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PSA: Those aquainted with large families (Vent/Rage)


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It is never, ever, ever your place to suggest maybe they shouldn't have more.



And it never appropriate to suggest that maybe a miscarriage is God's way of telling you that.




I wrote so much more, but trying to swallow the anger...........  It isn't actually working, but trying.  

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It is never, ever, ever your place to suggest maybe they shouldn't have more.



And it never appropriate to suggest that maybe a miscarriage is God's way of telling you that.




I wrote so much more, but trying to swallow the anger...........  It isn't actually working, but trying.  

Ahhh...really?  Someone actually said that?  That's awful and heartless.  So sorry. 



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I'm so sorry. I can truly imagine; I have heard the most insensitive "reasons" why my baby died. People like to explain things in a way that suits the stories they tell themselves. But it sucks when you have to hear it.

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I am so sorry. For your loss, for the cruelty of other people, and that you are dealing with all of this during a crazy emotional week for our entire country as a whole. It's a lot to swallow back. Hugs and prayers.

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I am sorry you are dealing with this (both the miscarriage and people who should keep their mouths shut).

Recently I took the 3 kids to the library. I always get grief about using computers for 2 of them. Anyway, as always, when I asked to be allowed to use 2 computers, I was given the 3rd degree. And librarian finished up with "well, if your family wasn't so large, you'd be able to use the computers."

Did I mention that we (only) have 3 kids (full disclosure: we are expecting, but nobody IRL knows yet)?

I didn't like that librarian before. That cemented my opinion. 

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If it helps, my priest reminded me once that righteous anger isn't a sin. 


You have every right to be angry. What a terrible thing for anyone to say.I hope you told them so, if you felt like saying something. Ugh. Or tell me where to find them, I'll tell them for you!


Hugs mama. I'm so very very sorry about your loss of your child. 

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People! I like to think most people don't 'think' before they speak.  If they did, they would realize how horribly cruel, vicious, mean, and plain nasty their words are.


My mother-in-law was one time accused of being selfish for having a large family. Among other things.


There is no end to what people will say.  I am so sorry.


eta:  typo

Edited by Ishki
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It is never, ever, ever your place to suggest maybe they shouldn't have more.



And it never appropriate to suggest that maybe a miscarriage is God's way of telling you that.




I wrote so much more, but trying to swallow the anger...........  It isn't actually working, but trying.  


I haven't read all the responses yet, I just wanted to say I'm sorry you are dealing with this. My mom said "It's still early, maybe something will happen" to me when I told her I was pregnant with my third son. He is my child with special needs, so that anger still comes up from time to time. I will never understand people who think they should say things like that...


I wish you had left what you wrote, let the anger out. Maybe you did, I'll go read the rest of the thread now.

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