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Prayers and good thought needed (poss COVID19 dd)


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My youngest (23) got sick last week and went to the ER because of breathing difficulties, confusion, dry cough, etc (symptoms of COVID19).  They did a chest xray, blood work, and tests for the flu and COVID19.  She was negative for all of those and was released after about four or five hours.  They gave her a Z-pack prescription (and she has taken that many times with no issues).  Sunday she was a bit better, Monday even better, and then today- worse.  Throughout the entire time, she was still confused more than usual,  I talked with her around noon CT and then again at 1pm and she had headache, still queasy,  but breathing was okay.  Both dh and I urged her to not work and her brother had been telling her to not work on Monday and today too.  Anyway. around 5pm  he checked her (as he has beeb doing) and she was hallucinating and not breathing well. My son  had to do a a nebulzer treatment for her and she was better for a few minutes but got worse again so he had to force her into the car and drive her back to the ER.  He even had to log her off of work,,On Saturday, the doctor had told her that she may very well have COVID19 and just had a negative test since about 30% are false negatives.  

My son is really scared that they will just give her an IV again and release her again when she is doing so badly and without a diagnosis or better treatment. Her lips were blue when he got to the ER and so she couldn't give info. He described what was going on and they will be contacting him and he will be contacting us. Our doctor wants to know if she is admitted because he will visit her at the hospital if she is.  We really do hope she is admitted this time because she is in a bad way.



Edited by TravelingChris
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10 minutes ago, cintinative said:

Is this happening in real time as you typed it? Praying.  In the scenario you are describing, I would be really shocked and angry if they didn't admit her.

Yes, I just got off the phone with my son.  He had to force her to come because she was not thinking well. Her lips were blue when she got there and he had to give them all the info while they were trying to stablize her.

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3 minutes ago, Jen500 said:

I'm sorry. I hope your daughter gets the care she needs and is ok very soon. This sounds scary and I'm glad your son is with her.

He is back at the house since they won't let people stay with anyone in the ER but I was just so happy that they let him give the info, at least.  Because even on Saturday, she wasn't able to call our doctor himself nor get the answering call people to give the doctor the message and have him call her---- she didn't tell the answering service that she was a high risk patient- she has severe asthma- and couldn't in any other way explain to them the urgency.

Fortunately, dh and I have been paying about 3K a year extra in order to have a concierge doctor and since she was under 26 and still is, she is his patient too.  So on Saturday I called him directly - I have his cell phone number- and he was the one who told me to have her go to the ER then.  I called the answering service today and he called me back right away and told me that if she is admitted to call him and also we discussed that the test is unreliable.

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40 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

Yes, I just got off the phone with my son.  He had to force her to come because she was not thinking well. Her lips were blue when she got there and he had to give them all the info while they were trying to stablize her.


Oh my!! I can't imagine how you are feeling right now!! More prayers!  Your poor son too! It must have been so scary for him.

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It sounds like she needs to be admitted whatever she has.  

I guess if it is or isn’t CV19 would make choice of unit different. 


I hope she will get under care and some supplemental oxygen if she needs that.  And maybe your doctor will be able to visit and let you know what is happening.  Not knowing must be very stressful. 


Edited by Pen
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Good news- they did get her stabilized and she is now waiting to get a CATSCAN.   (When I saw my my doctor last on March 11th, I was asking him what we would do if we thought I had COVID19 since there was no tests in the area then=  he said the gold standard for diagnosis was the CATSCAN)

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Praying for your daughter's health and wellbeing, for your whole family, and for her health care team.

I'm glad she's getting good care, Chris, and that your son was able to talk with the doctor to give her history. That will be a great help.  


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40 minutes ago, Acadie said:

Praying for your daughter's health and wellbeing, for your whole family, and for her health care team.

I'm glad she's getting good care, Chris, and that your son was able to talk with the doctor to give her history. That will be a great help.  


She seems to think they are going to release her tonight but they haven't even checked the CATSCAN.  And I don't see how they would do that considering she was so out of oxygen that her lips were blue and she couldn't even figure out how old she was when they were admitting her which is why they needed him to give the info.  

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Holding her and you all in the light. That's so scary.

