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Things that make you wonder about people


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As I was traveling this weekend, I stopped at an oasis and ran in for a Starbucks chai. A woman a couple of customers ahead of me ordered a venti praline something or other.  When they called her name she grabbed her cup and walked around the partition between the Starbucks and the general seating area. I was standing over by the partition waiting for my order so I was able to see in both directions. A man (I assume he was her husband) was waiting for her holding a large travel mug. She poured her coffee into the mug then walked back over to the Starbucks ordering line. She told the girls behind the counter that her son had spilled her coffee and asked if they would replace it since they had just prepared it for her and she had obviously not had time to drink it. They did so without hesitation and the couple walked away sipping on their cups.


I guess if people can find a way to take advantage of a situation they will.



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That is awful.  That's nothing but theft, though I'm sure the thieves wouldn't see it that way.


But, curious here... even if it were true, that her son spilled it - would people really expect a store/restaurant to give them a replacement?   It would never occur to me to ask for that.  I'd either buy a new one or go without (or get my son to pay for the new one).   

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That is awful.  That's nothing but theft, though I'm sure the thieves wouldn't see it that way.


But, curious here... even if it were true, that her son spilled it - would people really expect a store/restaurant to give them a replacement?   It would never occur to me to ask for that.  I'd either buy a new one or go without (or get my son to pay for the new one).   


me either.  I would expect to go with out or pay for another one.


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Older, much bigger man cuts me in line at BestBuy on black friday. Looks at me and tells me 'the line starts over there', indicating I should move. Pretends he never saw me in the line, and says he cant 'understand', etc. I left before he could get physical, clearly a nutcase and I wont make the mistake of being in a line with no employees watching again. I went to the front of the store, joined a line of calm people with an employee doing traffic control and was out of the parking lot before he came out of the store.

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That is awful.  That's nothing but theft, though I'm sure the thieves wouldn't see it that way.


But, curious here... even if it were true, that her son spilled it - would people really expect a store/restaurant to give them a replacement?   It would never occur to me to ask for that.  I'd either buy a new one or go without (or get my son to pay for the new one).   

 I was surprised they said yes. I was hoping the baristas would notice that the cup wasn't damaged and that no one had asked for a clean up. A venti would have left a huge mess. Then again, the customer line was about 10 people deep and I'm sure they just wanted to keep things moving along.


It was one of those times when I wished I could be more courageous and have said something appropriate to the situation.

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That is awful.  That's nothing but theft, though I'm sure the thieves wouldn't see it that way.


But, curious here... even if it were true, that her son spilled it - would people really expect a store/restaurant to give them a replacement?   It would never occur to me to ask for that.  I'd either buy a new one or go without (or get my son to pay for the new one).   


It's weird and I would never expect it, but I've seen them do it.  Like a milkshake spilled after being picked up at the counter.

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As I was traveling this weekend, I stopped at an oasis and ran in for a Starbucks chai. A woman a couple of customers ahead of me ordered a venti praline something or other.  When they called her name she grabbed her cup and walked around the partition between the Starbucks and the general seating area. I was standing over by the partition waiting for my order so I was able to see in both directions. A man (I assume he was her husband) was waiting for her holding a large travel mug. She poured her coffee into the mug then walked back over to the Starbucks ordering line. She told the girls behind the counter that her son had spilled her coffee and asked if they would replace it since they had just prepared it for her and she had obviously not had time to drink it. They did so without hesitation and the couple walked away sipping on their cups.


I guess if people can find a way to take advantage of a situation they will.






My oldest two work for ChicFilA and while they really would like to believe the honesty of their patrons, it seems like they must "short" people an AWFUL lot.... kwim?  :(  Because there are a lot of customers who come back up for more fries, more nuggets, more sandwiches.....

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That is awful.  That's nothing but theft, though I'm sure the thieves wouldn't see it that way.


But, curious here... even if it were true, that her son spilled it - would people really expect a store/restaurant to give them a replacement?   It would never occur to me to ask for that.  I'd either buy a new one or go without (or get my son to pay for the new one).   


I would never ask for a free replacement, but I'd take if offered. This happened once in the past. I think replacements are their policy and that's why the drinks are so expensive (all of this is "included" in the price.)

