that actually made a difference in literacy.  Or founding a school.  Or being fluent in a number of languages, or being able to play several instruments truly well.  Or being able to paint nature in a way that inspires.

Are you talking about goals we're still pursuing?  That's even a harder question.  Recently I've started thinking about re-awakening some of my neglected hopes.  If I could ever get time alone - that isn't consumed by work and family demands - then I would try to practice the instruments I have at home.  And go back to reading in different languages like I used to.  Added more recently, I'd love to hike all the park trails within a reasonable distance, create original music, become a martial arts master.  And to retire in good physical, mental, and financial health.

Oh I almost forgot my ongoing half-joke half-serious intention to write a sitcom about my life.  😛

Which one is the highest goal?  I really don't know.  I guess it changes day by day.

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My current goal is to figure out how I want to move forward with my small side business to reach and help more women let go of self-criticism to find self-compassion and learn to love themselves from the inside out.

I have not yet met it, but I sure hope to! I see so many examples of how I don't want to do it that feel predatory and really icky to me.


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3 hours ago, Quill said:

Have a book published under a “real” imprint; I.e., not self-published. Partly not completed due to distraction, focus on other things, lack of people pushing me in that direction and just not outlining real, honest-to-goodness steps to getting there. Oh, and writing *the whole* book before being attacked with inferiority and the belief that everything I write is garbage. 

I *do* really hope I meet that goal in my lifetime. 

This is one of my goals as well. I have indeed finished the book but once it came time to move passed the writing part I decided I hated my book, ha.

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My highest goal when I was young and one I pursued single minded was coming to the US. I achieved that in my early 20s. 

I've spent the rest of the next 20 years unlearning some of the negative side effects which is how to handle disappointment or feel like a failure when you have a goal and it does not happen.

For me, it was 4 children. I always thought if I did the "right things" it would be easy because I come from a country where people who are malnourished seem to give birth easily. But life does not work that way and I had to learn to be happy and content and not blame myself when did not turn out that way. Be grateful for and value the two children I was given. It completely changed the way I think and especially parent.

I think that it is important to have goals, but also learn to hold it lightly. Most of all, it is very important I think to know that your value as a person or your happiness is not dependent on achieving a goal. 

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11 hours ago, Kassia said:

I know this seems simple to people who don't have this issue but it's so complex and has haunted me for my entire life.  

No it is not a simple issue. As a person "who doesn't have this issue" I do think it's a hard struggle and it's not because I have more self control that I don't struggle with this.

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I think if I lose weight, it would be easier to focus on my other goals.  Then I think, if I accept my weight and keep healthy habits, then I set myself up for success.  And that would be better than feeling like a failure for not losing weight.  But I want the success of losing weight. 

I would like to set up a website to make homeschooling easier, so that everyone in the world can become better educated, and hopefully that would reduce the inequality in the world.

If I won a huge lottery, I would start a school.

For fun, I would love to have regular big parties with big conversations.

And I would like to get good at an instrument to have more music in the house.

Limitations are time, and for some money.


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Finish my dissertation. I'm about 1/2 way done, and the clock just keeps ticking away. I don't know why I seem to be sabotaging myself with this and other goals.  I have all of these things I keep telling myself I need to complete first for other people in my family, and trying to put my house back together, so that I am not so distracted by this other stuff that I cannot concentrate.  But whenever I cross things off that list, two more seem to take its place.  I made the most progress last winter when I stayed up and worked on it from 10pm-4am in the silence and darkness, but I have been sleeping really well since then and don't have the gumption after every long day to get started on the next step.  Guilt and despair over this nag at me all day every day in the back of my mind.  Part of it is that I have lost my mojo for the topic - but really it is not about the topic anymore, it's about finishing; I know that the best dissertation is a done dissertation.  Still, I cannot bring myself to begin the next step.

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2 minutes ago, Amy in NH said:

Finish my dissertation. I'm about 1/2 way done, and the clock just keeps ticking away. I don't know why I seem to be sabotaging myself with this and other goals.  I have all of these things I keep telling myself I need to complete first for other people in my family, and trying to put my house back together, so that I am not so distracted by this other stuff that I cannot concentrate.  But whenever I cross things off that list, two more seem to take its place.  I made the most progress last winter when I stayed up and worked on it from 10pm-4am in the silence and darkness, but I have been sleeping really well since then and don't have the gumption after every long day to get started on the next step.  Guilt and despair over this nag at me all day every day in the back of my mind.  Part of it is that I have lost my mojo for the topic - but really it is not about the topic anymore, it's about finishing; I know that the best dissertation is a done dissertation.  Still, I cannot bring myself to begin the next step.

Interesting! What is your dissertation topic?

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My big goal is to become better at keeping a clean house. I know that sounds stupid. Dh is a clutter bug.

But it's not his fault. I don't do clutter, but I'm not good at deep cleaning.

I really want keeping a clean house to become part of me, not just something I do before people come over (my current go-to strategy).

I'm taking it slowly. One day at a time, I'm doing one cleaning/de-cluttering thing a day. Instilling a good habit is what I'm aiming for.

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1 hour ago, Clarita said:

No it is not a simple issue. As a person "who doesn't have this issue" I do think it's a hard struggle and it's not because I have more self control that I don't struggle with this.

I apologize for the way I worded that.  I didn't mean to speak for people who don't have similar problems.  ❤️  Thanks for posting.  

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4 hours ago, hjffkj said:

This is one of my goals as well. I have indeed finished the book but once it came time to move passed the writing part I decided I hated my book, ha.

