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Booster shots - how did yours go?


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My husband had his yesterday.  3rd Pfizer.  He was a little tired last night so bowed out of his 6 am call in meeting before he went to bed.  But got up a little late and is at work as normal - no problem at all.  Said he felt it in his arm and armpit a little bit.

My reaction was classic (chills, fever, headache, lethary, blech) from about 12 hours to about 36 hours post 3rd vaccine (also 3rd Pfizer).  I was out walking outside as normal (in the cold - brrr!) Thursday after my Tuesday vaccine.   I actually felt fine by Wednesday evening.    

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My DH and I had our booster shots on Saturday; so now two days post-shot. No pain with the injection and felt fine on Saturday. But Sunday morning, I stayed home from church. Severe diarrhea, nausea, very achy joints, headache. My husband also had these reactions. We laid around all day Sunday. I felt better today, but still feeling tired and low-grade headache. I think my reaction to the booster was much more severe than the actual first and second vaccination. But still glad to get the booster, as we are hoping to finally go on our European vacation in April 2022, which was postponed three times due to the pandemic. 

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I am trying to decide whether to get a Pfizer or Moderna booster for DS23 with special needs. He had his second Moderna in mid-April. I don't think he had much in the way of side effects, but it's hard to say as he is mostly non-verbal. He did have some difficult behaviors the day after each dose, but they really only lasted for about 30 minutes and could be entirely unrelated. I am considering Pfizer for his booster because Moderna has a higher risk of myocarditis in males under 30. However, Moderna is a known quantity for him. Is it at all likely that he could have worse side effects after Pfizer than Moderna? 

I am not worried about the shot itself. He does okay with shots and we will arrange for our local pharmacist to come out to the car to give it. I am more concerned about side effects that he won't be able to tell us about. DH, DD, and I all had Pfizer so I know less about Moderna side effects, if there is even any difference.

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1 hour ago, Longtime Lurker said:

I am trying to decide whether to get a Pfizer or Moderna booster for DS23 with special needs. He had his second Moderna in mid-April. I don't think he had much in the way of side effects, but it's hard to say as he is mostly non-verbal. He did have some difficult behaviors the day after each dose, but they really only lasted for about 30 minutes and could be entirely unrelated. I am considering Pfizer for his booster because Moderna has a higher risk of myocarditis in males under 30. However, Moderna is a known quantity for him. Is it at all likely that he could have worse side effects after Pfizer than Moderna? 

I am not worried about the shot itself. He does okay with shots and we will arrange for our local pharmacist to come out to the car to give it. I am more concerned about side effects that he won't be able to tell us about. DH, DD, and I all had Pfizer so I know less about Moderna side effects, if there is even any difference.

If you scroll down in this https://yourlocalepidemiologist.substack.com/p/mixing-vaccines-the-study-weve-all

there is a comparison of side effects and intensity.  It's from page 26 of the mix and match study, which you can find linked toward the top of the page. 

Three caveats: 

1.  The Pfizer boost group had a longer period of time between second dose and booster than the Moderna boost group, which would generally reduce side effects.

2.  The moderna boost was the original 100 micrograms dose instead of the 50 micrograms boost that they are using now, which would generally intensity side effects.

3.  The sample size is too underpowered to put a lot of stock in small differences.

With that said it seems like side effects are directly related to the dose for the mrna vaccines.  The 5-11 year olds getting 10 micrograms have way fewer side effects than the teens getting 30 micrograms and moderna is associated with a higher rate of myocarditis than pfizer.  All that to say, if he were my son, I'd do the Pfizer, but I don't think there are really any bad choices here.

Edited by Syllieann
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DH got a Modern a booster on Monday.  He had Moderna initially as well.  He had fever and chills for about 24 hours starting late that evening.  He also had fatigue and muscle aches.  Today (48 hrs) he is mostly better, just a bit slow.  He waited until he had a whole week off because of how bad his first 2 shots were.  Iirc it was about 10 days of flu like symptoms the first time and 4 days the second time.

