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When you go to your parents house, do you knock on the door? or just walk in?


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When you go to your parents house, do you knock on the door? or just walk in?


I was thinking about this due to another thread.  My mother still lives in my childhood home.  I go home about every 5+ years, so I would definitely knock first. 


One in-laws' home, I just walk into. They have a long gravel driveway, a couple of barking dogs, and I would never show up if they weren't expecting me.   I can't remember ever knocking on their door, it seems a bit redundant after all the noise we make just getting up to the door.


The other in-laws', I would always knock. They own a hotel, and their house is attached to it.  I would likely give them a heart attack if I just walked in. LOL




Because of multiple marriages, it is too complex to make a poll, but I was just curious.  Do you just walk in, or do you knock. 

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Just go in. I have a key. Usually my mother comes out before we can do that though.


At the in laws, we always knock when we first arrive, but that's mostly because they always leave their door locked and hang out in the back of the house where they wouldn't see us.

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I know people who do it both ways.  I knock, but sometimes I might knock, pause, and go in.


Some people live in places where everyone just goes in, or at least it is more common.


I don't want to go in and find my FIL in his birthday suit, so I don't do that.

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In the past, i would always walk in, and still would at my moms place. And then id ask why she left her door unlocked lol.


I would knock at my dads snd be annoyed about it because its my DAD'S house, but i get the distinct impression i make my stepmom nervous so i try to defer to her just to...? I dunno why really. It doesnt help.


At my in laws, id walk in and make a sandwich and be right at home. We used to live next door to them, and it was great. Now, they foster dogs though do i actually call before i go or let my kids go, because who knows what the situation is with their evolving pack sa any time. So i just give them a 30 second warning to round everyone up. Dh walks in, but hes confident he could take on an aggressive dog lol.


I just walk in at my grandparents and aunt's places too.

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My dad lives 2 hours away and we just walk in. Expected or not. We may be in the area (his house is on our way to the airport) and need a bathroom break or a snack. Or driving through and give the kids a break and run around with the dogs and play on the swing set. It was my childhood home and I still consider it my home in a lot of ways. My old room is still referred to as *******'s room. They (dad, step mom, teen sister) just walk right in when visiting us too. We are a very "my house is your house" family. They are always happy to see us.


At my in-laws it's the same but we live 5 min apart and have keys to each other's houses. Our washing machine broke recently so we let ourselves in over there to do laundry and they came home early from a trip to find us there right at home. Kids had toys out, we made a pizza, lol! Nobody batted an eye.


I do teach my kids common courtesy, of course. They know those are the only 2 places that we can just let ourselves in.

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I live 6 hours away, so we aren't ever arriving unexpectedly. I might knock first to give a heads up, but then we just walk in. We have usually texted a heads up as we get off the exit so it isn't like she doesn't know we are arriving. She is usually right there with hugs and kisses for everyone. Generally we are visiting for several days at a time, and after that first greeting, we just walk in and out at will.


My sister lives in town and we usually just knock and then come in. Again, we don't usually just show up at one anothers houses. We would at minimum text before heading over. 


I also have a key to my mom's house, and we are welcome to stay there even if she is off on one of her big road trips. She lives in a 'popular for our state' vacation area, so we have gone there for a few days in the summer to go to the beach etc.



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I knock, but neither of my parents lives in my childhood home.


I have an aunt who almost lost her second marriage over this issue. Her new husband was a widower and she moved in with him and his children frequently visited him in their childhood home. Her first husband had been a nut right after their divorce and terrorized her completely. He poisoned her pets and stole things, really hurt her. It really freaked her out to have people just show up at her rural house even if they knocked. She like a phone call to tell her they were coming. Her new husband's kids felt like she just should get over the stress she'd been through. They didn't want to call first. It was not a good power struggle.

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Just walk in to my parents house. It is generally unlocked, but I have a key if it were locked. If they see us pull up they might come out to meet us, they would be upset if we didn't just barge in.


My in-laws we used to just walk in (and knew where the key was kept) when they had a house. Now they live in a condo with a bunch of locked doors. My DH has keys, but even so, we generally buzz the outside door to have them unlock it for us, and then they open the door to their condo and we go right in or they are waiting at the elevator.

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Thinking about it, I'm not sure I've ever arrived at my parents' without already being with my parents or sisters!  They're an extended trip distance, so there's no real dropping by.


I haven't been in my in-laws' house in years, but knocking is important, since there's no telling which dogs are where.

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Neither. We live so far away that we'd have to fly in to visit, then get picked up and brought in. The times we've rented a car and drove ourselves in, we were expected and welcomed at the door.


The question reminds me of when I was a kid and we lived in the apartment next to my grandmother. We kids always just walked into her apt without knocking; Mom did too. Our cousins had moved back from another state and, at first, would knock and wait for G-ma to answer. I remember thinking that was weird, but they had grown up with a different relationship with her than I had.