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I worked at several fast food restaurants while I was in high school.  Our training included incidents like this.  We were always to replace the item if the customer asked us to.  At McDonald's we were even told that customers could ask for a French fry refill as well as a drink refill.

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But, curious here... even if it were true, that her son spilled it - would people really expect a store/restaurant to give them a replacement? It would never occur to me to ask for that. I'd either buy a new one or go without (or get my son to pay for the new one).

The cafes and fast food places do for drinks and things like fries if someone drop/spill on the way to their table. The staff do have to mop up for drinks and sweep if fries were dropped. So the counter crew would have ask any of the manager on duty to get the area where spillage occur cleaned up.


When I was in college, McDonald's had free coffee refills before 11am. Many brought their thermos to pour from the refill jugs without buying a cup of coffee. In the end, they have to do away with the refill jugs and customers just pass their coffee cups to the staff for refills.


McDonald's does have a one cup free coffee refill policy here. People just refill their soda from the soda machine. I don't know about fries refill.

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As I was traveling this weekend, I stopped at an oasis and ran in for a Starbucks chai. A woman a couple of customers ahead of me ordered a venti praline something or other.  When they called her name she grabbed her cup and walked around the partition between the Starbucks and the general seating area. I was standing over by the partition waiting for my order so I was able to see in both directions. A man (I assume he was her husband) was waiting for her holding a large travel mug. She poured her coffee into the mug then walked back over to the Starbucks ordering line. She told the girls behind the counter that her son had spilled her coffee and asked if they would replace it since they had just prepared it for her and she had obviously not had time to drink it. They did so without hesitation and the couple walked away sipping on their cups.


I guess if people can find a way to take advantage of a situation they will.


What a scamming thief.


It will come back on her. 

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That is awful.  That's nothing but theft, though I'm sure the thieves wouldn't see it that way.


But, curious here... even if it were true, that her son spilled it - would people really expect a store/restaurant to give them a replacement?   It would never occur to me to ask for that.  I'd either buy a new one or go without (or get my son to pay for the new one).   


This is because you are a normal person. 


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That is awful.  That's nothing but theft, though I'm sure the thieves wouldn't see it that way.


But, curious here... even if it were true, that her son spilled it - would people really expect a store/restaurant to give them a replacement?   It would never occur to me to ask for that.  I'd either buy a new one or go without (or get my son to pay for the new one).   


When I worked in fast food we replaced spilled food or drinks at no charge. 

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When I worked in fast food we replaced spilled food or drinks at no charge.

Spilling definitely, but 'spilling' it into your cup and getting a second is just plain stealing. I know the employees often can't do anything and there is corporate policy, but I'm comfortable making a scene as a customer over another being a tool.

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One time two of my kids filled their free water cups at Chipotle with lemonade. I didn't know about it until we got back to the car. But we tromped back into the store and paid for the lemonade and then they paid me back with their own money when we got home. I think that made an impression and I don't think they will ever do it again!

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Spilling definitely, but 'spilling' it into your cup and getting a second is just plain stealing. I know the employees often can't do anything and there is corporate policy, but I'm comfortable making a scene as a customer over another being a tool.


Uh yeah I agree.  Only weird incident I recall was someone ate the entire meal and then wanted a refund because they said it didn't taste good.  Which we did give him.


It's too difficult to police people in these instances and goodness forbid if you wrongly accuse someone of doing something.  Not worth it when compared to losing a cup of coffee. 

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It is shocking what people think they're entitled to. When I worked retail, I had a guy come back into the store wanting a ceramic item replaced. He actually admitted to tossing into the back of his car carelessly, where it broke. Sadly, the manager on duty instructed me to give him a replacement because we were a "yes" store. Stuff like that (and there was plenty of stuff like that) made me really begin to dislike people.

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Former long-time Starbucks partner here. We will always replace a spilled drink. They probably know that and use it to their benefit. We are trained to "just say yes", and they were just doing what they're supposed to do. Not that some salty baristas wouldn't lay down the smack if they'd seen it. I would have been that salty barista. People also make lattes out of condiment bar milk all the time. "Doppio in a grande cup" would be that order.