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5 minutes ago, Syllieann said:

DH got a Modern a booster on Monday.  He had Moderna initially as well.  He had fever and chills for about 24 hours starting late that evening.  He also had fatigue and muscle aches.  Today (48 hrs) he is mostly better, just a bit slow.  He waited until he had a whole week off because of how bad his first 2 shots were.  Iirc it was about 10 days of flu like symptoms the first time and 4 days the second time.

Wow, that's pretty rough.  I get mine today and don't expect too bad of a reaction based on my first ones but DH gets his next week (also Moderna) and he was very sick last time - especially with the second one.  Your DH's experience makes me nervous!  Glad he's doing better.



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Pfizer booster on Friday.  Low grade fever the next day (starting about 12 hours after the shot), more pronounced aches where I normally have aches, a bit of mild fever induced nausea.  All of this was mostly resolved by the next day.  It was basically a much (much!) milder version of what happened after the second Pfizer shot.

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I haven't posted before, but my DH who had strong reactions after the second and third Moderna shot ended up getting random chills in different parts of his body and random itching several days after his booster (after the other side effects had stopped) that lasted for several weeks. The itching is still there occasionally in a much milder form more than a month out. Very weird.

I had virtually nothing other than a hot arm that was a bit sore after the booster. And maybe very mild fatigue.

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I had my Pfizer booster a week or so ago, after two initial Pfizer shots. I had no reaction to any of them except a slightly sore arm for a few hours. I go back and forth between feeling lucky that I tolerate the vaccine so well and feeling concerned that it isn't working. I don't have any conditions that would suggest a vaccine not working and I've had good immunity from other vaccines in the past, so I think it's just anxiety... but I still worry.

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48 minutes ago, scholarly said:

I had my Pfizer booster a week or so ago, after two initial Pfizer shots. I had no reaction to any of them except a slightly sore arm for a few hours. I go back and forth between feeling lucky that I tolerate the vaccine so well and feeling concerned that it isn't working. I don't have any conditions that would suggest a vaccine not working and I've had good immunity from other vaccines in the past, so I think it's just anxiety... but I still worry.

I read that producing side effects initially and getting long term immunity are two separate things, so lack of side effects doesn't mean anything.

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Had my Moderna booster yesterday at 3pm.  Had Moderna for my first two doses.  

Got very sleepy around 7-8pm but I'm always tired by then anyway.  My night was uncomfortable but not terrible.  Headache, chills, body aches, fatigue, and very very thirsty.  I drank a lot and think that helped.  This morning I still have a headache and fatigue.  Hoping to take a nap later.  

My first Moderna was pretty easy - barely had any symptoms. Second was worst than this one with moderate symptoms and I spent the next morning on the couch pretty miserable.  So this was better than the second but worse than the first.  Just glad it's over and done!  I'm just really anxious about DH's booster next week because he always gets so sick.  



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35 minutes ago, Kassia said:

Had my Moderna booster yesterday at 3pm.  Had Moderna for my first two doses.  

Got very sleepy around 7-8pm but I'm always tired by then anyway.  My night was uncomfortable but not terrible.  Headache, chills, body aches, fatigue, and very very thirsty.  I drank a lot and think that helped.  This morning I still have a headache and fatigue.  Hoping to take a nap later.  

My first Moderna was pretty easy - barely had any symptoms. Second was worst than this one with moderate symptoms and I spent the next morning on the couch pretty miserable.  So this was better than the second but worse than the first.  Just glad it's over and done!  I'm just really anxious about DH's booster next week because he always gets so sick.  



I hope you can leave the cooking to the rest of your family and get lots of rest today! 

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I had a Moderna booster yesterday after 2 Pfizers and ouch!  my arm is in rough shape.  I had no side effects for the first 2 so didn't really expect this.  Grateful to have it.

This might be too early to tell, but I also think my raging tinnitus might be a little quieter today.  Like, it's still there but somehow a little more background. 