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If needed we knock to alert them, then walk in, but since both of our sets of parents live states away, usually they are greeting us when they hear our vehicle arrive.


Once we are settled into our visit we just walk in when we get back from the store or wherever we've gone.

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At my parent's house I rarely knock.  But they are always expecting us if we go there.  I don't go unexpectedly very often.


IL's we almost always walk in unless we show up unexpectedly, which happens on occasion.  DH never knocks at this parent's house, he just goes in whether they are expecting him or not.  It has never been an issue.


I wouldn't mind if my parents or IL's just came in to my house, nor my kids when they are older and moved out.

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We walk in to my parents house. Growing up, we always walked in to my grandparents' houses. My parents give a loud knock and walk in, but I think it's because they like the little dog to come greet them. They certainly don't need to knock.


We knock at my in laws house, but we hardly ever see them now.

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My parents live nearby.  When my kids were little, we went to my parents' house multiple times per week and we just walked in.  Now we visit less often, and sometimes I knock first.  I always knock after dark.


They always knock at our house because we keep the door locked (bit sketchier neighborhood).

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Thinking about this, for myself, while in a way I would like to be a "just-walk-in" person as far as people coming to visit me, I am not sure I could be really comfortable with it.  I would feel like I couln't do anything that I wouldn't be prepared to have people see (or hear) at any time.


Since I have kids, that already is true to a large extent, but I think if I were alone with my dh most of the time, I would want to be able to assume that no one was going to barge in on me.

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Let's see.  It've varied over time.  

When my mom lived in our old house, and she was expecting us, I'd just open the door and shout, "Hi!  We're here!"

If she wasn't expecting us, and I had someone with me, I'd knock because she isn't always fully dressed, or might being wearing something she's not comfortable wearing in front of dh or someone besides me.

If she wasn't expecting me, and I was by myself, I'd just walk in and shout, "Hello!  It's me!"  (poor grammar, I know, but if I said "It is I" should wouldn't know who I was.  :)


Now that she lives in independent living it's a little different.  Her door is always locked.

If she knows I'm coming soon, she'll leave the door open a crack, and i/we just walk in.

If she doesn't know I'm coming, I knock, and identify myself before she opens the door.

If she doesn't answer, and I need to get in, I use my key.

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I live 6 hours away, so we aren't ever arriving unexpectedly. I might knock first to give a heads up, but then we just walk in. We have usually texted a heads up as we get off the exit so it isn't like she doesn't know we are arriving. She is usually right there with hugs and kisses for everyone. Generally we are visiting for several days at a time, and after that first greeting, we just walk in and out at will.


This. For both my mother and the ILs.

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Before my parents moved in with us, they lived a few miles away in my childhood home.  I don't remember dropping by unexpected very often.  We usually chatted by phone and knew we'd be around.  We had keys to their house and vice-versa.  A typical visit would be expected, the visiting party would unlock the door themselves and then announce their presence..."Grandma's here!" or "Knock, Knock!"  We were back and forth all the time, and it would have been annoying to have to get up and answer the door every time my mom came over.

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My parents house, I knock, but go in if nobody is right at the door. I never go there unexpected, though.


My MIL's house I always just go in, but my office is there and she is accustomed to it. I won't go into the bedroom area without calling out.

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I always just walk in.  Everyone (including my parents) would think it was really strange if I just stood outside and knocked.  Of course if I were coming completely out of the blue (I do live a few hours away, afteralll -- though I typically see them several times/month), I'd probably send a text ahead of time to let them know I was coming.


Their home is in a very central location in our state for our entire extended family.  It's kind of family headquarters, and everyone -- grandchildren, in-laws, etc. -- know they are always welcome there, anytime, and I don't know if any of them knock either.


Recently my dd was locked out of her apartment about 20 minutes away from my parents' home, late at night.  She drove to my parents' home, let herself in with the hidden key, and went to sleep in a spare bedroom.  (My parents were already in bed.)  When my mother woke up the next morning, she could see that one of the bedroom doors that's usually open, was closed.  She peeked in only to find my dd snoozing away!  

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My mom lives locally, and I am often over there, bringing her meals or groceries, etc.  I often drop things off when she isn't home, and I have a key.  I do knock, but then just go on in anyways - or walk in saying, "knock knock!"  I usually do that even if I'm unlocking the door, simply so I don't surprise her if she's home.


My inlaws are out in the country, with a mile-long driveway and five dogs.  There is no surprising them, and since we're several hours away, we don't show up unplanned either.  And by the time my husband and I get the suitcase/bags out of the van, our children have stampeded up the steps, flung open the door, and mobbed their grandparents.  Knocking is definitely not part of their routine.