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I was at Five Guys awhile ago and a woman was asking for a refund for a sandwich she had to eaten because she said that she'd ordered it with bacon but there was no bacon. Uh, the time to get that taken care of is when you unwrap a bacon-less burger and have taken 0-2 bites, not after your whole sandwich is gone. She was clearly ready to throw a full blown tantrum and they gave her the refund I think to get her to leave them alone.

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I remember a couple of times, as a very small child, knocking the ice cream scoop off the cone on the first lick and the server saying she would replace it for free before I had a chance to cry. ( I do think sometimes they don't pack them down enough). I think that it humane.


As for the Starbucks couple, I feel somewhat sorry for them. It is really dishonest. I have never seen anyone do this before. I hope they never do this kind of thing at a small business.

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It reminds me of return fraud. The rest of us have to jump though hoops to return stuff because some people abused the more generous return policies we grew up with.


My dad worked for KMart in the 60s. He said people would come in right after hunting season to return their rifles and that once a man obtained a full refund for empty paint cans because he said he wasn't satisfied with the paint (that was dried onto his walls and he was not replacing).

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I remember a couple of times, as a very small child, knocking the ice cream scoop off the cone on the first lick and the server saying she would replace it for free before I had a chance to cry. ( I do think sometimes they don't pack them down enough). I think that it humane.


As for the Starbucks couple, I feel somewhat sorry for them. It is really dishonest. I have never seen anyone do this before. I hope they never do this kind of thing at a small business.


Yes, this.  I used to work for an ice cream and dairy store that would replace ice creams that fell to the floor soon after purchase.  Usually it was a small child and it was almost immediately spilled, therefore likely not positioned on the cone correctly anyway.  Because of this, I do ask for a replacement if a child of mine spills in a similar situation.  Never through fraud.  Nor as an adult who spilled.  Adults can suck it up, buttercup.  Small children spilling is a little different and, of course, the restaurant can always refuse.


As for the Starbucks couple, ugh, just ugh!  They are part of the reason goods and services cost what they do.

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My beef is handicapped parking. At my son's school, there are handicapped parking spaces in the back and all the special needs parents with the placards park there so they can load their wheelchair bound/ autistic (run into traffic)/ blind children into their cars safely. There was a parent I didn't recognize with the placard. I asked him if he was picking up a special needs child. "No" Was he getting out of his car? "No". I tried explaining how these parking spaces need to be for the actual use of handicapped people getting into and out of their cars. His response? "I have a right to be here." Sure- take advantage of a situation...next time I see him, I'm going to tell the feisty special ed teacher to yell at him.





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I was just remarking the other day on how I thought generally people were honest.  We were at a large outdoor ice rink, and the warming house had hundreds of free skates to borrow (very nice ones!).  So people could just walk in, grab the skates, skate for an hour or two, and return them.  You never had to sign in or give someone your driver's license or anything.  There was just a sign as you left that said, "Please remember to return skates when you're done!"  


It's too bad when I hear stories of those who will get away with what they can.



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One time two of my kids filled their free water cups at Chipotle with lemonade. I didn't know about it until we got back to the car. But we tromped back into the store and paid for the lemonade and then they paid me back with their own money when we got home. I think that made an impression and I don't think they will ever do it again!



Did they do it on purpose?  I know at least one of my kids did that but he thought it was water since the water was the same nozzle thing as the lemonade.   I didn't make a scene about it since it wasn't their fault.  I can't even remember which kid it was.

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Speaking of Starbucks and things that make you wonder ... Someone keeps pulling off the star stickers on the bags of Starbucks coffee at my local grocery store. I used to wonder why the bags had sticky spots. lol. I hadn't realized (at the time I first noticed it) that the stickers were part of a rewards program. That also seems like a lot of effort for a cup of coffee.

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I went into a Panera Bread (popular chain with comfy booths) that had huge lines and people waiting for tables, and there was a lady in the back taking up a big booth so she could play with her phone while her toddler ate a food out of a lunchbox that she'd clearly brought from how.


So not a customer, just using a prime spot in the restaurant while people who paid to come there ate standing up. 


I thought that was incredibly rude of her. 