It definitely sounds like some of the things I've read about Covid. They had to open neuro-covid wards in Italy because some patients had stroke like symptoms. Also some patients apparently are oxygen deprived even though don't seem to be having trouble breathing. I hope she gets the treatment she needs and heals. She's young so hopefully she'll recover no matter what it is.

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17 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

She seems to think they are going to release her tonight but they haven't even checked the CATSCAN.  And I don't see how they would do that considering she was so out of oxygen that her lips were blue and she couldn't even figure out how old she was when they were admitting her which is why they needed him to give the info.  

Since she is confused you could request to talk to her attending nurse. If they push release I would be calling the hospital ombudsman. Hopefully she misunderstood.  What an awful situation. Can your doc get there tonight?

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Praying hard. 

Has she had episodes like this with her asthma before? Even without Covid, i know that a bout of bronchitis can certainly trigger an asthma flare. Do she and her brother live together? If not, will he stay with her once she is home, if need be?

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The medical board guidance for using the hydroxychloriquine (malaria med) varies with the state, so you can google the state she's in and see what they're saying. In come states you can only get the med if you are DIAGNOSED, even if you are in the hospital. In some states you can get it if you are PRESUMED, so long as you're in the hospital. 

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51 minutes ago, Ktgrok said:

Praying hard. 

Has she had episodes like this with her asthma before? Even without Covid, i know that a bout of bronchitis can certainly trigger an asthma flare. Do she and her brother live together? If not, will he stay with her once she is home, if need be?

Yes they rented a house together in February.  

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She has been released. Now that she is breathing okay and thinking better, she thinks she had an anaphylactic episode.  They were asking her if she ate something new but most likely her blood pressure was too low and she couldn't figure out that then. She couldn't even figure out her age. Buy now she knows she drank a new juice yesterday and then again today.  Getting allergic reactions often happens the second or third time.

I talked with our doctor and he will see her tomorrow morning first thing.


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16 minutes ago, CuriousMomof3 said:


Could it be the antibiotics?  My kid has anaphylactic reactions to a medication, and it started after he'd used that med multiple times.  

Yes, it could.  Which is why we were insisting that she keep her appointment and also call her allergist.  Her sister has had an anaphaltic reaction to azithromycin so she may have had it too. Plus she was not doing well even before the episode that started at 5pm and we want her doctor to determine what needs to be done.  As a minimum, she needs a prednisone dose pack to not have a reoccurence of the anaphylaxis, if that was what it was.  He may be able to get her treatment record and see what they did to her- because if they didn't give her epinephrine or steroids and she got better, then it definitely wasn't an anaphylaxis reaction.  They labeled it near syncope- which implies low blood pressure or maybe arrythmia.  IF she had low blood pressure- that indicates anaphylaxis because her main symptom with that is an extremely low blood pressure- very near death.  If she had an arrythmia- it could be the Zpack.  

But the other symptoms she has been having before the z pack and after, including this morning, have nothing to do with any allergy and that is something the doctor can look into.  SHe was sick in March for a few weeks and then this now.  It could even be her as yet undiagnosed autoimmune disease causing some of these issues.  She has had a quite high ANA in the past and does have Raynaud's syndrome and everyone, including her, knows she has something but she was going to be starting to do something about it like going to my rheumatologist when the whole COVID thing started.  

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20 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

If dd is new to anaphylaxis, make sure she knows about the rebound effect. Ds should be checking on her regularly for the next 24 hours if possible.

Unfortunately, she is not new at all.  My dh talked with my son and he is very familiar with her anaphalaxis and unfortunately, more recently with his own since he developed the mammal allergy after a tick bite that causes anaphalaxis hours and hours after you eat any mammal. So yes, he will be checking on her (he is a trained first responder since he is a cave rescuer) and will drag her to the 8:30 am appointment too. 


Unfortunately, all three of our kids now have had anyphactic reactions.  But my youngest has had the most-- she is allergic to wasps, bees, hornets, ants, citrus fruits, strawberries, and some stuff she doesn't even know what they are- things in some cleaners and also in some perfumes- it could be the citrus but it could be something else too.

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I am so glad to hear that she has been released.  I, too, have a child who suffers with anaphylactic reactions.  I was just thinking last night that her responses sounded a lot like what happened to my child when he took liquid Zyrtec, of all things.  I hope the doctors can figure out what caused this reaction.

And I have to chime in with the others and say that your son ROCKS!

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