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I got my booster on Monday. Pfizer after Moderna. I had sort of been debating which to get, but I was there to get my 10yo’s second shot and figured I might as well just take what they had while I was there.

*Barely* sore arm that I probably wouldn’t have even noticed if I wasn’t looking for it. 

(Ds had some uncomfortable joint pain that kept him up that night, but he’s also growing like a weed, so who knows?)

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On 11/25/2021 at 1:19 AM, Roadrunner said:

I had a painful swollen lymph node after my Moderna booster.

Thank you Roadrunner for mentioning this - swollen lymph nodes as a possible side effect.  Holy moly, I have an enormous soft lump under my shot-arm.  I feel way better today after a day of yuckiness, but the lump might be here a while.  I would have been very freaked out if I hadn't read your post.  How long until yours went away?


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2 hours ago, Eos said:

Thank you Roadrunner for mentioning this - swollen lymph nodes as a possible side effect.  Holy moly, I have an enormous soft lump under my shot-arm.  I feel way better today after a day of yuckiness, but the lump might be here a while.  I would have been very freaked out if I hadn't read your post.  How long until yours went away?


I think this is pretty common!  I had this both after #2 and #3.  My husband had it after #3.  I know a bunch of other people who commented on this.  Mine felt pretty prominent just for like 2-3 days but I occasionally felt a little discomfort in my art pit for a couple weeks.  

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4 hours ago, Eos said:

Thank you Roadrunner for mentioning this - swollen lymph nodes as a possible side effect.  Holy moly, I have an enormous soft lump under my shot-arm.  I feel way better today after a day of yuckiness, but the lump might be here a while.  I would have been very freaked out if I hadn't read your post.  How long until yours went away?


I am sorry. 😞 it was terrifying when I discovered it, but the good news is it was gone in 2-3 days! 

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I got a Moderna booster yesterday at 6pm. My first two were Pfizer. 

I cannot imagine how I would feel after a full dose of Moderna because this has been rough. My symptoms started about 14 hours after the shot. Typical flu like symptoms like most people report. Woke up this morning with chills. Got up to brush teeth and my teeth were chattering and I was shaking all over. Could not wait to crawl back in bed. My arm was very painful this morning but seems to be a little better tonight. Maybe because I broke down and took Tylenol. I’ve had some GI symptoms, too.  I didn’t feel this bad after my Pfizer. 

Interesting observations…I’ve had some bladder pain. Also, a place on my hip that was badly bruised a couple of months ago is sore and tender again. 

I am so tired, but I can’t sleep. The Tylenol doesn’t really help with muscle aches and joint pain. It did help the chills. 

The pharmacist who gave my shot said he’s seeing a lot of mistakes on people’s vax cards. Earlier that day he had someone come in for the booster. Her shot record said she had second dose on 9/3/21. Actually she had her second dose on 3/9/21. 

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Finally got my booster. Had to delay due to being sick with a sinus infection.

2 Pfizers- last one in mid- March- first one only a mildly sore arm. Second one- 12 hrs later I felt blah. 24-36 hrs- I felt like I had a mild flu/cold. Some fever, aches, and pains, etc. It pretty much went away after 36 hrs and I was back to normal by 48 hrs.

Yesterday I got Moderna- I'm 13 hrs out now. My arm is fairly sore. I woke up in the night hot but didn't feel feverish- not sure if that was because the house was warmer than usual (yesterday was unseasonably warm) or my body was hotter but not to the point of a fever. I was awake in the night for 3 hrs- my sleep has been pretty good lately but my period is coming so that could be hormones. I have some body soreness but right now it just seems to be muscle soreness from exercise. So, not much aside from the sore arm that I could for sure contribute to the shot. I'm really hoping it is not too bad.