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My beef is handicapped parking. At my son's school, there are handicapped parking spaces in the back and all the special needs parents with the placards park there so they can load their wheelchair bound/ autistic (run into traffic)/ blind children into their cars safely. There was a parent I didn't recognize with the placard. I asked him if he was picking up a special needs child. "No" Was he getting out of his car? "No". I tried explaining how these parking spaces need to be for the actual use of handicapped people getting into and out of their cars. His response? "I have a right to be here." Sure- take advantage of a situation...next time I see him, I'm going to tell the feisty special ed teacher to yell at him.





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Many years ago before dh and kids I was an attorney who advocated for persons with disabilities. Today, I have a child with disabilities. So, I fully understand the need you are getting at. 


However, could it be that the placard was for the driver. Perhaps the driver was at the school to meet with a teacher or guidance. Or maybe the placard was for his dw who was substituting that day and he was picking her up. My local high school has 2400 students. There are many people who legitimately use the handicapped spaces who are not parents of students with disabilities. Also some people are issued placards have physical disabilities that are not immediately obvious. 

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It reminds me of return fraud. The rest of us have to jump though hoops to return stuff because some people abused the more generous return policies we grew up with.


My dad worked for KMart in the 60s. He said people would come in right after hunting season to return their rifles and that once a man obtained a full refund for empty paint cans because he said he wasn't satisfied with the paint (that was dried onto his walls and he was not replacing).


Go into any Walmart a few days after Christmas and note how many artificial trees have been returned.  Or maybe it's just the Walmart near me.  (Doubt it.)


These kinds of thefts also raise prices all around.  Maybe that latte wouldn't be so pricey if the store didn't have to make a lot of duplicates due to fake spills.

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I worked as a server and nothing will surprise me anymore. I worked at this little restaurant that had a buffet and we had a couple come in for a late lunch and stay talking at their table for hours and periodically getting up to get more food. It was clear they were trying to get lunch and dinner. The manager went over there and told them if they stayed any longer they'd be charged for dinner and lunch. They quickly paid and left.


We regularly had people clean their plates and then complain about the food at the end of the meal to try to get the meal discounted or free.


People just suck sometimes.

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I wouldn't hesitate to replace a drink I saw spilled if I was working. But as a customer I don't know that I'd necessarily expect it to be replaced... might depend on the exact details. How long had we had the drink? Was my child being very careless? Was it a very expensive drink? A fountain drink? Yeah, I'd expect a replacement from most establishments for at least a fountain drink. But I wouldn't rudely ask for it! I'd explain and hope they didn't mind. Most places offer free refills on those, anyway. Now if I spilled or my child spilled a more expensive drink like a smoothie? I don't know. Probably if we hadn't drank much I'd consider asking for a new one. If they were rude it would really sour my outlook on the place.


I really have no room to talk about their behavior, because I'm currently guilty of something right now. I used to work for a place that received discounts from another place. Dh told me a while ago that we're still receiving a discount on this monthly bill. I already told the second place (like immediately after I left the job) that I no longer worked there and they said not to worry, it would probably exit the system soon. So now I feel like I should report myself again.


I have to also admit I do get more judgy about some things than others regarding returns. I was appalled when I offered a gift receipt to my SIL and she said she didn't need it because WM would take it if she needed to return it. I told her it wasn't from WM but she didn't seem to think that was a problem...

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My ds works in a sandwich shop.  All the employees are young boys and men.  All with very short hair.  They had a large order for a family to go one day.  A few minutes later the young girl came in with a sandwich with a hair tie inside it and said they found the hair tie in the sandwich and they wanted their money back.


There was no way the hair tie came from the boys and made it neatly inside the sandwich.  Amazing the lengths people go to and, in this case, train their children to go to.  

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I went into a Panera Bread (popular chain with comfy booths) that had huge lines and people waiting for tables, and there was a lady in the back taking up a big booth so she could play with her phone while her toddler ate a food out of a lunchbox that she'd clearly brought from how.


So not a customer, just using a prime spot in the restaurant while people who paid to come there ate standing up.


I thought that was incredibly rude of her.

I'm sure I've looked just like that many times. My son has severe food allergies and doesn't eat in restaurants but we still do, we just pack him food. I would/do sit down with him at a table while my husband waits in line. My son eats from a lunchbox. I'm sure we look like we're just taking a table from real customers but that's not the case.

