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DD has cancer, and I need to say something I can't say out loud or to IRL friends


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I don't post very often, and I probably won't be homeschooling next year, but this community has been a huge help for me over the last few years and it feels like extended family in a way.


My oldest DD (10) has recently been diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma, stage 3B. She will have 5 rounds of chemo followed by possible radiation depending how she responds to the chemo. 1 round is done and we're headed back for round 2 on Tuesday.


In general, Hodgkin in children has an excellent prognosis! This is what we emphasize in real life - the approximately 95% 5-year survival rate. Sounds great, right? But I need to say somewhere that a 95% survival rate means that after 5 years, 1 in 20 is dead. That is so scary.


That's all. I appreciate your prayers.

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