Edited by Soror
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DS23 had his third Pfizer on Friday morning. He had no real reaction to the first two, other than saying if he really, really thought about it he could kinda maybe say his arm was the tiniest bit sore. For the booster he said his arm was definitely sore on Saturday and he had some body aches. Not enough that he felt the need to take anything, but definitely there. That made me happy. 🙂 

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On 12/2/2021 at 2:22 AM, Eos said:

Thank you Roadrunner for mentioning this - swollen lymph nodes as a possible side effect.  Holy moly, I have an enormous soft lump under my shot-arm.  I feel way better today after a day of yuckiness, but the lump might be here a while.  I would have been very freaked out if I hadn't read your post.  How long until yours went away?


I also had a Moderna booster after two doses of Pfizer. I had very little reaction to the Pfizer shots, but after the booster there was a large (fist-sized) area around the injection site that was red, itchy, and hot to the touch, as well as a very swollen armpit, all of which lasted about 3 days. 

Is your arm OK now? Any improvement in the tinnitus?

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14 minutes ago, Corraleno said:

s your arm OK now? Any improvement in the tinnitus?

Much better, thank you.  The pain is gone from day four, though it's still a bit swollen in the lymph node area.  The tinnitus came roaring back, as it were, but I did have one day of it being quieter - the first day after the booster.

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On 12/2/2021 at 2:22 AM, Eos said:

 I feel way better today after a day of yuckiness, but the lump might be here a while.  I would have been very freaked out if I hadn't read your post.  How long until yours went away?



“The COVID-19 vaccine, like other vaccinations, can cause a temporary enlargement of lymph nodes. This can cause your mammogram to appear abnormal even when you are OK and there is no indication of cancer. 

But, enlarged lymph nodes can result in a “false positive” on your mammogram. You may get a request to return for further testing — a call-back — which can be unsettling.

The COVID-19 Vaccine and Enlarged Lymph Nodes

How do vaccines such as the COVID-19 vaccine affect lymph nodes?

Mullen says, “Lymph nodes under the arm where a person has gotten a vaccine can become enlarged as part of the normal immune response to the vaccine.”

Not all vaccines cause swollen lymph nodes, but ones that cause a more intense immune response, such as the COVID-19 vaccine, some shingles vaccines, and others, are more likely to affect them. “The COVID-19 vaccine is a new type of vaccine, and people are reacting strongly to it,” Mullen says. “That heightened immune response is normal and expected.”

For people getting a two-part coronavirus vaccine (such as the Moderna or Pfizer type), is lymph node enlargement more likely after the second shot?

Mullen says that larger lymph nodes can appear after the first or second vaccination.

Is COVID-19 vaccine lymph node enlargement permanent?

No, Mullen says. Your lymph nodes will return to normal size a few weeks after your vaccination regimen is complete.

Scheduling Your COVID-19 Vaccine and Your Mammogram

Mullen says the Johns Hopkins Division of Breast Imaging is following guidelines from the Society of Breast Imaging: Screening mammograms (regular yearly mammograms for patients without symptoms) should be scheduled before your first dose of a COVID-19 vaccination or four to six weeks after the second dose. That way, there is time for your nodes to return to their normal size.“

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17 hours ago, Arcadia said:


“The COVID-19 vaccine, like other vaccinations, can cause a temporary enlargement of lymph nodes. This can cause your mammogram to appear abnormal even when you are OK and there is no indication of cancer. 

But, enlarged lymph nodes can result in a “false positive” on your mammogram. You may get a request to return for further testing — a call-back — which can be unsettling.

Crap! I can't believe I forgot about that. I'm due for mine, but guess it will have to wait until the new year. 

On 12/6/2021 at 5:22 AM, Soror said:

Finally got my booster. Had to delay due to being sick with a sinus infection.

2 Pfizers- last one in mid- March- first one only a mildly sore arm. Second one- 12 hrs later I felt blah. 24-36 hrs- I felt like I had a mild flu/cold. Some fever, aches, and pains, etc. It pretty much went away after 36 hrs and I was back to normal by 48 hrs.