Maybe we should hold one another accountable. I’ll periodically nag you and you periodically nag me, lol!

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My list mirrors much of what has been posted here already by others.

* Write and publish books -- This is a life-long goal that used to be specifically about children's literature. But I actually started something this fall, and it's an adult mystery. Very little progress so far, but it's better than the zero progress of previous decades. This is my most overarching regret in life. But I've found that I don't have the bandwidth to both write and work out of the home (before marriage) or write and parent a bunch of children (after marriage).

* Lose weight -- An important goal for the past twenty years. I gained weight in my 30s. Finally started losing, because it became imperative for health reasons, and I'm down 30 pounds so far. 20 more to go.

* Be a better housekeeper. Both decluttering and cleaning are hard for me, and as a perfectionist, if I can't keep things perfect, I give up trying. I feel like a failure in this area of life, so if I could make improvements, It would really help me personally. So it's an internal, as well as external goal for me.

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13 hours ago, TravelingChris said:

I wanted to be a almost time volunteer at different groups when I retired from homeschooling-I homeschooled until youngest graduated high school.  Well my health was deteriorating rapidly during her high school years and while a bit of it has improved, this last year and a third has seen a dramatic worsening of my general health.  Some of my autoimmune diseases are better controlled but some are much worse.  Specifically, my lupus/sjogren's are not well controlled and from them and from an accident sometime-probably in the last 10 years, I have bad neuropathy in my legs which makes it difficult to walk correctly.  I am having spinal surgery on Nov 18th to try to alleviate some of the neuropathy in my legs and feet.  But I also have other nerve issues like dysautonomia, which makes even going out socially difficult at times.  Between my polyneuropathy and my lymphadema in my legs, even walking on paved paths is difficult with my leg swelling or my getting exhausted later because of my autoimmune diseases.  

My hope now is that maybe I will be able to get better sometime enough to volunteer someplace for a few hours a week.  Right now, I am just undependable and that has been a very hard thing to accept.  I was Ms. Do It all before I got in my 50s and now I am almost MS. Do nothing.  Not really since I have a life online-but going to much places-not really.

At my local SPCA you can volunteer to pet the cats and/or take the dogs out to the outdoor pen. 

You don’t have to come at a certain day or time. You simply show up whenever you show up. You sign in at the computer and stay as long as you like and pet the animals for as long as you want. My sons and I would show up for a few weeks in a row, then skip for a few months, then show up again. No one minded.

It’s important for the animals to stay socialized around humans, so it’s worthy, but there is zero commitment. You have to spend $15 on a training session and get a t-shirt and then you can begin.

Maybe your local SPCA is the same. 

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47 minutes ago, Garga said:

At my local SPCA you can volunteer to pet the cats and/or take the dogs out to the outdoor pen. 

You don’t have to come at a certain day or time. You simply show up whenever you show up. You sign in at the computer and stay as long as you like and pet the animals for as long as you want. My sons and I would show up for a few weeks in a row, then skip for a few months, then show up again. No one minded.

It’s important for the animals to stay socialized around humans, so it’s worthy, but there is zero commitment. You have to spend $15 on a training session and get a t-shirt and then you can begin.

Maybe your local SPCA is the same. 

Our county animal shelter works the same way.

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5 hours ago, Kassia said:

I apologize for the way I worded that.  I didn't mean to speak for people who don't have similar problems.  ❤️  Thanks for posting.  

Don't apologize. I was trying to cheer you up. I just wanted you to know we aren't sitting here judging you as harshly as you are judging yourself.

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20 minutes ago, Clarita said:

Don't apologize. I was trying to cheer you up. I just wanted you to know we aren't sitting here judging you as harshly as you are judging yourself.

Thanks!  I don't think anyone can judge me as harshly as I do myself.  😞  

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Mine will sound ridiculous, but I am being honest.

1) I wanted to clerk on the Supreme Court. I didn't achieve that goal because I was a mediocre law student. I could blame the fact that I was seriously depressed during law school, and had undiagnosed/untreated bipolar disorder, but really, I was just a mediocre law student among really talented peers.

2) I wanted to be the Secretary of Defense. I didn't achieve that goal because I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2006 and any chance of obtaining the security clearance I once held, or public office, were eviscerated by that diagnosis and the stigma it holds.

3) I want to write a screenplay. I may still do it, but I haven't done it because my parents are still alive. It would be too hurtful to write it now. Not that they were bad parents, but the blowback, if it became successful, would be painful for them, and it isn't their fault that I am who I am and have done the things that I've done. Similarly, I am not sure that I will write it because of how it may affect my children if I went public with it all. Some things may just be better left unsaid. Maybe. Not sure.

4) I want to open a no-kill shelter for animals. I will probably do it when I retire. I will buy a big piece of land in some place beautiful, close to both mountains and water. I will have a vegetable, herb, and flower garden. I will become fluent in Hebrew and study more limudei kodesh. I will cook from scratch. I will have horses, chickens, and goats of my own. I will still love EDM, tacos, roller coasters, and good dialogue. I will be known in town as the chill old lady with the long gray hair, who knows how to heal things, drinks good wine, helps people, and takes in all the animals. I am good with that as my legacy. 

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2 hours ago, Scarlett said:

I wanted to be a good mother.  Pretty sure I completely failed at that which is very depressing to me. I am a so so maybe above average step mother to my youngest step son.  

Life is hard.  

You did not fail.  You might not be perfect - none of us are - but you try and you care.  That's all you can do.

Parenting is SO hard.  And I'm sure step parenting is even tougher.  Big hugs to you, Scarlett.  

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