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This weekend my husband and son bought me a small birthday cake at Publix. They asked and were told it was a vanilla cake as I can't do chocolate. Later that night after everything was closed we cut into the cake. It was chocolate. Oh well, mistakes happen-although I was not that understanding that night ;) Today I had to pick up a couple of items and decided to tell the bakery what had happened and purchase another cake-and this time be sure it was vanilla. I mentioned what happened so they would be extra sure it was vanilla. The bakery manager handed me a cake and said free of charge, we apologize for the error and Happy Birthday! I told them my husband had thown out the receipt but I could show them the charge on my app for my bank. Not needed they said.


I left there grateful for wonderful service and completely didn't expect them to replace the cake (and he gave us a bigger cake than had been purchased even when I told him our cake had been small). I thought at most a small discount on the new cake. And hoped that no one would take advantage of that type of thing.


Things like replacing cakes, refilling drinks, etc make customers feel valued and loyal. Unfortunately too many people take advantage of others generosity.

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My senior year in high school I worked in the children's department at a department store. One day I saw a lady come in the store with nothing, no bags, not carrying anything. She walked through the boy's area and then over to my station, now carrying a a little boy's dress jacket. She wanted a refund and didn't have her receipt. She wanted cash. Riiiiight. I called my manager and explained. She came over and gave the lady store credit. We knew she was lying, but my manager said we couldn't accuse her. ?? Isn't that why we had security tapes?

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I used to be friends with a man from our church. One day, he was sitting in the back 2 rows on the right. Those rows have engraved signs posted on them saying, "Reserved for parishioners with small children." When you have a noisy baby or toddler, it was nice to have those rows in the back where you wouldn't be distracting the other parishioners if the little ones got wiggly or had to be taken out.


I told him, "You're sitting in the rows for people with babies. You should move." He said, "No I'm not." I showed him the placard. He said, "Well, if people with kids want to sit here, they should get here earlier."


I called him on it and said, "Really? This is posted for people with kids. You really aren't going to move? Even though you don't have kids? And even though you sit on the end, so anyone further in the row has to step over you to take out their kids?" And he didn't. And he sat in those rows for years after that conversation. He was a divorced dad of teenagers (who never came to church with him) and I kinda wonder if he wasn't pretty miserable to live with. His wife left him for another man. Maybe she was sick of this guy's entitled attitude and pride. He just could *not* admit that it was wrong for someone without little kids to sit in the rows for parents with little kids.


My family let the friendship die. There were some other annoying behaviors that we got tired of as well.

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My senior year in high school I worked in the children's department at a department store. One day I saw a lady come in the store with nothing, no bags, not carrying anything. She walked through the boy's area and then over to my station, now carrying a a little boy's dress jacket. She wanted a refund and didn't have her receipt. She wanted cash. Riiiiight. I called my manager and explained. She came over and gave the lady store credit. We knew she was lying, but my manager said we couldn't accuse her. ?? Isn't that why we had security tapes?

This would happen at the department store my husband worked at in college all the time. The sales clerks were supposed to give store credit and then alert security. Security would stop them as they left and detain them. The store didn't want to put the sales clerks in any danger so they had the security people deal with them.

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That is awful.  That's nothing but theft, though I'm sure the thieves wouldn't see it that way.


But, curious here... even if it were true, that her son spilled it - would people really expect a store/restaurant to give them a replacement?   It would never occur to me to ask for that.  I'd either buy a new one or go without (or get my son to pay for the new one).   


Last year at the local farmer's market there was a lady who was selling lemonade.  It was $5/cup.   It was very very hot and the kids really wanted it (they hardly ever drink anything but milk or water) so I got them each a cup.


After taking one sip, while still standing in front of the cart, my youngest, who was 4 at the time, dropped the cup (it was pretty big for his fingers, I guess).  He looked so upset and scared, so of course I was going to buy him another one.   The lady charged me $4 instead of $5.  I didn't say anything and paid it, since obviously it wasn't her fault at all.  But I never bought lemonade from her again. 


So, my long point is  - I think stores/restaurants might replace things as a gesture of "future good will" kind of thing.  At least it would be for me.  

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It reminds me of return fraud. The rest of us have to jump though hoops to return stuff because some people abused the more generous return policies we grew up with.