Yesterday I got Moderna- I'm 13 hrs out now. My arm is fairly sore. I woke up in the night hot but didn't feel feverish- not sure if that was because the house was warmer than usual (yesterday was unseasonably warm) or my body was hotter but not to the point of a fever. I was awake in the night for 3 hrs- my sleep has been pretty good lately but my period is coming so that could be hormones. I have some body soreness but right now it just seems to be muscle soreness from exercise. So, not much aside from the sore arm that I could for sure contribute to the shot. I'm really hoping it is not too bad.

I felt icky all day but not as bad as the second shot. Mostly I was just tired. I had a slightly elevated temp and a bit of cold chills (not all that extreme). Some body soreness that didn't feel like workout soreness. Last time I was had an actual fever with more aches, pains, chills, and fatigue. I feel almost 100% this morning at 40 hrs post shot. 

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On 12/6/2021 at 3:04 AM, popmom said:


Interesting observations…I’ve had some bladder pain. Also, a place on my hip that was badly bruised a couple of months ago is sore and tender again. 

I had Pfizer booster last week, and had the usual site pain, headache, body aches, increased joint pain. Then two days later I woke up with a UTI, raging. No lead up- just bam- blood in urine, constant uncomfortable urge to pee, though zero pain when I did pee.  Thanks to teledoc I had antibiotics that afternoon. By then the blood was gone and urge to pee was gone. I haven’t had a UTI in many, many years. It was so weird the way it came on. 
The headache is still here, six days after the booster. 

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On 12/6/2021 at 2:00 PM, popmom said:

I finally fell asleep at some point and slept till noon. But I am pain free today. 🙂 Glad that’s over with!

quoting myself to update...

I may have spoken a little too soon. I have had bouts of GI issues (for real D. yuck.  Y'all, it was BAD last night at 3am) since I posted this. And today randomly my legs were very achy for a couple of hours. I really can't attribute those symptoms to anything else. I know it takes a couple of weeks to build peak immunity, so I think it's reasonable to expect some lingering side effects. Right now I feel completely normal. So maybe (((now))) I can say--glad that's over with! lol 

Moderna booster after two doses of Pfizer.

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Mine was fine. Sore arm as usual, some achy joints the next day which cleared up with ibuprofen. DH has his tomorrow and will probably have more effects, as he tends to feel sick for a day or two after any vaccine.

I wish DS were eligible. I see no reason to think immunity would persist longer with teens than young adults.

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Moderna the other day after having Moderna in the first go around as well. Basically a non-event for my body. Sore arm, maybe slightly out of it, maybe a slight sore throat, but very slight. Dh did his the same day and he got proper sick. And then we had to have the following conversation:

"Do you have a fever?"
"Maybe?" (He did.)
"Did you at least take something?"
"But I'm not actually sick. It's the booster shot."
"But do you actually feel bad? Do you have an actual fever?"
"But I'm not contagious or anything."
"What does that have to do with anything? Do you want to feel better?!?"
"Of course."
"So... Can I please go get you some ibuprofen?!?"

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On 12/6/2021 at 3:04 AM, popmom said:

The pharmacist who gave my shot said he’s seeing a lot of mistakes on people’s vax cards. Earlier that day he had someone come in for the booster. Her shot record said she had second dose on 9/3/21. Actually she had her second dose on 3/9/21. 

I had to have the county issue new cards for two of my kids because of similar mistakes.  On one they spelled his name wrong and had the wrong birthdate and on the other they had the wrong date of the vaccine.  I would blame it on being in a hurry but these two were the kids who went to a local clinic and were the only two in the clinic at the time.  Just glad I caught it!

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DH and I got our booster shots late Wednesday.  We got Moderna, after previously having had two Pfizer doses.

As it turns out, it was not a great plan for (1) us to get them on the same day; and (2) me to have lots of things I had to do the next day.  I woke up feeling iffy -- cold and tired -- but just went ahead with my busy day.  By the time I got home, about 24 hours after the shot, I felt horrendous.  But by the time DH also had a headache.  Which was not a surprise -- he gets migraines all the time.  However, it did mean SOMEBODY had to haul herself out of bed and deal with everything going on in the house, and that that SOMEBODY felt very resentful and angry that the ONE TIME that SOMEBODY who NEVER EVER gets sick needs to rest for a few freaking hours she can't because somebody ELSE has a headache!!

