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Are you vacationing at all this summer?


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Yes, a teeny tiny two day vacation.  We are driving.  It is 3 hours away.  We have low numbers in my county (less than 300 cases.)  The county we are driving to has even lower numbers, less than 120 cases.  We will attend a drive in movie theater, go to Bucee's, and get Krispy Kreme donuts.  We are staying in a hotel.  

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We are renting an RV and going to a state park just a few hours away in our same state. We decided on the RV so we wouldn’t have to eat out, use public bathrooms, our stay in hotels. We’re renting the RV from a local place that we trust. It’s not the summer we had planned but we’re excited.

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We are headed to SC to stay in a friend's beach house in late July. SC has fewer cases than TN. No more exposure there than here bc  all we will do is go to the (not crowded, private) beach, and make one grocery trip. One stop each way for gas and one just to stretch, switch drivers etc. but we will take our own snacks.

The home is not a vacation rental with different people in it every week. It's a part of the year residence and my friends let a few families stay there each year for a minimal cost to cover the housekeeping. 

My kids are going to camp in NC for a week. 

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We're pretty much taking things a day at a time here (not just due to Covid, but that's definitely part of it!).  However, I could see us getting away for a few days later in the summer on a little road trip, perhaps to a little inn somewhere in a quiet, rural town.

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Sort of. I'm spending 2 weeks in a tiny NH town for the birth of my grandson. I'm flying because it's too far to drive and I'm not looking forward to that part. I worry that I'll bring germs there but no matter how often I question it, my DIL insists she wants me there. She wants me there now even though the birth is still 60 days away. Being the pregnant mom of a toddler is apparently not much fun in the summer. LOL


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Last question first: I have no idea about curves.

Yes, we (DH & I and adult/single children)  are renting a cabin in the Great Smoky Mountains, and we are driving together as a family.  We are venturing out to hike while there, and DH will go zip lining with our son.  We are playing other activities/eating out/etc by ear.  I am happy just to soak in the view, share simple meals and enjoy one another's company.  

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Kind of...?

We are driving to NM (from TX) to meet up with family in order to (finally) have a private memorial service/scatter the ashes of my grandpa who passed away right at the start of March. His funeral/memorial service was scheduled for late March, to give time for out of state family to travel in. Then Covid exploded and so the funeral was cancelled. So, now that the states involved have opened enough, we are finally going to do this. 

So, we are renting a cabin via AirBNB, will likely either bring our own bed linens or wash the ones there upon arrival (washer/dryer on premises) and will clean on arrival as well (though the place has high marks/reviews for excellent cleaning, even now, and is run by a "super host" or whichever designation AirBnb uses that means "dude that really does a good job"). 

We'll probably do some take-out food mixed with a lot of cooking (thus renting a house), and will operate as though it's just like at home (so, still avoid gatherings, still avoid crowds, still not go lots of places, etc). We plan to visit White Sands, if it's open, but as that's a very "outdoors/massive social distancing" location, we feel safe with that. 

I don't think  we would travel if not for the memorial.

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We have cancelled our reservations (made a year in advance to get this particular place, grrrrrr).  

Cases are still going up in our area, new outbreaks/clusters noted weekly.  I don’t know specifics about the area where we planned to vacation, but it’s a large tourist destination in a state that has been in the news for having lots of cases.

We are extra cautious with immune compromised individuals in family and an elder living with us.  YMMV.

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I'm hoping to do a long weekend at the beach in August but not a full vacation. Granted we have great beaches 1-3 hours away. For me, a long weekend is just that... a getaway. I need more time away to fully relax and call it a vacation...

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We were going to take a trip with my mom in May, but thankfully we couldn’t decide where we wanted to go, so we didn’t have to cancel reservations.  She’s talking about doing something in the fall when it’s not so hot.  Not sure it will happen, but the reasons aren’t related to the rona.  Dd17 is going on a small trip to a friend’s home in TN at the end of July, to spend some time with some far off friends who will be starting college in the fall.

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We may do some camping later.  Our big vacation was cancelled.  DH  still has the 3 weeks off and will probably spend it working. They have always called for possible overtime when we have been on vacation.  This time he will take and double dip taking the paid vacation and the OT which will help pay for hospital bills 

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Probably, but everything will be in a one day drive.  We’re hoping to visit all three sets of grandparents.  It’s about 6 hours for each drive, and when there we’ll be staying at their homes and just playing.  We’re renovating our house, and part of the project is refinishing the hardwood floors in the 1st floor.  We can’t be home for that, so we’re trying to make plans that get us out of the house in a healthy for everyone way.

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We are going for a weekend to SWB’s farm. They have a little cottage that we will be staying in. It’s completely self-contained with a kitchen so we can prepare our own food. 

We live about an hour from there and our area is not a huge virus hotspot. 

we had other vacations scheduled that we have cancelled. 

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No idea of what the summer will end up looking like. We were supposed to be on vacation this week.  Instead, I just returned from what was supposed to be a short trip that ended up being a three month trip on Tuesday.  We were also supposed to be on a trip in August, but now my university has changed the fall schedule to begin early.  So everything seems to be backwards from what was originally planned.  

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We haven't taken a family vacation in years because we couldn't afford it along with our children's extracurricular activities. DD quit her most expensive activity and I'm hoping we'll at least find a way for a short getaway that'll likely be a camping trip.

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We are getting together with all of DH's sibs/kids and his parents in mid-July for a couple days for our annual get together in cabins in IL. We (the 8 of us - our immediate family only) are also camping in the Smoky Mountains in mid-Aug.

Cases here in IN are slowing down even though we've been opening up for a month. Not sure about the places we're going. We won't interact much with people outside of our family while there though. We bring our own food and don't do typical tourist-y stuff. Just camp and hike and swim 🙂

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1 hour ago, scbusf said:

We are going for a weekend to SWB’s farm. They have a little cottage that we will be staying in. It’s completely self-contained with a kitchen so we can prepare our own food. 

We live about an hour from there and our area is not a huge virus hotspot. 

we had other vacations scheduled that we have cancelled. 


SWB's farm is maybe 30 minutes from me. 

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4 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

Wow Scouttn that is amazing that camp is running.   Is it an overnight one?

Yes, a small church camp in the mountains. Lots of adjustments for CV, of course. They have had multiple weeks of day camp already and the first week of overnight is this week.

It could all fall through, for sure. I have one scheduled to go in mid June and one in late July. CV cases in that area have been very few.

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