My dad worked for KMart in the 60s. He said people would come in right after hunting season to return their rifles and that once a man obtained a full refund for empty paint cans because he said he wasn't satisfied with the paint (that was dried onto his walls and he was not replacing).


The returns fraud when I worked in a department store in California was extraordinary.  I always wanted to work in the party frocks area, because they didn't allow returns there.


Not only the fraud but the assumption that the shop would just sort things out, whatever the cost: people coming in with eight bags of clothes that they had discovered in their mother's wardrobe, all with tags and receipts, all years old.  They expected refunds at the receipt price, even though the items were unsaleable.  And we gave them with a friendly smile.

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Ok, now I'm understanding a weekend situation we had a little bit better.  We ate at a restaurant with middle son and his GF Sunday night.  He (and I) opted for collards as a side dish.  As he was packing his "extra" up "to go" (since this place gives huge servings) he came across a metal staple (type of thing) in his - obviously cooked with the collards.  We called our waitress over to let her know.  She went back in to talk with the manager, then came out to tell us to wait for him - he wanted to talk to us.  We were ready to go and told her, "no worries, no harm done, we just wanted you to know in case there are others or to be more careful in the future."  She said the manager wanted us to wait as he'd give us something for free - the metal had come from the package the collards arrived in.  Something for free?  Over no harm done?  We didn't need that and told her so.  We also said we'd still eat in the restaurant and even still get the collards (they are quite tasty).


It really surprised us that they were going to give us something for free when we hadn't requested a thing.  Now I guess I know why.  I still have no regrets leaving without it though.  It's not like they did it purposely and none of us were harmed.  Why should they take a financial hit over it?  I guess this is another case where we're weird.  Such is life.

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Ok, now I'm understanding a weekend situation we had a little bit better. We ate at a restaurant with middle son and his GF Sunday night. He (and I) opted for collards as a side dish. As he was packing his "extra" up "to go" (since this place gives huge servings) he came across a metal staple (type of thing) in his - obviously cooked with the collards. We called our waitress over to let her know. She went back in to talk with the manager, then came out to tell us to wait for him - he wanted to talk to us. We were ready to go and told her, "no worries, no harm done, we just wanted you to know in case there are others or to be more careful in the future." She said the manager wanted us to wait as he'd give us something for free - the metal had come from the package the collards arrived in. Something for free? Over no harm done? We didn't need that and told her so. We also said we'd still eat in the restaurant and even still get the collards (they are quite tasty).


It really surprised us that they were going to give us something for free when we hadn't requested a thing. Now I guess I know why. I still have no regrets leaving without it though. It's not like they did it purposely and none of us were harmed. Why should they take a financial hit over it? I guess this is another case where we're weird. Such is life.

That is standard and you should expect nothing less, especially in that situation where someone could have been seriously injured. Any restaurant (I hope!) would have comped your meal, apologized profusely, and probably given you a GC to come back. Yes, it was an accident, but it should not have happened. And the financial hit is not that great - next time take the offer. ;)


PS you are a dream customer and they are probably so happy you didn't threaten to sue or otherwise raise hell.

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I'm sure I've looked just like that many times. My son has severe food allergies and doesn't eat in restaurants but we still do, we just pack him food. I would/do sit down with him at a table while my husband waits in line. My son eats from a lunchbox. I'm sure we look like we're just taking a table from real customers but that's not the case.

I don't think you need "severe" allergies or any allergies at all to pack from home for a toddler..... but I sat across from this lady for about 45 minutes and no store bought food or husband or other companion ever appeared. She was just parked. Still there when my daughter and I left.

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I was at Five Guys awhile ago and a woman was asking for a refund for a sandwich she had to eaten because she said that she'd ordered it with bacon but there was no bacon. Uh, the time to get that taken care of is when you unwrap a bacon-less burger and have taken 0-2 bites, not after your whole sandwich is gone. She was clearly ready to throw a full blown tantrum and they gave her the refund I think to get her to leave them alone.




Reminds me..I ordered a bacon burger somewhere and they forgot to put the bacon on it.  I didn't notice, but the guy came out to the table and brought me bacon and said I forgot the bacon on your sandwich.  LOL 

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