Ahem.  Possibly I was a little extra cranky, too.  

DH, who is no fool, took his heavy-duty headache medicine and managed to get up a little later so I could go to sleep early.  Which I did, and now I feel perfectly fine 🙂




Edited by JennyD
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7 hours ago, Tenaj said:

I had to have the county issue new cards for two of my kids because of similar mistakes.  On one they spelled his name wrong and had the wrong birthdate and on the other they had the wrong date of the vaccine.  I would blame it on being in a hurry but these two were the kids who went to a local clinic and were the only two in the clinic at the time.  Just glad I caught it!

Interesting. That pharmacist said most of the mistakes were made at the big drive thru events, so that's a bit concerning. Glad you caught it, too!

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My DH had his Pfizer booster last weekend. About 13 hours later (middle of the night) he was chilled for about an hour, then sweated through two shirts during the rest of the night. Aside from feeling kind of blah the next day, he was fine.


We noticed that the side effects happened faster than with his 2nd dose. 

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I had mine late last week. Moderna (following 2 previous rounds of Moderna). I had an extremely painful stick - my brother, who went for his with me, felt nothing when he got his jab.

I felt fine that evening. By the next morning, I was exhausted and freezing. I dragged myself to work for 4 hours and came home and slept for 3 hours under 4 quilts. Still felt horrible (body aches, chills, headache). By 8 pm (my shot had been at 2 the previous day), I was no longer chilled. By 8:30, I felt just fine. I went to bed right after 8:30 and woke up with no lingering symptoms.

My brother had only a sore arm. 

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I got Moderna boosted today. So far I’m just tired and lazy but I’m not sure I can blame that on the shot. My original vaccination was J&J and I had a fairly dramatic but swift reaction to that. I got my booster at Costco around noon because I’m all about combining errands and having a rotisserie chicken on deck if I’m too sick (or lazy) to cook. It’s 8 pm and nobody has asked for dinner, but we did have a Costco pizza for lunch and that’s not nothin. 

Dh had his appt right after mine. DS got his booster on Monday and had zero reaction. 

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I was finally able to get my booster earlier this week!  Like my second vaccine, around 12 hours later (I was already in bed for the night) I suddenly felt my body working hard, like it was trying to fight something.  (Wide awake, tossing and turning, feeling unsettled.)  Then about two hours after that, I had the achey, flu-like body pains throughout my body.  Ibuprofen really helped with that!  Still couldn't really sleep though ~ my body was just too prickly and unsettled.  In the morning when the Ibuprofen was wearing off, I took two more.  That mostly took care of it!  I had a slightly sore arm for the rest of the day, but nothing more.  The next day, no sore arm at all unless I put pressure on it.

ETA:  Pfizer on top of Pfizer.

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Hooray!   Dd17 got hers today, I just called and asked if they had any for the 16 - 17 crowd and bingo!  Her arm is sore but we're all so glad - her second one was in April.  We're going to my mother's for Christmas so I feel better about that.

Also, at the same clinic Dd25 was able to get all of her Swiss shots documented on her phone put onto a US card - much simpler for being in this country.

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I got mine Tuesday. Felt pretty crummy for 24 hours but I had a migraine when I went. 

DH tried to get his. But he did not have his immunization card because it was stolen from his car - along with my purse and other stuff. He finally got the health department to find his record so he can get the booster. 

Hoping to get me kids and my mom boostered soon. Lots of pestering... good thing I am good at pestering!

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I got mine a little over a week ago.  All three have been Moderna. The first two shots kicked my butt.  Achy, cold, "covid arm" with a bright tender area covering much of my upper arm for about 4-5 days.

This time around I only got achy joints for about 24 hours.  The arm was tender, but not red or puffy.  It was a much better experience.

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