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When you go to your parents house, do you knock on the door? or just walk in?


I was thinking about this due to another thread.  My mother still lives in my childhood home.  I go home about every 5+ years, so I would definitely knock first. 


One in-laws' home, I just walk into. They have a long gravel driveway, a couple of barking dogs, and I would never show up if they weren't expecting me.   I can't remember ever knocking on their door, it seems a bit redundant after all the noise we make just getting up to the door.


The other in-laws', I would always knock. They own a hotel, and their house is attached to it.  I would likely give them a heart attack if I just walked in. LOL




Because of multiple marriages, it is too complex to make a poll, but I was just curious.  Do you just walk in, or do you knock. 



We just walk in - but we call first so they are expecting us anyway.

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We live on the opposite side of the country from either of our families, so there are no unexpected visits.


I personally would be very uncomfortable with people walking in my house unannounced; I would constantly feel on guard and like I'd have to be company ready at all times.


We did once have a friend who was from a place where no one locked their door and everyone just walked into other peoples houses. Freaked me out when he'd come wandering in! I always, always lock my door now.

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My dad lives in a security building so I can't even get to his door without calling up and having him buzzer. By the time we get to the eighth floor, his door is unlocked and he's usually waiting for us.


For my MIL and her husband, she's usually waiting outside for us. We visit once a year and call her when we get off the freeway near her house. We would knock if she wasn't already outside. She lives 280 miles away.


No other parents or in laws are living.

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We live at least 800 miles from parents so they always know we're coming. We do a kind of knock-open the door- call out to them thing when we arrive if they haven't met us at the door. They're in their 80's- I don't want to startle them by just storming into the room they're in. 

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I just walk in. They still live in my childhood home, and I come over several times a week. My father has mobility problems and expecting him to answer the door seems like an unnecessary burden. I have a key. I generally call when I come over, but sometimes I don't if I'm just coming to retrieve some random junk my kids forgot. My mother doesn't have a key. I often leave my door unlocked but not always: if it's unlocked, she often comes inside without knocking. This doesn't bother me for the most part, and if it does, it has more to do with me not wanting her company then, period, than her not knocking. (She drops by unannounced sometimes when we have other plans.)


I always knock on my kids' paternal grandparents' door. I've never had a key. At most, we see them a couple times a month. As weird as it would feel to knock on my parents' door it would feel to enter my in-laws without knocking.

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My dad's house you just walk in or out back.  He doesn't use the front door.  You go in through the garage door and the garage is open if he is home.  he's usually out back on the porch though.  So no, we don't knock.


My mom/stepdad I knock.  It's usually locked and they would be weird about me walking in.  Their old house I had a key, and I would walk in the side door b/c it was unlocked.  When they build the garage on, you had to use the front door, and since they kept it locked, we had to knock.  So now we knock, but didn't in the past.  



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Let's see....

My mom's we just walk in. She'd consider it rude for us to make her answer the door.

I've only been to my dad and his new wife's  house once and we knocked.  She's nice and wouldn't mind if we just came in.  At his previous (now deceased)  wife's house we'd knock then someone would holler "come in", if they didn't yell you'd just assume that you didn't hear them.  Her son was on in-home hospice care for years and who knew what she might be in the middle of.

The in-laws.... When DH was there he just knocked as he was walking in, I tried not to EVER go without him but if it was just me I knocked and waited.


when My sister, mom, dad, come to visit me they usually just come in since they are often preceded by multiple children who think of my house as their second home (just the way I like it).

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My parents still live in the house I grew up in. They often notice us arriving and have the door open by the time we get there. Otherwise I either knock/ring the doorbell and go in or just go in while calling out "anybody home?"

We've never arrived at MIL's without her being outside. At least not that I can remember. And certainly if it has happened, one of the dogs has already let her know we've arrived. So no knocking is necessary.

I don't think I have ever been to FIL's. (We have a fine relationship. Logistically we just see him other places.)

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I have 3 dads and 2 moms not including my in-laws. 


Bio dad - Walk right in. I have been to his house in 7 years but I could walk right in. That is just how he and his wife (mom #2) roll.

Bio mom (and dad #3) - We normally get down there late but we have been known to walk right in. If we get down there at a normal time (this last time was like that) we didn't even get to the door before they were out to greet us. We see them about twice a year, they come to see us, we go and see them.

Ex step father (dad #2) - I would knock but if he wasn't home I know that there are people around that would tell us to just walk right in. I am known as the "good daughter" so I can do that. "Bad daughter" can't. ;) Then again bad daughter can't probably come in even if he is home!


In-laws - knock, write a letter, and then pray that they are home. They may forget that we are coming so a carrier pigeon and a smoke signal may be in order. We had issues last time we saw them at their house. 

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